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Secrets and Lies

Page 10

by Joanne Clancy

  “Are you sure you don't mind?” Hope asked hesitantly. She hated letting him down in any way.

  “I'm absolutely positive. Go and get your script and I'll help you run through your lines.” He lightly kissed the top of her head and she went in search of the script that she hoped would change her life.

  Chapter 8

  “Good luck, darling, break a leg!” Niall kissed Hope goodbye and watched her as she made her way into the theatre. It was almost four o' clock and Niall had decided to stay in town until his wife was ready. They'd planned to have dinner later at Chez Jacques, their favourite restaurant, which was right in the heart of the city.

  Niall breathed a deep sigh of relief as he saw Hope disappear from view. “Peace at last,” he thought gratefully.

  Of course he dearly loved his wife but she'd been wound up like a ball of nerves all day and had really started to stress him out. He had enough turmoil and complications at work without having to feel anxious when he came home to her. “You knew what you were getting yourself into,” he reminded himself. “It can't be all fun and games all the time.”

  The rain that had been pouring down from the heavens most of the day had finally abated and the sun was beginning to struggle through the clouds. He strolled to the park where he and Hope had first met and went for a leisurely ramble in the fresh air. It had been quite a while since he'd been there but nothing had changed. A few familiar faces smiled and nodded politely as he passed them. He quickened his pace and inhaled the bracing air. The cobwebs were slowly starting to lift. He smiled when he saw the coffee house where he and Hope had had their first official date.

  “Black coffee, one sugar please,” he smiled his megawatt smile at the barista who instantly blushed; he seemed to have that effect on women wherever he went. He took his change and made his way outside where he could admire the pretty view over the lake.

  He let his mind drift, trying not to think about anything much. Most of his life was spent surrounded by people; at work at home, everywhere he went there was someone who wanted a piece of him, so he treasured the rare occasion when he could be alone to switch off from the reality of life. He closed his eyes and tilted his face up to the warmth of the sun. The watery blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds and he watched them as they sped by.

  It was a relief to be outside in nature, away from radios, television and computers. He was grateful for technology and the fact that he could conduct his business from anywhere in the world but the downside was that he was always easily contactable. There really was no escape, unless, of course he switched off his computer and his phones which he had resolved to do this weekend. His laptop and mobiles were securely locked away in his safe, guaranteeing him some peace and quiet for a few days anyway, before he would inevitably have to face reality and responsibility again. He hadn't seen Hope in almost a month and he was surprised at how much he'd missed her. He wanted their time together to be uninterrupted for once. She deserved his full attention, she was so undemanding and loving and he sometimes felt guilty that she had to be second on his list of his priorities, not that he would ever admit that fact to her.

  Peace and quiet were pure bliss to him. There was nothing he enjoyed more than sitting in silence, doing absolutely nothing, and watching the world go by. His life was usually so hectic that he relished any opportunity to be alone and recharge his batteries. He liked observing the beauty of the seasons; the changing of the leaves from lush green to red then orange and gold; the creeping barrenness of winter as it took its icy hold on the landscape, then the welcome return of spring and the warmer, lazy days of summer.

  Cork was his favourite place of all the places he'd ever travelled. It offered the culture and buzz of a city while the lure of the countryside was never more than a half hour drive away. Niall was one of the many Irish people who believed that Cork was the true capital of Ireland. There was the eclectic week-long programme of international films that made up the Cork Film Festival which was held every November. Hope said the festival signalled the countdown to Christmas for her. She always booked her tickets months in advance so she had the best seats in the house.

  Then there was the Cork World Book Festival which was held in late April every year and was attended by many authors from all over the world. The International Choral Festival every May was well worth attending but the highlight for Niall had to be October's Cork Jazz Festival which had an all-star line-up in venues across the city.

  He enjoyed travelling and was thankful that his job offered him so many travel opportunities and the chance to experience new places and people. He was quite a chameleon and travelling allowed him to be a different person wherever he went, a stranger who could blend easily with those around him.

  Niall glanced at his watch, a Rolex, and one of his most treasured possessions. He'd promised himself when he was a young man that he would one day earn enough money to buy a Rolex, preferably by his fortieth birthday and he had achieved that ambition. He liked the finer things in life and buying that watch had been one of the proudest moments for him. It was six o' clock already. He sighed, knowing that Hope should be finished soon and he would have to return to reality, even though he liked the reality that Hope offered him. He rubbed his aching shoulders and neck, where he tended to hold most of the tension in his body. His life was very stressful, but it had been like that for several years and in some ways he was used to it. He had learned the importance of compartmentalising his life and he had the ability to be totally focused in the moment. Niall had developed a lifestyle that enabled him to make the most of everything. His mantra was “we're here for a good time, not a long time” and he was determined to enjoy every single moment of his life. A colleague had given him the book “Don't Sweat the Small Stuff” and he treated it as his bible. The advice in that book had been a light bulb moment for him and once he implemented the recommended strategies he'd never been more at peace with his life's decisions.

  Maybe Hope would give him one of her expert massages later. He felt his neck twinge again and smiled at the thought of her expert hands on his body.

