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Page 50

by Sienna Mynx

  “He’s there already. He’s been there with a few of your men.”


  “Gio?” she said as he walked away. “Do you know who took her?”

  He nodded.

  “Kill him. Make them pay,” she said.

  He vowed to make them all pay. As he left out of the back doors of Melanzana, and started toward Villa Rosso, several of his men began to follow him. By the time he reached the villa he had twenty of them wanting to offer support. Giovanni went inside and found Rocco seated on the sofa. His uncle used his cane to stand.

  “Gio? We just received something,” Rocco said.

  The news stopped him. “Received what?”

  Rocco nodded toward the open door of his office. Giovanni went inside. His eyes landed on an envelope waiting for him on his desk. Rocco closed the door on the men and joined him. “I sent the attorneys away to work on getting the boys out.”

  “When did it arrive?” Giovanni asked.

  “The boys stopped a courier at the gate. A kid. He knew nothing. Said a woman gave him a hundred lira to bring it.”

  “Woman?” Giovanni asked.

  “Yes.” Rocco came closer on his cane. “Is that relevant?”

  “Do you know a woman named Isabella?” Giovanni asked.

  Rocco chuckled. It was a bitter dry chuckle. “I know a hundred women named Isabella.”

  “Yea. Me too.” Giovanni picked up the envelope. There was a red lipstick kiss on the seal. His name was on the package. That was all. He opened it and removed a VHS tape. Curious, Giovanni turned it over. The words PLAY ME were written on the label.

  “It’s a video tape,” Rocco stated the obvious.

  “Open the cabinet,” Giovanni said.

  Rocco did as he was told. Giovanni stared at the tape for several minutes, unable to speak or move. If he played it and it was the death of his wife, he’d never recover. Nothing sent to a boss of his stature in the form of a videotape could be good.

  “Do you want me to step out, Giovanni?”

  “No.” he snapped out of it. He walked over to the VCR and inserted the tape. He picked up the remote and pressed play.

  The image of Kei Hyogo adjusting the video camera came into focus. He tilted the camera so it lifted and zoomed in on his face. Kei took a step back so he could be seen fully. He stared in the camera for a moment. Giovanni’s jaw clenched.

  “We meet again, Gio.” Kei smiled. “Are you worried? Panicked? Are you afraid of who could pluck your rose from right under your nose? Blue right? You got a thing about blue roses,” Kei smiled. “You should be. I expect you to run blindly in search of my ghost. I welcome it. As I’ve had to run blindly in search of this revenge. I’ve spent two years preparing for this. How long have you ignored your nagging feeling in your gut that I was coming for you? Did you really think I’d let you take her from me? When I am done with you, everything will be in ashes.” Kei looked behind him. “I thought I’d send you this gift to mark this day. To make you a believer in the Dragon. I will record our reunion for you.” Kei chuckled. “She’s been begging for it all night.”

  Giovanni narrowed his eyes on the final statement. The camera was moved. It pointed to the bed. A woman lay with the covers around her waist and her back to the lens. Kei stepped to the bed. He removed his robe. He was nude.

  “Turn it off, Gio,” Rocco warned.

  “Shut up, old man!” Giovanni said. Kei looked to the camera and smiled. He eased under the covers with Bella and she stirred. She turned into his arms and her body was revealed. Rocco lowered his gaze.

  “Gio, turn it off. I beg you,” Rocco said.

  His uncle’s advice was solid. He should listen. He knew he should but he couldn’t look away. Kei kissed wife and she moaned with pleasure. He rolled on top of her and she parted her thighs for him. When his kisses traced from her cheek to her neck, Mira’s head tilted back as if she enjoyed it. Kei lifted the remote and pointed it at the camera. The tape ended.

  Giovanni staggered back. He stared at the static on the screen. “Give me a minute,” he said to Rocco. When his uncle left he set the remote down on his desk. He went to his bar. He reached down to the bottom shelves and removed his aged Scotch. He didn’t bother with a glass. Instead he walked over to the sofa and sat. He put the bottle down in front of him. He came close to losing his Bella twice. The first time he lost her, he turned to the bottle. He killed and avenged his broken heart until he was numb. The second time, when she nearly died in childbirth, he drank and sulked until everyone around him had to help him stand. And then he enjoyed the slaughter of the Mottolas.

