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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 34

by Dermott, Shannon

  “What about Brent?” I asked hoping the topic of what Luke and I could have been up to wouldn’t come up.

  Rolling her eyes, she muttered, “He’s there?”

  “What’s up between you two?” Luke asked. I was surprised by his question.

  She focused a cold stare on him. “Like that wouldn’t be obvious, angel boy. And what’s up with that. I was wondering why I always felt the need to confess my sins to you,” she said. Luke looked up and sighed heavily. Maggie continued. “I always thought it was because your dad was a preacher. That’s weird isn’t it? Your dad, the angel, a preacher. Is that what they do here on earth?” I wanted to stop Maggie for being so nosy, but frankly I was curious too.

  Luke half rolled his eyes and his lips thinned. Sighing again like he got asked these very questions all the time, he said. “My dad’s a Fallen angel,” heavy emphasis on Fallen. “And no, angels don’t come to earth to be priests, preachers or any of the like.”

  “Then why is your dad?” she asked, with no remorse about making him answer a personal question. He shifted uncomfortably in the seat he’d taken beside me, leaving Flynn alone in the chair.

  “Probably trying to get back in good graces,” Luke muttered.

  Flynn cut in. “Hey Red, why don’t you tell us why you had to come see your friend?”

  “Best Friend, duh, I haven’t seen or talk to her in a while. I needed to see for myself she was okay,” Maggie blurted out. “And why Red, that’s so predictable? She get’s Webster?” she said, angling a thumb at me. “Why can’t I be Cinderella?” she whined.

  Luke pulled my back against his chest, tucked my hair away from my face and kissed me on the cheek. “Mercy’s Cinderella?”

  Flynn cut in and we all returned our attention to him. “No, I think you’re little red riding hood.”

  Maggie matched his banter and said, “Can you be a little more original?”

  “Why, it’s little red who met the big bad wolf?” Flynn announced.

  Luke started laughing and I couldn’t help but to laugh with him. It was funny. She picked up a controller and flung it at Flynn who ducked but didn’t quite move far enough as the object bounced off his shoulder. He was laughing hard.

  “Well, Mr. Hunchback of Notre Dame,” Maggie said, hurling the insult at Flynn.

  Sitting up in his seat, he held his chest, “Maggie, I’m so hurt.”

  “It’s fitting though, your name is infamous like his and people constantly stare at you,” she said venomously.

  Luke’s chuckles rumbled in his chest against my back. I tried to suppress my laughter so that I wouldn’t be the focus of their jabs. But Flynn decided Maggie was not the weakest link and turned on me. “Look Snow White, both of you know I’m Prince Charming,” he said.

  I wasn’t going to think about what he implied about that Snow White comment. He couldn’t mean I was the fairest of them all. So instead, I shot back. “That would imply you had a Sleeping Beauty, but we both know that your kiss doesn’t wake the Princess.” Immediately, I regretted what I said as the room got quiet. But instead of stopping, I continued. “You’re more like the Beast of Belle.”

  Flynn trying to recover, said, “My ego is suffering with the two of you suggesting that I’m not hot.”

  “Flynn your ego is too big for either of us to bruise,” I said. “I meant that you hide behind a gruff exterior.”

  He just looked at me. Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. I was glad I couldn’t see Luke’s face.

  Ever thankful to Maggie, she spoke breaking the awkward silence. “Again, I say so unfair. Flynn, so you’re an incubus, a sex god of sorts.”

  Flashing her a smile, Flynn said, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Ewe, no thank you,” Maggie said. “I don’t know where you’ve been.”

  Laughter broke out again.

  “The better to teach you, Red,” Flynn said playing off his little red riding hood reference to gain some ground.

  “Ha, Ha,” Maggie said as we tried to muffle our laughter. “Angel boy and sex demons, why couldn’t I be a fairy like tinker bell? I so look good in green,” she said. I’d already heard this argument.

  Thinking back to what the elves said, I answered, “From what the elves say, you wouldn’t want to be fae, Maggs.”

  “Elves,” Maggie said wide eyed.

  Oh, I hadn’t told her about that. Filling her in, I went into the story about Jay and Kathy and going to find Luke. I didn’t mention that I’d damned him. It just wasn’t the time and I didn’t want to cry again.

  “Again, I say no fair. Being an elf or even fae trumps getting all furry once a month,” Maggie said.

  “But Maggs,” I said cutting in. “Tom said that you all aren’t tied to the moon.”

  She looked at me then said, “Not later, but initially yes. And really it’s not as if I don’t have other problems once a month. Why do I need to add to that?”

  “Okay, now I’m grossed out,” Flynn said.

  “Me too,” Luke concurred.

  We all laughed and ended up playing Madden, me and Luke against Flynn and Maggie. But really Maggie and I weren’t playing except to run our guys in the wrong direction and cause the boys to take the controllers from us. It was good to see Luke and Flynn playing together. It gave me hope that their friendship could be repaired. When the time came for Maggie to go, Luke handed me his keys.