  Reluctantly, he got to his feet and headed back into the city centre thinking that he'd treat himself to a well-earned pint or two before dinner.

  The Saturday afternoon crowds had begun to abate as Niall walked the short distance into town. He was relieved to have the main street to himself except for a few last-minute stragglers.

  He pushed open the door of Magee's Pub and savoured the warmth that welcomed him inside. The pub was busy, most people were watching sports on the huge television. He blinked in an effort to adjust his eyes to the relative darkness of the pub compared to the brightness of the outdoors and ordered a pint of Guinness where he stood at the bar, relishing his drink. Life is good, he thought. “Cheers,” he said to the publican who was busy fixing drinks behind the bar. “To a simple life.”

  “I got the job! I got the job!” Hope jumped up and down, doing her characteristic happy dance, ignoring the bemused glances of the passersby.

  Niall laughed and watched her dance around the street, entertained by her exuberance. He loved her youthful and vivacious attitude to life and sometimes was amazed that she was his wife. She had saved him from himself. He'd been at a crossroads in his life when they'd met and, unknown to Hope, she had given him renewed faith in life and love. She'd wanted him as much, if not more, than he had wanted her and she'd given herself completely to him. He knew she'd do anything for him and he basked in the light of her love. He'd never met anyone like her. She accepted him wholeheartedly and always gave him her utmost attention, which was something that he hadn't experienced in a very long time. It had been quite a while since he'd been someone's number one priority and it made an intoxicating change.

  “Congratulations, darling! I knew you could do it!” Niall grabbed her hand and stopped her mid-dance.

  “Do you know what this means?” she cried. “This is a huge opportunity. It could be the start of my acting ca
reer at long last!”

  Her career dreams had reached their pinnacle with her first official acting role in the sitcom “Marmalade.” It was a small role which would mark her debut on the small screen and give her the much-longed for opportunity to flex her acting muscle.

  “This calls for a huge celebration,” Niall insisted, holding her hand as they headed towards Chez Jacques where they had dinner reservations for eight o' clock.

  “I think a very large bottle of Champagne and lots of loving later is the order of the day,” Hope grinned cheekily up at her husband who immediately bent to kiss her full on the lips.

  “I'm very proud of you, darling,” he said, pulling away from her before he lost control.

  “I'm proud of me too,” Hope laughed, completely unaware of the effect she was having on her husband.

  Chapter 9

  “Daddy's home at last!” Saoirse exclaimed excitedly, jumping up from her comfortable seat on the soft, cream leather couch and running to the door to greet her beloved father.

  Kerry couldn't help smiling at her daughter's exuberance. Saoirse and Conor had always had a very special connection. Saoirse was their much-longed for, yet unexpected surprise baby and Conor had been more thrilled than Kerry when she'd discovered that she was pregnant with their second child.

  She followed Saoirse and stood at the front door watching as father and daughter greeted each other. Saoise jumped into her father's arms and he enveloped her in a bear-hug. Kerry felt her heart melt when she saw the look of sheer happiness on her daughter's face as Conor held her close. Saoirse was full of chat for her dad and Kerry couldn't help feeling a small pang of envy to see the close bond between father and daughter.

  Sometimes, a small part of her felt that there was an unspoken distance developing in her relationship with her husband. Kerry couldn't quite put her finger on it but deep in her heart she sensed that something wasn't quite right between them. Conor seemed more and more preoccupied recently. Initially, she assumed he was thinking about work, but she had a sense that it was something more than just business that was on his mind. She often caught him staring into the distance, lost in his own world, a world which he didn't seem to want to share with her anymore. It worried her, but she was unsure why.

  Admittedly, he was spending more time away on business, but that was the nature of his job and the more senior he became within the company, the more time he had to spend abroad. He'd explained this to her when he'd begun to climb the corporate ladder. At first, she'd accepted that it was a necessary compromise they had to make; less time together to maintain their lifestyle and security when they retired. Conor aimed to retire when he was fifty years old so that was only another ten years. Then she would have him all to herself and she couldn't wait. She hadn't realised that it would be difficult spending so much time apart, and their time apart seemed to be more and more frequent especially in recent years.

  She was getting tired of his work commitments. What about his commitment to their marriage? It was a lonely life at times rattling around in their big house. Emer was away at university and she was lucky to see her at the weekends, if she didn't already have plans with her new friends. Saoirse was gone most days at school and had lots of after-school activities which she enjoyed. Kerry was of course happy for her daughters but she couldn't help missing the days when they were small children and she'd been too busy looking after them to be bothered with foolish thoughts about her marriage.

  She didn't have any concrete foundation for her worries. He was still the same Conor, the same man who she married and loved and adored. She knew he loved her too but she couldn't help the nagging doubts that were creeping into her mind more and more. Her thoughts filled her with unease so she tried to dismiss her worries, not wanting to spend much time dwelling on maybes. Her husband was here with her now and that was all that mattered.

  Kerry shook herself and smiled brightly at Conor as he pulled his suitcase from the trunk of his Audi. Saoirse insisted on wheeling it to the front door for him.

  “Dad's home,” Saoirse grinned at her mother, brushing past her and wheeling his battered leather suitcase into the hall. “He's brought lots of wonderful presents.”

