Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions) Page 15

by Dermott, Shannon

  “Where is she?” the tall skinny boy said, looking at Flynn like he knew him.

  Then I remembered. He was one of the shifter guys from the lake. Yes, Tamera’s boyfriend. For the life of me I couldn’t remember his name. Then I hadn’t been sure if they were together, but Tamera being here solidified it for me.

  Flynn moved forward. I moved to check on the boy on the floor. “She doesn’t want to see you, Mike” he said, with danger if he pursued this further. Flynn said the boy’s name like it was it was a threat in itself.

  Flynn took a step forward and Mike said, “I will snap her neck before you make it to me.” It would be later before I realized I was the “her” Mike was referring to. Flynn stopped Mike from leaning down to grab me.

  My eyes widened. We were part demon but we were nowhere near lethal. Shifters on the other hand could take any animal form from what I understood. I thought we were outnumbered even though there was only one of him.

  The boy’s hand move but Flynn was faster. He had the taller boy in a headlock in the blink of an eye. I could hardly believe it and stifled clapping my hands over my mouth in awe of his agility. It had me thinking back to me taking Flynn down with my swipe of the foot the other day. Had he let me get the best of him? “Mike, I said she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

  “She’s my mate,” Mike bellowed. The music from the basement was way too loud for anyone to have heard us. For a moment I remembered that Luke had been talking to Kristen. Then I remembered the girl was up here with us. I turned for a second to see if she was still here and she was. She had a look of wonder and I’d hoped that Flynn’s show of strength might have her attentions planted on him and not my boyfriend.

  “Take it up with Chris,” Flynn said. Mike was on his knees while Flynn continued to manhandle him.

  Turning back when Flynn spoke, I saw Mike’s hand began to change. I cried out but it was too late. He’d swiped at Flynn arm with a half animal hand with long claws. Blood welled up on Flynn’s arm. Flynn flung the boy to the wall near me and the boy sank to the floor. I began to move to check out Flynn’s wound and soon realized we underestimated the shifter.

  All too soon, I was the one in the choke hold. I saw Flynn’s despair at his mistake. His eyes pleaded with me for forgiveness, if that’s how I should interpret the softness I saw in his expression. Then his face hardened and turned upwards towards my capture. I didn’t hear Kristen move, but I saw Flynn shake his head no to her. Had she seen the claw? Man, as it became harder to breath, I had to focus on the now. It didn’t seem important if she was made aware of supernatural events as I gasp for air.

  “Let her go,” Flynn demanded.

  I couldn’t see the Mike’s expression with my back pressed to his chest. Even still, I was too busy trying to keep my fingers between his arm and my neck. My air was slowly cutting off. “Go get my mate and you can have yours,” he roared.

  Flynn’s eyes shifted to where I assume Kristen stood. I think I understood what he was trying to do. But Kristen was new and didn’t know Tamera. Even if she wasn’t new, I’m not sure most of the people here wouldn’t know who she was. She wasn’t from around here.

  Flynn’s shoulders fell a bit when he realized this. I could tell he didn’t want to leave me alone with Mike but he had no other choice. So Flynn moved around the body of the boy on the floor without even a second glance. Mike shifted me as he flattened himself against the wall. The guy turned as Flynn moved to always keep him in sight. Kristen moved to the floor where the boy was. I was glad someone checked on that guy.

  “He’s breathing,” she said to no one in particular.

  “Good,” Mike barked. “Go make sure lover boy brings my girl back.”

  Kristen’s eyes shifted to me. For a moment I thought the girl had my well being at heart. But when she slyly gave me a half titled up wicked grin, I knew she’d hoped the worst for me. I couldn’t believe this girl. What did she think that she could get Luke’s number at my funeral?

  Once she was gone I decided to no longer remain torpid although I might use it to my advantage. If Flynn had that speed and show of strength, did I possess it as well? My little self defensive training kicked in and I pulled back to elbow him. I hit his side and he laughed. He laughed at me and tightened his grip against my windpipe. I was starting to gag. He dragged me to the door he opened it one-handed. We were outside before I knew it. The angle I was at, it was hard to use my legs. So I decided to try something else. Dead weight. I let my body go limp so gravity could pull me out of his arms. But that was stupid. He was a shifter and obviously strong. He shifted my weight and instead darkness began to engulf my vision.

  Immediately, I shifted my feet to help support my weight to give me some breathing room. “You know if he doesn’t come, maybe I’ll take you instead,” Mike spat.

  Shivering, it was his words not the cold air outside that made me do so. It was dark and no one was out. He could easily take me somewhere. I couldn’t pass out. I focused my control on my breathing and wished to hell I’d had more training. And damn my mom for not giving me more information. But this wasn’t her fault, I tried to tell myself as I slowed my breathing. If I panicked I would surely pass out.

  “Michael,” a loud voice said from near the door. Mike had moved us on the lawn halfway between the house and the street by the time Tamara had surfaced.

  I opened my eyes to dimly see her with the light all around her. She looked fierce. Flynn came rushing to stand by her putting out an arm when Luke rushed through the door.

  “Let her go, Michael,” Tamara yelled.

