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Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1)

Page 12

by K. L. Jessop

  I laugh as Amelia joins Megan on the dance floor, bring her down from the table to grind against each other like two tequila dolls as the music blasted out the speakers. Throwing back their heads in hysteria as they twirl around in a dizzy spell.

  The best thing about owning a club but not running it was that you could slip behind the bar and help yourself without anyone questioning your invasion. Only on nights out with others I stayed their side of the counter and waited for Jack to serve as singling myself from them was never an option. I was one of them regardless of my wealth.

  “She’s a lucky bitch you know. Having someone to snuggle up to on a night and worships the ground she walks on. I wish I had that.” Megan says approaching the bar. Her eyes seem a little hurt and empty. This was a side to Megan I’d not seen before. She was always the life of the party but as she props herself on the stool a small vulnerable girl is staring back at me though Tequila filled eyes. I wrap my arm around her, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

  “You’ll find someone when you least expect it and he’ll treat you like a princess and love you unconditionally.”

  “Jeez, since when did you become soft in the head?”

  “A few weeks ago.” I grin.

  “Well if it’s true he needs to hurry the fuck up as I’m getting tired of waiting.”

  “Megan, are you ok?” Amelia questions joining us.

  “Yeah, I’m just trying to hit on your man here but he’s having none of it. Seems someone beat me to it. Rude of her don’t you think?”

  “Very,” she grins. “Come on my feet don’t hurt yet which means I’m not finished dancing.”

  The club was packet with bodies and women in little clothing. The buzz swelled in my chest at just how popular this place had become in the last few years. This was what I wanted, and loved that I’d finally achieved it.

  Returning to replenish their thirst the girls sat as me and Andrew continued our debate over the Lenton wedding, a conversation I didn’t want to discuss to begin with but he never dropped.

  “I’m visiting Gran that weekend so I won’t see this fabulous dress of hers.” Megan says taking her drink.

  “Oh I’m sure it will be better than royalty, with the amount she’s paying out.”

  “Marcus, was just saying he’s looking forward to the shit ass pay-check he’s going to get, so he can buy a new mansion.” Andrew said to the girls. I shot him a look knowing full well that is not what I’m wanting from her at all. She can use some other hotel facility for all I care. I can’t stand the woman.

  “I’m hoping someone attends the wedding and will finally remove that stick from your ass.” I joke as the girls giggle.

  “Fuck you. I can’t wait to get some peace once you fuck off back to London in a few weeks.” He blurts, instantly killing my mood. My eyes flicked on Amelia as the table fell silent, her eyes were hidden as she plays with the hem of her dress. She heard him loud and clear, the anger beginning to rise in my chest.

  “I-I’m just popping to the ladies,” she mutters getting up in a hurry, followed by Megan.

  “Nice one ass-wipe!” I shot at him.

  “What did I say? You always go back after the summer.”

  “I know.”

  “So what’s the problem?” he jabs.

  “The problem is a redhead I don’t want to leave!” I scrape my chair back and head to the bar. Rubbing my face in frustration I order another drink trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with my insides, and work out what the hell I’m going to do. Truth is I don’t know what will happen. Any other year I’d be here for the summer then head back to the city for the winter. But this isn’t like any other summer for me. And she’s not like any other woman. I just need to time work things out.

  She was quiet the rest of the night and I’ve been dying to talk to her. But as I strip my clothes and join her in the shower all sense of talking is washed down the drain as I’m engulfed by her sexiness. I wrap my arms around her waist, kissing her neck as she falls into me, my dick hard against her ass as I rub my thumb over her perked nipples. “You’re so fucking sexy, Amelia.” I murmur. “I’ll never get enough of you.”

  “Marcus, I need to ask you something about earlier.”

  “Shh, not now baby.”

  She moans as my hand moves lower, her body slowly melting by the second. “Marcus, please?”


