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Mindsurge (Mindspeak Book 3)

Page 9

by Heather Sunseri

  The lab worker punched something on a keypad, a task that appeared difficult with those clunky protective gloves covering his hands. The lights along the edge of the machine changed from red to gold to green, and then a clicking sound was followed by the whoosh of air as a door over half of the machine opened like the lid of a coffin.

  Sandra peered into the machine, then turned and seemed to look straight at me before grabbing the camera from whoever had been doing the filming. She held it out at arm’s length so I could still see her face. “Lexi, I’d like to introduce you to a clone of your best friend.”

  For the second time that week, I couldn’t breathe. Sandra guided the camera to give me a look inside the incubator. Beneath a layer of glass was a clear liquid, but in that liquid was what appeared to be a human baby.

  “What has she done?” Seth gasped beside me. “She’s growing humans outside of a human body! True test tube babies.”

  I stood sharply, knocking my rolling chair backward against the wall, and pulled in a deep, labored breath. “Look at how many there are.” My voice came out hoarse and breathy. Had Sandra truly cloned Dani? “Oh, God.” I dug the heel of my hand into my chest.

  Sandra’s face filled the screen again. “Well, that’s it for today. Bye!” Just before the screen turned to snow, she actually raised her hand in a friendly wave.

  “She can’t get away with this,” I whispered. A large lump burned the back of my throat.

  “She is getting away with this.” Seth moved around the desk. He linked his hands behind his neck and tilted his face toward the ceiling. “The International Intelligence Agency is allowing her to get away with this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How else could she fund such a facility? To run a laboratory big enough, sophisticated enough to clone humans in large quantities… that would take an enormous amount of money. Government money.”

  And it would take a large amount of money to take that kind of operation down.

  Money I now had.

  Chapter Ten

  I rushed across campus to get to class on time, but slowed when I saw two vehicles—an older-model SUV and Jonas’s car—parked in the drop-off lane. Jack leaned against the SUV, aviators covering his eyes. His visage was unreadable.

  On the sidewalk behind the vehicles, Jonas and Briana stood with Georgia, Fred, and Kyle. I hadn’t seen Kyle in two weeks. I had meant to stop by his dorm room to make sure he was okay. I knew he was still mourning Dani. We all were. How would I tell him what Sandra had done? How would I tell any of them?

  They all had strange facial expressions, like they were scared to tell me something. “What’s going on?” I asked Jack when I got closer. Jonas acted like he was listening to the others’ conversation, but he was staring at me.

  “A field trip.” Jack pushed off the truck and took three steps toward me.

  “We have classes,” I said, stating the obvious.

  “We’re cutting. Not like we need any of those classes to graduate.”

  He was right. The advanced classes we all took were formalities. Those of us who had been enrolled at Wellington had completed all of our AP classes by junior year. We were now taking college courses, or classes such as art, for fun.

  He reached for the strap of my backpack, I assumed to take the weight off my back, but I shrugged away and out of his reach. For some reason this “field trip” felt like some sort of intervention.

  “Why are we cutting?” I couldn’t hide the defensive tone in my voice.

  My mind and stomach churned from the vision of incubators growing live human babies into whatever scientific beings Sandra wanted them to be. I wanted so badly to tell Jack, to let him comfort me. But Sandra had such a hold on me. She was going to hurt someone I loved; I knew it.

  He let his hand drop back to his side. “Because we are. The seven of us, plus Dia and Lin, need to get out of here.”

  His face remained expressionless. His lips didn’t move up or down. I couldn’t see his eyes behind his dark aviators. But I knew he was holding something back.

  Jonas clapped his hands together when Dia and Lin pushed through the doors of the guys’ dorm, hand in hand. “The gang’s all here. Let’s hit the road.”

  I’m not going. I have things to do. Heat crept up the back of my neck and spread down my arms. I couldn’t do this and keep what Sandra was doing a secret. Jack and Jonas would see right through me. And Jack’s coldness was scaring me.

  Yes, you are. Jack was not to be argued with. Get in the car.

  I folded my arms across my chest and stared Jack down. He opened the back door of one of the SUVs and gestured for me to get in.

  Then, after readjusting the weight of my bag, I did what any self-respecting girl would do: I turned and stormed off. I was not going to be ordered around. I held the power at this school now, and no one—not even Jack—was going to give me orders.

  Jack let me get about twenty yards before he caught up to me, slid his fingers around my upper arm, and spun me around. With his free hand, he removed his sunglasses. His pupils were dilated, making his irises the color of midnight, with thin layers of sapphire on the outer edge. Instead of anger, I saw pain beneath his furrowed brows. “I’m sorry, Lexi, but you’re giving us no choice.” Jonas, Kyle, make her get in.

  I quickly tried to rearrange all of my thoughts to keep Jonas out, to keep him from seeing what I had watched on the video from Sandra. Then I attempted to block him out altogether, to keep him from controlling my actions. But I was too late. I hadn’t expected what happened next.

  Jonas grabbed my arms from behind, holding me in place, while Jack stuck a needle into my bicep.

  I won’t forgive you for this, I managed before my legs buckled. Jonas was all that kept me from sliding to the ground.

  Lexi, I’m sorry, too. We really hoped it wouldn’t come to this. Kyle’s voice wove in and around the tiny space of my consciousness.

  Then why are you doing this?

