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Page 22

by Sienna Mynx

  “It will be your birthday soon,” he said softly.

  “I can’t wait,” she replied.

  “What do you wish for?” he asked.

  “More days like this. Look at our family, Gio,” she said. As they danced together they looked around at the happiness. “I think Cecilia is in love,” she said.

  Giovanni glanced to Nico who was now laughing with Gino in his arms and talking to Cecilia. “Yes. They started their romance when she left us.”

  “I hope they get married. Nico deserves someone to look after him,” Mirabella said. “You see how he is with the kids? He’d be a wonderful father.”

  “True. Your sister is trying for a baby. Did you know?” Giovanni asked.

  “No. She didn’t say she was ready.” Mirabella frowned.

  “Lorenzo says she is,” Giovanni kissed Mirabella’s cheek. “Maybe they can all have what I have with you, Bella. Every man should be as blessed.”

  “Grazie, mio marito,” she kissed his lips. “Ti amo.”

  Carlo & Shae

  The afternoon fell. For a girl brought up on the tough concrete streets of Chicago, spring in Italy was wonderful to behold. The sun bled all over the sky in warm colors of red, purple, and pink. Every branch, on every tree, held bright and colorful blooms. Shae typically loved the urban landscape of neon signs, skyscrapers, and streets congested with traffic. However, Italy’s rich history, food, and music had begun to induce a peaceful contentment inside of her she could grow accustomed to.

  That evening the Battaglias celebrated the Donna’s achievement with a lavish dinner on the outside terrace of their Milan home. Shae had eaten her belly full. She’d consumed a few too many glasses of wine as well. If she didn’t lie down soon it would be impossible for her to make a gracious exit later. Shae scooted her chair back from the table. Marietta was the first to notice. Her friend sat upright between her husband’s legs and looked at Shae with a questioning frown. Shae winked to signal she was fine. Marietta reclined back against Lorenzo, as he continued to talk to her about something that made her friend smile.

  The night was over. Every woman was either paired with her significant other, or tending to the needs of one of the Battaglia children. For a restless girl like herself, all she saw was temptation. Handsome men came and went. Some ate and drank wine with the Battaglias. A few serenaded the Don and Donna with their guitars as the couple danced and laughed in each other’s arms. And other men, the ones who didn’t speak or smile, patrolled the perimeters of the property watching Shae with dark piercing stares if she dared to step out into the gardens or in their way. To make matters worse, she couldn’t speak or engage any of them because of the house rules and the language barrier. It was ridiculous.

  Shae’s attention kept returning to the Don and his Donna. They were in a world all their own. She saw them whispering to each other and smiling. The man never smiled. Tonight however, he laughed and even blushed with his wife in his arms. She wondered what they truly had in common. Mirabella seemed much more cultured than her brooding husband. And he didn’t seem to relax around anyone but his wife and children.

  In her experience, men with his temperament rarely could maintain lasting love affairs. And usually kept mistresses on the side if they did to act out their aggression. Did the Don have a whore stashed somewhere? Shae wouldn’t be surprised if he did.

  The evening became a bit boring. The disappointment for Shae was she hadn’t seen Carlo. After making her promise to Marietta she figured that it was for the best. Forbidden fruit had always been her biggest weakness.

  “You okay?” Catalina asked.

  Shae smiled. “Yeah, excited about tomorrow. I think I’ll go to my room and lay down.”

  “Really? It’s early. After the kids go to bed it really turns into a party.” Catalina winked. Shae liked Catalina. She hadn’t had a chance to truly get to know her. But she’d seen how she interacted with the staff and everyone.

  “I’m not going to bed. Papa says I can stay up late,” Eve said to Shae.

  Catalina chuckled. “We will see, Evie.”

  Shae almost felt compelled to stay. Eye candy kept arriving through the doors. Carlo could show. She had so much fun with her vibrator after going to bed with him on her mind last night.

  “I might come back. See if the party’s still going. Good night, Eve.”

  “Buona notte!” Eve smiled.

  Shae dragged in a deep breath of resignation. She sidestepped a few to leave the terrace and walked back inside the villa. And there were even more men to avoid inside.