  “Or I’ll kick your ass,” Flynn added for good measure.

  “We’ll trade my mate for yours,” Mike demanded.

  Luke pushed past the arm Flynn held out to stop him. “She’s not his mate, she’s mine,” he said, while continuing his walk to me.

  “I’ll tell you like I told him. Come any closer and I’ll rip her head off before you could reach me,” Mike said, with utter confidence.

  I, on the other hand was starting to see stars. I was only able to get tiny breaths in and it was starting to affect me. Luke stopped. He turned back as Tom, Brent, Maggie, Kristen and Sebastian all poured through the door.

  Glancing at all of them, it was Sebastian whose expression caught my attention. As the darkness began to overtake me, I heard someone say ‘Who the hell are they?’

  Recognizing Luke’s voice, he said, “Sebastian, humans.”

  Then the most unusual thing I’d heard was “On it,” from Sebastian. Since when did Sebastian take orders from Luke?

  Sebastian’s voice crooned out “Kristen, you want to go back to the party and forget everything that’s happened.” I’ve seen vampire television shows and what Sebastian was doing was sounded strangely like compulsion. But Sebastian wasn’t a vampire.

  “Brent,” Flynn said. Although I could no longer see, I wasn’t sure if that was because I’d black out or if my eyes were closed. But I assumed that Flynn was sending Brent, Tom and Maggie inside. But he had no compulsion. Did he?

  Maggie’s voice sounded and I couldn’t make out what she said. But I was sure it was Brent talking to her. Not sure of the passage of time, I felt Luke near. A strangled noise came from my captor.

  “No,” a girl’s voice yelled. It must be Tamara. I guess the girl decided where her loyalties lay.

  “Let her go or I’ll break your spine,” Luke threatened.

  Then another body was near me. “Let me do the honors golden boy. We wouldn’t want to stain your soul with death.”

  My eyes flutter open when the hold around my neck loosened a little. I saw that Sebastian’s arm had gone through Mike’s chest. His arm faded out of existence near the other boy’s skin. “I can squeeze your heart and make you beg for death,” Sebastian said with a stony calm that frightened even me.

  Mike was not wholly compliant. His arm tightened around my neck so hard before it slipped away, I lost consciousness as I fell towards the earth.r />
  Time passage wasn’t a concern when my eyes fluttered open. I could hear screams, howls, and fighting in the distance. “Mercy, are you ok?” Luke asked.

  I coughed before I was able to speak. “Look, don’t talk. I’m going to give you some of my power because I need to help the others. I don’t want to leave you unprotected.”

  His eyes stared at mine like he needed confirmation that I understood. So I nodded. He bent down and kissed me. It should have seemed strange in a life or death battle. But I’m a succubus that can absorb energy or powers from others through a kiss. I felt the rush of power slide into me and I began to feel immediately better but not enough to move yet. When he pulled away, I nodded again letting him know I was fine. Then he was gone.

  I lay on the ground in a short skirt no less with the battle all around me. Although my rosebush skirt was planted in the ground, I needed to get up and moving to see what the heck was going on. Rolling my head to one side, I watched movement too fast yet for my oxygen deprived brain to process. I turned to my other side to meet the eyes of a wolf. I knew those eyes. Tamera.

  She growled at me like this was my fault. What happened while I was out? I had no chance. If I made a movement, her jaws could clamp onto my vulnerable neck. I held my hands up in the universal symbol of peace. My brain still foggy, didn’t know what to do with the gift Luke had given me. Last time he’d gifted me his power, I’d used the angel light. That only affected demons. Although shifters were scary, I didn’t think they were considered demons. And even if they were, I don’t think I hated Tamera enough to send her to hell. I wasn’t sure I hated anyone that much.

  A prickle of sensation touched at my brain while the wolf held me on the ground in a prison of sorts. I couldn’t be sure but it felt like my succubus demon wanted out. But what could she do. She was a lust demon and I was not going to make-out with a girl let alone one in wolf form to gain the upper hand. The tingle continued though. I felt my eyes going black as she forced her way to the surface. Confused, I had no choice but to give up control. My demon had always cowered in the face of conflict. Why the change.

  Once she held the reins to my body, the wolf seemed to look as confused as I was for a second. It turned its head left and right as if looking for me. Could it not see me? My arm shot up and crushed at an apparent vulnerable spot underneath it gruff. It yelped and another wolf appeared. This one stared at me as my demon held the other at bay. My arm flung the wolf to the side and my body suddenly agile and loose rolled like a cat and up on my legs bent in a fighting stance, my short shirt forgotten. The wolf leaped not waiting a second for me to take stock of the situation.

  My body braced for the impact and grappling for what was to come next, but instead Sebastian materialized in front of me and tossed the incoming wolf to the ground with a hard thud.

  To say my demon was not pleased is an understatement. The thing wanted to play. “I had it under control,” the demon said through my mouth. Shock overcame me for a second. It wasn’t often she was vocal.

