Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1)

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Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1) Page 3

by K. L. Jessop

  “We’ll don’t you have a sweet ass.” I froze as hot breath pounded against my ear and the stale smell of alcohol prickled my senses. Grabbing my arm I’m spun around and faced with a stocky guy towering above me with lingering eyes, grinning like he just won his primed piece.

  Fucking great!

  “Can I get you a drink?” His eyes were everywhere but my face and his hand still firmly on my ass.

  “No, thank you.”

  “Come on just one drink.”

  “I said no.”

  “Why not?” He steps closer. His sex filled eyes have now turned dark and the look on his face suggests he doesn’t like the word no as his hand now runs over my body.

  Just breathe Amelia, stay strong.

  “Because I’ve had enough.” I move to pass when his hand grips my arm pulling me back, his heavy body pushing me up against the bar. My chest becomes tight as the panic starts to build. Looking down the bar for Jack to come to my aid.

  “Please let me go.” I plead. My throat thickens from the proximity as his fingers dig into my skin with his squeeze.

  “I. Want. A. Drink.” He growls.

  “She said no!”

  Everything happened so fast. A tall figure swoops in front of me forcing the asshole back. His features are hidden but the structure of his body is double the size of the other causing his shirt to snug perfectly to the muscle that lies underneath. Conflict from the two men electrifies between them as the heat from the back of the unknown stranger hits me full force. All I can do is peer around the bicep that’s barricading me in place and protecting me.

  “Who the fuck are you asshole?”

  “I’m the asshole that’s been watching you harass this woman and through lack of hearing ignored her dismissal of a drink. So unless you want me to rearrange your face then by all means stay here. Otherwise, step the fuck away!” He demanded, fists clenched, his upper body solid as he spoke through his teeth. My heart was pounding in my chest, only now I couldn’t work out which man it was for. With a snide remark thrown my way the drunken asshole backs off, leaving Mr Intimidation in front of me as we watch until he staggers out of site, and then I’m suddenly feeling a new level of anxiety.

  “Are you alright?” his voice was deep and husky.

  I look up and in a split second all sense of breathing and mobility are shattered as I fall into a tunnel of magnificent attraction.

  Holy fuck he’s gorgeous!

  Chapter Four


  Everything stilled around me.

  It was as if a switch had been flicked and all that’s happening is the pounding of my heart and the flutter of his lashes that coat his big brown eyes. His short fair hair threw off a soft spike, his unshaven jaw provided him with a look of perfection, and his body was over all stunning. His locked gaze on me is unnerving yet I can’t draw my eyes from him. It’s foreign to me and as much as it scares me shitless I like it.

  Goosebumps pepper my skin when his fingertips brush down my arms, making me snap back to reality as his smile grew wider. “Are you alright?” he asked softly.

  “I-I… um… I.” Jesus Christ my vocabulary is mush as the nervous energy comes back to hit me. I need a drink!

  “You’re shaking,” he looks around the bar before grabbing my hand. “Come with me.”

  If I were in my frame of mind I shouldn’t be agreeing to this, but I’m not thinking clearly. It’s mind blowing and frightening in equal measures and if Megan were here she’d be screaming at me to jump on him and enjoy the ride, if she hadn’t already done so herself. It’s dangerous to be with him but I find myself not wanting to leave as my hand locks with his.

  “Stay here, I’ll be right back.” We’re at the other end of the bar and I follow his orders as I watch him manoeuvre around others. His self-assurance is intriguing as he cruises his way through the crowds, providing the odd handshake to on goers and smiles to the ladies that swoon around him. He’s clearly a well-known man and my questions are answered when he steps behind the bar and talks to Jack, causing them both to look in my direction. I need to go. I can’t be here. I don’t even know why I’m following his orders. Mr Sexy-Intimidation grabs what looks like a bottle of whisky and heads back, gracing me with his smile and retaking my hand as he guides us through a side door of the bar. The heavy fire door shuts making the echo bounce the walls of the abandoned staircase as the music becomes muffled on the other side. I’m halted to the ground as I watch him stride the stairs, wanting to follow when really I should be running.