  “Go ahead and use my car to drive her dome. I need to talk to Flynn.” Luke said.

  Fear must have shot in my eyes, but Flynn nodded. “We need to have boy talk,” he said mocking us using a feminine type voice. Rolling my eyes, I shot Luke a look I hoped said, ‘don’t kill him’ before I leaned over and kissed him. Thinking it would be quick, I tried to pull away. Luke snaked a hand into my hair and pulled me back.

  “Okay you two, get a room.” Maggie said. I could imagine her facial expression while she stood behind me.

  When Luke finally let me go, good and thoroughly kissed, he said “This is my room.”

  Chuckling, I started to head out thinking how Flynn and I still had a lot to expiate for. Maggie said, “You should stay for dinner, Liam has been asking about you non stop.”

  Pausing, I looked over at Luke guiltily. But I spoke to Maggie, “Come on, Liam isn’t worried about me.” I sincerely hope not.

  “No silly, he’s not worried about you. You’re like his other little sister and he said you looked so sad the other day when you came over.”

  Still looking over at Luke, I saw him relax and made my way out the door. I didn’t want him thinking about other guys being interested in me as I left him alone with Flynn.

  Maggie still in the room said, “See ya Luke, b-bye Flynn.”

  I added. “See you guys later.”

  Maggie wasn’t done though. “And Flynn you really surprised me with your fairytale knowledge.” Looking back at her, I watched her grin which suggested she might be flirting with him.

  Astonished, I almost missed his response. His voice was flat and resigned to what he said next. “What I do know is that they don’t come true.”

  At that the door closed behind us.

  Chapter Thirty Six

  dilatory (adj.) tending to delay, causing delay

  Looking at my phone for my word of the day, I realized that I had not missed trying to use some word I may never use again in a sentence. Maybe I was just being dilatory about my studies. There I go again. My brain was conditioned and I couldn’t keep the stupid words from my thoughts. I nearly uninstalled the application. The SAT test seemed so unimportant now. Really, what life was I going to have? Would I ever be able to control what lived inside me? Would going to college put others unintentionally at risk as she saw it as a huge feeding ground? I may not even have my friends nearby to understand and stop the demon from doing something with some random guy. But deleting the application felt like I was giving up.

  “You know we could take one more day,” Luke said.

; Sighing, I said, “I’ve already missed too much.” I’m glad I didn’t see his face, I felt him tense next to me. Undoubtedly, he was thinking about all that happened while he was gone. “I’ll go get ready.” Shifting out of his embrace, I slipped out of the bed to get dressed for the day.

  On the ride to school, I reflected on more embarrassing moments staying at his house the last two nights. There had been my forgetfulness to bring a tooth brush, he offered me his. When I gave him a look like that was just ewe, he laughed and told me, ‘You swap spit with me all the time and you have a problem sharing my toothbrush?’ In the end, he found me an unused one, still in the package. We’d laughed and things were just so good.

  Best of all, he made me breakfast each day. Cooking was my thing, but he insisted. And today we were very late because of it. The time was ten minutes into third period when we arrived. Maggie texted me repeatedly to make sure I was coming. A stern lecture about the virtues of being on time to class and what felt like a week’s load of assignments from two teachers is what I got by coming at all. Heading into lunch, I was sure Maggie would see my guilt. I still hadn’t told her about what I’d done to Luke. Keeping secrets from her wasn’t my goal, not wanting to see her disappointment and disapproval of me was.

  Threading her arm through mine the moment I exited the lunch line with my food, Maggie was her jovial self. “Where have you been?” she asked, enunciating each word as if it was the last.

  Flushing, I gave a little smile. Her eyes narrowed. “Mercy,” she said. It wasn’t often she called me by my given name, so I paused. I think she thought Luke and I had taken the next step in our relationship.

  Thankfully, Amber had perfect timing. She caught up with us. “Where are you guys going to sit?” Maggie placed her tongue in her cheek. “Have you told her yet?” Amber inquired.

  Maggie at last moved her burning gaze from me. “No, not yet.” She looked back at me with wide eyes and in a quiet tone said, “Amber’s not pregnant.”

  Exhaling, relief washed over me, but I recovered enough to say to Amber, “Are you ok?”

  Giving me a tense smile, she nodded. “Have you told Paul?” I asked. She shook her head no. Puzzled, I was about to ask why but Maggie spoke first.

  “Alright, everyone is looking. Let’s go sit down.” It felt so strange to be back for good at the elite table. Brent was at the table, but it didn’t seem to phase Maggie. Before sitting, I glanced back to my old table making sure Sebastian wasn’t waiting for me. But he wasn’t there. The brief sunshine I’d felt began to cloud over. After sitting next to Luke, I pulled my phone out. I didn’t have any messages from him. Where was he?

  Luke leaned over and kissed my cheek, “Cinderella.” My cheeks warmed and a feel good smile covered my face. Maggie sat next to me and pointedly ignored Brent.

  “Mercy, I don’t think we’ve met,” the voice was from my latest nemesis, Kristen.

