Jailbird (Sound of Silence Series, Book Two)

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Jailbird (Sound of Silence Series, Book Two) Page 13

by Taylor Dean

  I enter the house with my hand grasped tightly in Grayson’s. I don’t have to face this alone, thank goodness, and that makes all the difference.

  Spencer greets me with a hug and Stony with his signature nod. I feel welcomed by them both. They both look ecstatic and I’m pleased for them. I do notice the look Spencer and Grayson exchange. Spencer raises her eyebrows at him and mock punches him in the shoulder. Grayson flashes her his Cheshire cat grin and flicks her chin. Typical sibling communication.

  My heart sinks when I see Sally Gardner perched on the loveseat. She’s married to one of Stony’s friends and I know that’s the only reason she’s invited. Stony has no patience for her.

  I have to face her at some point. It might as well be today. Time to rip off the band-aid.

  As we are greeted by Caroline and Shay, I can’t help but admire the sparkling pool outside, and the handsome interior of the home. Spencer and Stony really have made themselves an amazing home. I should feel terrible. But I’m in a different emotional place than I was the last time I was here and it feels good. I’m not alone. I have Grayson. I’m falling for him and I know it. There’s no pressure from him, we’re taking things slow, but something inside of me spurts to life when I’m with him. I think that’s a sign of good things to come.

  We eat snacks from an incredible buffet as Spencer and Stony open their gifts, to include some of the cutest little girl clothes I’ve ever seen.

  I do notice a few odd looks from the other guests, but I decide to just ignore them and stick close to Grayson.

  Caroline has outdone herself with the food. It’s delicious. The only time I leave Grayson’s side is when I approach the buffet to refill my plate. To my dismay, Sally joins me. Grayson is deep in conversation with Stony and doesn’t notice the interaction, otherwise I know he’d come and save me. But it’s time for me to face her anyway. I can’t hide behind Grayson forever.

  “Mia, it’s so good to see you.”

  No, it isn’t. She’s so fake. We’ve never been friends.

  “I’m so glad you’re out of jail,” she says loudly, making sure everyone close to us hears her comment. “I don’t think I could stand being locked up. It must have been awful for you.”

  She hasn’t changed a bit. I acknowledge her with a nod. Then I retort with, “What’s even worse is when people keep bringing it up.”

  Her friendly demeanor sours and I know I shouldn’t have joined her game of words. She’s a master at it and it won’t end well for me. But I do love feeling more and more like myself again.

  “It’s hard to forget when I’m in the same room as you and Stony and you’re not together. It’s like a constant reminder.” She scoots closer to me and says under her breath, “I can understand why you didn’t want to be with Stony anymore. The whole missing leg thing is such a turn off. Can you imagine?”

  Her comment makes me hurt for Stony. “Gossiping is a turn off as well. Don’t you think?” My old Mia spunk is finally making an appearance. Once confronted, I’ve never backed down from Sally and I’m certainly not going to now.

  But that was high school and now we’re both adults, making this conversation feel ridiculous and childish.

  “Call it what you will, truth is truth.” She laughs a fluttery laugh even though nothing is remotely funny.

  I keep my face blank and don’t smile in response. A snake sheds his skin every four to six months, but Sally never let’s go of a single thing. Regardless, she’s still a snake.

  She changes her tactic. “Aren’t Spencer and Stony just so cute together?”

  “They’re very happy.” I step away and add a few finger sandwiches to my plate. She follows me.

  “Spencer’s no dummy. I see she ordered her brother to watch over you.”

  As her words sink in, I say, “Excuse me?”

  “Hey, as long as you’re occupied with that gorgeous hunk of manhood, you’ll leave Stony alone. Smart girl, that Spencer. I wouldn’t trust you around Stony either.” Sally dips broccoli in ranch dressing and takes a bite. She reminds me of a predator biting at her prey. “Anywho, great to see you, Mia.”

  With a forced smile, I tell her, “I can’t say the same, Sally.”