  As if he knew of my hesitation he turns and looks down at me with furrowed eyes. “Everything alright?”

  “Um… I’m not sure.”

  He slowly steps back down with a look on his face that I can’t work out. The crispness of his white shirt hugs his firm body while dark washed jeans rest perfectly on his hips. He oozed magnetism, profession and intimidation but as he stepped closer it was his eyes that struck me. In the brighter light the honey hazel colour had flecks of gold. They were warm, inviting. Trusting. Something I’ve not seen in a man in a long time. A man of his sculpted structure was all the more confusing. His entire body unnerved me but work your way up to his eyes and everything changed. It was as though they didn’t belong to the framework they rested in. They sucked me in and captured me, like he saw deep within me. Like he could read my every thought.

  “Talk to me,” he coos.

  “I’m not one for doing things like this.” I admit, feeling dazed as to why I feel able to be so open with this stranger. However true it may be.

  “Like what, having a drink with a guy?”

  “Having a drink with a stranger whose expectations are clearly different to mine.” I focus on my black heels, and like the comfort that soothes the anxiety my fingers fumble with my ring as I begin twisting it around my finger. He steps closer, lifting my chin to make me look at him and causing a shiver to cascade down my spine.

  “Would it help if I told you my name is Marcus, and I have no expectations other than a few drinks with a beautiful woman so she can calm her nerves?”

  Don’t run Amelia, just try. You’ll be stupid to run. But probably more foolish to stay.

  We enter through the glass doors and I’m taken by surprise for two different reasons. The layout is beautiful, but it’s empty-only us swallowed up in the wide open space.

  “Where is everyone?” I question as my eyes glide over the exterior. The tanned colour decking is terraced out, full length mirrored panels and plants coat the outside edges as fairy lights lace along the beams above us. Marcus heads towards the seating area placing the glasses and whisky on the table and begins to pour.

  “This is only rented out for private functions.”

  “Sooo why are we here?” The strong scent of whiskey hits my senses as he hands me a glass with a knowing look on his face. My eyes-widen as his words become clear. “Wait a minute. Are you saying you rented this so we could have a drink, when we could have easily stayed downstairs?” My voice was a little high than intended which induced a chuckle from Marcus.

  “If you put it like that, then yeah,” casually bringing the glass to his lips as he watches me. I’m speechless at his generosity and at the fact he can just click his fingers and hire a large terrace of a busy building at such short notice, before splashing out on one of the most expensive whiskeys that even my dad can’t afford. Then annoyance washed through me at the thought of being at someone’s expense, just to calm my fucking nerves that consume me. He doesn’t owe me anything and I certainly don’t want his charity.

  “I need to go.” I place my drink on the table and head for the door. My breath caught when his hand made contact with my waist to stop me, providing delicacy and warmth as it rests softly on the thin fabric of my dress.

  “Wait, Amelia. Stay please, it’s just a drink.” Confusion and anticipation blind me, my head is saying leave while my gut is screaming at me to not be a fucking idiot and just try. I’ve not been in s
ituations like this in years. I’ve not wanted to be, but the longer he has hold of my waist the more I’m enjoying his touch.

  “How do you know my name?” I whisper, flicking my eyes back to his.

  “Jack told me. Please stay.”

  Taking my drink I sit down, letting the expensive amber liquid funnel through and soothe my nerves. A short silence falls between us and my body comes alive at the intensity of his gaze. In normal circumstances I would be near on panic with his intense stare, but I find myself comfortable-if not liking his presence on me which is difficult to comprehend.

  I wish I wasn’t the girl with two personalities. Confident business woman who takes no shit from others and loves her job, then next I’m a messed up anxious fruit loop that’s afraid of her own fucking shadow. There’d be a time where I thrived on confidence and attitude. Now I’m just a lonely woman who relies on her younger best friend and therapy sessions to help get her shit together.