  I spin her round, taking the pin from her hair so the water pastes her red locks down her back, slipping my tongue into her mouth to connect with her softness as I explore her taste. Her hands wrap around my hard length. I groan into her mouth as she squeezes, running her hands along my shaft, stroking and pumping, bringing me to the point of near on explosion. I don’t want to cum this way, I want to be inside her. Moving her hands to my neck, I lift her, turning her back to the shower wall and I sliding deep inside. “Thank you for supporting me at the new builds today, we make a good team me and you.”

  “Best make the most of it then before you go.” She breathes.

  A twist of something I don’t recognise hit my gut. I’m unable to read her eyes. They look lost, sad, maybe even angry, or that could just be me seeing my own reflection in her cornflower blues.

  “Let’s not think about right now, baby.”

  I take her mouth in a long controlled kiss, giving her everything I had. I’m yet to fuck her but just being inside her and feeling her around me is enough to nearly come. The words I said to Megan earlier come flooding back. Maybe Amelia is my unexpected. Maybe I was meant to have last summer off for a bigger reason than what I thought it was for, and maybe she is the one I needed to be found by.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The hotel this week was swarmed with people and today was no different. Holiday makers, staff and large business meetings in the conference rooms took over the grounds along with the humidity of the summer heat that drained your body with every hour. Amelia herself was bogged down with preparations for this weekend’s big birthday party in the function room and I’ve hardly had chance to see her all day. We’ve not spoke of my return to the city since the other night at Rubies and I can’t work out if it’s bothering me that we haven’t discussed it, or if it’s bothering me more that she not asked any more of it.

  “Fuck that was insane, same time tomorrow?” I exhale with a chuckle. Amelia lifts herself to stand as I zip up my fly. As soon as she entered my office I didn’t hesitate in taking full advantage of her body, pushing up her dress and getting her to ride me.

  “You know a few months ago I wasn’t even thinking of sex let alone having it in your office… with you. You’re a bad influence, Mr Matthews.”

  “Well, if you think this kind of behaviour needs addressing, Miss Weston, there’s always the staff complaints form to fill out.” I tease.

  “Oh I’m not complaining. I like this naughty school girl thing of waiting to be caught by the head teacher.” she giggles correcting her dress and coming to sit on my lap. Sex with her was the best I’d had with any woman; her confidence soared each and every time.

  “Isn’t that part of the fun?” I kiss her hair.

  “Well yeah, but can you imagine if someone ha-”

  “Hey, man do you fancy a-” Andrew enters my office and halts. “Oh sorry.”

  “Andrew. Door. Knock. Wait.” Amelia says sarcastically with a chuckle. I can’t help but grin, if he’d of been any earlier a live porn movie would be playing.

  “I’m sorry sweet pea; I just wanted to ask Marcus, if he wanted to go for a late surf?”

  Amelia sits up on my lap. “Wait a minute, two nights out in a week? Shit, Marcus, I’ve come over all faint.” My laugh vibrates through me as she holds the back of her hand to her forehead lying against me mocking him.

  “Can I please have the old Weston back, she was a lot quieter and less sarcastic. Do you want a surf or not?”

  I didn’t have chance to answer before Amelia jumped in an ar
ranged my night with a guy that choose to speak when he wanted and doesn’t even know the meaning of a good time if it smacked him in the face. “Yes, Marcus would love to hit the waves with you, Andrew.”

  I raise my brow as an amused look hits Andrews face. “Doesn’t look like you have a choice man. Meet you in a bit,” he heads to the door. “And open some windows, it smells like sweaty sex in here.”

  Amelia cheeks flush with a grin, when she glances back at me her grin disappears as my look to her is straight. “Don’t look at me like that; Marcus the guy needs to get out more. Besides I want nothing more than a long soak and an early night. Go find him a woman.”

  “Yeah right, finding him a woman won’t be a problem, getting her to stay with his moody ass is the issue. I’d rather have more playtime with this beautiful body of yours and all the naughty things I want to do to it.” I kiss the sensitive spot just behind her ear, but her voice doesn’t falter and she hops off my lap.

  “You can do that after you’ve had some male bonding. Now I’m going to your place to get all wet and naked with a bath of bubbles.” She wiggles her ass and swiftly moves before I can get her. “Have fun with Mr Dark and Mysterious.”


