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Protector: A Young Adult / New Adult Fantasy Novel

Page 13

by Joanne Wadsworth

  As I did, his fingers bumped into mine. He caught hold of my hand, only the rest of him was too far away, a gaping distance considering the size of the bed.

  A minute later, and I still stared upward. “This doesn’t feel right. Can you come closer?”

  “Sure.” His breath hitched as he rolled into me, then he wrapped his arms snugly around my waist and kissed the side of my neck. “Is that better?”

  I moaned. “Oh, that is sooo much better.” I smiled, threaded my fingers through his, then I caught a stray thought from his mind. He was thinking of his loved ones back home, his grandfather, parents, and someone else named Silas.

  Wriggling onto my side, I faced him. “Who’s Silas?”

  “My cousin. We grew up together at Loveria Castle. Our mothers are sisters.”

  “If you’re as close as you say, why isn’t he here?”

  “He’s my right hand man, and attending to my duties while I’m not there.” He touched his head. “He’s also knocking telepathically right now, and even though I’m blocked, I can still sense him needing to make contact.”

  “Oh, if that’s the case, go right ahead and speak to him.” I traced my fingers along his brow in the near dark. Only a slither of moonlight beamed in through the small gap in the curtains where they hadn’t quite been pulled fully across.

  “Thank you. I won’t be long.”

  I tugged my pillow more comfortably under my head as he conversed privately with Silas.

  Long minutes passed, and I snuggled closer, the sound of his even breathing lulling me.

  “I’m sorry. Silas is insistent.”

  A yawn escaped me. “Insistent about what?”

  “Tomorrow afternoon there’s a gathering of protectors. We all need to be there. It’s very important. But be assured, Belle will stay.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Not for long, and you will stay put, right here with Belle and Silvie.”

  “We’ll see.”

  He groaned, and I grinned in the dark.

  “So, what’s the meeting about?”

  “Dralion’s spies. That’s the one issue I need resolved since I wish to have the freedom to move you there.”


  “I’m leaving Belle with you.”

  “So you said.”

  “And Silvie. I want you to stay close to Silvie.”

  “Okay, quit that.” I flicked his arm. “You’re not going to be away for very long. I believe I can look after myself for a couple of hours.” I yawned again, clapped a hand over my mouth and murmured, “I’ll be fine, truly.”

  “Promise me you’ll be here when I return.”

  “I promise.”

  “Good, now sleep. You’re yawning and I’ve clearly kept you up too late. I should be taking more care of your needs.”

  Great. I could swear the man worried more about me than anyone in my entire life ever had. His innate ability to do so truly sucked.

  “I don’t want to go to sleep yet. I want to stay up all night talking to you. You’re the first man I’ve ever slept with. This is kind of cool.”

  “Faith.” My name was a warning as he brushed his lips across my forehead. “I know we’ve had a rough day, especially with what played out earlier with Wincrest, but remember we have a future together. We have an entire lifetime to talk.”

  I curled up against him, yet another yawn escaping. “Just ignore that,” I mumbled, only my eyelids felt like lead. Whether I wanted to or not, I drifted.

  “Goodnight.” His soft murmur seemed to come from far away, and then I was out, slipping assuredly into my safest haven.

  Chapter 7

  I awoke and stretched, then stopped at the heavy weight of Davio’s arm draped across my waist, his breath warm on the back of my neck. A smidgeon of dawn light sneaked in between the heavy fall of velvet curtaining over the windows and highlighted his features. I smiled. No longer did he have last night’s dark shadows under his eyes. They’d gone, and it appeared he’d rested well.

  Pushing up onto my elbows, I checked the time. My watch said five-forty. Not much sleep, but I was okay with that. In all honesty, I had to be because my legs ached.

  I stroked down my right thigh to my calf, then back up again. The itchy ache felt like coiled energy deep inside needing to be released. I should run.

  Swinging my feet to the ground, I checked over my shoulder to make certain I hadn’t woken him.

  After such a late night, an extra hour of sleep wouldn’t hurt him, not when I could look after myself. This outing alone would certainly prove it.

  I snuck out of his bedroom, tiptoed down the hallway and peeked in on Silvie.