  “I must say, it’s rare to find a woman who enjoys her whisky. You’re regular?”

  “Only when emotionally off balance, I never use to like it but the older I get the more I’ve become acquired to the taste. Usually Tequila is my weakness.”

  He nods and shifts in his seat, turning himself towards me as he rests his arm on the back of the cushion. “So, Amelia, do you work and live in Spring Rose or are you here for the season?”

  “I’m a permanent fixture. I’m the Assistant Manager at The Grand Hotel. You know it?”

  His hazel eyes throw off a look of surprise as they hold mine before the corners of his mouth curved into yet another heavenly smile. “I’m familiar with it, yes.”

  “I’ve only been living here a short time, this will be my second summer here and I love it. It’s a beautiful place.”

  “Seems it has beautiful people too.”

  I’m unsure whether it’s the alcohol that’s hit my cheeks or the words he’s just spoke as I’m presenting a nice colour of rouge. It’s only been a short encounter but he’s already having a strange effect on me, my nerves have settled and I’m not having irrational thoughts about what could happen. Right now whatever this is, I’ll happily bottle it up and take it.

  “So, what brings you to the bay, Marcus, business or pleasure?”

  “Both. I’ve got a few days of business to attend to then go from there I guess.”

  My eyes roam as he talks. He truly is handsome, through his smart evening wear there’s an air of beach life in his appearance, the tanned leather braid band on his wrist shouts surf life, however I can picture him ordering people around as he strides down hallways in tailored suits dripping in confidence.

  “What type of businessman are you?”

  “Property developer, I’m Director of my own property and development company and currently in the process of new developments here at the coast before heading back to London.”

  “Oh, so you are an office man. Damn, you’ve just ruined my image of you in board shorts and a surfboard under your arm.” I giggle as a wicked grin plants his face.

  “I’m sure it can be arranged.”

  The waves of the ocean crashed against the cliffs drowning out the nightly noise around us. After four rounds of drinks and comfortable chatting Marcus kindly walks me home. His company to escort me brought a mixture of feelings. After a battle of telling him I was fine on my own he grabbed my hand and was made to walk with him. The warmth of his hand moulds perfectly to mine which caused butterflies to take flight. He’s not let go all the way home and its surreal how at ease I feel around him.

  “Well this is me,” I gesture walking through the gate. Anxiety kicks back in, I don’t want this to be any more than what it is no matter how he’s making me feel. It can’t be anymore.

  “Amelia, I really enjoyed tonight, can I see you again?”

  “Yes, I’d like that.” The words were out my mouth before I had chance to realise and I hated myself for letting my guard slip.

  “Great, then I’ll arrange something for in the week.”

  “Sounds great. Good night, Marcus, thank you for walking me home.” The generosity his provided tonight is alien to me, yet for the first time in so long my demons have been forgotten and pushed aside for a few hours, leaving me completely winded by the unknown feeling that lies within me. He can save me from a drunk any day of the week if it makes me feel like this.

  My body loses touch with my mind as I reach and place a soft kiss on his cheek, his fingers dust over my hips as we make contact, instantly liking the closeness of our bodies. His light touches become stronger once I go to pull away, leaving me to stop dangerously close to his lips. His musk and cinnamon fragrance engulfs my senses as hazel eyes make me drunk with a need I’ve not felt in so long. I want him to kiss me. I might even need him to kiss me. Tingles cascade my spine when he tucks my hair behind my ear and cups my jaw.

  “Amelia,” he whispers. “Can I kiss you?”


  I don’t even have to think twice. My heart races a mile a minute and with a quick glance at my lips he’s captures them with his. They’re like silk. Soft, gentle, and once our tongues made contact a spark shot through my body like I’ve never experienced. I’m pressed against the door as we entwine, both his hands now cup my neck brushing the pads of his thumbs lightly over my jaw, like he knew of my reaction if they’d trail any further south. My fingertips trail the covered muscle of his chest as I fall further into his seduction. Good god this man can kiss. The desire in my lower belly is electric, my knees weak. But I’m not this person, I’m not supposed to feel. My mind is a blur; my whole body’s woken by his touch, while the world around me seems to spin. I’ve not felt this good in years. I’ve not felt anything in years and I don’t think I want it to end.

