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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 28

by Dermott, Shannon

  “So what’s the favor?” he asked. His voice remained stony like his demeanor.

  I started to wonder if he would kick me out of his car if he didn’t like my response. It seemed like I was failing all my friends. Needing to do some good, I said, “I need you to take me to see Jay and Kathy,” I said. Staring straight forward I didn’t think if he wasn’t going to look at me. Giving as good as I got, I didn’t look at him.

  “Look,” he said and I felt the heat of his gaze. But the wimp I was, I didn’t meet his stare. “This isn’t a good idea. If Nina thinks we should leave it be, then maybe we should.”

  Emotions threaten to take over my tenuously calm demeanor at the idea he was giving up so easily. I turned to face him with my next words. “You don’t have to do anything. But they are your friends and not mine. I just need you there so I can speak to them,” I said beginning to seethe.

  “You don’t need me to talk to them. You’ve been hanging out with all of us for a while now,” he retorted with a snort.

  Okay, technically he may be right. But I couldn’t do this alone. He knew them better than I did and I’d hope he’d help me to persuade them to help us. I guess I was wrong. “Can you take me there or not?” I asked.

  He didn’t answer me with words. But when the engine fired up, I figured he decided to at least give me a ride. “Why did Sebastian bring you here?” he asked. Some of the hard edge to his tone was gone.

  “He didn’t,” I answered. Figuring someone else needed to know what was happening with Paul, I said. “He took me to Paul.” His look was a border of confusion and anger. With Sebastian missing in action, I went ahead and filled him in on the detail of what happened.

  “Jesus,” he said as we pulled up to Jay’s house. That word shocked me for a second time today. Flynn’s normal response to something like this was a four or five letter word, but never a name. He swiped a hand through his hair before returning it back to the wheel. Parking the car, he added, “What the hell?” he added. And that was the response I expected.

  Looking over at the familiar house from Jay’s party which seems like a million years ago, I said, “Yeah, my thoughts exactly.” Breathing I paused. “You should, my temerity has caused Paul to hate me now too. So I guess he can join the club. The We Hate Stupid Mercy club,” I said bitterly.

  I was reaching for the door handle when Flynn’s hand touched my shoulder. Flinching at his touch, I rushed to open it. “Don’t,” I said. “I don’t need your pity.” Hopping out of the car, I slammed the door shut. It was night and all was peaceful in the neighborhood. I heard Flynn’s car door and headed up the walk to the sprawling mini mansion all the elite seemed to live in.

  Flynn stealthy movements went unheard. He was in front of me before I could make a dash for it. “I don’t hate you Mercy. Your SAT words are annoying, but temerity,” he said stifling a laugh. “I caught that one on my phone app today. You aren’t reckless,” he said staring me down holding me by my shoulders. Pulling me in for an embrace, he added, “I can’t speak for Paul, but I doubt he hates you. And you and I both know Luke has a bleeding heart for you. He will forgive you.”

  All of my emotions from everything that had happened so far with all my friends came crashing over me. But I gritted my teeth and held it in like mad. Honestly, I didn’t know what I was doing or how I could help Paul, Luke or even Maggie. All I managed to do in “saving” Flynn was make him hate me no matter what he claimed. The only thing I knew was that I couldn’t sit back and wait for things to transpire anymore.

  Flynn pulled me into his comforting embrace. A place I’d been many times. It was also a place I thought I’d lost. That’s when the tears poured out. “Ididntmeanforanyofittoturnoutthisway,” I sputtered in his shirt.

  Holding me tight, I thought I felt emotions inside him as well. Nonetheless, I didn’t have any illusions that things were fixed between us. I needed exactly this. As my tears continued, I also mourned the loss of his friendship. “I don’t hate you Mercy, but it’s best for everyone that I stay away from you,” he said gently.

  I tilted my head up to look at him. “Wecantbefriends?” I asked still stringing my words together as I tried to stanch my sobs.

  He looked at me as if I should know that my question was insane. “We were friends and you see how that turned out. Fuck if Luke will ever forgive me.”

  Something in his eyes or facial expression pleaded with me to understand. But there was also something else there and we both felt it. Like too positively charge magnets, we separated quickly and awkwardly. Wiping my face with my shirt, I turned towards the house and saw Jay framing the doorway.

  “Well it’s about time you two got together,” Jay said with a grin. His voice was not particularly loud but it carried considering the distance between him and us.

  Gritting my teeth, I said, “We are not together.” Then I turned to look at Flynn who stood there saying nothing.

  Jay actually looked bemused for a moment, then said, “So where is Luke?”

  Moving in his direction, I figured that Flynn wasn’t going to help me with this task. “That’s why I’m here,” I said nearing Jay who stood like a golden statue of sculpted perfection. Getting closer to him, I realized just how unnatural his flawlessness was.

  Jay dropped his arm from the door frame and Kathy stepped over to stand next to him. “Oh, we have company,” she said. It really was quite odd for her to be saying such a thing. She didn’t live there, did she?