  Her fluttery laugh echoes around the room and she mumbles, “Thanks.” She doesn’t even realize she’s just been insulted. While I’m glad I held my own, I also feel as though I sunk down to her immature level and I’m not proud of myself. My smile fades as I contemplate her carefully aimed words. My eyes seek out Grayson. He’s sitting next to Stony, listening to him speak. He’s completely serious and it’s odd to see him without his usual smile. I know this is a side of him I don’t know as of yet. As if he feels the weight of my stare, he turns and his eyes meet mine. For just a moment, I see something hard and intense in his gaze. He covers it quickly with a slow smile.

  But it freaks me out.

  How fake is that smile? It bothers me that I don’t have a clue.

  I return his smile the best I can manage. Sally’s well planned words have hit me like the daggers they were intended to be. My world is collapsing. I can feel it crumbling. A few damaging words and bam. It’s that easy. I’m an unstable house of cards that will collapse at the slightest gush of wind.

  My thoughts are whirling out of control. Grayson is distracted by something Spencer says and he laughs aloud. He adores his sister. He’d do anything for her.


  My eyebrows furrow deeply. How far would he go to protect his sister and her marriage from an intruder? Surely he wouldn’t fake his feelings for me just to keep me away from Stony. Would he? I wish Sally hadn’t planted the awful thought in my mind.

  The truth is I don’t know him well enough to know if he would do something like that or not. Our relationship is still very new.

  Spencer is very comfortable around me, oddly so. Is that because she knows her brother will distract me and she needn’t worry? He could charm a sack of potatoes and I don’t doubt that Spencer is well aware of her brother’s finesse.

  Stony knows I would never jeopardize his relationship. If there is some sort of scheme between Spencer and Grayson, I doubt Stony is aware of it. He wouldn’t do that to me. At least the old Stony wouldn’t do that to me. He’s a different person now.

  Now I’m suspicious of Grayson and I don’t want to feel this way. Our relationship is new and tenuous. I’m completely smitten with him. I don’t want to mess this up.

  I’m quiet for the remainder of the interminable shower, but no one expects me to be the vivacious life of the party anyway. No one suspects anything is amiss. If they did, they would just chalk it up to the situation.

  But inside I’m a mass of twisted emotions.

  On the drive home, Grayson holds my hand and says, “I know that wasn’t easy for you, Mia. Thank you for going with me. It will get easier as time goes by.”

  “It’s already easier.” I stare out the window. I can handle this all because of Grayson. He brought hope back into my life.

  There are thoughts niggling at the back of my mind making me question Sally. If Spencer asked Grayson to keep me away from Stony, then why bring me to the shower? Of course, some people say you should keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.

  Does Spencer look upon me as an enemy? If Grayson is only spending time with me because his sister asked him to, then how real are his feelings? Is he faking it? Our time together has not felt fake or forced. It has felt very real.

  Besides, am I really that much of a threat to Spencer? Even if Stony showed up at my doorstep begging for a second chance, I would tell him to contact me when his divorce is final. I am not some kind of femme fatale who wants to have an affair with my married ex and ruin his marriage. I would never do that. Spencer may not know that, but Stony does.

  Of course, this would explain why Spencer practically forced me to stay for dinner the night Grayson arrived. Maybe she’d hatched her plan from the very beginning.

  “Mia?” Gra
yson says, interrupting my dangerous thoughts. “You’re a million miles away.”

  “Sorry. I was lost in thought.”

  “I don’t have any change on me, but can I owe you a penny for your thoughts?”

  I decide to test the waters. “I was thinking how happy I am to have you in my life. You’ve made this transition so much easier than I thought it would be.”

  I cross my fingers and wait for his response.

  He squeezes my hand. “I wasn’t expecting to find the love of my life when I moved here.”

  “Love of your life?”

  “Yeah. And I don’t mean Sophie. Although she is your stiffest competition.”

  “Are you being serious? I never can tell with you.”

  He surprises me by pulling the car over to the side of the darkened roadway. He rolls down the two front windows and a gentle breeze floats through the car. The night sky is bright with twinkling stars. Then he faces me, still holding my hand in his.