  “Excuse me, pardon me, excuse me,” she said a few times and caught a few appreciative stares. She thought someone had touched her hand. When she glanced back every man stared so she couldn’t be sure. And when she dared to hold the gaze of a man, it never lingered for long. Eventually she found her way to her room through the kitchen. Once she entered her hall she froze. Shae’s heart pulsed hard. Hooded brown eyes stared at her out of a tanned face. He pushed out of his lean against her door. He had a hard-edged masculine beauty. He’d been there all along waiting on her, for her.

  “Ciao, bella,” he said.

  “Hi, ah, ciao,” she replied, annoyed by the quake in her voice. “Waiting for me?”

  His gaze swept over her with appreciation, and she held her breath for his response. He spoke the words so low she had to read his lips to understand him.

  “How is learning Italian coming?” he asked.

  “I don’t have a proper tutor. So it’s a struggle,” she smiled.

  “We need to begin lessons,” Carlo said.

  “Okay,” she said. “How do you say let’s get out of here in Italian?” she asked.

  “Andiamo,” he replied.

  “Andiamo,” she repeated.

  “Can you leave?” he answered.

  “Leave? Right now?”

  “Yes. Leave. Come with me. Away from here? That’s what andiamo means,” he said. “How else am I to give you your next lesson?”

  “Hmm? Should I leave with you, Carlo? Is it safe?” she asked. She stood only a centimeter apart from him. His gaze narrowed on her as if he were insulted by the question. His reaction had to be an act. They were after all his boss’s rules not hers. Closer to him with the light of the hall to illuminate his features, she could not mistake the handsome hard angles of his face and body. He had chiseled cheeks and dark hair that curled around his temples. His eyes were the color of brandy. The hairs to his mustache over his lip and under his chin were jet black and wavy.

  She took a step closer. Her nipples brushed his chest.

  “Marietta asked me to stay away from you,” she said as her mouth moved in close.

  “Did she say why?” he asked.

  “House rule? You live by a code, don’t you, Carlo? The big bad Battaglia men are off limits. Isn’t that the code guests are supposed to honor?”

  “Ah yes,” he smiled. He glanced behind her. She turned her head, half expecting to see someone else in the hall. There was no one. But Carlo seemed conflicted on his offer to teach her Italian, his way.

  “Let me know if you decide to break any rules like we almost did last night,” he said and started to walk off.

  She stepped in front of him. “And if I do… say… want to go with you. How exactly do we get away?”

  “We walk out of the front door,” he answered.

  “That easy?” she chuckled.

  “I said it is,” he answered.

  “I got a better idea,” she whispered up to him.

  “I’d like to hear it,” he said, as he moved her hair from her eye with a finger.

  “What if I requested an escort? I’ve noticed one thing. The women here don’t go anywhere without an escort. Right? What if tonight I need someone tall, handsome, and strong to guard my body?” She ran her hand down his chest. “To take me into Milan to meet a friend?”

  “A lie?” he frowned.

  “An untruth,” she corrected him.
br />   “Why not tell the truth?” he asked.

  Okay, now he is fucking with me. She tingled over the tease in his smile and knew his game. “Do you really want to take me away from here or are you playing games?”

  “You’re an interesting woman. A little rule breaker. It’s sexy. Show me how brave you are. I’ll wait for you outside.” He walked off. Shae went to her door. She glanced back and Carlo cast a second look from over his shoulder as he left the hall and turned the corner. She hurried into her room to change. She took a quick shower and rubbed some oils and lotion over her skin to make sure she was supple and soft. She chose a dark purple summer dress that was strapless, with a shifting skirt that belled out from her hips and barely reached her knees. She thought of the thong she wore underneath and smiled. Shae reached up the skirt and pulled it down. She stepped out of the thin gossamer and tossed it back to her open suitcase. After a touch up of her makeup she felt complete.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Come in,” Shae answered.

  “Shae? What’s up? You headed out?” Marietta asked.

  “Yes. I was on my way to come and find you. Do you remember my friend Harry?”

  “Guilleti?” Marietta asked.

  “That’s him. Guess who’s in Milan?” Shae turned and smiled. “Finally, girl. I can get out and have a little fun. See the city and mix it up. You know how I like to do!”

