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Defuse (Infernal Council Book 2)

Page 11

by Maya Nicole

  "Sweet baby hell serpents, yes!" she practically screamed. "More!"

  My eyes closed and I pushed in two fingers. I fisted my cock and groaned. Her body trembled as I moved the rag around my fingers in and out of her pussy.

  When I couldn't take it anymore, I let the rag plop onto the floor and buried my face between her legs, my tongue diving into her.

  Her hand reached back and gripped my hair in her fist as she reached down with her other hand and worked her clit. I moved my tongue inside her and felt my orgasm building in my balls.

  "Kage!" She came, the shudder of her orgasm against my tongue setting off my own. The warm jets of my cum shot out onto my hand and the rag on the floor.

  I rested my cheek against her ass and smiled to myself. I'd never be able to use my rag the same way again.

  Chapter 11


  I woke the next morning feeling like I was being watched. I had started the night sandwiched in between Nico and Raphael.

  After the shower with Kage, and the return of the others with something to sleep on, the guys had begun arguing over who would sleep in the bed with me. Kage was already off cleaning in other rooms, restoring his energy, so it had been down to three.

  Nico was adamant he needed to sleep in the same bed because the rest of them couldn't fully be trusted yet. I didn't agree, but I also didn't disagree.

  That left Val and Raphael since Amari was going to stand guard in the hall. Raphael had suggested something called 'rock, paper, scissors', and after teaching us the finer points of it, had beaten Val in the best of three games.

  I opened my eyes, finding myself on the edge of the bed with Nico's strong, tattooed arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me from rolling off. His tattoo of Becca's squirrel was staring back at me and I smiled.

  "You're beautiful when you sleep." Kage appeared, sitting cross-legged right in front of me on the floor by the bed and I jerked in surprise. "S-s-sorry."

  "You've been watching me sleep?" I whispered, not wanting to wake the others.

  "Do you not want me to?"

  "After last night, you can watch me sleep all you want." I wiggled my eyebrows and his face turned red.

  He looked down and played with his hands in his lap. "It was difficult for me to clean with my rag after that."

  I reached out my hand toward him and he scooted closer, taking it and threading our fingers together. Despite cleaning all the time, his hands were smooth.

  "What happens if something happens to your rag?"

  He paled and shook his head. "You m-must n-never speak of it," he said in a hushed whisper. As if worried it had suddenly disappeared, he felt his pocket with his free hand and his entire body relaxed.

  "Peanut, why is there a dick poking my ass?" Nico grumbled from behind me.

  I snorted as his arm tightened around me.

  "Because someone rolled over with her last night and I had to play big spoon." I heard a grunt. "Fuck, no need to get violent, asshole."

  I sat up and Raphael was rubbing his stomach.

  The bathroom door opened and Amari and Val walked out. They were both dressed in fresh clothes and their lips had definitely been busy judging by how red and plump they were.

  I frowned as a surge of jealousy coursed through my veins. Raphael raised his eyebrows and I shook my head at him.

  I didn't know why I was jealous when they were so clearly not jealous when I was with one or the other. As if sensing my thoughts, Val met my eyes and winked.

  "I'm starving. What's for breakfast?" Raphael stood and stretched his arms over his head, his body on full display in just his boxers.

  I felt guilty ogling him in front of the others and took a pillow and covered my head with it, letting out a frustrated groan.

  The pillow was ripped away and five sets of eyes stared at me. Now that they were all in the same room and staring at me, I wondered what the fuck I was doing.

  It was ridiculous, sleeping with five men. Falling in love with five men. Sure, yeah, I had three holes and two hands, but how realistic was that? It would take a massive coordinated effort to pull that tangling of bodies off. An image flashed through my head and my face felt like it was going to explode from the heat that rushed to it.

  But maybe I didn't have to have them all at once. I was certain Kage would never in a million years be ready for that.

  "Peanut, what's going on?" Nico sounded concerned.

