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Found By You (The Spring Rose Bay Series Book 1)

Page 20

by K. L. Jessop

  “She’s a redhead, Marcus, they don’t seem as intelligent and capable as blondes and brunettes in my book. That’s why you don’t see many of them around, better off out the way if you ask me.”

  Fucking bitch! I jump up from my seat as the burn of my anger towards this vile woman runs through my veins. I’d love nothing more than to slap her right now but I don’t do shit like that. I rest my balled fists on the desk and try and control the aggression behind my words. “Who the hell do you think you are? You come in here throwing your demands, abuse my staff with your inappropriate comments and have the audacity to accuse Amelia of not being capable of doing her job because she’s a fucking ginger?”

  A smug look plasters across her face as she sits forward, “You’re fucking her aren’t you?”

  “Close the door on your way out!” My own glare was now as sharp as hers. Collecting her Prada bag she struts towards the door like a Hollywood Supermodel while the bracelets on her wrists clink as she strides.

  “Oh, Marcus, one last thing. Anyone of your people step out of line, they’ll find a lawsuit slapped in their face before they’ve chance to speak.”

  Five minutes of seeing Nadia has brought back the history of what my father and her mother had done to our families with their infidelity and lies about my mother. If I don’t get my shit together and fast, I don’t think it will be my staff that will be facing a lawsuit- it’s likely to be me.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  As soon as I pulled back the bedroom curtains, I couldn’t help the deep uncontrolled giggle that rumbled through my body. Today was Nadia Lenton’s wedding day and Mother Nature sure as hell knew how to piss her off. The sky was grey as the heavens opened, coating the pavements of the coast with its summer rain as the rumbles of thunder played out in the distance. A storm had been brewing for a few days as the humidity had doubled and the winds had picked up. Seeing Nadia dripping wet and mascara running down her face would make my day. I can almost hear her Bridezilla scream from the happy place of my bedroom.

  “You shouldn’t be laughing. No one wants it to rain on their wedding day.” Marcus chuckles, walking into the bedroom in just a towel, water dripping off his chest and making butterflies take flight in my belly.

  Jesus that man is too damn sexy.

  “Uh hello, this is Nadia we are talking about?”

  “Hmm then again on her wedding day, rain is pretty fucking awesome.” He comes and wraps his arms around me, sticking his wet body against my nightshirt. The intimacy between us since announcing his love for me has got stronger, yet my stress with organising staff rotas for the wedding has made me aloof on occasions as I drift into my world of living on my nerves from the pressure I’m under today. As well as that I feel as though the unit of people I had around me just a few days ago is slowly disappearing. Having Lucas around made me realise just how much I actually miss him, and Rosa has been like the mother I’ve needed since my own mum died and has supported me like I’m her own. Now they’ve gone their separate ways for a while, along with Megan I can’t help but feel lost. If it wasn’t for Marcus and Andrew keeping me grounded over preparations for today, I’d no doubt be rocking in the corner with a bottle of Tequila.

  “Tell me something true,” I coo as he nuzzles into my neck.

  “I love you.” I knew that was coming, it seems to be dropped into every sentence with him lately along with the beautiful. Like as though he has to keep reminding me of what I mean to him.

  “Hmm, I know. Tell me something else that’s true.”

  “Um… I hate cold pizza.”

  “What!” I turn my head to look up at him in horror. If Megan was here now she would probably slap him, she’s obsessed with cold pizza. “How the hell can you not like cold pizza?”

  “I just prefer it hot.”

  “Jeez, I learn something new about you every day.” He kisses into my smile and runs his hands up the front of my shirt to play with my breasts.

  “It’s not just pizza I like hot?”

  “Care to clarify that a little better, Mr Matthews?” I grin.

  “Well, you’re like my personal slice of Pepperoni, hotter the better.”

  The giggle left my belly as I spoke, “You really need better pick-up lines because that was the cheesiest one I’ve heard.”