  “I know it’s only been a few weeks since we met, but right now, that’s how I’m feeling. I don’t expect you to feel the same. It’s too early, I know that.”

  He leans forward and kisses me. I lose myself in his kiss, forgetting everything. I don’t respond to his declaration, even though I have similar feelings. Like he said, it’s too early. Still, I put a stop to my doubts and tell myself Sally was just being the typical mean girl. Of course she was. Why did I fall for her silly lies? She was deliberately trying to mess up my happiness, just like always.

  It’s not until I’m back at the hospital, sitting by my Mom’s bed, that I begin to question Grayson’s declaration. In reality, it really is too early for him to feel that way about me. Like he said, it’s only been a few weeks.

  And that’s when my doubts shoot sky high and make me question his motives. He’s moving too fast. It doesn’t have the ring of truth. No one falls in love this fast.

  Especially with me, the jailbird.

  Unless they’re faking it for ulterior motives. I close my eyes and let the truth taste sour on my bitter tongue. It’s so unpleasant, I shiver. Maybe Sally was just stating the glaring truth and I’ve been too blind to see it. Maybe everyone knows it but me.

  It was a mistake for me to let myself become involved with Grayson before I have my own confidence back. My self-esteem has been at an all-time low since the day I was put in jail. I have no business entering a relationship. What was I thinking?

  I mull things over for a while, then I realize there’s only one thing for me to do. Confront Spencer. Ask her outright. She told me she trusts Stony, but I know she doesn’t trust me. Maybe Grayson is her insurance policy.

  There’s still a slight possibility that I’m completely wrong. If I confront Grayson and I’m wrong, he’ll know I don’t quite trust him yet, which is sadly true. We don’t need that kind of drama in our new and tender relationship.

  No, the best person to ask is Spencer. I’ll just put it all out there and let her explain.

  I can only hope she’ll tell me the truth, and if not, that I’ll recognize the lie.



  AS USUAL, THE Stony and Spencer’s Place—For happily ever aftering sign on their fence makes me want to throw up. My car idles quietly and I know it’s not too late to turn around and just go home.

  But there’s no going back now. I’m determined. Mom was released from the hospital today, a new seizure medication added to her growing list of drugs. Seriously, I had to make a chart so I don’t lose track of what she’s supposed to take and when.

  The minute Blake walked in the door, I told him I had to go out and that I’d be gone for the evening. Not that I plan on spending the entire time with Spencer. No, after I meet with her, I need some alone time for a bit, just to think things through. I can’t reason clearly in Grayson’s presence. I’m much too taken with him to have any kind of rational thoughts.

  So here I am again. Idling my car in front of Stony and Spencer’s house, ready to go inside and have a serious discussion. Only this time, I won’t back down.

  There will be another time when I need to do this again for entirely different reasons. I dread that even more than what I’m about to do right now.

  One thing at a time. I remind myself that baby steps are the name of the game. I’ve already taken way too many giant steps of late and I’m overwhelmed.

  I park my car and head inside the gated paradise. I don’t let the beautiful grounds deter me. I’m not exactly sure how Stony will respond when I show up at his doorstep asking to speak to Spencer. He seems so protective of her. But I’m not here to throw accusations at her or upset her. I just want to know the truth. I think we need to be completely honest with each other if this is going to work. I can’t spend my life wondering if she thinks I’m after Stony. It's time for a very civil conversation. She’s been courteous with me and I will be kind as well.

  Here it goes.

  I ring the doorbell and listen to the Windsor chime ring through the house. I try my best not to smirk at the sound. Then I wait. And wait. And wait.

  Just when I think no one is home, the door opens slowly.

  It’s Spencer. And she doesn’t look well. Her hair is askew, as if she was taking a nap. She looks a little pale and shaky as well. She’s holding her belly as if the baby is about to fall out.

  “Hi, Mia,” she says with a strained voice. “Stony isn’t here right now.”

  I kind of hate that she immediately assumes I’m here to see Stony. But then, why would she assume anything different? It’s not as if we’re buddies.