  Sebastian looked at me with amusement at first. Then, he must have noticed my demon had the reigns. It would be hard to mistake with my eyes being large pools of black. A cry from behind had him turn then disappear. My face turned taking the carnage in from an upright position. My body stood and was about to move forward when like dominos the fighting ended all around me. The shifters seem to retreat. Luke came rushing to my side.

  “Are you,” he began. But he too noticed that I was no longer in control. He wrapped me in his embrace. I’d caught the blood spatter on him that now would be on me.

  Sebastian materialized again behind Luke. Flynn ran up and stood behind them. Sebastian smiled at my demon. I could tell the sly look was not for me. Flynn’s eyes widened.

  “Sebastian, humans,” Luke commanded. Sebastian didn’t even hesitate. He dissipated and reappeared several feet to the left of me near a human who had unwittingly come across the minor war that happened on the front lawn.

  “Flynn, make sure no one else leaves the party just yet,” Luke warned.

  Flynn looked at me again and when a smile formed on my face without my control, he smiled back before leaving.

  I stared through my eyes like a periscope. The broken bodies that lay on the ground would be too obvious to the neighbors. I wondered what we would do for clean up.

  Luke didn’t say anything. He just held me. Interestingly, the lust demon didn’t wrap herself around him like I thought she might. Instead, she slowly relinquished control over to me. Maybe she and I were coming to an unspoken truce.

  For some reason, we ended up going back to the party after Luke explained to me what happened. Mike hadn’t come alone. He’d brought back up and a fight broke out on the lawn. No one died and we won was the gist of it. Mike and his band of followers tucked tail and ran. Tamera ended up siding with Mike and also left. Flynn didn’t appear torn up about it. So I guessed nothing serious was going on between them.

  For the party to be over, we had to get everyone to leave. And that took more than yelling “everybody leave.” Luke dusted me off and I’d cleaned off the dirt and blood on him that based on his lack of wounds hadn’t come from him. Everyone else in the fight must have cleaned up too, because we all looked pretty normal sitting around waiting for the party to end. Honestly, I think Flynn was determined not to let the few spoil things for the many.

  The group of us were pretty sloshed when the party ended. The humans were oblivious to the fight that had taken place earlier thanks to Sebastian and a great party. Only Amber and I hadn’t been drinking. I was surprised by Maggie and added drinking to my list of things we needed to talk about. It appears that Brent was a bad influence. By this time Amber was sitting in Paul’s lap and looked extremely pleased. He on the other hand looked absolutely drunk.

  Luke, who also had a few too many drinks, pulled on my arm for us to go. Behind the closed door of my room he kissed me with urgency. I made my move. I pulled the rest of the money out of his pocket before breaking our kiss. “I can’t believe you bet on me,” I said. “Was this all an act for the bet?”

  He snatched the money out of my hand. With nimble fingers, he slipped them in my shirt and bra before I could speak, pulling the other money out. “I didn’t ask for the bet. I don’t need the money. You can keep it,” he said not sounding the least bit drunk. His words were a bit harsh. He pulled out another wad of money from his front pocket and flung it on the bed. “I wasn’t playing to win, I just want you,” he said.

  He paced away from me with his hands in his hair. Feeling foolish for not trusting him even a little bit, I put my hands around his waist and pressed my cheek to his back. I could tell by his anger that he meant it. It hadn’t been an act. Clearly, I knew he wasn’t broke and didn’t need the money.

  “I’m sorry, but I had to ask,” I said.

  He pulled my hands free and spun me around. I pulled him back towards the bed and I fell backwards on it as he towered over me still standing. He sat on the bed before lying back next to me. With an arm behind his head, we both stared silently at the ceiling.

  With the room so quiet, we heard when the music came to an end downstairs.

  “I guess the party’s over,” I said.

  He huffed a little laugh. “Yeah, Flynn’s going to have to call a cleaning crew,” he said.

  I laughed too. “Yeah, because I am not cleaning after you guys,” I said.

  “You believe me about the bet right?” he said, sounding serious now.

  “Yeah,” I said maybe a little too quickly.

  He turned his head, but I didn’t meet his eyes. “I don’t want any misunderstandings between us like last time,” he added.

  I nodded still not looking in his eyes.

  “You don’t believe me do you?” he asked.

  “It’s not that,” I began. “God knows you don’t need the cash. I guess I’m curious how you were so sure I would take you back.”

  From the corner of my eye, I c
ould see that he’d turned to face the ceiling again. “I wasn’t,” he replied. “It was that same faith and hope that had us ice skating this morning. I couldn’t let your admires think they had a chance, could I?”

  “Admirers?” I questioned.

  His hand found mine and he entwined our fingers before speaking. “You and I both know who I’m speaking about.”

  I didn’t speak. Could he be talking about each of the guys that had given me a rose? More worrisome, did he know of Flynn’s intentions? He gave my hand a little squeeze. “But now they know,” he stated.

  Taking my hand, he pulled me back into a standing position. “Come, I want to show you something,” he said.

  Curious, I complied. When he stepped up on my window seat and pulled me to stand next to him, my stomach dropped. He opened the window and I felt way too close to the edge. Normally with my feet planted on the ground, looking out the window wasn’t a problem. But standing on the seat with the window wide open, my fear of heights kicked in.


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