  “Fuck, Amelia, I’ve been wanting to do that all night,” he murmurs.

  “Thank you for tonight, Marcus.”

  He smiles, running the back of his hand softly over my cheek. “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Believe me, you did more than you realise.”

  Chapter Five


  She kisses like a goddess.

  The sound of my bedside clock fills the room as I lay staring into a darkness. All I can see is Amelia. She fills the space around me. Consumes my every thought. Never in my life has a woman stolen my breath like she had. It’s scary and electrifying and I’m unsure on which I prefer. I never come here looking but I can’t help but think she’s going to be hard to shake off.

  Upon my return back into the club I grabbed a beer and headed to the far end, letting the atmosphere wash through my veins. Groups gathered for night vibes as others enjoyed the company of beer and laughter. The dance floor was swamped of couples, and women in excessively short clothing swirled around each other. But there was one woman who stood out from any other, and as soon as my eyes fell on her I was captured from that very second.

  The way her body moved to the beat was intoxicating, the way her hands laced through her hair was sexual and the more I watched the performance of grinding her body against her friend, the more I craved to be near. Long legs, tight curves and a slim waist, all wrapped up in a black lace dress as her red hair waved off her shoulders in loose curls. She was the sexiest thing I’d seen. The heat and strong scent of vanilla and honeysuckle ricocheted off me as she made her way to the bar, oblivious to the lingering eyes of male sex that caught her attention and followed her every move.

  The anger that roared through me as that asshole demanded her attention was something I’ve never experienced. Her distress was visible-forever looking over her shoulder and like a magnetic force I felt myself moving towards her. I wanted to rip off his fucking head as he grabbed and pinned her to the bar. His greedy hands played her ass, causing me to act like an over possessive boyfriend as I pushed him from her.

  Amelia’s body trembled but it was her eyes that told a story. Crisp cornflower blues that sucked you in and hypnotise you making it difficu
lt to look away. They hold untold emotions that are screaming to be released. I wanted to wrap my arms around her and secure her to my body to keep her safe. I knew at that point I couldn’t let her leave and I took that as an opportunity to hold on. I told Jack I was taking her to the balcony to calm her nerves. According to him when Amelia’s upset she likes a whiskey as it settles her. It was only then at the mention of her name and her job roll that all the puzzle pieces connected.

  Amelia Weston-Assistant Manager of The Grand Hotel. My Hotel. And the latest employee I’m waiting to meet.

  Andrew mentioned of a fine redhead that’s took over the role impeccably and improved the dynamics of the Hotel, I never imagined our first encounter to be storming towards her like some nut fuck and coming to her rescue. I don’t know why I didn’t tell her who I was, maybe I just wanted to forget about who she was professionally and get to know the person she truly is. And as the drinks flowed, the more her personality began to shine through.

  I never planned on kissing her. A few drinks was all it was meant to be. Maybe all it should have been. But those beautiful blues once again locked me in and all means of self-control were lost. I need to feel those lips again. I want to run my hands over her body, along her jaw and kiss the hairline scar that threads her chin.

  I can smell her sweet vanilla scent on my clothes, still feel her mouth on mine and I’ll give anything to have her in my bed laid next to me right now.

  “Fuck me; I’m in so much trouble.”


  “Hey, Mum.” I just got back from the gym when my phone flashes with an incoming call. I wondered how long it would be before I heard from her.

  “Marcus, darling how are you?” her elegant voice had a smile behind her words. I can picture her now sat behind the large oak desk sipping on her morning coffee while she scrolls the internet news and passes comment on which celebrity had another round of cosmetic surgery.


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