Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1)

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Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1) Page 2

by K. L. Jessop

  Nothing hurts more than being kicked down by the person you thought would never hurt you and I got it from both barrels. I hope the guilt rots them for the rest of their days knowing in the back of their minds the disloyalty they caused and how it affected those around them. My mind may not always remember exactly what happened, what went wrong or how it even got to that stage, they are questions I ask myself often enough, but I sure as hell know the heart will always remember the feeling of being sliced apart, and it’s that feeling I need to escape from.

  I never told anyone I was coming or that I’d even arrived other than my Mother; there are not many people to inform. My Dad’s an asshole who only cares for money and status, my sister is a spoilt daddy’s girl and neither of them ever approved of me coming back here. In their eyes I was losing focus of what was important and letting my fortune fall. The way I see it is completely different, I own my company, have various properties around that keep the bank balance healthy and have a great team around me who I can rely on.

  Maybe if my dad got his head out his ass he would see just how far I’d come and the investments I’ve made. His experience in business over the years has paid off when it comes to my work ethic but that doesn’t mean I have to follow suit and be stuck in the office from first light till dark. I’m a people person and like to explore the world around me, see life outside the four walls of a high classed building. I craved clean air and communication and if I can’t come here to enjoy my summer it’s a bad fucking job.


  Rubies. The familiar building that provides dance floors, bars and an outside seating area. Everyone hits this place after work and at weekends once the doors open. I loved it. The club was a regular stop once I landed in Spring Rose and one I grew up with. In my recent visits so much had changed over the years and the deterioration was noticeable. The spark was lost and its reputation took a nosedive. Once it was on the market I snapped it up and proceeded to bring it back to the life it once had. Ripping out the interior and putting my own stamp on it with the help of the best designers out there.

  The buzz of club music and sweat hits me as I head in through the door, adjusting my eyes to the dim-lit lighting I head to the bar. The idea of wanting a quiet drink on the way down here has now shifted to soaking up the atmosphere as numerous party goers gather around me. Women dressed in short skirts that left little to the imagination danced around in spirals, as their partners or local pussy cravers leant against the oak wood bar drinking them in. Sometime ago I would have been one of those men and thought nothing of taking them home, sex was nothing more than a physical act that needed feeding so I went all out and fed the damn thing. Now though, after pulling that rope one to many times it frustrated the shit out of me as each woman is just like the last.

  I ordered a beer and sit in a far end booth, taking it all in as I wait for Jack-the manager on duty. The new guy behind the bar caught my attention immediately. I knew from the staff’s information sheets who he was but never saw him in action, and if he didn’t know who I were then he’d soon find out. He drank more drinks than he served and eye fucked every female in the bar, before diving his tongue into a woman’s mouth while his hands disappeared up her skirt as she sat on the bar stool. The group around them cheered and after he released her they both down a shot. This fucker was on my watch, who I pay and he’s acting like the local man whore.

  “Hey, big boy.”

  I cursed inwardly at the sight before me, a wannabe model dressed like a hooker sits down at my table and I wondered how she’s not been arrested yet through indecent exposure.

  “What’s your name?” she asks through her cheap red lipstick.

  I smile, trying my best to be polite. “Marcus.”

  “And does Marcus work out? By the size of these biceps I’d say so.” She squeezes my muscle and her eyes light up. I wouldn’t say I’m a hard ass bodybuilder but I like to keep in shape. There was no better feeling than hitting the gym after a long day in an office.

  “I do work out yes.”

  “Hmm I thought so.” Suddenly she went all giggly and immature which only heightened my suspicion, behind all the thick makeup there was a look of youth about her.

  “How old are you?” I ask, taking a swig of my beer as frustration lined my veins.


  What the fuck!

  I’m a thirty year old guy sat drinking with a fucking toddler. I’m up and out my seat in a flash.

  “Hey, if you’re going to the bar, I’ll have a double vodka.”

