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Letters to Penthouse XXVII

Page 13

by Penthouse International

  Juliet has always been a fantastically organized person, and for the wedding and reception she had a checklist of over a thousand items she was working her way through! No detail was too small for my wife to give her personal attention.

  The night before the wedding, we had the rehearsal at the church. Juliet was everywhere, making suggestions to Donna; being firm with the minister, the photographer, and the organist about what she wanted; joking around with the bridesmaids; asking the opinion of the parents of Steve, the groom; and even flirting a bit with Steve’s best man and three ushers.

  She seemed to know just what approach to take with everyone to get what she wanted. As a real estate agent, she has lots of experience in how to handle people and close a deal.

  Following the rehearsal, Steve’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at a nice restaurant in the city. It was a great evening. The food was good, the drinks were great, and the company was fantastic. Both Juliet and I were delighted at the way things were turning out, and most of all happy for and proud of our daughter.

  I was a pretty happy man that night as I looked around the table and took stock of my life. I had a beautiful and sexy wife, who at age forty-six was still as desirable as the day I met her, and a daughter who had inherited what I thought were her parents’ best traits: her mother’s splendid looks and charm, and my easygoing personality and wit.

  At one point I had to go out to the car to get more film for my camera. When I returned, I walked by the bar and saw the ushers and Mitch, the best man, there.

  It was late, and our wedding party had the restaurant almost entirely to ourselves. I was about to go in the bar and ask the boys if I could join them for a drink when I heard Mitch say, “Is it just me, or is Donna’s mom the sexiest woman in the entire wedding party, after Donna herself?”

  Paul, one of the ushers, said, “Yeah, she is pretty hot. Hard to believe she’s in her forties. If I met her in a bar, I would guess thirty-five, tops, maybe younger. She looks more like Donna’s older sister than her mother.”

  I stepped back before the guys saw me, curious to hear the rest of this conversation. I felt a sense of pride hearing these studs in their twenties talking about how sexy my wife is. Ken, another usher, said, “For sure, I wouldn’t mind feeling those long legs of hers wrapped around my waist!”

  Paul replied, “Juliet has the whole package: beautiful features, a killer body, great-looking tits, a nice ass, and definitely those legs are some of the best I’ve ever seen—definitely a ten-plus on the hard-on scale!”

  Then Pat said, “She was definitely flirting with us tonight. I wonder how serious she was, and how difficult it would be to get her in bed.”

  Paul said he had always had a fantasy about fucking an older woman, and Mitch agreed, saying he wouldn’t mind having a roll in the sack with Juliet if the opportunity presented itself. Ken said that their buddy Steve was one lucky bastard to be getting not only a sexy wife but also a sexy mother-in-law like Juliet.

  Paul said that they better get back to the rest of the group, and they returned to the private dining room the party was in. When I made it back to our dining room, I took a good, hard look at my wife. I knew she was a good-looking woman for her age, but after hearing the guys talk about her, I looked at her with fresh eyes.

  She’s five-nine and has a great figure. Like the guys, I had always admired her legs. She has flowing brown hair that she wears shoulder-length. She indeed compared very well with our daughter (who was, for the record, unquestionably the world’s most beautiful bride), her maid of honor, and the bridesmaids—all beauties, who were also twenty-plus years younger than her.

  That night when Juliet and I were getting ready for bed, I watched with admiration as she took off her clothes and briefly stood naked before she reached for her nightgown. Her 36C breasts were still quite firm, with only the slightest hint of starting to sag. Her stomach was flat and her pubic hair thick but neatly trimmed. Her legs were long and toned. Her entire body showed the benefits of years of faithful workouts and aerobics. I wondered what Mitch, Paul, Pat, and Ken would give to be standing where I was now.

  I mentioned that she had attracted quite a fan club. She looked at me, puzzled, and asked what I meant. I didn’t repeat the entire conversation word for word. I just said I had overheard the best man and ushers talking about how beautiful and sexy she was, then watched closely for a reaction.