  “Actually, I’m here to see you.” Her eyes look glazed. “Are . . . are you okay?” I ask.

  She scoffs. “Yes, I’m fine. Sophie is due in a week and the Braxton Hicks contractions are killing me. I saw the doctor yesterday morning, but he said until the contractions come at regular intervals, don’t go to the hospital. I’ve already called him twice today. I think he’ll hang up on me if I call again. I might even be known as the mom who cried wolf. I think doctors must hate first-time mothers.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I can come back another time.” I’m not going to bother her with my worries while she isn’t feeling well.

  “No, please, I need something to distract me.” She holds the door open wider. “I can’t seem to get comfortable today.”

  She’s out of breath as she speaks, as if she just ran a marathon and I’m a little concerned.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been resting flat on my back all day. Lately I’m a little lightheaded when I first get up. The baby decided my lungs don’t need any room to expand.”

  Oh my, pregnancy is not all flowers and hearts. Duly noted. “Where’s Stony?” He should be here with her.

  She smiles weakly. “I was craving barbeque from our favorite restaurant in Abilene. He went to go get the crazy pregnant lady some food before her head started doing a 360 on her shoulders. He wouldn’t leave unless I promised to stay in bed the entire time.”


  “Exactly. I also promised to keep my cell phone in hand in case I need to call for help and in my rush to get up and answer the door, I left it upstairs. I have pregnant brain. And, yes, that was me rushing.”

  I smile. “I’ll run up and get it for you. Where is it?”

  “I’ll take you up on that offer. The stairs suddenly look like Mount Everest. It’s on my nightstand.”

  I run up the stairs and enter the inner sanctum of Stony and Spencer. It’s just as beautiful as the last time I saw it, with sheer white drapes billowing in the wind. The bed is tousled, evidence that Spencer had been resting. I feel bad for interrupting her. I grab her cell phone and exit quickly. I don’t want to linger in their private space.

  She’s still standing by the front door, leaning against the wall, when I return. “The contractions kicked in again after Stony left and I’m regretting sending him out.”

  “I’m surprised h
e left you.”

  “Oh, it took some convincing. Once the doctor said don’t call back until the contractions are regular, he gave in. We’re definitely on baby watch, but I don’t think today is the day.”

  “I think I should let you rest. I’m sorry I disturbed you.” She’s making me nervous.

  “I’m perfectly fine, really. I’m not sick, just pregnant.”

  The contractions make her a liar. She pauses, holding onto the wall for support, breathing in and out deeply.


  “Think cramps on steroids. That’s what Braxton Hicks contractions feel like.” She can barely get the words out.

  Ouch. “Are you sure you’re not in labor?”

  “I don’t think so. The contractions are still unpredictable and too far apart. I don’t know, I’ve never done this before.”

  “That makes two of us. How can I help you?” One thing is for sure, I’m certainly not going to leave her alone until Stony gets home. Stony should’ve listened to his instincts and not left her alone.

  “I’m just glad I’m not alone anymore. Distract me, please.”

  She walks very slowly toward the living room, and I don’t ask for permission, I hold her arm as she walks. Dang, her skin is soft. I want to ask what moisturizer she uses, but she seems so unsteady, I hesitate over trivial talk. I hope Stony returns quickly.

  “Thank you. Go ahead and have a seat, Mia. I’ll be right back. I need to use the restroom for the hundredth time today. The bathroom calls constantly and makes it impossible to rest.”

  “Let me help.”

  She waves me away. “Thank you, but I’m okay, really.”

  I’m not so sure about that, but I let her go against my better judgement.

  I sit on the couch and notice that the house is spotlessly clean even though the shower was just last night. There isn’t a trace of evidence that they just had a houseful of people here. Seriously, they need an intervention.

  Spencer returns, walking very slowly, holding her back. She lowers herself down on the recliner, and breathes a sigh of relief. She doesn’t look quite as pale as earlier. “Sorry, I’m okay now. I never know when those Braxton Hicks contractions are gonna hit.” She takes several deep, cleansing breaths and scoots up on the recliner so she can rub her back.


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