  Rixtons bay was the longest beach in Spring Rose, carpeted in golden soft sand and had a reputation for top quality waves. Rolling in around 15ft most days. Andrew and I paddled out to take our spot on the water as adrenaline rushed through my body. This was one of the things I loved about being home. Wasting time but in the best way possible. The rips and curls of a controlled board felt like you were gliding the air as you rode the wave, skimming along like a king before it got the better of you and took a nosedive.

  After cruising many waves we head up the beach, taking five minutes out as the evening sun glows straight ahead. “So things are good with you and Amelia? I’ve noticed a change in her recently. It’s refreshing to see her so happy.” He states dropping down to the sand.

  “I know, and we’re good. Has she ever mentioned her reasons for moving to the coast?” I knew if anyone other than Megan would know it would be Andrew with working so closely together.

  “I probably know as much as you. When she first came here it was evident she was a broken woman. I often heard her crying in her office but I never asked and she never told. She threw herself into work and eventually settled.” He had this look of concealment in his eyes, I’ve known Andrew long enough to know when he’s hiding something, but there was obviously good reason. I knew he wouldn’t divulge something that wasn’t for him to say.

  He’s many things but underneath his hard ass attitude there was a soft side to him, only you have to look real close to see. I, on the other hand, wore my heart on my fucking sleeve which often resulted in getting me into some form of trouble when it came to woman.

  “She’s blown my mind, Andrew. Like no other has. I hate when I’m not near her and when I am I can’t get enough. I’ve got no idea what to do.”

  A deep chuckle rumbles from him and I can’t help but smirk, it’s not often you hear Andrew laugh. “You’ve been pussy whipped by a mane of red. She a rare one, look after her.”

  “I’ll do my best. Anyway enough of my shit how’s things with you, and I don’t mean work.”

  He sighs, looking towards the water. “I’m ok. Each day gets better but it is what it is, I can’t do shit about it.” We’ve both been thrown some shit over the years where women are concerned, him coming off worse than my crap with Sadie. People think he’s an ass and has no concept of fun. It’s not like that at all; it’s just his way of getting through his own wars of his past and keeping them from others to deal with them better.

  Ending the conversation I knew wouldn’t go any further he stands. “Ready to go again?”

  “Shit me, another round? You feeling alright?”

  “Fuck off ya little prick.” he chuckles, jogging back out to the water.


  Cheese burgers and a beer finished our male bonding, and eventually I drag Andrew’s ass off the beach just after sunset. All I wanted to do was curl up into the arms of an angel that’s filling the air with her vanilla and honeysuckle presences.

  She’s sleeping when I get home, the bed covers drape over her lower body as she lays wearing one of my t-shirts I loved to see her in. Placing a kiss on her head I go and take a shower washing off the ocean and glittering sand before heading to bed.

  “NO!” I was halfway through drying when I heard her bloodcurdling cry. Never in my life have I ever been so horrified of the sight before me. In the depths of sleep Amelia’s head shock against the pillow, body rigid as her chest heaved harshly, yelling out cry’s to stop.

  “Amelia, wake up.”

  My call did nothing to stop her thrashing. She digs her nails at her neck, gasping for breath. Legs kick out, moving her body up the mattress in distress and showing no signs of coming out the nightmare she’s in. She lunges, slapping and punching hard at my chest, screaming through haunted cries. “LET ME GO!”

  “Amelia, stop!”

  Shouting her name over and over I shake her shoulders firmly, fighting against her blows. Her bloodshot eyes pop open standing out against her ghostly sweaty skin. “Sweetheart?” I murmur, my own body riddled with fear as I stroke her hair. Heavy eyes blink a few times, the sweat trickles down her neck and her chest swells with each hoarse breath she takes. “Baby, it’s me.”

  “Marcus?” Her fearsome voice cracks as her eyes scan the surroundings of the bedroom.