  Juliet knows she’s good-looking, and is somewhat vain about her appearance. Compliments like these coming from four such handsome men our daughter’s age had to stroke her ego. She said she was flattered, then pretended to be focused on brushing her hair. But I could tell that she liked hearing this.

  I waited until she was in bed and about to turn the light off. Then I said that the guys had even been speculating on what it would be like to fuck her. She froze at that and asked if I was serious. I said yes.

  She pretended to be shocked, but I could tell she was seriously flattered now. After twenty-four years of marriage, I know my wife. I knew she was thinking hard about those gorgeous studs wanting to fuck her.

  She finally said they must be “a strange bunch of boys” to be attracted to her, “with all of those beautiful young women” in the bridal party. I told her she’s a very sexy woman, and many guys have fantasies about sex with older women.

  She asked if I was bothered by that kind of talk. I surprised both her and myself when I said, “Not at all. In fact, I view that kind of talk as a compliment.”

  She agreed it was a nice compliment, but said right now she was a very tired mother of the bride who had to get some sleep. After she fell asleep, I found myself lying awake thinking about the possibility of her fucking the various guys in the wedding party.

  I found the idea strangely exciting. I had read about men getting turned on by watching their wife have sex with another guy, but I never thought I would be lying awake on the night before my daughter’s wedding thinking about my wife fucking guys half her age.

  The next evening the wedding went off without a hitch, thanks to all of Juliet’s efforts, and the reception was off to a great start. Donna was, as I said, the world’s most beautiful bride, and her mother looked just plain incredible in a tasteful but sexy dress that showed off her shapely curves, her long legs, and her remarkable cleavage.

  Throughout the wedding and reception I noticed a lot of guys, including the four hunky groomsmen, eyeballing the bride’s mom. I kept thinking about the guys talking about fucking her—crazy thoughts to be having at our daughter’s wedding!

  At one point in the evening, I found myself standing with Mitch, the best man. He waved his beer bottle in the direction of my wife, who was talking with some guests, and said I was a lucky man to have such a beautiful and sexy wife.

  I had a pretty good idea that I’d had one too many beers when I heard myself say, “You bet! I understand why you and your friends would like to fuck her.”

  I don’t know who was more surprised, Mitch or me, but he gagged on the beer he was sipping. He started to protest, but I told him I’d heard him and the other guys talking about my wife in the bar last night. He apologized, saying they hadn’t meant any harm but Donna’s mom was a beautiful and sexy woman, and it was hard not to notice her and be attracted to her.

  A crazy thought popped into my head. Before I could think it through, I heard myself voicing it! I told Mitch I would make him and his friends a deal. If they were serious about wanting to fuck my wife, then I would help them make it happen.

  Mitch said that if I was serious, he was up for it, and he was sure his friends would be too. He asked what was in it for me, and I said all I wanted was to watch. We shook hands and grinned at each other.

  I told Mitch, for starters, that alcohol makes my wife horny. Secondly, her nipples are very sensitive and erotic spots for her. I added that she’d been so busy planning the wedding that we hadn’t had sex in over a month, so I suspected it wouldn’t take much to arouse her. If the guys ha
d chances to slow-dance with her, make sure to hold her close enough so that her breasts pressed against their chests.

  I told Mitch my idea for Juliet’s seduction, and he went off to share our deal and arrangement with his pals. After he left, it hit me that I had just bartered my wife in return for the opportunity to watch her be at the center of an orgy.

  I soon saw the groomsmen following my suggestions. Juliet loves to dance, and I noticed that Mitch and the ushers were keeping her on the dance floor almost nonstop. I also noticed that, for times when she wasn’t dancing, the guys always made sure that a full glass of champagne was waiting for her when she walked off the dance floor.

  Juliet had been running on four to five hours’ sleep for the last few weeks, getting ready for the wedding, so the champagne was really hitting her hard. She was becoming unsteady on her feet. More than once I saw her being steadied by whichever of the hunks she was with at the time.