  He stared at the bottle.

  His men were in jail. His children were scared and missing their mother. The enemy was at the front and back door. His empire rumbled with the threat of implosion. And all he had was the bottle before him. He could rage. His anger felt like lava pumping from his heart, soldering his bones into steel, preparing him for war. He had enough hate in him to burn on rage for the rest of his life. The only love he truly believed in was that of his wife. He put his head in his hands. He closed his eyes. If he prayed would God listen? Would he find him worthy this time? And then he knew the truth. This time he had to stand alone. He had to swallow his fears. He had to fight against his nature and keep a cool head.

  He lifted his head from his hands and looked to the screen. He looked to the bottle. He felt his breathing shorten. In his head he screamed until he heard nothing. He picked up the bottle unscrewed the cap. Before he brought the bottle to his lips. The strong liquor aroma wafted under his nose. His throat went dry with the thirst. There was a knock at his door.

  Giovanni paused. He set the bottle down.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Rocco opened the door. Mateo Benicia, the younger brother of Don Benicia walked inside with another man.

  “Giovanni,” Mateo said with a respectful nod.

  “Have a seat,” Giovanni said. Mateo joined him. He sat across from Giovanni on the sofa chair. Rocco went to the bar on his cane and got a glass. When he placed it on the coffee table Giovanni poured Mateo a drink.

  “My brother is in the hospital. They have the polizia in his room and won’t let any of us in to see him.”

  “It’s unfortunate Benicia and I argued. I regret it,” Giovanni said swallowing a measure of pride.

  “What’s done is done, Gio,” Mateo said.

  He looked up into Mateo’s eyes, and two seconds into the stare Mateo lowered his eyes first. “He told me we are to help you in any way we can. We’ve already started canvasing fishermen. We know Santo washed up from the sea.”

  “Forget Santo for a moment. Forget the raid at Venditto. We will deal with these things later.” Giovanni said. He looked to the bottle of Scotch and then away. He reclined and crossed his legs. His face rested in the palm of his hand. “Do you know a woman by the name of Isabella?”

  Mateo frowned. “My wife’s name is Isabella, I have a sister as well.”

  “The fight was arranged by Santo. Ciro trained under Father Nicosia. I need one of your men to go with mine and find that priest. He has to be in Napoli somewhere. If he’s returned to Bergamo then I want you to bring him back.”

  “I know the priest. You think he has answers?” Mateo asked.

  “There’s a woman by the name of Isabella who is working for the Triad. Someone has to have known or seen her. I need men to head to Piazzia Bagnoli. She’s been spotted there. My guess is she’s gone now. Still send them. And I want boats from here to Sicilia. Canvas the sea. As much as you can.”

  Mateo drank down what was left in the glass. “We can do all these things. But I am here to tell you that the deal you made with my brother needs to be sealed first.”

  “First?” Giovanni arched a brow.

  “Half our men are either dead or in jail. The Benicias will assume a lot more risk than the Battaglias. We don’t have your powerful friends, Giovanni. No disrespect. If we are to do this, the family wa
nts guarantees on the distribution. The deal of a forty percent split.”

  “You want me to reward you before you fucking lift a finger to earn it?” Giovanni seethed.

  “No. We want you to align with us. Give us a position in your family. And we will put our lives on the line for her. We’ll give our lives for your Donna. I can’t go to my men with the promise of a reward. I have to go to my men and tell them of a true alliance.”

  Giovanni looked over to Rocco. The old man shook his head no. He knew if he agreed he’d plunge the family deeper into drug trafficking and all his work to legitimize them would be for nothing. If it was the price to pay for the return of his wife he’d do it without question.

  “Done. We are aligned.” Giovanni said.

  Mateo’s eyes gleamed with triumph. He saw the hunger in the young man for power. A gleam of lust sparked in his eyes to remove Giovanni’s power, and be crowned the boss of all bosses. He saw it and didn’t care. All he cared about was his wife.

  Mateo stood. “So it is the Triad?” he asked.

  “It is. Bring me the priest and find out all you can on Isabella.”

  Mateo nodded and walked out. Rocco saw them to the door. He turned and looked at Giovanni who slumped down on the sofa.