  He removes my shirt so my back feels the bareness of his chest, his hands glide down to take hold of my panties, pushing them from around my ass to fall to my ankles. My greed for him to touch me ignites as he runs his fingers up and down the inside of my thigh, teasing me as he kisses the weak spot on my neck, the one that with just the sweetest of a kiss will set my body a flame.

  “How bout I ditch the pick-up lines and just make you cum?” He whispers.

  “Sounds like an excellent idea.”

  I moan as his fingers greet my clit, circling the swollen bud before thrusting a finger inside me. I can never get enough of how our bodies respond to one another. Marcus just has to look at me and my panties are soaked, and I hardly have to do anything and his response is evident. Over our time spent together he’s made me love my body in a way I never thought I ever would again. He’s made me love myself as well as another, making me feel beautiful and sexy within and out of his presence. Every woman deserves a man that makes her forget her heart was ever broken and Marcus is that man for me.

  “Tell me something true.” He mumbles, holding me up by the waist as my legs begin to weaken with the electric currents that are funnelling through my body.

  “You drive my body insane,” I gasp, digging my nails into his skin. “Your turn, tell me something true.”

  “You’re going to be late for work.”

  “Who gives a shit; I’m sleeping with the boss.”

  “But I’m not your boss, Andrew’s your boss remember?”

  “Don’t say that!” I breathe, unclipping my hair and letting my red locks fall down around the pale skin of my shoulders, knowing that is what Marcus likes to see when he has me.

  “Don’t say what? That Andrew’s your boss?”

  “His name. You can’t bring another man’s name into the equation when you’re trying to make me cum.”

  He chuckles against my ear as he tweaks my nipple between his fingers. I push my chest up into him and hook my arm around his neck for extra support as my legs tremble beneath me. I begin to tighten with the added pressure of his thumb that rubs over my clit, working my walls, clit and nipple in unison with his hands and creating the fire within me to explode.

  “Who you thinking of now?” he sniggers.

  “Oh god! Only you. It’s only ever you.” I exhale in a cry as the most delicious shockwave rips through my entire body to coat his fingers with my orgasm as he takes my weight in his arm. I turn my head to the side and bring his mouth down to mine to slip my tongue in to devour his taste.

  “Now that will keep you going for a few hours.” He smiled, kissing me nose.

  If there was one thing I loved more than anything about this man was that he never expected anything in return. We’d fuck each other senseless and get one another off, but then there were times when he’d torment and tease my body in the most enduring ways and got just as much satisfaction from that then when we fucked.

  I rub my thumb over his cheeks as I stare into his hazel eyes thinking just how lucky I was that I was found by him when I was at my weakest. “Just because I haven’t told you the words you’re yet to hear, does not mean that I don’t feel anything for you. You know that right?”

  “Of course I do,” he replies with a kiss. “Just answer me one question.”


  “Were you really thinking of Andrew?”

  My giggle erupted from my belly as his arms tightened around me.


  Myself and Andrew wait in the staff conference room as the employees of The Grand enter and take their seats. Each month a meeting is held purely for Management but today Andrew has scheduled one s
o every staff member available knows the protocol.

  “Ok, so Lenton’s hired team is due to arrive within the next two hours once they have married at Whistmen Cathedral. From that point on any issues you may have must be informed immediately to Miss Weston who will then report to Nadia’s management team with any enquiries and problems etc. The first two floors have been signed off to her guests along with the double Honeymoon suit, and we have strict orders that no one is to speak with any of the Lenton family during their stay here at The Grand, if they need anything it will be run though their team. Is that clear?” The group of staff members sat in there tailored uniforms look just as terrified as I feel. I thought Nadia was bad enough when dealing with her over the phone but she’s an even bigger dragon in person.

  “Will Mr Matthews be attending today?”