  Once I was within touching distance from them, I felt a hand at the small of my back. Flynn stood next to me. He was close enough for me to smell the hint of cologne he wore. Busy crying before, I hadn’t noticed it. He hadn’t put on a lot. Just enough so that if you were really close you’d get a whiff of that spicy but sweet smell.

  Although I was unnerved with his hand on my back, I kept my expression neutral. If he was here, maybe he would support me.

  “Yes, I was telling Jay that I came here to ask a favor,” I said to Kathy.

  “Don’t stand out there then,” Kathy said. Her statement sounded way too old and more like the lady of the house. It was bizarre but I had to remember they weren’t who I’d thought them to be.

  Ushering us in, we walked into the house and over to the formal living room. The house looked much different from the night of the fateful party. The furniture now was tastefully arranged to fit the space instead of pushed against the walls out of the way. I caught a glimpse of the hallway that led to the room where I had my first kiss with Flynn. With his hand still on me, I felt a little shiver at the memory.

  Not wanting to sit next to Flynn at the moment, I sat in the one of the two single chairs in the room. It was much more comfortable than one might expect given how dainty it looked. Flynn sat in the other. Directly across from us, Jay and Kathy say like two halves of a whole.

  Kathy looked up adoringly at Jay before saying, “I have a feeling that our cover is blown.” Jay nodded in agreement.

  “I guess our stay will end,” Jay said to her before I could get one word in edgewise.

  Kathy turned to me. “You have to know that our being here is merely for observation. We mean no one any harm.”

  This wasn’t going exactly the way I hoped and I really felt like time was of the essence but it would be rude to ignore her statement. “We are not here to hassle you or tell anyone.”

  They visibly relaxed. “That’s good, but we’ve been here too long anyway,” Jay said.

  Kathy looked at him. “I’d hoped we get the whole experience with graduation and maybe a year or two in college,” she said to him. Then she turned her warm expression to me. “We are like historians. This has been such a treat to be here. To have the high school experience is highly recommended.”

  Blinking, I wasn’t sure what to say to all of this. Personally, I didn’t care what they did here as long as they didn’t hurt anyone. And as far as I could tell, they hadn’t. “Honestly, you can stay here. That really isn’t the reason
for our visit.”

  Looking away from me, they both turned to look at Flynn. So I said, “Please, I have a request.”

  They turned and their double stare was intimidating. The perfectly flawless faces they had, looked impossibly unreal. No human would have such a face. How had we all missed it? No blemishes, pimples or freckles marred their faces. There wasn’t a shiny hair out of place. I found myself blurting, “Is this your true form?”

  They both smiled before looking at the other. “Yes, our form is human like and closely resembles what you see, “Kathy said.

  “But there are subtle differences that you would see if we let you,” Jay finished up.

  It was really scary, those two, but now was not the time to explore elfin history. I had a request. I needed to focus. “So about Luke,” I began.

  “Ah, yes, the lovely Luke,” Kathy said with a purr. I looked at Jay, but he made no sign that the sexy way she’d spoken had bothered him in the least. “Has he finally met the end he has so desperately sought?” she asked.

  When I closed my mouth, I realized that my jaw had dropped. Literally, I was unable to speak. I didn’t know what to say. I should have known by the weird way I’d caught them observing people last year at Brent’s coming home party that they would pick up on things. But she was being so blunt and throwing me off the careful plea I had in my head, I didn’t have anywhere to go with my words.

  Flynn voice came out of nowhere, but I was happy he was taking over. “I think,” he started to say. But he was cut off.

  Kathy cocked her head to the side looking at Flynn like he was a science experiment. “You would make a more suitable mate for Mercy.”

  Seeing him shut his agape mouth, I understood his feeling all too well. Trying to remain in control if ever I had it, I blustered. “But that isn’t the reason why we are here.”

  Jay was the first to speak this time. “Isn’t it?” he asked.

  Kathy jutted in to say, “You want to save the golden boy from himself. But as I mention we are observers. We are not to interfere.”

  Seeing an opening, I pounced. “I’m not asking you too. I just need a way to the other side,” I said.

  Turning to each other, they didn’t speak. Silent conversation passed between them.

  “We cannot,” Jay said.

  “It is not our place,” Kathy said.

  “But,” I interjected.

  “I see your need to help the chosen one. Your love is evident for him. But think wisely for you two cannot have a future together,” Kathy said.

  “The light,” Jay began and looked at me firmly as if determine what to say next. But I knew I was the dark. “And the gray,” he said. “Cannot be together as one.”

  As soon as Jay finished, my eyes automatically went to Kathy. The two of them had been tossing the conversation back in forth like it was a reflex. “Flynn would be so much better and he already has eyes for you.”

  Even though I wanted to see Flynn’s expression, I kept looking at the pair who were breaking my heart, not by their prophecy of my doomed relationship, but because they weren’t going to help me. Pleading with my folded hands and my eyes beginning to fill with silent tears I refuse to let fall. I’d cried far too much today, I said, “This isn’t about my relationship with Luke. This is about saving him for all the wrong I’ve caused him.”