  My lips lifted. She slept so snugly in her bed.

  The intricate burgundy quilt was fluffed up around her neck, or it was until I bounced on top of her.

  Only she didn’t wake.

  Didn’t even stir.

  I took a length of her red-gold hair and yanked. “Wake up, sleepyhead.”

  She groaned and lifted a wobbly hand. Blindly patting the air, she knocked my hand away. “You’re such a pest. Go back to sleep and leave me alone. You disappear, then reappear without even a word to me, then sleep in Davio’s room and I’m not happy about that.”

  “Sorry, Mum, but I promise all we’re doing is sleeping. Nothing else.” I gripped the top edge of her covers, went to pull but she yanked them right up over her head.

  I chuckled, her typical morning moodiness only encouraging me further. “I’m going for a run and didn’t want to leave you behind, not like I did last night. I’m sorry I scared you. You wanna run around Centennial Park together?”

  “Oh, you’re so funny.” She whipped a knee into me from underneath the covers. “I don’t run and you know it. I’m a sane sleeper, and you’re forgiven.”

  I grinned. “You’re such a spoilsport. You won’t get fit lying around in a bed.”

  She pushed the covers down and dragged an eyelid open, one piercing blue eye sending a sharp look at me. “What’s wrong with your legs? I can feel the mini earthquake from here. Why are you wriggling about like that?”

  She was right. My lower limbs shook. Even clamping a hand on them didn’t help. “I don’t know. I woke up like this.”

  She dropped her eyelid as if it weighed too much for her to handle. “Then go for your run and make it a lengthy one. Belle said with your sort of skills accumulating, you’ll have an overabundance of energy to expend. Many of their highly skilled people need to run it out a couple of times a month.”

  “Truly? No one’s ever told me that.” It made a whole lot of sense though. “In that case, I’ll pop home, change and do just that. Run until I’ve expended my energy.”

  “Shut the door on your way out.” She rolled over and heaved the burgundy quilt back up and over her head.

  I smiled for I had been dismissed—Silvie fashion.

  One-half second later with the precise image of my bedroom in mind, I flashed there. Oh yeah, I loved that speed.

  At my dresser, I pulled out a pair of sky-blue running shorts and a white t-shirt. In the bathroom, I tugged a comb through my hair and secured it in a ponytail. Running socks and lace-up Adidas sneakers on, I dashed to my bathroom and whizzed the toothbrush over my teeth.

  At the other end of the hallway, I checked in on my sleeping mother.

  With her dark hair tumbled in complete disarray over her pillow, she mumbled in her sleep, so like Silvie I couldn’t help but smile. I jiggled from foot to foot, bent and dropped a kiss on her forehead then snuck out without waking her.

  Tub of yogurt. Glass of water. Another shake of my legs, and I was off.

  I took the pathway, the thicker tree canopy swaying overhead in the breeze. I pounded down Centennial Drive, the hum of chirping sparrows and buzzing bees resounding all around.

  Another minute and the sun would rise fully over the eastern horizon. I was in paradise. I adored spring and seeing the roses bloom in a myriad of color ov
er our fence from Mr. Ray’s place next door. This park, with its varying shades of breakout green and gold, soothed my very soul. Spring was the most beautiful season.

  “Good morning.”

  I jumped, my heart losing ten very necessary beats as Davio stepped out from behind a tree. “That’s not funny.” I glared, then half-stumbled at the yum-yum sight of his white sports t-shirt pulling tight across his chest. “Where did you come from?”

  “From behind the tree.” A devilish grin.

  “Obviously.” I tugged my ponytail tighter and set out again. “Was Carlisio being nosy?”

  “No, this time I shook Silvie out of bed for the information. Stubborn redhead was almost impossible to wake up.” He reached for my hand as we ran, and I merged my mind with his. Oh boy. There it was—instant gratification.

  Feet pounding the ground, I built up my speed. “Why aren’t you asleep like she is? I left you behind for a good reason.” I pumped my legs, going faster still.

  “Wherever you are”—he grumbled, panting hard—“is where I’ll always wish to be.”

  I glanced at him, laughing. “That didn’t sound very wishful.”