  Marcus decided it would be in everyone’s best interest if he stayed away from the reception as the likelihood of bumping into Nadia’s father would be inevitable. Although Marcus was in some respects on speaking terms with Nadia, Harry was another matter altogether due to his wife having an affair with Marcus’s father. The fact that neither Harry nor Marcus was responsible for the affair didn’t come into the equation. In their eyes everyone was responsible with the breaking of two families.

  “Mr Matthews has business elsewhere today so all reports are to be taken to either myself or Miss Weston… Amelia?”

  “Thank you, Andrew.” I step forward to take over. “Now the sheet of paper you were all giving on your way into the meeting is a timetable in which will be your best friend for the next forty-eight hours. Do not lose it! Where your name is highlighted will be your duty of work within that timeline stated. Now I appreciate some of you may not have the expertise within some of the areas listed but that’s where you’ll be for that period of time. It has been worked that those who have the knowledge will be on show during the Lenton’s stay here.”

  “So basically what you’re saying is those of us who fail in some areas get put out the way until they leave?”

  “Exactly.” Andrew replies to Claudia.

  I sigh hating every bit of this and long for a Tequila when it’s not even noon yet. “Look Claudia, we hate this as much as you do but there’s no other alternative. The Lenton’s are one of the biggest and wealthiest families in the country and will bring a huge amount of popularity and status to The Grand along with further high class celebrities to the coast in the near future. We have to work as a team here in order to pull this off understood?”

  The group of uniforms mutter their response in an unenthusiastic way that wouldn’t give an onlooker any form of confidence what so ever, but I knew I had their trust. Once the ball gets rolling they switch gear and provide the professionalism they’re paid to do and treat the job and guests with the utmost respect. Their mood now wasn’t because they didn’t want to work; it was because of who they’d been running around for. One thing I noticed with Nadia whilst at The Grand yesterday throwing her demands was that she seemed to leave a trail of glumness behind her as she walked around with a stick up her ass. You just had to look at the woman and your instant happy mood was sliced apart in seconds.

  “Right, well you’re free to go but remember two important factors here people. Professionalism is key and nothing must go wrong.”

  I close the door to my office and collapse on the sofa for a break I should have took two hours ago, kicking off my shoes that are biting my toes as I munch on a bag of crisps and a chocolate bar. Calories are needed if I need to get through the rest of the day without Marcus or Megan here to hold my hand, and there was nothing I wanted more then to see them right now. My head feels like a vice is pressing against it and my body is already exhausted. Swiping the screen on my phone I give Megan a quick text.

  Me: I need Tequila! How’s the family?

  Her reply was instant.

  Megan: Irritating! I’m currently getting the third degree from Gran about how I need to look after my liver; too much Tequila is no good apparently. I’ve never heard such bullshit in my life. Ha!

  Me: Wait till she knows your love for a good hard surface to dance on, whilst guys look up your skirt.

  Megan: Hmm best not tell her that, she might have a cardiac arrest.

  I was just about to reply when my desk phone rang. Growling out loud at whoever was disturbing my quiet time.

  “Amelia, Miss Lenton’s security manager has arrived.”

  And so it begins, nerves double in my belly as I’m now responsible for running one of the biggest Wedding Receptions this hotel has seen in a long time. “Thank you, Felicity. Where is he?”

  “He’s waiting at the desk with me now.”

  “Ok, I’ll be right down.” Checking over his name on my computer I quickly put a brush through my hair and top up my lip-gloss, making sure I look presentable before heading down to the ground floor. Nadia will be here in just over an hour and I had to make sure the final preparations were in order. I can see why wedding planners hit the bottle after the big day they organise takes place. It’s been stressful enough running around after Nadia when it comes to hosting her reception, doing it full time along with every other detail will be enough to push me overboard. Megan however loves things like this, all the arranging and organising. She would make an excellent Events Manager.

  Rounding the corner my belly flipped with anxiety at the sound of voices at the desk. A tall well-built guy known as Lloyd was in deep conversation with Felicity as she giggles at whatever he said. With her nod of my arrival he turns and I freeze. The man stood in front of me was not known as Lloyd.