  I spun round and leant into her so only she could hear me. “I’ll buy you a double vodka on your eighteenth birthday. Now get the fuck out my club before I call your parents.” I headed out the back to the office in search for Jack, I did not leave this place in the hands of others to encourage teenagers to start underage drinking and take regular trips to the sexual health clinic.

  Waiting for Jack I checked over emails from back home and the latest developments of my new projects. Spring Rose Bay was my home town and I loved everything about it. When I first returned back after leaving as an early teen it was like I’d never left, everything was untouched and stood tall as I last saw it. The only difference was kids my age had either left for a new life or become untraceable. It took a lot of adjusting to learn that my best friend Victoria Foster was no longer around. The strong minded girl with puppy fat and buck teeth I spent most my childhood with. Her obsession with fashion was crazy and saw herself as a designer for the rich and famous. All contact with Victoria broke a few years after leaving, she’d obviously hit it off in the big wide world as I couldn’t track her down for love nor money.

  Putting my own stamp on this place now is something I never thought was possible due to disagreements with the local council. Those assholes certainly like to hold a grudge even if you were a mere part of the events that took place. Still set with their heads in the 1950’s, the thought of the local rich boy whose father destroyed a good family name-whilst balls deep with a married woman-was a disaster waiting to happen. When I first announced my plans for this coastal town and how I wanted to modernize it with the times it was like saying I was sentencing them all with a death penalty. Thankfully with the help of my mother, she used her charm and explanations of my reasons. Christ knows what she said but I had them eating out my hands by the end of the meeting. Now I have properties developing right where I want them and businesses that bloom more each year.

  “Marcus, my man. Shit me it’s madness out there. Good to see you.” Jack said, entering the office with summer heat peppering his brow and his body humming of club nightlife.

  “Likewise.” I stand for our normal man hug and slap on the shoulder before he sits opposite me on the sofa.

  “So, how’s city life?”

  “Busy, dirty and stressful all balled together in a deep pile of pollutant shit. How’s the coast?”

  “Clean, hot and buzzing with chicks in bikinis,” he chuckles. “Bet you’re glad to be home huh?”

  “Like you wouldn’t believe.”

  Jack and I go back a long way, hitting the town and on the lookout for pussy whilst crawling our way through bars was mostly how we spent our summer. We met one season after his parents embarked on a new life at the coast, packing everything they owned in a camper van and hitting the road to wherever it led to. Working every hour they could wherever they could to stay in a coastal zone that warmed their hearts.

  “So tell me more about the fucktart behind the bar that’s mouth fucking punters and drinking my booze like his life depends on it?”

  He sighs shaking his head. “His name is Nathan, as you know he started just over four months ago. Then suddenly the bar was swamped every night, it’s been buzzing for months, so he must be doing something right.”

  I shot him a look. “Like serving underage girls?”

  “What?” The thought of some punked up ass treating my club like the playground grated on my nerves, and the fact the guy sat ac
ross from me didn’t realise pissed me off even more. “Marcus, everyone is checked on entry.”

  “Well then clearly the door staff’s authorising has slipped. As for Nathan I’ve been here five minutes and I’m already looking for his replacement.”

  Jack stands with his hands out as if in surrender. “Look, I get your pissed but trust me when I say he’s good at his job. Let me have a word before you kick his ass.”

  The noise from the club threads its way through the office door, stating the fact nightlife has picked up and near on ready to peak. I stand, grabbing my jacket to head back out. “Fine, but get it sorted and fast. I do not want my club turned into a fucking crèche of underage drunks.”

  “I’m on it. You sticking around for a beer?” He asks, following me out.

  “Yeah, right after I’ve made some calls.” I head out in need of air and shit me it felt good once it hits my skin. The nightlife of the town oozed electricity and vibe, the sound of laughter, music and high heels hit the streets. And the air that was filled with sea salt and hot doughnuts engulfed me. Instantly draining the frustration from my veins as a smile ticks my lips. I’ve missed this place and fuck it feels good to be home.