  Looking at her across the table, I shifted my gaze. Flynn was sitting next to her. His face held no expression. “I don’t think we have,” I said, leaving it at that. Okay, so maybe that was mean, but she and I both knew she wanted my boyfriend. And I wasn’t in the mood to play nice.

  She laughed off my non-pleasantries. “Luke, you’re back.”

  Taking Luke’s hand in mine, I just looked at her. Luke said, “I am.” Although, I didn’t see it, I could hear the smile on his face in only those two words. That and the way he tightened his hand in mine.

  Kristen’s eye’s looked down at our intertwined fingers. Her face contorted in a grimace.

  Maggie, my biggest champion spat, “Jealous much.”

  Kristen’s perfectly snarky expression darkened. “Not of you.” Kristen replied. Her hateful look took in both of us. She acted like we were beneath her. Things got ugly pretty quickly.

  My little fire dragon, Maggie, was not one to back down. “I hope Flynn chews you up and spits you out like the rest of the members of his fan club.” Her words gave me pause. Was there really something going on between Kristen and Flynn?

  Cringing, I looked first at Flynn who looked ready to intervene. Then I checked the table, but conversation hadn’t yet stopped. Amanda didn’t hear that remark.

  Going toe to toe, Kristen fired back. “If I wanted to be with somebody, I could have been with your boyfriend last night.”

  Maggie turned to Brent as we all did. Red was now a popular color because like me he sported bright red cheeks. The flame in my face was dwindling as the heat was no longer on me.

  My best friend stood in a huff and exited the table. Brent stood but I moved and reached over the table where he sat next to Flynn and placed my hand on his. “Let her go.” It was now my turn to defend.

  But Brent did something stupid. He growled at me. I mean literally growled at me. Luke was standing then shifting to get in Brent’s face. “Don’t do something stupid.”

  Flynn was on his feet and the cafeteria was now silent. With all the testosterone flaring, you could hear a pin drop. Tom leapt to his feet and made his way over to our end of the table. I had a moment to wonder who he’d been sitting next to.

  Brent snatched his hand away from mine. “I didn’t mean anything by it,” he said looking from me to Luke.

  Luke snarled back, “Don’t ever do it again.”

  Flynn had his hand up to brace Luke from climbing over the table. Tom had Brent away and moving out of the lunch room before we all sat.

  Turning to Luke, I said, “I should go find Maggie.”

  He nodded before pulling me over for a quick kiss. Flushing, I left my lunch hoping I might come back and started heading to go find Maggie.

  “Really, I didn’t mean anything by it.” I heard the Kristen girl say to someone. Wanting to pummel her, I quickened my steps towards Maggie’s exit. She was more important. I would deal with Kristen later, I promised myself.

  I found Maggie in the far bathroom not used very often by students. It’s a favorite place to go for anyone looking for privacy and the first place I checked. She was looking in the mirror adjusting her make-up as if nothing happened.

  “Maggs, are you okay?” I asked.

  Turning to me in the middle of putting on eyeliner, she said, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  Hanging my head a little, I said, “I almost lost my virginity last night with Luke. And if Kristen had suggested to me that she and almost slept together, I would be devastated.”

  She looked excited and sad at the same time. But the excited face won. “Eme, wow, almost?”

  It wasn’t exactly what I expected her to say, but given the circumstances I couldn’t ask for more. She hugged me. Squeezing me tight she said, “You would have made a good choice.” But her voice broke then and I found myself holding her. She cried and I let her. She was going through so much. Tom and I were most likely her only outlets.

  “Maggs, I don’t think for a minute Brent did anything with that girl. She’s a just a total bitch,” I promised.

  Choking back a sob, Maggie said, “Bitch huh, it’s almost funny to hear you curse.”

  Half laughing trying to lighten the mood, I said, “You know I’m here for you. Why don’t we skip softball practice and just hang out?”

  She nodded, and when the lunch bell rang, I said nothing and let her have her tears. What was one more missed class? Soon, I was going to have to determine the path that I was on. However, what I really wanted was to settle an outstanding debt with Kristen.

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  selcouth (adj.) strange; uncommon

  When the final school bell rang, I rushed through the exit near the cafeteria. I hurried through the quad doors to take a short cut to the field. I hadn’t had a chance to tell Luke I was going to hang out with Maggie after school. I tried texting him, but he hadn’t replied. Assuming, he was already headed to baseball practice, I moved in that direction.

  Beginning my mad dash to the field, a hand caught mine. Yanking me to a stop, I spun to look into Flynn’s eyes. “Hey,
I’ve been looking for you.”

  A little too quickly and sharply, I said, “Why?”

  Cascading emotions colored his face. Hurt and anger being the two I recognized easily. A small piece of me felt bad but he’d started this.

  “I’m worried about Luke. He doesn’t seem like himself,” he admitted.

  Hadn’t I felt the same way? But admitting it would mean acknowledging my guilt. “Yes, he seems a little different.”

  Trying to walk away, I was reminded that he still held my hand. It was disturbing that holding his hand was so natural that I’d missed he hadn’t let go.


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