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Battle Mage Broken Empire

Page 35

by Donald Wigboldy

  The idea that there might be another secret way into and out of the city brought many other questions to mind. Letting them know of his secret project could get Holdy and his friends thrown into the dungeons beneath the emperor's spire, but the apprentice thought that all of those in this room had the same goal in mind. With the same desire to be free of this place where orcs, trolls, goblins and more appeared ready to betray the humans and elves, who were smaller in number and weaker physically, Holdy thought it might be time to inform them of his idea safely.

  "Holdy, what did you do?" Megan questioned forgetting that she wasn't supposed to know the boy well enough to scold him so familiarly.

  Holdy knew too many secrets including those of General Amelyer and the wizards accompanying him. Trying not to give away those of his friends and mentors, the boy started slowly, "Well, rumors of trouble brewing between you and General Corven have been circulating ever since the emperor's death. That you two were likely the ones most likely to fight for the throne meant that the city would be caught in a civil war soon.

  "I have family in the human quarter and there have been attacks by orcs on the humans for weeks now. Whether Corven is behind any of it, I don't know; but if you two decide to fight it is certain that most men and elves will join you. The orcs have their own leader and will follow him for sure. Once the two pick sides, the war will begin and those too weak to fight will certainly be caught in the middle.

  "Already orcs rob and steal from those to the east. The spires and homes of the elves and military men won't stay safe for long either. I can't save everyone, but my family was my first concern; so I started to... make a tunnel for them to use to escape the cave."

  "You what!?!" Megan exclaimed echoed by Amelyer and Torva. Those watching and listening began chattering to each other in shock as well.

  "Grand Master Echolus and the other wizards and warlocks don't care about anyone but their selves. Your armies seem only focused on each other, so someone needed to do something.

  "I can make portals, but I can't send away an entire city or even that large a portion of it; so I worked with my uncle and some others who are like minded to find a place to create a secret tunnel. I began the work inside the city moving outwards towards a point outside. If Southwall or someone else decided to try to use it, they couldn't find anything until it was finished that way."

  "What did you plan to do with this tunnel?" the general asked for the others. Megan held her tongue wishing that she could speak to him like his teacher, but realized that might harm her position with the general. It was almost over now. Amelyer was leaving. Sanctuary was nearly finished, so they could disappear from here as well; but Megan still wanted to do what she could to help save the city before she and Torva left it behind.

  "My mother and uncle have been circulating the idea of it among those they know and trust. Once it is finished, they can leave. Then if the rumor of a tunnel gets out past them to the city guard, it won't matter."

  "You could get in trouble, if the wrong people found out too soon," Amelyer stated, but managed to make it sound like he wasn't one of those people. Examining the man's face, Megan didn't see someone thinking of disciplining Holdy, but that of someone with hope that he hadn't had before. The general had been worried over those he was leaving behind. He didn't want to abandon his men and had been looking for a plan that might actually work without losing his army without him there to lead it.

  Nodding to the general, Holdy said, "I could, but I don't think anyone here would want to get rid of the possible salvation that they have been trying to find. I don't claim to say that it wasn't wrong of me, but the emperor is gone and his city is tearing apart. The rules that kept us safe from our enemies don't apply when our enemy stands next to us inside these walls.

  "Ensolus could be sealed by magic again easily enough, but for now my tunnel can get your army and my people to freedom and relative safety. If you think that you can live with helping bring them to safety, I will tell you where it is."

  Amelyer could have threatened the apprentice to get the information from him, but that wouldn't get the general's people free of the city. While Torva and Megan were surprised, the secret was barely worse than what they had done; though no one would likely use their gates to enter the city once they left for Sanctuary. The tunnel would compromise Ensolus even if it was hard to find from the outside, which the wizards had no idea about either.

  "Is the tunnel finished?" the general questioned appearing intrigued with the idea.

  "I can finish it in an hour with my friends' help. We are only a small distance from the outside, but I was waiting until everyone was ready to leave. Our message has circulated through most of the quarter, so we were waiting to open it."

  Amelyer looked at one of the officers and asked, "You can work with the boy and those in charge of the humans readying to leave, colonel?"

  A human by all appearances, the man held a high rank, Megan assumed. He might even be Amelyer's highest ranking officer, but she wasn't sure since the wizard had little knowledge of military titles.

  Nodding, to the general, he replied, "Yes, sir, if the boy can send me in the right direction, I will work on setting up a system of sending units to the human quarter to escort different groups. With the orcs causing trouble in the quarter, it wouldn't be too unusual to see soldiers moving into that area to help secure peace after all."

  "Good, Jeris," Amelyer nodded and asked Holdy, "Is that alright with you? You asked for escorts. We can supply them, if you supply us with the way out of here."

  "I can tell my uncle and the others," the boy confirmed, but his forehead wrinkled looking slightly confused. "Do you still plan on leaving today?"

  "Yes, can you send thirty people with their belongings to Soleste?"