  Chapter Three


  “You can’t wear a Maxi dress to a club; you’ll come out looking like you’ve borrowed Cinderella’s rag dress.” Megan stated, painting her nails on my bed. I hated getting ready to hit the town and meeting up with others. My mind is a permanent paradox. I like to go out but it’s getting out the door that’s the problem. The anxieties want to come out to play and won’t fuck off till you’re half way through a mini bar.

  “What about the black dress you bought the other day? That looked gorgeous on you.”

  “Hmm, I’m not sure, it maybe a little to… um-”


  “Exactly.” I like to feel comfortable in clothes and not look like half my outfit is missing. That causes the wrong kind of eyes to peer your way and get the dick monitor twitching.

  Megan rolls her eyes with a huff. “Well while you keep searching for floral skirts and twin sets, I’ll get the Tequila.”

  I go back to the task in hand and dive into the wardrobe only this time searching for a pair of heels to go with an outfit. On her return and looking incredible as ever in her pastel green dress, Megan places two shot glasses on the dresser along with a bottle of Tequila and fills them before handing me one. Throwing it back I let the sharpness burn my throat and chest as I head back to the pile of clothes draping over the chair.

  “Maybe I’ll go for jea-”

  “Maybe you’ll go for the black dress,” she interjects putting on the stereo. “The black dress and only the black dress. Trust me.”

  I rolled my eyes and dig it out knowing she won’t back down till I’m wearing the goddamn thing. “I’ll feel like the local slut if I wear it.”

  “Ha! Please, a slut that’s dried up more like. I really think you should get yourself checked out. It’s unnatural to lose your libido this long.”

  “Fuck you.” I giggle as I jump into my dress, getting her to zip me in before she heads back to the stereo. Seconds later Katy Perry’s-Last Friday Night pours through the speakers. Megan dedicated this song to us a while ago; she thinks it suit us down to the ground. Although listening to the words, it’s more her song than mine. She’s the one that post’s drunken pictures online and wakes with a stranger in her bed while examining the hickeys on the neck. I’m more the head pounding and black out blur. Either way with the volume up high and singing deep from our lungs it always gets us in the mood and allows my nerves to settle.

  The thud of the music hit my chest as we entered Rubies. People consumed in conversations and cocktails took up the large space as the clatter of glasses and beer bottles echoed through your ears.

  “Happy Birthday, Felicity.” I smile, giving the chocolate haired beauty a hug.

  “Thanks babe. Love the dress. Where’s Megan?”

  “The bar. Wow there’s a lot of people here tonight.” I scan my eyes around the dim-lit room and the large number of bodies that have took over the dance floor.

  Megan heads towards us, a wicked grin on her face as she says, “Holy shit, have you seen how many hotties are here?”

  “I know right. And on that note I’ll catch you ladies later on the dance floor, I’m off to find my birthday treat in the form of muscle.”

  Megan hands me two Tequilas before we head towards the back of the club, following her like my second shadow. I’m twenty-six for fuck sake and I feel incredibly anxious without her near until my blood in swimming with alcohol. Self-confidence can be a bitch when you lack it, people don’t realise the damage they can cause with their hurtful actions and vile words, and it makes you look at life, human nature and yourself differently. It suppresses you from having normality and brings you down to your knees at the slightest thought. Without her I feel as though the world closes in on me and I’m wide open to every dark and dangerous situation out there while everyone looks on laughing at my stupidity.

  Having Megan gives me a cocoon of shelter and eases me back into the flow of society; washing all my fears away and knowing I just have to give her a look and she’ll be right there to say fuck them all. However there are times she throws me in deep and I’m thankful for that. By leaving me it makes me do things outside my comfort zones - leaves me if she has to but is always there when I need her, and will drop anything to come to me. She will even sleep in my bed if I ask her to. She truly is my lifeline and the best friend anyone could wish for.

  “Hey, Wild Weston,” Jack smiles, rounding the bar with empty glasses. “How’s it going?”

  “Hi, handsome, very well thank you.”