  At first it was all quite proper. Then I noticed that the guys would let their hands touch her breasts or ass, or on a slow dance number they held her so close that I couldn’t see daylight between her and her partner. I suspected the guys were enjoying the feel of her breasts pressing into their chests, and in turn letting her feel their cocks pressing into her stomach. Knowing my wife, she probably couldn’t help herself and was getting aroused.

  Later in the evening I was dancing with Juliet, who was definitely buzzed. I quickly discovered that she was very horny, as I had hoped. She was rubbing herself up against me and whispering in my ear about how much she wanted to have sex when we got home and how she was so wet for me.

  I asked her if she was sure she was hot for me, or was it all those hot young men she’d been dancing with who had really gotten her so horny? Perhaps, I said, she should have sex with one of them.

  Juliet gave me a sly grin and said I had better believe she could if she wanted to. She whispered proudly in my ear that two of the boys had already made passes at her, and she was pretty sure the others would have sex with her if she wanted to.

  I asked the obvious question: Did she want to?

  If she had been sober, she would have lied. But since she was so buzzed, she gave me an honest answer: “Of course I do. Four beautiful boys all wanting to fuck me? What woman in her forties wouldn’t jump at the chance if she could? But I’m married and the mother of the bride, so I have to behave myself.”

  “If it didn’t bother me,” I said, “and if nobody else found out, would you?”

  She answered with no hesitation; “In a heartbeat.”

  Any qualms I had over the deal I had made to help the guys fuck my wife disappeared. She didn’t know it yet, but her wish was going to come true tonight. I was going to arrange for her to fuck not one but four twenty-something studs.

  After Donna and Steve said their good-byes and left, the reception broke up. Juliet was eager to get home and have sex, but I kept delaying. We finally left and drove home. On the way, Juliet kept saying how horny she was and how she couldn’t wait to fuck me.

  I pulled into the garage and took my time getting out of the car. Juliet had already gone in the house ahead of me. She had kicked off her high heels and was in the process of unzipping her dress when I saw her freeze in the entryway to the living room and heard her stop talking in midsentence.

  She’d been shouting back to me, “Hurry up, I can’t wait to ride your cock and—” when from inside Pat broke in: “What about our cocks?”

  I stepped into the living room, and it was quite the sight—Juliet standing there half out of her dress, with her jaw hanging open, staring in surprise at Mitch, Pat, Paul and Ken, all sitting in our living room staring hungrily at her.

  I turned to Juliet and said she had told me that any woman in her forties would jump at the chance to fuck these four young men, that in fact she would fuck them in a heartbeat. Well, here was her chance. She had my permission, and nobody would ever know. It was my present to her for being such a great wife all these years and for organizing such a wonderful wedding for our little girl.

  Juliet looked from me to the guys and back at me again, then asked if I was serious. I assured her I was completely serious, and to prove it, I stepped up to her and finished unzipping her dress and slid it and her slip down over her hips.

  As if in a daze, Juliet stepped out of her dress and stood in the middle of the room in just bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings. The guys were almost licking their lips as they took in the sight of her breasts overflowing the cups of her bra, her flat stomach, and her long stocking-clad legs.

  Juliet roused herself from her daze to make the guys swear that neither Donna nor Steve would ever, ever hear about this. The guys all promised. Mitch swore that what happened here tonight was their secret. Juliet said okay, and with that, the guys were on their feet.

  They surrounded Juliet, and I think before she realized what they were doing, Pat, Mitch, and Paul stripped her naked and laid her on her back on top of a table that Ken quickly cleared some pictures off of.

  Paul and Ken knelt on either side of her and started sucking on her breasts. She gasped and arched her back. Pat knelt between her legs and lowered his head between her thighs, then started licking and sucking on her pussy.

  Juliet twisted and bucked her hips up and down. Mitch stepped up to her head, which was hanging upside down off the edge of the table, and held his hard-on up to her lips. She opened her mouth and took all of his good-size cock in. I had had fantasies about this, but actually seeing my wife lying naked with four virile young studs pleasuring her was a wonderful sight.