  “That’s because we’re running like there’s no tomorrow. Is there a reason for this?” He clutched his side.

  “No idea, other than that I’m just warming up.” We neared the isolated end of Centennial Park where the town’s perimeter merged with the country. The pavement gave way to an open area of grassy land, and now I truly let loose. “Catch me if you can.”

  “I’m not letting you get away.”

  “You appear to be having trouble keeping up with the Halfling.”

  “I’ve come to notice you’re very feisty in the mornings.”

  “Only the mornings?”

  He smiled and I grinned back.

  “Hey, I can’t help it. Silvie didn’t get all snippy at you for no reason, not after I’ve trained her so well to be that way. And talking about Silvie, I mentioned to her I woke with lively legs. Apparently, Belle told her it happened a couple of times a month amongst your skilled people. Something about excess energy?”

  “Yeah, you have to deal with it and run for a good hour or two like this. But for now, go as fast as you need to. I’ll somehow manage to keep up.”

  With another surge, I did just that.

  We wove our way through the bushy lower basin of a gully, the next two hours passing quickly as we tracked away and upward along the Papamoa hills.

  Considering our mated bond, I broached the question foremost in my mind as we made the scenic hilltop and stopped. Hands to my knees, I drew in a couple of deep breaths. “Why is it we still haven’t created a link, as in a telepathic link? I know it requires trust, but as a mated pair shouldn’t that be a given? I have a telepathic link with Belle.”

  “We should have, and I do trust you.” He rubbed my back. “Except we’re dealing with more issues than most mated couples. We’ll give the telepathic link more time. When it comes, we’ll be able to speak to each other no matter where we are—and we’ll both need that.”

  I straightened, looked him in the eye. “I take it there’s never been a Wincrest who ever trusted a Loveria?”

  He muttered his answer first, then repeated it a second time with more strength. “We are born enemies, but not you and me. Come here.” He pulled me into his arms. “We will work this out.”

  “We better.”

  His hold tightened. “The people of Peacio are my first priority, but no one, not a soul will be able to drive us apart.” He bent his head, pressing every hot inch of himself closer as his lips touched mine.

  I grinned as he kissed me. “Are you trying to make me miss school?”

  “I wouldn’t mind.” A second later he ’ported us to my room. “Except one’s education is important.”

  I tilted my head to the side, taking a quick moment to listen for the sound of my mother. Nothing. Everything remained quiet. “Mum’s not home, would have gone to work by now, but at some point I’d like you two to have a proper meeting, with a sit-down conversation. Do you want to speak to her?”

  “About what exactly?”

  “Anything. She doesn’t know you, and I’d like her to.”

  He smoothed his finger along my jaw. “I can’t mention Magio, for the obvious reasons, but I’d like that too, to have a sit-down conversation. Now, dress and ready yourself for school. I’ll return in two minutes.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You need to cease with demanding such short spans of time for me to get ready, for either bed or the—”

  Chuckling, he shimmered and disappeared before I could finish my argument.

  Huh, how annoying.

  I stomped to the bathroom, took far longer than the required two minutes as I showered then dressed in my favorite pair of faded, blue denim cutoffs. I pulled on a gray and blue striped hoodie and blow-dried my hair. Minimal makeup and I was done.

  Back in my bedroom and low and behold, guess who was back?

  He tapped his watch as he frowned. “Fifteen minutes?”

  “That’s the new standard. Get used to it.” I merged my mind with his, stood on his booted toes and kissed his cheek. “You look nice, by the way.” I stepped back and circled him. Scrumptious. He was dressed in a black shirt and jeans, his dark hair damp and curling delectably around his neck.

  “And you look”—he crooked his finger, beckoning me back to his side—“too far away.”

  I grabbed my school bag and joined him. “We need to get going.”

  “We surely do.” He firmed his grip on my hand and we made the jump. We arrived behind the trunk of the largest tree at the edge of the field. As we stepped out from behind it, the bell pealed loud and clear. Davio steered me toward the mathematics block.

  Viv stood leaning against the wall next to our Calculus classroom door, her dark locks clipped behind her ear as she chewed gum. She blew a purple bubble and popped it, pushed off the wall in skinny black jeans and a white “I-Heart-New Zealand” t-shirt.