  “Glad to hear it.” He says with a grin as he prepares a few drinks and places them on the bar. Jack is the Manager of Rubies and a fine figure of a man, the tips of his dark slicked back hair finish at the rim of his ears and the muscle he carries on his body was coated in a tribal design that cascaded down his right arm. He is one of the nicest people I’ve met and always greeted me with my nickname of Wild Weston. It makes a nice change from Ginger Spice that Lucas calls me.

  “So, where’s your sidekick?”

  “Right here lover boy and we’ll have two margaritas when you’re ready.”

  “And where have you been, Miss Simmons?” I ask Megan as I bite the tip of my straw.

  “Babe there’s a whole lot of fuckable in here tonight; I just had to weigh up my options on whom I’m going home with.”

  I giggle as Jack shakes his head grinning whilst handing us over our drinks. “Jesus, Megan, you never fail to amaze me with your sexual antics.”

  Leaning in towards the bar she gains his attention. “You know, Jack, my door is always open if you want to learn more of my antics. I have great assets too.” She winks, taking her drink.

  “I’ll bare that in mind.”

  Her pure angel like face and big ice blue eyes was enough to make any man weak at the knees. And I envied her at times. I wished she’d find her dream prince but her wild imagination and love for a good time showed no sign in settling any time soon. Men to Megan were only for the use of sex and lots of it, she showed no desire to have a permanent fixture at her side and with the witnessing of my own history and how life can be destroyed, I think it opened her eyes more to a life that is much better off as uncomplicated sex and parties, rather than a happy-ever-after. Maybe Megan’s way of life was in fact the right one. I certainly didn’t find my prince when I ran into the arms of a wrong man and from my experiences with him I most definitely didn’t have a happy ending. Instead I was just surrounded in a huge pile of bullshit and pain. Maybe Megan’s outlook on life was the only true one that existed.

  My body was floating with the relaxation as the alcohol had finally taken over my thoughts. The music drums my chest; heat prickles my body as the coloured lights dance circles on the walls. Bodies twist and twirl along the dance floor as
women provide entrainment to onlookers with their seductive moves.

  “You want to dance with me?” I ask Megan, brushing my fingers over her shoulder with a wink. “Work our magic together on the floor?”

  “Are you going to keep your hands to yourself, or do I have to restrain you from my sexiness?” She questions with a glint of devilment in her eye.

  “I can’t promise anything. How about a little grinding?”

  “Deal,” she jumps off her stool and takes my hand. “But I’m not fucking you at the end of the night.”

  Laughter bounced between us as we worked our bodies to the music. My nervous energy was now replaced with a rush of adrenaline as we twisted and grinded against each other, consuming the watchful eye of onlookers while they encouraged us with cheers as we teased them with our moves. Swaying our hips and running our hands through our hair, interlocking our bodies to the beat that hummed its way inside us. This is what I miss, this is who I use to be and only get it back when I’m with her and my veins running with Tequila. Megan brings out the girl I once was, the girl I yearn for and the girl I once loved.

  The dance floor slowly picked up with semi intoxicated bodies thickening with heat. In need of a drink I escape between Felicity and Claudia. “I’m going back to the bar.” I shout to Megan just as a guy takes hold of her hand from behind and spins her around to face him. I watch them as I sip my drink. Teasing him with her moves she sweeps her body down his, swirling her ass with bent knees before pushing back up to grind against him. Her arm braces his neck as she rests her back to his front, closing her eyes and loses herself in him. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes my throat at her naughty behaviour. As soon as their mouths connect and his fist is in her hair, I knew I’d lost my girl date for the evening.

  “That girl’s a live wire,” Jack chuckles, collecting a glass from the bar.

  “Looks like I’m sleeping on my own tonight.”

  After what felt like an eternity Megan sways over with her new fuck buddy and says her goodbyes, making sure I was alright getting home. Once I finished my drink I was heading home anyway. All I wanted was my bed and the pleasure of removing my new heels that burned my feet.


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