  “You still date Harry? The man is in his seventies.” Marietta laughed.

  “Don’t laugh. He has strong will power. And trust me it does get better with age.” Shae teased.

  “Old men have worms, Shae. I’ve told you that.”

  “Bullshit.” Shae giggled. She dabbed her lips with one more touch of gloss. Then pressed them together to smooth the gloss over.

  “Well you can’t drive into Milano alone. I’ll tell Lorenzo to get you a driver. He’ll have to stay with you for the evening.” Marietta turned for the door.

  “Already have one. Asked a man out front, don’t remember his name, one of them cuties. He’s cool with it.”

  “Oh? Okay,” Marietta walked over and smiled at her friend. “You gonna stay out all night? We have an early morning remember.”

  “Not sure. Trust me, I’ll be back in plenty of time for your big day,” Shae said.

  “Have fun. Ciao.” Marietta kissed her right and then left cheek. Shae nodded to her and watched her leave. She waited for the sound of Marietta’s door closing next to her room before she grabbed her purse and shawl and hurried out.


  The women in the family were off limits. It was a commandment that every man who worked for or served under Giovanni respected and obeyed. This oath, along with his vow of friendship to Lorenzo, has kept him from acting on his desires for his best friend’s wife. Though Marietta rarely glanced his way, there were times when he caught her staring and saw temptation in her eyes. At least that’s what he told himself.

  Carlo reasoned that the American woman was different. She was an outsider. And he’d seen her watching him. He tried to ignore her beauty, her sexy body, and that teasingly sweet voice of hers. However, last night, in the woods, she reminded him of the sweetest temptation life had to offer. There was no better pussy than new pussy.

  He waited outside of his car. A two-seater, canary yellow Ferrari he’d taken off the hands of a businessman in Napoli who couldn’t pay his debts after he broke his jaw. He opened his father’s pocket watch and checked the time. The watch was sterling silver and the only token of affection he ever received from the old man. He was considering giving it to Ciro. He just might before the kid’s next fight. The watch could boost his kid brother’s confidence.

  “Leaving, boss?” Eli asked. He walked up and flicked his cigarette to the grass before crushing it under his boot heel. Carlo didn’t bother to answer. Eli got the message. He moved on. When was the last time Carlo had gone through the actual effort to plan a date? He was out of practice. He’d take her for a drive and a drink, maybe some dancing. He’d be a fucking gentleman if she wanted him to be. He had hopes she didn’t. Contrary to what his friends believed, he could be as charming as Gio if need be. Yes. He’d be a gentleman and maybe learn what it is that made these American women so fucking special.

  Earlier —

  “Carlo, aspettare. Un momento!” Lorenzo jogged toward him. “What’s your hurry? The ladies have a big dinner prepared. Family will celebrate tonight.”

  “Beh! Need to leave and check on Ciro,” Carlo said. The conversation with Marietta rattled him. When she was upset he wanted to comfort her. When she was happy he wanted to be near her and share in her excitement. The only remedy for his conflicting emotions was to keep distance between them.


  “Why what?” Carlo asked.

  “Why run out to check on the kid constantly?”

  “He has another fight in Bergamo, and if he wins it we will be accepting a match in Napoli.” Carlo answered. He continued on toward the door.

  Lorenzo caught him by the arm. “Christo! Would you slow down a minute? I need to know. Did you make sure Marie’s birthday gift is ready for her?” he asked.

  Carlo glanced up at him. “I have. The staff in Bellagio will make sure it’s as you wanted.”

  “Grazie!” Lorenzo grinned. “She’s going to love it. I hurt her the other day. I made a comment about Fabiana. Never mind. I want to show her I support her.”

  He was in no mood to listen to Lorenzo brag on his wife. He tried to step around him but Lo effectively blocked his pass and pushed him further from the door. “What is it between you and me? Are you still pissed over the boxing thing?” Lorenzo frowned.

  “Ciro will be a boxer. Why would I be pissed? Giovanni believes in me. It’s my turn to prove myself. I can do it.” Carlo glared at him.

  “Sure you can,” Lorenzo taunted him with a sly smirk. “And for the record, you asshole, I convinced Giovanni to approve it.”