  “Hey, don’t you think I’m starting to look the part?” Viv popped another bubble, acting as if she hadn’t just held a blade to my neck the day before. No hard feelings. I certainly didn’t have any toward her and Zac, and clearly those were reciprocated.

  Davio laughed. “I believe you are. I’m impressed.” Then his gaze narrowed. “Where’s Zac?”

  She touched her hip. “He’s not always glued to my side.” Then she peered over her shoulder through the window in the door. Zac stood behind his desk, his gaze on Viv, Belle seated farther away at the back of the room. “We’re just waiting for you guys and Silvie to show.”

  “I’m here.” Silvie skidded around the corner, her bright yellow tank top and red miniskirt highlighting her pale complexion. She was one of those rare redheads who could wear any color, and the brighter the better. She snatched my wrist and dragged me into class. “We need to be quick. Mr. Houghton is on my six, and I don’t care for another detention slip. The one I got last week was enough.”

  “But, I—”

  She yanked out a chair and dumped me in it.

  Behind me, Davio groaned.

  “Sorry.” I squeezed his arm.

  “It’s all right. Silvie was fast. I’ll sit with Belle, and make sure I keep enough distance so there’s no pain or anger rising for you.”

  “Hey.” Silvie snapped her fingers in front of me. “Mr. Houghton is here.”

  In the seat behind me, Zac leaned forward and knocked my chair leg with his foot. “Sorry about yesterday, the sword and all. Did you have a nice sleep?”

  “I did, thanks.” I frowned as Davio sat next to Belle at the back of class. Belle leaned into him, laid a hand on his forehead and murmured something in his ear. To Zac, I muttered, “How come those two are so chummy?”

  Zac glanced back at them. “Not chummy. Belle is relaxing him. He must be stressed, and it only takes her a second to help ease any discomfort. She’s an empath, remember?”

p; Discomfort likely caused by the fact that we sat so far apart. Man, the emotional swings of being mated were definitely crappy, for both of us. I took a deep breath as Mr. Houghton shut the door.

  Silvie knocked my arm with her elbow and set a pen in front of me. “You can thank me for that later.”

  I gave her a nod as Mr. Houghton dropped a pile of papers on his desk and shuffled through the first few. Finding what he wanted, he looked out at the class. “Open your textbooks. I’ll put the page number on the board.” With a black marker in hand, he scribbled across the board’s surface and the lesson began.

  I wriggled in my seat. Behind me Zac and Viv whispered, and I extended my acute hearing past them toward Davio at the rear, only I halted as I caught another conversation.

  “I seriously can’t believe how hot he is. Even the name Loveria is hot.” Lauren, one of my classmates, smacked her glossy red lips together, one hand running through her bleached-blond hair.

  “Yeah, I’m so gonna get him into my bed.” Melanie Steeples pressed one brightly painted pink fingernail against her plump lower lip. Oh boy, Melanie was the worst kind of bragger, not to mention she had a reputation for sleeping with almost every guy she could get her well-manicured fingers on.

  I groaned and buried my head in my palms, because I wasn’t going to make it through an hour of Calculus if I had to listen to those two pampered misses talking about how they wanted to get their hands on my boyfriend.

  “Belle.” I opened our telepathic link. “We’re going to have to swap places. Now if you don’t mind.”

  “Okay, sure.” Frantic chair scraping from the back of the room. “Why can I feel your distress so strongly?”

  “Because you’re an empath, and I’m feeling a whole lot jealous right now.” I snatched my books and squeezed Silvie’s shoulder. “I gotta go and sit with my boyfriend before I kill Melanie and Lauren and bury their bodies in my backyard. I’ll explain later.”

  Silvie tapped her pen on my rear. “You are making less sense as every day passes. Go.”

  I did, breezing to the back as Davio eyed me.

  Ah, I could drown in his seriously hot stare.

  Only my moment of delight came to a halt as from my left, Melanie and Lauren’s chatter continued. Something about me swapping seats with Belle and how dare I? Only Davio stood and reached out, took my hand and steered me into Belle’s now vacated seat. I tried hard to ignore the girls’ vindictive words as I sat.


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