  Glancing to Megan before remembering that she couldn't help him, Holdy quickly turned to Torva and said, "As long as my master can help me."

  The last preparations were made, but General Amelyer moved away from where the main group stood waiting with the packs and bags either in hand or at their feet. Though some of these people were likely rich and possibly lords and ladies, they didn't appear to balk at having to carry the only belongings that they could bring with them. It was an interesting sight, when Megan would have thought such people wouldn't be capable of making such a change lightly.

  "Megan, you didn't bring a bag? You can come with us, if you wish," Amelyer said quietly. "I know that you haven't been my maid for long, but..."

  "That is alright, general," she acknowledged with a smile.

  A sad smile crossed the man's face, but his left hand came forward placing a cloth wrapping in hers as he gestured for her to take it. "Well, maybe this will help you in whatever you plan."

  The cloth felt heavy and it shifted when the girl bent the cloth to feel it with her fingers.

  Amelyer added, "It is about a year's wages. Depending on what happens here, you may need it."

  "But, sir, that is more than generous..." she began.

  "For what you've done for my people setting this up, it is the least I can do." The general moved to Holdy and gave the boy a larger pouch and said, "I would have perhaps had more ready for you had I known that your master would be helping as well. Split it between the two of you for your time and your silence. I would hope that you would keep what happens here between us until my men can leave Ensolus safely."

  Torva took the pouch from Holdy and said, "I'll see that the apprentice gets his share, general, and we'll keep your leaving a secret even without the money. This may help keep the city from going to war, but it might not. Either way, hopefully this will give the empire the best chance of not eating away at itself until it falls apart completely."

  "Thank you, Master Torva," the general nodded to the wizard hunter knowing no better.

  Torva urged Holdy to start and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder sharing his power. While the apprentice worked the spell, the two of them would need to continually feed the p
ortal their magic to hold it long enough for so many to make it through. Food and drink had been brought to the room and sat on a table off to the side. It would be used to refresh them afterwards, since a prolonged gate like this would be draining even shared.

  A golden rectangle opened at the boy's urging and the grouped elves and humans began to cross through the gate. Ten guardsmen had joined them and six went first. If there was a trap, they could try and jump back to Ensolus through the same bridge of space. Wary, even though the lords of Soleste were supposed to be allies, the next to follow the guardsmen waited for almost a minute before going through also.

  Niadene held a bag and wore a pack as well. Being a servant, the young woman wasn't rich. She was close enough to Amelyer that Niadene was joining him as well as Heline who stood near a handful of high elves with similar features to the woman. While Megan wasn't certain that the elf appreciated having her rival join her, there were no warning looks. Perhaps Niadene had been correct in her belief that Amelyer needed both of them. She hadn't been part of their triangular relationship, but could only say that Torva had better never try that excuse with her. He was hers and hers alone.

  The maid waved to Megan, and the wizard felt almost guilty. They had become friends; even though she had hidden the truth of her coming and that she was a wizard. In a way Megan had hidden part of herself from the other woman, but the feeling of sadness she felt seeing her new friend go was real enough, she thought.

  When all those who would go had left, including Amelyer who gave them an appreciative nod as he disappeared through the portal; Holdy released the rectangle and walked over to the table. Having shared the strain of the spell with Torva, the apprentice wasn't nearly as drained as he could have been. He thought that the two together could have sent another score along without too much trouble, but was glad that this had been all there was even so.

  Rystlin and the other guard, who had followed them inside remained along with Colonel Jeris; but Torva moved to her side. Nearly whispering, the hunter said, "It's done. Do you really think that this will settle the turmoil in Ensolus?"

  Her eyes glanced towards the colonel, who moved towards the guards to have his own conversation with the men.

  "Until all of his army escapes, or as much of it as possible anyway; we won't truly know. Corven isn't the only one who might rise up to try and take the empty throne. If there are more the conflict won't end bloodlessly, I fear," Megan answered quietly.

  "You can leave this place at least. You will be safer now."

  Nodding, the girl replied, "I will while away my time here for the rest of the day and run errands perhaps just to make it appear like everything is normal. Tomorrow I can join the others in Sanctuary, but I will have to make anyone watching the school believe that I am still doing Echolus' mission. If he learns of Amelyer's leaving too soon, it could be just as dangerous for the general's people."

  Torva didn't appear to like either of the scenarios as he added, "Just don't get caught. I am not certain how Echolus would react if he was to discover that you helped the general escape the city."

  Giggling at the wizard hunter, she had to refrain from wanting to stroke the side of his face as Megan tended to do when they were alone and intimate. "It would just be one more thing added to a list that he would be angry about by now. Holdy's little secret added to that as well doesn't help things. Anyway, I wasn't planning on making it easy for the grand wizard.

  "How long do you think it will be before Sanctuary is ready?"

  "The main components of the keep are close enough to house most of those involved. I don't know if Lesolas has a plan for enticing apprentices away from the school or not."

  "Perhaps those that have been brought there to build it have already been recruited?"