  “Shh, I’ve got you.” Cradling her in my arms, I rock her trembling body as she sobs uncontrollably in the crook of my neck.

  “I’m safe.” She cries.

  “Yes baby, you’re safe. It’s just us.” Holding her tight as I stroke her hair. I feel sick to the stomach. I never fucking want me or her to go through this gut wrenching ordeal again. “I’ve got you, baby.”

  Unsure how to console her I run us both a bath while she laid staring into space, the life that sparkled in her eyes just hours earlier had died. Carrying her to the bathroom I remove the shirt from her sweaty body. Never once did she look or speak, just drifted into the world of darkness. I wash her hair in silence as she sat hugging her knees. I hated this, I felt completely lost and vulnerable myself. I had no idea what to say. My own mind was racing. People have nightmares, but that was something from the underworld.

  Placing a kiss on her shoulder I guided her back to rest against me, entwining our hands and wrapping my arms around her. I can’t recall how long we stayed silent before she softly spoke.

  “They come from nowhere. My nightmares that replay what he did as if it were still real. As if it’s happening all over again and I’m not asleep. I hear his words, I smell his scent and I feel every hit, every cut and every scream that left my throat when I begged him to stop.” I close my eye as she takes my hand, holding my fingers to the scar on her chin.

  “This was the first one Daniel gave me. He hit me and I fell against the coffee table. He was so apologetic and took care of me for days after. He was all I had and I stupidly forgave him because I needed him.” She moves my hand to her collarbone. “This was his razor. I didn’t iron his work shirt correctly so I faced the consequences.”

  My chest burned as anger rippled through me. I wanted her to stop. I needed her to stop, but I knew I had to listen.

  We moved to her ribs. “This was boiling water. The blisters lasted weeks. By that point he didn’t need an excuse. I just had to look at him wrong and he’d hit me, threaten me, do anything to see me suffer, he thrived on seeing me in pain.” Silence fell between us as I tried to comprehend everything that was running in my head. Nobody deserves to go through such torture from the hands of a vile unlivable piece of fucking filth. I’d kill him with my own bare hands.

  But there was one set of scars she never spoke of and they were the ones I needed to know. “And the ones on you back?” I asked just above a whisper with a clenched jaw.

  “We were ha
ving dinner and he was fed up of my saddened mood and lack of communication. In his rage he swiped everything from the table, glasses and porcelain smashed everywhere as I sat trembling and waiting to be punished.” Her voice broke into a shaky cry. “He grabbed me by the hair and kicked me to the floor. I screamed through the sheer pain of the broken glass and crockery that scored my body as he fucked me in anger. My back was on fire while my body become a disgusting shade of colours. With each scream he hit harder.

  “I couldn’t find a way out. I never spoke of it to anyone as I was too scared to. Megan found me. Daniel had stormed out after, no doubt to drink the profits of bars. Disappearing off the radar the police eventually closed the case. I spent two weeks in hospital and I cried like a baby when I stood before Lucas in my underwear. I was so afraid, Marcus, nobody knows what it’s like.”

  I swallow back my emotion and cup Amelia’s jaw, tilting her head to look at me. Sadness and pain coating her face. “I wish I could take all that pain that consumes you. Wash away all the darkness of your past and set you free. You’re incredibly brave and unbelievably strong. I will never do anything to hurt you, Amelia. Don’t ever think you have to hide yourself when around me. That you can’t say what you feel, because you can. I need and want you to feel safe with me.”

  “I do feel safe with you, Marcus, and it’s that that scares me. I’ve never had any of what you have provided for me. I never had anything with him like I have with you, and whatever this is between us I don’t want to screw it up.”

  I was already beginning to realise what it was between us. What I want it to be. She’s still incredibly fragile and we both have more mountains to climb, but finally she’s opened up, this means more than anything right now. This girl is by far more stronger than what she gives herself credit for, she just has to believe. I place a soft kiss on her lips as I stroke her cheek. The lukewarm water causes her skin to shiver as she looks up with teary eyes. “For years I lived in hell. With you, every day is heaven. Thank you for making me feel safe.”


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