  Their faces appraised me longer than I thought necessary without speaking or answering my plea. Finally, just when I was tensing under their scrutiny, they looked at each other and let more silent conversation pass between them. When they turned back to me, Jay said. “We cannot answer your request. We will speak to Lady Amavara.”

  Kathy added, “She will consider your request and you will hear from us once she’s made up her mind.”

  “But time is running out,” I begged.

  Jay looked at me with cold eyes. “There are three days Luke has and you will have your answer before that time is up.”

  Closing my gaping mouth again, I wanted to ask how they knew. But they stood and Flynn came over to me. It was all too weird. They weren’t the laughing teenagers I’d hung out with. They almost seemed more like parents. I had many questions, but Flynn helped me to my feet. It was clear question and answer time was over. I needed to do serious research about what else was out there that I didn’t know about. Initially, when I was searching the internet about succubi early on, it was hard to determine what was good or bad information. Like a bulb over my head snapped on, Luke’s father’s library came to mind. I hadn’t known Luke wasn’t human then. But now that I did know, I needed to tap into that source if Luke ever forgave me. I couldn’t accept the idea of his not surviving this trial or whatever ordeal he was in for.

  At the door, I turned from Flynn’s guiding hand, not understanding why he was being all touchy feely especially after telling me he wanted nothing more from me. Looking at Kathy and Jay, I said, “Your secret is safe with me.” It was true. I didn’t want to be the cause of them leaving.

  “Yeah, you guys don’t have to go,” Flynn added. His voice sounding rough at first because he hadn’t spoken much, he cleared it.

  Jay stood in the doorway again after we stepped out into the night. He looked resigned and I knew it might be the last time I ever saw him.

  “All things come to an end,” Jay said.

  Flynn bustled me forward like we had something to fear.

  In the car, while he was buckling up, I said, “Why did you rush us out of there?”

  He looked at me and frankly I was tired of that look everyone was giving me today. I wasn’t stupid. “Didn’t you feel it? Something wasn’t right. They sounded all parental. It seriously gave me the creeps.”

  He was right, but I didn’t say it. What was I going to do until they got back to me?

  When we pulled up to the house, I got out not paying attention to my surroundings. I mean it was home. One step forward and I was looking into the livid eyes of Mike. For a second, I had to wonder why no one used the garage to park. On reflex, my training snapped into focus. Reaching for me, I pivoted on my toes then led with my fist with a punch to his gut. His half crazed eyes reflected he hadn’t expected that. Heck, neither did I. When his arm shot up, I ducked back and down low. Flynn was there with a crunching fist to his nose. Blood rained down on me as I sent my forearm crashing into his knees. He fell like dead weight to the pavement.

  “What the hell, Mike?” Flynn barked.

  Mike was holding his gushing nose that was bleeding heavily. Eyes that looked like they wanted to take a nap, lazily focused on Flynn. Boy, he sure packed a punch.

  Mike however was definitely seeing stars. “Tamera,” he said in one word.

  Flynn having no sympathy said, “I didn’t make your crazy rules for open relationships. You need to handle that shit with her, not here with me.”

  “That’s not the only reason why I’m here,” Mike grunted out. When he shifted like he was going to get up, I stepped forward placing my foot between his open legs. It was enough, that the guy put his free hand on his family jewels.

  “Look, I’m supposed to tell you guys Chris wants the new shifters presented to him like custom has it.”

  Flynn’s eyes went to slits. “Do I look like a shifter?” he paused, as if he was going to wait for the guy to answer. But instead his hand went up to circle his face to make a point. “No, I didn’t think so. I’m too fucking pretty for that. So tell Chris next time, if he wants my help to call and not send his dog.” Flynn stepped back, so I did too. I guess we were letting him go. “And by the way, send Tamera my best.” He winked and blew a kiss at the guy.

  Mike looked like he wanted to fight again but thought better of it. We watched as the guy fled into the woods. Do shifters drive, I thought in passing. It seemed like a long way to travel, but when I heard the howl, I didn’t need to guess.

  If I thought that somehow us kicking ass together would soften Flynn’s bad feelings towards me, I was oh so wrong. He headed into the ho
use and didn’t even hold the door for me. I was left outside speechless. But as I neared the door, it opened and he held it for me only after rolling his eyes. “Get your ass in the house. I have better things to do than to worry about you.”

  Trying to bite back a smile thinking there may be hope yet, he turned and headed upstairs. “I have a date, so try not to get yourself in trouble.”

  My imagination took a vacation so I wouldn’t wonder what his date was going to be like. Instead, exhaustion took over. A shower, clean clothes and a half of a muffin later, I was dead to the world. The dream caught me like it always did.

  His all too familiar touch caressed my arm. In my dream, I called out to him. Luke. Instead of just a hand or a finger, he fully appeared to me, sitting with legs folded to his chest. He lifted his face from his hands to look in my direction. Bright light flooded everything. It was like he sat in a ball of it. His wings. He didn’t have wings, right? Fluttering a glowing white, I accepted the images my brain conjured.


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