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Waiting for Mercy (Cambions)

Page 36

by Dermott, Shannon

  “That may be true, but Julie has chosen a different path,” Jonah said. “Mercy too.” He didn’t bother to look at me and there was no way I was going to contradict that statement.

  “Maybe my son can help with that.” My head snapped back to the stranger in our midst. My heart filled with dread waiting for him to speak the name. “Rabhartach. Adhamhnan. Teimhnean.” R-A-T. The names rolled off his tongue in a familiar Scottish brogue.

  Sebastian appeared next to him saying the words that would forever change our relationship, “Yes, father.”

  The betrayal that filled me didn’t spark anger as it should have. This was the guy that had saved my life so many times. Instead, what filled me was sadness. “Call her to you,” Belial commanded.

  With sure steps, Sebastian made his way directly in front of me. In those stone cold eyes of his, I thought I saw regret. But it was gone quicker than my clouded mind could be sure of. When he stood before me, he leaned down pushing my hair behind my ear. He whispered so softly, I wasn’t sure if I had really heard his words. Or if I’d hoped to hear them. “Forgive me.”

  Then with three witnesses, he trailed tiny kisses along my jaw whispering that name I’d begun to loathe. “McKayla. McKayla,” he said softly after each kiss while his hand slide down my arm and cupped my elbow.

  Feeling the demon inside me swim to the surface wasn’t like being slammed out of the driver’s seat it usually was. Gradually and surely, she took hold ever so gently this time. It almost felt like she languished in the fact that she would be taking over indefinitely. A scream bubbled in my throat but I was no longer in charge when I released it.

  Cast aside, I could only watch as Sebastian made his way to kiss me. Questions crossed my mind wondering if this would be my last breath. Had it come to this? Had Sebastian only saved me to kill me now with his demon eater side? Just when his mouth seemed to cover mine, my body was yanked back.

  Strong arms encircled my waist holding my body from the reaching Sebastian. I didn’t have to see him to know Luke had saved me. Sebastian looked at me with pity before turning back to his father. My succubus turned to see that Flynn was also in the room. And to my horror, she blew him a kiss. I might forgive Flynn later if I ever regained control. He didn’t look happy about the situation and tried real hard to suppress a smile. He won when Belial spoke again.

  “Release her Guardian, you have no claim here,” Belial spoke, trying to command Luke.

  Luke laughed, “You hold no dominion here demon.”

  Belial barely looked phased by Luke’s words. My succubus didn’t fight Luke’s hold to my delight. I didn’t understand it. Luke leaned down and spoke into the opposite ear that Sebastian had whispered in a few moments ago. “Cinderella, come back to me.”

  Caught up in everything that was happening, I began to act. I could take over the situation instead of being a spectator. Jumping down into the mist that could cover my skin like a wet suit, I proceeded to try to step into the demon skin.

  “Jonah, control your son,” Belial said. I looked up from what I was doing to see through the tunnel vision of the demon, second in command to the devil himself. He looked away from Jonah and into what I knew was the black orbs of my eyes and smiled.

  Unable to turn my head, I didn’t see the look that Jonah must have given his son. I only heard the admonishment tone of his voice. “Luke let her go.”

  “No,” Luke hissed. His word was strong and firm and I was grateful he wouldn’t give me up so easily.

  My demon at this point was focused dead ahead on Sebastian and his father. So their reaction was the only thing I could glimpse as I worked harder to try to regain control over my body. Sebastian stood still as stone with no emotion on his face at all. He appeared robot like. He’d moved back just a half step to the side and behind his father. But he continued to stare at me. If I was in control, I would have shivered from the coldness of his gaze. Belial however appeared amused by this whole thing. I wanted to know what he knew. Did he know I would lose this battle to my demon nature and that I was destined to be on his side?

  “Luke, if you really think she loves you as much as you seem to care for her, then trust her to make the right decision,” Jonah said. His words weren’t compassionate. They were spoken in challenge.

  Just at that moment, David walked in. He stood just in front of my vision when he appeared to hit a brick wall. As he stepped back in what appeared to be against his will, I saw Belial’s hand up controlling David like a puppet. It reminded me of my father. Had Belial released my father from his hellish prison to wreak havoc in my life?

  “David, David. Always late. Julie could have died because you are so weak. You are a poor excuse for an incubus.”

  “Fuck you,” Flynn who finally decided to say something. “My father is more of a man than you’ll ever be.” I couldn’t see Flynn but I knew him well enough to know he was bracing himself for a fight. I wondered if Belial would be moved by Flynn’s reference to the term man.

  Belial laughed. “You on the other hand, are a magnificent creature.” I saw Belial’s eye rove over Flynn in a way that made no mistake of his meaning. Sebastian was certainly right about demons having no preference to sexuality like we humans did because Belial had looked at my mother in the same manner. “You would make an excellent minion.”

  “You will not touch my son,” David said in a show of strength.

  Belial’s hand came up and waved in an arched motion. “Enough.” I knew that he’d silenced them in much the same fashion as he had my mom. I was so busy observing what happened, that I wasn’t forcing myself to assume control of the demon. I need to to roll the mist over me like a second skin. “Guardian, show a little faith in your lover and see if she chooses wisely.”