  Mitch started to come, filling Juliet’s mouth. His come leaked out of her mouth and ran down her cheeks. She started to have an orgasm, her hips bucking up and down frantically. Pat gripped her thighs and kept his mouth locked on her pussy. Paul and Ken kept sucking on her nipples throughout the whole thing.

  Juliet had barely finished coming when Pat dropped his pants, revealing a huge erection. The guy was hung like a horse. He placed his cock between her thighs and started to push it into her pussy. She groaned and gasped for air. I couldn’t believe he was getting that horse-size cock of his in her, but inch by inch it slid in.

  Ken and Paul continued to suck ravenously on Juliet’s breasts. Knowing how sensitive they are, I knew she had to be going out of her mind with what the guys were doing to her.

  Pat finally had his horse cock all the way in her and started to fuck her. She was babbling in a language I had rarely heard her use in all our years together. She was telling Pat to fuck her harder with his big cock and fill her up with his come. Her hips started to buck hard, and I heard her screaming and begging Pat to fuck her harder and never stop. He kept fucking her, and she kept screaming and groaning with pleasure, until finally he came inside her.

  When Pat pulled out, Paul immediately took his place between my wife’s thighs and shoved his cock deep inside her. She let out a deep groan and started to thrust her hips up and down with him. Ken moved to her face, and she took his cock in her mouth. Pat and Mitch kneeled and started to suck on her nipples.

  Paul and Ken came within seconds of each other, then pulled out, leaving Juliet lying naked, with her legs spread wide and come dripping out of her pussy and mouth, and with love bites all over her nipples.

  The guys had turned my darling wife into a cock-hungry slut. Now she begged somebody to fuck her. She didn’t care who, she was just pleading to have a cock inside her.

  Mitch obliged her, but not in the way she had imagined. He lifted her to her feet and bent her over the arm of the couch, then slid his cock in her pussy and stroked her a few times, and then pulled out. Next I watched him press his cock between her ass cheeks.

  Holding her hips still with his hands, he kept pushing and working his cock deeper in Juliet’s ass. Now, she rarely let me fuck her in the ass, but tonight here she was, pushing her ass back against Mitch like she couldn’t get enough of it.

  Paul got on the couch in front of Juli
et and fed his cock in her mouth. Mitch and Paul started fucking her, and Mitch made a point of fingering her clit. She came so hard, the whole couch shook. Paul filled her mouth with his come, while Mitch pumped a load in her ass.

  Mitch and Paul pulled out of Juliet, and Pat flipped her on her back and sank his huge cock to the hilt in her pussy. He fucked her for a solid half hour, during which she groaned, screamed, cried, and beat the couch cushions with her fists. Pat finally came, and when he pulled out, Ken replaced him between her legs.

  The rest of the night Juliet was fucked over and over again by the guys. Once, I saw Pat fucking her pussy while Mitch fucked her ass. Every fantasy I ever had paled beside what I saw my wife do with these young studs. I got in on the action toward the end, sliding my cock in Juliet’s pussy. It was strange feeling her pussy full of four other guys’ come. I added my load to the come cocktail there.

  The guys left the next morning, but not before they all thanked Juliet and me for an amazing night and each of them said how much he would love to hook up with her the next time he was in town. After they left, she thanked me for being so understanding and letting her fuck the guys. Then she slept for ten solid hours!

  That night was a turning point for Juliet and me. She discovered she loved fucking other men, particularly younger men, and I discovered I loved to watch. With my encouragement, she has started dressing sexier and picking up hot younger men in bars and bringing them home—sometimes one guy, sometimes several guys at once. The most guys she has ever fucked in one night is seven—now that was an amazing night!

  I have wired our bedroom with hidden cameras and microphones, and I watch Juliet and her young studs fucking from another room on a widescreen TV. I have discovered that there is nothing I enjoy more than seeing my wife sandwiched between a couple of rippling young bucks having orgasm after orgasm. I record all of Juliet’s sessions, and she and I watch them together. I now have her on videotape fucking over a hundred different guys—so far!


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