  “Bullshit!” Carlo scoffed. “I know it was Domi. You bust my balls for going behind your back.”

  “Dominic has no influence. I do! I bust your balls for stepping out of line.” He poked Carlo in the chest. “It’s a good business plan and I always agreed on its investment. Giovanni wanted my opinion and I okayed it. You can do this. I support you. Make the kid into a champion. I’ll help slap him around and toughen him up if you need me to.”

  Carlo looked down to Lorenzo’s hand of friendship extended to him. He set aside his aggravation and shook it. Lorenzo pulled him into a brotherly hug. His best friend kissed his jaw. “I am glad it is settled between us.”

  Free from Lorenzo’s hold, Carlo nodded and started to walk off again when they heard the laughter of the women. Carlo glanced back and saw Marietta and Shae giggling as they walked down the hall toward the back of the villa where everyone dined.

  “I hear you’ve made a friend?” Lorenzo asked.

  “I did nothing wrong. The woman comes to me. Flirts with me,” Carlo said. “I never crossed the line.”

  Lorenzo chuckled. “You curious?”

  “Not my thing. You and Gio like American women like them.” Carlo shrugged it off. “I prefer my own kind of woman.”

  “Bullshit. I see the way you look at Marie!” Lorenzo laughed.

  Carlo frowned. Lorenzo shrugged off the awkwardness. “I trust you, brother. My wife is beautiful. I know men see it.” Lorenzo stared Carlo in the eye. “So you’re curious about the pink hair lady? At least admit it.”

  “I don’t have time for this shit,” Carlo grumbled.

  “Why don’t you take her out to the city? Take her to Corso Venezia, spend some money on her, maybe the Diana afterwards, and have some pink pussy for dessert?”

  “Gio would be pissed if I—”

  “I’ve okayed it with Gio. There won’t be any trouble from the boss.” Lorenzo patted his arm and started to walk off. Lorenzo stopped. “Be a gentleman, Carlo! I trust you with my wife’s friend. Treat her
with respect. I don’t want no shit from Marie.”

  Carlo stood there for a moment conflicted. He should go see Ciro and train with him tonight. Keep his mind focused. He was however the man to do exactly the opposite of what he was supposed to do.


  After an hour-long wait Carlo had begun to consider that Shae might have changed her mind. He checked his watch again. It was early. He had time to catch his brother in the practice ring. When he lifted from his lean on the car, the door to the villa opened. A vision of beauty walked out.

  “Hola!” she said, greeting him in Spanish.

  A jolt of lust hit him hard. Shae smiled for him and started down the steps. She wore a dress that presented her larger than average bosom to the front, and fit snug on her hips, before fanning out around her thighs. The fabric had to be light because the night wind caused it to lift and ripple, revealing a hint more of her shapely legs.

  “All ready,” she said. Her voice had a smoky seductive pull to it that made his loins stiffen. Or was his dick hard for another reason? Carlo opened the door to the passenger side of the car. He glanced over and saw two of his men. Both stared at him.

  “Gracias,” she said as he helped her get in the car. He was forced to swallow his smile. Gracias was Spanish for thank you. This beauty still failed at his language, but he appreciated her effort to try. He closed the door and hurried around the Ferrari. Once behind the wheel he lowered the top. He glanced over to her crossed thighs and smiled.

  Men didn’t make Shae nervous. They never did. But this one gave her the jitters like a virgin on her wedding night. Although she had many male suitors, she didn’t sleep with every man with a big wallet. The men she took to her bed, married or not, were always those she’d seen and dated for months. Those lucky blokes worked tirelessly to earn the pleasure.

  Carlo hopped in the car and they were off. Shae rolled her passenger window up. It helped to block the wind from tangling her hair. The car was made for speed. It didn’t take long for them to arrive on the busy city streets of Milan. The Italian city was far different than the subdued beauty of the Amalfi. The buildings were tall, box shaped, with medieval architecture. Train cars carried people through the heart of traffic. Several cars they passed had left the passengers gawking at them. She felt like royalty in his golden yellow chariot. This was the life! He glanced over at her and then to the road. She caught a couple of his sideways stares. She didn’t acknowledge any until his quiet nature got to her.


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