  “Gio? What have you done?” Rocco asked.

  “Do you think he drugged her?” Giovanni asked.

  “I don’t understand? How could you agree to that deal, Gio? Benicia is not worthy of that kind of power!” Rocco shouted.

  “Was she drunk? Confused?” Giovanni asked. He stared at the Scotch bottle. He saw his wife turn into the arms of his enemy. He saw her smile. She smiled for him the way she often smiled when he touched her.

  “Of course he drugged her, Giovanni. You know your wife. She would never betray you.”

  “She has before,” Giovanni said. He glanced up to Rocco. “She told me the time they were together in Switzerland that she never slept with him. Two years living with my Bella, and you’re telling me he never tried what I just saw? She never let him in?”

  “What does that matter now, Gio? She’s in danger! Do you doubt that?”

  He shook his head no.

  “This is what he wants, Gio, to get in your head. Don’t let him in,” Rocco said. He reached for the bottle of Scotch. Giovanni didn’t object when he screwed the cap on it and put it back on the bar. “You can’t honor that deal with the Benicias. If you do it will spit on everything your father built. Drugs! We are not fucking drug dealers!” Rocco shouted.

  “He hasn’t left with her,” Giovanni said. He ignored his uncle. The truth was he didn’t hear him. He was too lost to his own hell. He wiped his hand down his face. “That video was to distract me. He’s still here. Somewhere close. Why? Why taunt me? What is he after? He’s after something.”

  “Everyone is looking for him, Gio. You have allies all through the Campania. They are all looking.”

  Giovanni scratched his brow. “I need to know what he’s fucking after!”

  “To destroy you,” Rocco said.

  “Maybe. But that’s not it. You heard him. He’s going to take back what’s his. That’s what he said.” Giovanni glanced up to Rocco. “He has my Bella. What else does he think belongs to him?”

  “Eve?” Rocco asked.

  “Did you see his hand?” Giovanni stood. He went to the remote and picked it up. He rewound the tape. Giovanni hit play. Kei came on the camera and began to adjust the tilt. Giovanni paused the tape. “There! Look at his hand.”

  “What is that?” Rocco asked.

  “Some kind of iron thing over his fingers.” Giovanni went to the television and studied it. “It’s like a glove.” He hit play and Kei stepped back. He could see it clearly.

  “Go get Eve.” Giovanni said.

  “What?” Rocco said.

  “Bring her to me!”

  “Why?” Rocco disagreed in his tone of voice.

  “For days Zia and Bella have been complaining about Eve telling stories of the man with the hook hand. That the man was coming to take her and her mother to some fairytale place.”

  “He couldn’t have possibly had access to Eve,” Rocco said. “How could he?”

  “HE HAS MY FUCKING BELLA! HE TOOK HER FROM UNDER MY NOSE! Nothing is a fucking coincidence, old man! Nothing! Santo comes out of jail and wants forgiveness, access to my family and my business. What do I do? I put him in charge of security. FUCKING SECURITY! He’s been with my children and my wife. And now Bella is gone. It’s connected.”

  “Gio, let’s wait until we get Domi and—”

  “DON’T FUCKING QUESTION ME, OLD MAN! GET HER! NOW!” he stepped to Rocco. His uncle moved quickly on his cane. Giovanni sucked in a deep breath. He paced the floor. He turned to the television and pressed play. At first Bella was still. When Kei joined her in bed she turned over with her eyes closed. He watched the way she kissed and responded to his touch. He rewound that scene fifteen times and studied it. She never opened her eyes. Not once. It wasn’t his wife. He knew her pleasures. Kei had barely touched her and she was moaning. Something was off. The bastard was drugging her. He couldn’t imagine feeling an ounce of relief in his wife’s suffering. But he believed his eyes. This was a violation of her and him. And it was then he was able to see her truly. The scar and dried blood on her forehead, the dark bruise on her neck. Giovanni found it hard to stand. The motherfucker was torturing his sweet Bella. He wanted him dead!

  The wait for his daughter was excruciating. Rocco had returned and was seated with him in silence. He needed silence. He felt rational when no one was fucking talking and asking him stupid questions he couldn’t answer.