  Feeling the brush of Luke’s cheek against my face like a distant breeze, I knew he was going to surrender me to the demon. “Come back to me,” he said before his arms fell away. The demon McKayla stood unmoving for a second.

  “Call her boy,” Belial said.

  Sebastian movements appeared robotic as he raised a hand out to me and said, “McKayla.”

  My demon didn’t hesitate and I realized my mistake as I made quick work of losing the battle of wills over who could control this physical body. Her sure steps faltered as I wrestled with my legs. If I couldn’t take over everything, maybe piecemeal would work. Able to make my legs stop, I worked on my head trying to turn back to Luke. I got as far as turning to see Flynn. He looked worried. He was not zipped quiet like his father, though. David looked like he was trying to scream through the wall that held him. Rippling in his neck looked like he was being choked. This I realized was how Belial had kept Flynn quiet. Could he not control him? That was a question for another day when I felt my demon would compromise. She would not go to Luke, but she would allow me to go to Flynn.

  As much as I wanted to go to Luke, in the short time I felt I had for a decision, I knew that wasn’t an option. Belial couldn’t be allowed to win. If I went to Sebastian even though I was still on the fence as to whether or not I could trust him, I knew I would lose something. So I had no choice. Turning together we went into the arms that came outstretch and encased me. Burying my head in his chest, I squeezed my eyes shut and the demon let me. I couldn’t see the betrayal that must be on Luke’s face.

  “You can go now,” Flynn said. “You and your demon spawn.”

  Keeping my eyes shut, I said nothing. Only listened. The wicked sound that left the demon was like a rumble of thunder. “Well now, that was interesting. But I must say, something I shouldn’t have discounted. I just want to make one thing clear Julie my love. One word…. You know the rest.”

  “Come Luke, we have much to discuss,” Jonah said. “Let’s go.” Jonah’s words were final. Knowing Luke, he was putting up a silent fight at leaving. Too soon, I felt the house begin to empty.

  My mother said nothing and David hadn’t yet moved beside us. I should have opened my eyes, but I just couldn’t see
what irreparable damage I’d done to my relationship with this move. Would it matter to him that I did it to save our future? Would he see it more for saving my own ass than his feelings? I could only hope he would forgive and understand.

  The front door chimed and the soft click of the door closing let me know that Luke had left with his father. Movement to the side of me meant that David was free from his invisible prison.

  “Are you okay?” Flynn asked looking down at me as he released me from his embrace. Were we friends again?

  I nodded and realized with Sebastian leaving I’d won the battle over my body. Tears pooled in my eyes and I stepped further away from Flynn. He looked at me with sad eyes, but I couldn’t take his comfort right now. My mom thought we should be together. My succubus was okay with Flynn as a choice. Belial even suggested that he should have seen it. But what did I think? I didn’t seem to matter to anyone that I’d given myself wholeheartedly to Luke. And it didn’t seem to matter that I didn’t ever want to hurt him again, because I most certainly had just now.

  On weak knees, I fled the kitchen. I didn’t even turn back when the bell went off letting me know my roasted potatoes were most likely ready to leave the oven. Cooking was the furthest thing from my mind. I raced to my room wishing it was the room I’d grown up in. Missing the sunny yellow walls that had lifted my mood whenever I saw them over the years, hurt me deeply. Wishing for the blissful ignorance that had once been my existence, I buried myself in the pillows on my bed. It was only a dream to hope I could be but a mere human. Unfortunately, that thought was becoming repetitive. What was that word? Hackneyed.

  Chapter Thirty Nine

  tangential (adj.) incidental, peripheral, divergent

  I wasn’t sure of how much time had passed. I did know that I’d cried enough not to have any tears left. Self pity felt like it would consume me.

  A soft knock came at the door before it opened. The bed dipped ever so slightly before a hand swept the wet streaked hair from my face. “Mercy, I’m so sorry baby,” came a tender voice I’d yearned to hear a long time ago. But she was too late for soft kisses and loving touches.

  “Mom, you can go,” I said with a voice that didn’t sound like my own. It was filled with sorrow of things long since lost and sobs not too far off.

  She rubbed at my back while I lay in a heap on my stomach. My face felt like lead against the mattress. A pillow that I’d missed when throwing myself across the bed, touched the top of my head. “Please, you see now why I couldn’t tell you.”

  “No, actually I don’t,” I said. Understanding didn’t take everything away. “There was so much you could have shared with me that you didn’t. Now everything is a total mess. I may have lost Luke forever.”

  Stroking my hair after she moved the pillow, she said, “I know you don’t want to hear this but maybe that is for the best.”

  Straining my head, I turned enough to give her my best death glare. No, I didn’t want her dead, but I wanted her to understand how much that advice was unwanted. “Leave now,” I said.

  “Mercy, but-” she began.

  Yelling, I shouted, “Get Out!”

  She stumbled to her feet, most likely just as shocked as I was at my rude outburst. But I wasn’t taking it back. Giving me a sympathetic look, she left. Turning my face, I found I still had some water left in my body as the tear began anew.