  Torva shrugged. "Maybe. Managing apprentices and wizards wasn't my job. Trying to find wizard hunters who believe leaving Ensolus is a good and safe thing has been difficult. We're trained to believe that Lord Devolus will lead us and that the emperor was the one we served above him. One is dead and the other refuses to come back to lead, so right now many hunters are confused.

  "There are also orcs, trolls and goblins among the hunters. Would we want any of them to join us?"

  Shaking her head, the girl replied, "No, there will be enough problems with just elves and humans. If we try to integrate with Southwall later, having the other races with us will just add to the difficulty of getting them to trust our motives for being there. We will be a single town hidden within an entire country, which could mean our annihilation anyway; so unless you believe that they are particularly loyal or useful, I would limit who you choose to tell or bring."

  They were still talking when the quick staccato of a knock at the door interrupted their separate discussions.

  "What is it?" Colonel Jeris questioned even as Rystlin and Talbot moved towards the door with their hands resting on the hilts of their swords.

  The door on their left creaked open letting one of the remaining guards look inside.

  "Another fight has broken out in the east wing on the second floor, sir," the man replied even though Megan was pretty certain that he hadn't heard the question. "It sounds like a big one."

  Jeris stepped towards the entry door and said quietly to the wizards, "I need to take care of this, if I can. You should leave quietly to avoid this. It doesn't concern you after all."

  Megan frowned and replied, "Perhaps you should summon some of those elven wizards that have chosen to follow Amelyer. They can use their magic to keep unwanted guests away and make it appear that the general has decided to hole up here. There might not be any peace while you and your men remain here, but until you can organize your forces enough to leave the spire; you may as well keep up appearances to distract General Corven."

  "I will consider the advice, even if it comes from a servant girl," the colonel somehow managed to avoid making it sound like he was talking down to her. Perhaps it was because of the current difficulties weighing on the man's mind. "If you'll excuse me, I must go now."

  As the man slipped out leaving the three nearly alone, Megan was left wondering if they should leave as Jeris had suggested.

  The thought must have been on Torva's mind as well as he said, "If we've done all that we can here, maybe we should leave as he said."

  Holdy looked equally ready to go, but the boy held his tongue waiting for his elders to decide. On the other hand, Megannah also questioned how they should leave.

  "We don't know where they are fighting. Should we leave by portal?" she asked feeling worry building up in her stomach. While they also had magic, if they were caught on their own by a large enough force, the three of them would likely be overwhelmed in the halls. There would be no easy place to retreat, even trying to use the gate could be impossible for two of them to shelter the third to even cast the spell.

  "If you remain in the western halls, it should be safe enough," Rystlin stated after overhearing them trying to decide their path. "We control this side of the spire. General Amelyer had been trying to avoid conflict by remaining apart. It hasn't worked completely since his orcs keeping pressing to see just how far they can push their luck."

  Torva nodded and said, "We'll try that way then." Glancing to Megan he asked, "Do you know which paths to take to try it?"

  The girl in her servant dress acknowledged him with an agreeable look in turn.

  Rystlin looked a bit concerned and offered, "We could shelter you here for now, Megan. You are... were one of the general's maids after all. If you don't wish to test your luck with these wizards, our force will be protecting his rooms like he is still here to maintain the ruse."

  Judging that her cover remained intact, Megan wondered at the guard's intentions. While he might be protecting her as he said, it felt like Rystlin was worried about her more than she thought that he should be.

  Giving him a reassuring smile, the woman replied, "I will take the risk with the wizards. If things are safe enough tomorro
w, I may return to continue to make it look like the general has need of a maid; but I think it might be safer just to take my leave for now. I don't want to be caught up in another battle between your forces. Getting these wizards to help Amelyer was supposed to help try to keep the peace. Obviously there hasn't been enough time to make a change, but either way I think I will risk getting away from here for now over trapping myself in these rooms."

  The soldier's eyes roamed towards Torva and the men had a brief war of wills, she thought.

  "She'll be safe with us, guard," the wizard hunter stated coolly.

  Megan grabbed his wrist and started to pull him towards the exit. "Well, only one way to find out and better to leave now than after Corven's men have time to make their way here to block our path."

  The men were all surprised by the girl's sudden movement and decision. Only Holdy seemed more ready to leave than worry over whatever contest was going on between Rystlin and Torva. He was young enough, that Megan wondered if he had even caught the tension.

  Hurrying out the doors, they found the guards on alert outside; but it remained quiet for now. Megan led the way down the hall but continued past her usual stairway. If Rystlin was correct, it could be compromised along that route. Her usual path was more direct, but it led through the heart of the spire. This secondary route took them on a longer walk, but should take them through the halls protected by Amelyer's soldiers or at least far enough away from the orc side to act as a buffer.

  She found a different stairway leading Torva and Holdy quickly.

  The apprentice questioned, "Why are we risking walking into something? With Torva's help, I can cast another gateway for sure. I can probably even do it without his help.


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