  I covered my face with my hands and groaned. "I don't know! I guess I'm just... confused." The bed dipped and then creaked in protest.

  I peeked through my fingers to find all of them had sat on the bed. I wouldn't have been surprised if it broke.

  "Is it because of Amari and me?" Val sounded sad.

  I shook my head. "It was just the smallest pang of jealousy that I was left out." I sat up and scooted against the headboard. "I feel like a hypocrite."

  "There's really only one solution to this." Raphael rubbed at his stubble. "We've all been jealous of each other, and I think the only remedy is to only have orgies from this point forward."

  Nico seemed to choke on air and Kage stood from the bed, backing up several steps. I tried not to laugh.

  "Raph, how many orgies have you had with five men and a woman?" I raised my eyebrows.

  Raphael's eyes looked upwards as if he were searching his brain for the number. My jaw dropped open but then he barked out a laugh.

  "There might have been this one time in the early fourteen-hundreds where I stumbled by accident into a bathhouse that had an orgy going on." He laughed. "I was not about to turn that opportunity down."

  "How big of an orgy are we talking?" Amari raised his eyebrows.

  Raphael shrugged as if they were talking about what we were about to eat for breakfast. "Twenty or so."

  "And you're just now telling us about this? We've done a quad before." Val ran his tongue over his top teeth. "I imagine twenty is interesting."

  I rubbed my forehead. "We should head out. We have a lot of ground to cover before nightfall." And I didn't want to hear about orgies.

  Even though Inferna was always dark, there were distinctive parts of the day based on where and how close the moon was. Night time brought out a much wider variety of demons that often weren't the friendliest bunch.

  We packed up what few possessions we had and headed toward the camp the guards had set up just outside of the town. The smell of roast meat hit my nose the closer we got, and I jogged ahead, placing some distance between myself and the guys.

  Maybe being around men had messed up my more sensible side. Even now, my mind was buzzing, and I couldn't look at them without thinking of how they made me feel.

  "Princess. We found a spy lurking around last night." One of the guards stepped in front of me before I made it to where breakfast was waiting.

  "Can it wait until after breakfast?" I looked around him as one of the men handed out plates of food.

  "She insists she knows you."

  "Let us check it out first. You eat breakfast." Val and Amari followed the guard to a tent and went inside.

  I stared at the tent wondering who it could be and then a plate was shoved in front of my face by Kage. "You need your energy."

  "Thanks." I sat down on a large rock and balanced the metal plate on my leg. Nico and Raphael sat on the ground in front of me with their plates and we ate in silence for a while.

  The entire time, my eyes were locked on the tent.

  "I was joking about the orgy." My head snapped to Raphael. "I don't think Nico and Kage are quite ready to go that far yet."

  Nico snorted. "Speak for yourself. Now is not the time to be discussing all the things we would like to do with Sammy." I guess being a recovering vacant meant he forgot the fact that he didn't want to even consider sleeping with me on the same day as the others.

  I raised an eyebrow at him and he grinned. I looked at the tent again, just in time to watch as Val and Amari walked out with a woman who had pale blon
d hair and gorgeous horns curving from her head.

  My plate fell to the ground as I jumped up and sprinted toward them, shoving between them and throwing myself at one of my best friends from when I was younger.

  "You bitch!" We both laughed and hugged each other until it hurt. "What are you doing here?" I shoved at her arm.

  "Heard rumors of a purple-haired goddess that might be the long-lost princess." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Had to see for myself."

  "Shit." I hadn't been as careful with my hair and quickly tucked it into the back of my shirt until I could braid it and plaster it to my head. My eyes landed on her horns. "When did those come in?"

  "Around the same time I got here. My family fled when you did. We ended up here with one of my father's old friends."

  "How did your parents take it?" I frowned, already knowing her answer.

  Riley's parents were shifters.

  She rolled her eyes. "As well as could be expected. They were devastated enough as it was with me being a null."