  But all too soon I was not alone again. “Mercy.” Flynn held something out to me. When I finally saw it, I took my phone. I guess I left it in the kitchen. “It’s been vibrating,” he said. Afraid the call wasn’t from Luke, I didn’t look at the display. “My dad is finishing up dinner.” That was good, because I didn’t have to worry about the food I’d left.

  Taking steps back, he was headed away. “Wait,” I said.

  Meeting his stormy eyes, I asked, “Do you know what I am?”

  Never once did his eyes stray. Hands at his side, he answered, “Does it really matter? You are Mercy to me.”

  Sitting up on the bed with my legs hanging off the side, emotions crushed into me for the second time. Swiping at stray hairs from my face, I couldn’t deny the connection I felt to him. “What are we going to do?” I asked. I didn’t think I needed to elaborate.

  The pain and betrayal I felt within myself for whatever was connecting him to me was reflected in his eyes. “The right thing.”

  I didn’t get to respond, because he extricated himself from my room. My life was in more turmoil. The more answers I had, the more questions that popped up. There was no mistaking my mom couldn’t offer me any more help at least with this secret that loomed over me. Knowing that she couldn’t tell me because her life depended on it, only made my curiosity grow. Somehow I had to find out what it all meant. Did this have anything to do with the demons that may or may not be after me? Was my hunter, Sebastian, also truly my protector?

  There was Maggie too. In a short time, we would know her fate. I had to be there for her. Her family was clueless about the supernatural blood that may run through their veins. She had no support system except for me and Tom because Brent was out. Doug would need support too. As important as finding out my secret, I had to help my best friend through this problem. I haven’t known forever what I was or what I was capable of. Not knowing a few more weeks wouldn’t hurt as long as no one tried to kill me.

  Looking down at the phone in my shaking hand, I reached for what I needed and ran out of my room.

  Flynn looked stunned when I passed him in my dash to make it outside. He had been right about one thing. I needed to do the right thing.

  Throwing open the front door, I launched myself at a waiting Luke who stood by his car. A look of uncertainty held his face until I buried mine in his neck. “I love you. I’m sorry.” It was the truth. I was headed over to his house, his being here only shorten my trip.

  When Luke didn’t respond, I turned in his arms. There in the doorway stood Flynn. He apparently was concerned with my frantic state of running and followed me. Things weren’t ever going to get better for me. I started thinking Flynn had been right to leave, not that I wanted him to go. But us being in the same house wasn’t fair to either of us, not to mention Luke.

  Unable to read the expression on Flynn face, I watched him step back inside and close the door. Something in my heart broke. It seemed so unfair that no matter what I did, I was hurting someone and myself in the process.

  Chapter Forty

  taciturn (adj.) not inclined to talk

  Forced to go to school, I parked in the first spot I found. Luke didn’t stay with me last night. Tired and listless from lack of sleep because I was afraid my succubus would try to make the moves on Flynn, I walked with my head hung low. I did however call Paul’s house last night and not his cell. His mother informed me that he’d been sick the last few days. Feeling better that he was safe at home, at the same time, I was wondered about Sebastian. He hadn’t shown up. I wasn’t sure he’d still be welcomed by me or anyone else in the house. Although, I was sure my mom had known exactly whose son he’d been all along. That was probably why they’d allowed him to stay.

  Despite it all, I couldn’t hate Sebastian. Even with his father around, he’d done nothing to hurt me. Of course I feared the worst. I feared he was being punished for not winning me over. Worst yet, I hoped he wasn’t being retrained. Would an empty evil vessel with Sebastian’s body show up to kill me?

  Things went back to what appeared to be normal. Maggie and I even went to softball practice. With Maggie still under doctor’s orders not to drive because of her injury and medication, I became her designated driver. It felt good to give back. Maggie had always been the one to drive me. I even gave Amber a ride home too.

  At practice Maggie was relegated to team manager, helping the coach. She said she didn’t mind. Wanting to hang out with all of us was a strong motive. I couldn’t blame her. The full moon would be coming all too soon. Cheering us on the sidelines, it was easy to forget all my troubles during tho
se hours.

  When I got home, I watch Luke’s car come into view as I pulled into the driveway. He was standing outside talking to Sebastian.

  My breath caught. I thought I might hyperventilate. In front of Luke’s car, Flynn got out of his SUV and helped Kristen out. The lecherous bitch. I hadn’t had time to ask her about the note. IT didn’t seem important seen I so easily took her out with one punch. She wasn’t a danger to me. He ushered her to the front door and inside the house before returning to have a few words with the other guys. I hadn’t yet moved. Not knowing what to do, I sat there dumbstruck that Luke and Flynn were casually talking to Sebastian like old friends.

  I thought they assumed he’d betrayed me. He was a hunter who had been hunting me. He was the son of the second in command of hell. Seeing him now, I doubted myself. Was he just using me? Had he only gained my trust for whatever nefarious reason his father wanted? He was also a demon eater who could be a threat to me and mine. How could Luke be talking to him?


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