  “That's great darling,” Kerry couldn't help grinning at her daughter.

  “Hello, sweetheart,” Conor took his wife in his arms and hugged her close.

  It was such a relief to have him home at last. She felt like her partner was back again. Saoirse had been so difficult lately that she was glad to have Conor home to share her parental load.

  She sank into his chest and felt all the worries and stresses of recent weeks slowly disappear.

  “I'm so happy you're home,” she sighed, leaning into him.

  “Is everything ok?” Conor asked. His face was full of concern as he held his wife at arm's length.

  “I'm fine, just glad you're home at long last. I missed you.”

  She didn't want to burden him with her worries on his first night home. There would be plenty of time to talk tomorrow.

  “I missed you too, love.” Conor brushed her too-long fringe out of her eyes.

  “I hope you're hungry,” Kerry said as she bustled about the kitchen.

  “I'm absolutely starving.” Conor's stomach growled loudly as if to prove his point.

  “Mom's cooked your favourite,” Saoirse joined in their conversation as she settled into the couch beside her father. “Roast chicken, Yorkshire pudding, gravy and mashed potatoes and there's apple pie and ice-cream for dessert.”

  “Yum, yum,” Conor shot an appreciative glance in his wife's direction. “It sounds delicious to me. I'm sick and tired of eating bland hotel food.”

  “Well, you're in for a treat tonight,” Kerry called from the kitchen.

  “Am I indeed?” Conor asked, his eyes suddenly clouding with lust.

  Kerry stifled a giggle and busied herself about the kitchen to hide her blushes, hoping that Saoirse wouldn't pick up on his double-entendre.

  “Do you need any help, love?” Conor called from his seat on the couch.

  “You could open the wine please, darling,” Kerry suggested.

  Conor suppressed a groan as he struggled off the couch and went to help his wife in the kitchen. Saoirse was already completely engrossed in one of her favourite television shows.

  “I missed you,” Conor whispered as he stood behind Kerry who was carefully stirring the gravy. He moved his hands along her body and gently cupped her small but perfectly formed breasts in his strong hands. He playfully tweaked her nipples which immediately stood to attention under his touch.

  “Are you cold or just happy to see me?” he teased, kissing the back of her neck.

  “Of course I'm happy to see you, darling,” Kerry smiled, continuing to stir the chicken gravy in slow rhythmic circles.

  “Umm, I'm happy to see you too,” Conor said pushing himself against her buttocks.

  Kerry smiled a secret smile as she felt him growing hard against her.

  “All in good time, my love, all in good time,” she reluctantly moved away from him to finish her dinner preparations.

  “I'd love a glass of wine, sweetheart,” she said, glancing pointedly at the refrigerator where two bottles of Pinot Grigio were cooling,

  “Your wish is my command,” Conor swept dramatically to the refrigerator and removed the first bottle of white wine. He poured himself and his wife each a large glass.

  “To us,” he said, raising a glass in a toast to Kerry.

  “To later,” she replied, flirtatiously batting her eyelashes at him.

  Conor almost choked on his first sip. It wasn't like his wife to be so forward.

  Dinner passed off uneventfully. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed their meal and panned out on the couch to digest and watch a movie together. Saoirse dozed off early and Conor carried her to bed, tucking her in securely just as he had done when she was a tiny girl. He stood at her bedroom door and watched her as she slept so peacefully and was suddenly o
vercome with how lucky and blessed he felt to have his wife and daughters in his life.

  “Alone at last,” Kerry smiled up at her husband as he sat down beside her on the couch.

  “Indeed,” he agreed, leaning in to kiss her.

  “I've missed you,” he breathed, looking lustfully into her eyes.

  “I want you,” Kerry said, overcome with longing for her husband. She wanted him right there and then.

  He took her wine glass from her and carefully placed it on the table in front of them. Then he pulled her top over her head and unhooked her bra. Her small, pert breasts sprang forward and he sighed at the sight of her. He fondled her and sucked each nipple tenderly. She moaned in pleasure and unzipped his trousers. His huge erection immediately sprang out to greet her. She leaned forward and stroked his hardness, longing to have him buried deep within her wetness.

  She climbed onto his lap and sank onto him, moaning as he filled her completely.

  “Oh my!” he gasped, savouring how wet and ready she was for him.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips, probing his mouth with her hot, wet tongue.

  He ran his hands along her body and grabbed her buttocks, pushing himself deeper and deeper into her.

  “I've missed you so much,” Kerry gasped, gyrating her hips against him,

  “I've missed you too, darling, more than words can say.”

  They lost themselves in the purely ecstatic pleasure of each other's bodies. Kerry closed her eyes and pulled Conor close to her heaving breasts. They rocked against each other, lost in their rhythmic pull. They knew each other's bodies so well that it took them mere minutes to build to their wonderful crescendo.

  “Please, not yet,” Kerry begged, desperately wanting to prolong her pleasure. She didn't want their lovemaking to end so soon.

  “Oh, baby,” Conor breathed, trying to hold back, fighting the explosion that was quickly beginning to build within him. “It's too much.”


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