  A throat was cleared as if to remind me we didn't have the luxury of time.

  "How did you know I was here?" I raised my eyebrows in question.

  She might have once been my best friend, but now I needed to be cautious.

  "I live here now. The weasel has a big mouth." Her eyes went to the men standing at my sides and behind me. "Interesting bunch you've got here." She smirked.

  I narrowed my eyes and then felt the sudden urge to turn around and let them rip my clothes off. I stifled a groan, but heard a few from around the camp.

  "Fascinating." Raphael stepped beside me. "Succubus?"

  She winked and looked him up and down. I clenched my fists and she looked down at them.

  "I'm just fucking around, Sam. Don't be such a prude." She rolled her eyes and the sexual tension I had felt left as quickly as it had come.

  "I am not a prude."

  "You and I both know we used to be the biggest prudes Inferna had ever seen. Keeping our legs firmly together until the 'one' came along." She looked at Val and then back to me. "What do you need help with?"

  "We need man power."


  "What? As easy as that?" Nico sounded pissed. I couldn't blame him; she had just made every single man in the camp horny. Including him.

  "My girl needs more men, who am I to deny her that?" Her voice was laced with innuendo and I laughed.

  "You run this village?" Amari sounded shocked.

  "I like to think of it as this village supports my whims wholeheartedly." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Do you need soldiers right now?"

  I appreciated that she didn't bother asking what I needed men for. "Not quite. We have a few stops to make and then I can send word."

  We hugged goodbye and began helping pack away the campsite.

  "So, that's how a succubus feels when they feed off you." Raphael was helping me roll a tent up and chuckled. "I think I know what was going on in that bathhouse now."

  I was so tired of being on a horse. My ass hurt and my back ached. Then there was the fact that men were fucking gross. The smells and sounds they produced made me wonder how they were in charge of almost everything.

  "There's a lake up ahead. What do you think about setting up camp near it?" One of the guards had pulled his horse up next to mine.

  I had somehow become their leader over the last few days, all of them deferring their questions to me even though they were Val's guards. I looked over at Val who had been watching every exchange.

  "That would be ideal. You all smell like ass." I scrunched my nose and the guard laughed before heading back to the front line of guards.

  Val frowned and moved in next to me. "You shouldn't joke with them."

  "Why not? I'd rather have a little light-hearted joking around when we don't even know what we're headed into." I adjusted the hood covering my head. "If your men are going to risk their lives for this cause, I'm not going to treat them like they're beneath me. That's not me."

  Val looked forward. "Mistakes are made if they aren't focused. Look at what happened with Reve and his head guard. They were smoking in the forest and Lilith's men got them."

  He was absolutely right, but I wasn't out smoking with the guards. A little banter never hurt anyone. "I need you to pull the stick out of your ass, Val."

  "Dios mío." He rolled his eyes. "I have nothing up my ass. Now, if you wanted to stick something there, I wouldn't be opposed."

  I snorted and looked at him. He looked tired and slightly paler than usual. Small wrinkles had formed at the corners of his eyes. He seemed to have aged several years in the past few days. "Val, are you... have you been feeding?"

  He didn't answer.

  "Val." My voice sounded so much like my mother's warning tone that I groaned. "Shit, that sounded way too fucking maternal."

  "Amari hasn't offered and I haven't asked, okay?" The lines near his eyes deepened. "Just drop it."

  My mouth twisted to the side in thought. They had seemed to be fine with each other, but maybe everything wasn't fine. "Is it because of me?"

  He shook his head. "I said to drop it." He sped up so I couldn't continue to ask him about it.

  I didn't like to see him hurting, even though I was still pissed at him for being shady and trying to take the throne. I couldn't say I blamed him and his father for their attempt, but he should have told me from the beginning.

  Even centuries old vampires weren't wise on the finer points of not pissing off their woman.