  I knew him as Daniel.

  Chapter Thirty


  My back hit the wall of my office with a harsh thud, legs struggling to hold my weight, lungs convulse and fight for air as my palms become clammy with my body’s reaction of panic. My legs carried me as I ran through the lobby but I felt as though I wasn’t moving. Tears burn my eyes as the heat rips through my body, burning every nerve ending as my heart pounds its erratic beat. Why is he here? How did he find me? I feel sick and sweaty, squeezing my eyes closed trying to control my body and fight against it leaving me.

  I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.

  “Amelia, could you please go back-” I whip my head round only to see Andrew running towards me as he entered my office and throwing his files at my feet. “It’s ok, just try and stay calm. I’ve got you.” Getting his phone from his back pocket he scrolls the screen knowing exactly who he’s wanting to call whilst trying to calm me.

  “No,” I try to speak but harsh gasps leave my dry throat as I grab at his arms, “Don’t.”

  He can’t see, I don’t want him to see. It will lead to questions I don’t want to answer. Questions that will make what I’ve just witnessed a reality. It’s like he’s here to remind me of what I can’t have, what I don’t deserve to have.

  “Amelia, he needs to be with you.”

  I shake my head pushing the phone away from him. “No.”

  I’ve not had an attack like this in years and it’s hit me like a fucking freight train as it sucks the life out of me. My hands cling to the deep ache of my chest as I lean over trying to find a position that is comfortable, but fail. My stomach muscles spasm through fighting, heart racing a mile a minute as pins and needles prickle around my mouth. It’s killing me.

  “Look at me. Focus on me, Amelia, follow my rhythm.” I flash my watery eyes to Andrews as he cups my face, his green eyes channelling into mine making me focus as I look for that bit of hope in helping me get out of this torment my body is under. I feel trapped.

  I can’t breathe as there is no air, flashes of Daniel’s face are vivid in my mind I can’t shake away and my heavy tears cascade my face choking me as I fight. I don’t understand, how did I not know? Everything I was afraid of happening with my future has come back to haunt me like a ghost of the past.

  “Breathe in and out, in and out.” I follow Andrew’s lead inhalin
g as much as I can muster and blowing it back out, clutching his arms hard as my nails pinch his skin. But it’s no use. I shake my head at him as the burn in my chest doesn’t seem to subside. My body’s fighting between fear of the past and fear of losing breath. But I won’t let him do this to me, not again. I won’t let him win.

  Andrew takes my hands and cups them over my mouth to form a mask, inhaling and exhaling to the rhythms of his guidance. “Good girl, keep going. In and out,” he murmurs through his raspy voice. His fretful eyes never left mine as we repeat each other’s patterns over and over, bringing me out my panic and gaining back the control I lost. Minutes feel like hours and I feel like a fucking idiot for losing it. My chest starts to ease, the numbness subsiding and my legs attempt to make a step forward, leaning into Andrew as I rest my head on his firm chest. But there’s nothing that will stop the tears that fall heavy from my eyes. I always feel battered after an attack, sometimes that’s more of a challenge to fight. Not only are you recovering from the aftermath, it’s also psychological fight of your emotions and I know this time it’s going to be a lot harder to fight.

  “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I cry.

  “Shh, it’s ok. Just focus on your breathing.”

  Why now? Why here? Why today on the biggest days of everyone’s life did he have to rear his ugly head like a cancer, spreading his evilness over my place of peace. What will I tell Marcus? What will this mean for us? Several minutes pass as I rest against Andrew, still repeating the techniques as I finally gain control of my breathing whilst he strokes my hair and holds me close.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “Where did that spring from?”

  Downstairs in the Reception area, I thought to myself. I don’t answer right away as I try and find the right words in which to say. “I-I’m not sure. I just…I don’t know.”


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