  There was a knock at the door. Marietta appeared. She had Eve by the hand. His daughter had two French braids with blue ribbons tied to the end. She wore blue overalls with a pink shirt underneath.

  “Papa!” Eve ran over to him and he lifted her to his lap. “Papa, where have you been?” Eve asked. “Where is Mommy?”

  “She’s on a trip. She’ll be back soon,” Giovanni smiled. He looked up to Marietta who stared at him with confusion. “Papa needs your help. I want to show you someone. I need you to tell me if you’ve seen him before. Do you think you can do that?”

  “Yes, Papa, I can do it.” Eve said.

  “Gio? What is this about?” Marietta asked with caution.

  “No questions,” Giovanni said. Marietta nodded that she’d obey. He picked up the remote. He pressed play and put it on mute. Kei adjusted the camera and then stepped into view. He hit pause.

  “That’s Poppy!” Eve said. She got down from her father’s lap. “He’s Captain Hook. He’s going to take me and Mama to Neverland.”

  “When did you see Poppy, baby?” Marietta asked.

  “In the room.” Eve said.

  “Eve,” Giovanni said. “Who brought Poppy to you?”

  “Zio Santo. He came in the room and told ChiChi to get lunch. And then he brought Poppy to see me. Gino cried and ran from him. Santo took Gino in another room. Me and Poppy played.”

  “At the hotel? During the fashion show? Cecilia was alone with them until Rocco came for them.” Marietta added.

  Giovanni closed his eyes to the news. His children were vulnerable. And he’d let his enemy walk in. Anything could have happened.

  “Bring me Cecilia.” Giovanni said. He reached for Eve’s hand. She came over to him and he kissed her. He pulled her to him and hugged her so tight Marietta came over to separate them. Eve began to cry. Giovanni let her go. Marietta knelt in front of Eve and tried to calm her. The little girl pushed away from her aunt and returned to her father for comfort. He put her on his knee and kissed away her tears. He held her. “I’m sorry, Eve. Papa failed you. Papa will fix it.”

  “I want my Mommy. I want her now!” Eve said and began to wail loudly.

  “Me too,” Giovanni said. “Me too.”

  “Let me take her, Gio. You’re scaring her,” Marietta said. “Eve, mommy is coming home soon. How about we
go upstairs and make her a picture. She’ll like that.”

  Eve wiped at her tears. “I’ll make you one too, Papa. A picture for you and Mommy.”

  He nodded and let her go. Marietta had to pick her up and carry her from the room.

  “Wait, Marietta, Do you know a woman named Isabella?”

  “Isabella?” Marietta paused.

  “Have you heard that name before? It’s important. Bella’s life depends on it.”

  “Once, when I first came to Italy. I…” Marietta struggled with her explanation. Giovanni narrowed his eyes on her. Why was she conflicted? He sensed she was keeping things from him. “I got a note once. That told me the Battaglias knew what happened to my mother. A woman named Isabella signed it. I never knew who she was.”

  “Thank you for being honest,” he said staring her in the eye. Marietta nodded and walked out carrying Eve.

  “I let this happen,” Giovanni said.

  “You were supporting your wife. You did everything to support her.”

  “I knew the fucking fashion show was a bad idea. In my gut I knew we weren’t ready. But I let her guilt me into agreeing!” he kicked the coffee table.

  “So now it’s her fault, Gio? Who are you going to blame next? Eve?” Rocco said.

  “It’s my fault. Every time I act against my nature I put this family at risk.” Giovanni said.

  “Which is why getting into the drug business with Benicia is a bad idea, son,” Rocco reasoned.

  “Fuck the drugs, old man! This is my life! My Bella! My children!” Giovanni shouted.

  “Gio, you can’t lock the family away from the world. You have to make the world afraid of your family. That’s strength!” Rocco said. “Don’t compromise now. Be who you are in all things!”

  Giovanni put his face in his hands. “Go. Find Cecilia, bring her to me.”

  The phone rang at his desk. He stood and picked it up. “Gio speaking.” he answered.

  “It’s Armando.”

  “What the fuck do you want?”

  “Marietta called me. I’d like to offer my assistance,” Armando began.

  “Don’t need it.” He hung up the phone. Giovanni sat behind his desk. In less than ten minutes Cecilia was marched into his office. She looked terrified.


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