  We came to the lake, tied our horses, and unloaded our gear. It was nearing nightfall, so it was the perfect time to stop and set up camp.

  I looked out at the calm lake that looked like black glass in the moonlight. It was so inviting that I itched to strip out of my clothes and dive in. There were way too many male eyes to warrant a skinny dip.

  After setting up tents, making a fire, and deciding on watch rotations and meal preparations, I was finally able to slip away for a few moments alone. There were enough guards at the edge of the tree line near the lake that no one followed me as I walked along the shore.

  Only weeks ago, I had lived like this with Nico every day, and now I was fighting for a seat on a council I wasn't even sure belonged to me and wondering when Taylor was going to make his next move.

  I had pushed the thought of my brother Taylor, to the back of my mind, unwilling to deal with the thoughts that came with it. He had been alive all along and had never tried to find me. I was much closer to Reve, but still, he was my brother. He was supposed to look out for me.

  Once I was a decent distance away from prying eyes, I stripped out of my clothes, and waded out into the warm water. The moon had gotten farther away, but the water still looked like molten black glass, except now that I was in it, I could see the tint of red.

  I unbraided my hair before dipping my head back into the water and scrubbing it with my fingers. Considering soap carving was my favorite past time, I was disappointed in myself for not bringing a bar of soap.

  The water sloshed behind me and I turned, covering my breasts with my arm. I relaxed as soon as I saw it was Val. Well, relaxed as much as possible considering he was naked.

  "You shouldn't be out here alone, princesa."

  I dropped my arms before lowering into the water. "I'm not alone. I have my thoughts."

  He swam under the water and then popped up in front of me, grabbing my hips. "Are we okay? You and me?"

  I frowned as I looked into his sad blue eyes. It hadn't been tiredness I had seen earlier, it had been sadness. My heart stuttered in my chest, and I closed my eyes briefly.

  "I don't know why you didn't tell me. It makes me question what else you aren't telling me." I cupped his cheek and he shut his eyes, a tear falling onto my hand.


  "I lost part of myself when you left." He leaned into my palm. "My father wasn't happy with how uninterested I became in taking his place as head of the family and seat holder on the council. I was set
to take over as soon as we were married."

  He opened his eyes and all I saw was pain. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from crying. "Val... I..."

  "I know, Samara. None of it is your fault, it just is what it is." He shook his head. "My father had been approached by Lilith, but he told me he wasn't about to take part in her grand scheme when we already had an unlimited supply of archangel blood to get our family to and from Earth."

  "Why the sudden urge to take the throne and overthrow the council if you hadn't had the urge for centuries with Lilith in power?" I tried to catch any glimpse of lies.

  "My father liked the power he had in our village too much. He had tasted what it felt like to be king of his own little slice of Inferna without the outward influence of your father and wanted more. He wanted it all." He ran his hands over his head, water from his hair dripping down his face. "I had nothing to lose."

  "What about Amari?"

  "Amari will go where I go. Do what I do. It wouldn't matter if I decided to run to the edge of Inferna and then keep going, he would follow." His frown deepened and one of his hands grabbed me around the waist, pulling me closer. "Except now I think he regrets being tied to my house."

  "He loves you." I wrapped my arms around his neck as we floated out farther into the lake. "He stands taller when you enter a room. His eyes are always on you."

  "And is that okay with you?" He ran his free hand over my cheek, brushing water from it.

  "Yes." I might have been jealous at seeing them together without me, but it was only because I wanted to be right there in between them. "Do you ever wonder what life would be like if we had gotten married?"

  He brushed his lips over mine before moving his lips to my ear. "All the damn time," he whispered with a shaking voice.

  "Don't be such a chicken." Val held tightly to my hand as we crept through an abandoned passageway in the castle.

  I had lived in the castle for all twenty-five years of my life and had never had the guts to come to the area that was off limits to me and my brothers. My mother told us it was haunted by the last dream demon alpha before ours rose to power.


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