  Kyle slid my backpack off my shoulder. I was conscious enough to see him stick it in the back seat of the vehicle. Then Jack slid an arm around my back and another one under my legs, and lifted and cradled me to his chest.

  Jack, I can make her get in the car, Kyle said.

  It’s fine. We don’t need you going blind on us. Anyway, it still might come to that at some point.

  Unable to fight what I was truly feeling while under the influence of whatever drug Jack injected me with, I laid my head against his chest. He smelled of ocean breezes, and I mentally berated myself for enjoying the scent.

  Kyle climbed into the driver’s seat, and after placing me in the back seat, Jack climbed in beside me. I assumed everyone else filled the two vehicles, but I was too groggy to look.

  Jack stroked my arm as I snuggled against him.

  I meant it when I said I’d never forgive you for this.

  No, you didn’t. Besides, it’s a risk I’m willing to take. He leaned his face into my hair and kissed the side of my head.

  I usually feel more loopy on this drug. I was surprised to find that my thoughts still felt very clear, and I was less controlled than I had been the last time Jack and Kyle had drugged me—when they’d gotten me away from Jonas’s and Ty’s mindsiege. The fact that this was becoming a “usual” thing told me that I was obviously hanging out with the wrong friends.

  It was a very low dose. I wanted to be able to talk to you and get honest answers.

  It wasn’t a truth serum. When Jack didn’t respond, I added, Was it?

  I felt his body vibrate as he chuckled. You should rest. We’ll have plenty of time to talk when we get where we’re going. And I suspect you’re going to be pretty pissed when this mild depressant wears off. We’ll both need energy for the fight we’re going to have. He leaned closer and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, then pulled my body a little closer.

  He was right about one thing. He would deal with an avalanche of anger from me when this drug wore off, but unt
il then, I would enjoy the soothing sound of the highway and the comfort and strength of his arms.


  I woke in a haze in the back seat of the SUV. I was alone. The sun, high in the sky, warmed the vehicle. Voices carried through the small cracks left in the windows.

  I sat up and took in my surroundings. Trees on three sides. We were parked in some sort of gravel lot. Georgia, Fred, and Jonas appeared to be studying a piece of paper.

  Where the hell are we? I mindspoke to anyone who would listen.

  They all turned and looked at the vehicle. Georgia rolled her eyes. A smirk spread across Jonas’s face. He folded the paper and stuffed it in his back pocket.

  The door beside me opened, and Jack held out a hand to help me out. I ignored his hand and pushed past him.

  “All right, everyone know where we’re going?” Jack walked around to the rear of the SUV and reached inside. “No one should get too far ahead or fall too far behind.”

  When Jack turned to face me, he thrust my own hiking boots at me. You’re going to want to put these on. The sweetness from before was gone. His entire demeanor was that of someone on a mission, preparing for battle.

  I took the boots. I had no idea how or when he managed to get them. “Will someone please tell me what we’re doing here in the middle of the forest? Where are we exactly?”

  “Red River Gorge,” Briana said as she walked toward me. She put an arm around my shoulders. “Come on. Let’s get your hikers on. Jack and Jonas thought it would be a good idea for us all to get away from school for a while.” She cast an evil look over her shoulder at Jonas, and maybe Jack. “I don’t know why they’re being such jerks about it. Hiking will be good for us.”

  I said nothing and didn’t make eye contact with Jack or Jonas the entire time I changed shoes, though Jonas managed a couple of smirks my way. He was not himself. This was a perfect opportunity for him to make sarcastic comments, yet he remained quiet.

  And Jack… Minus the few tender moments before I fell asleep, Jack was a different person, too. He had practically manhandled me into the back seat, and he had yet to tell me why he was slamming things around and speaking with an edge that would cut even the least sensitive.

  “You okay?” Briana asked as I pulled my laces tight.


  “I’m just as confused as you are about why Jack forced you to come without discussing it with you first, but Lexi?” Her voice lowered to a whisper.

  I looked up at her. A curl of red hair hung down in front of one eye.

  She glanced toward the others, making sure they were out of earshot. “Jack loves you. If he’s not acting like himself, it’s only because you’ve cut him out of your life lately. He and Jonas have both acted weird the last two days. I’ve seen them huddled in corners, or leaving the dining hall together before they’ve even had time to finish their meals.”

  I nodded, then continued to tie the laces of the second boot.

  Once my boots were all laced up, I walked toward the vehicle where Jack was tightening his own shoes. When he saw me approach, he went to pull his pant leg down over his boot, but not before I saw the leather sheath holding a knife at his ankle.

  I took a step back, my pulse quickening. Why are you carrying a knife?

  Jack turned and met my fearful eyes. We’re in the middle of the wilderness, he stated matter-of-factly. It’s just a precaution.

  I proceeded to set my shoes in the rear of the SUV. That’s when I noticed two large backpacks, complete with what looked like camping gear. I turned toward the other vehicle. Kyle was placing a backpack on Lin’s back, and another one sat at his feet.

  What’s going on, Jack? Enough’s enough.

  Are you ready to listen without freaking out? The minute you freak out, we start hiking and stop talking. And if I have to sedate you and let Kyle lead you on this hike, that’s what we’ll do.

  Stop talking to me like I’m ten. Why was it so important to get me away from school?

  “Wellington is being evacuated this afternoon.”

  “What? Why?” My voice came out a little louder than I’d planned.

  “Oh, here we go,” Fred said from somewhere behind me.

  “My money’s on Jack sedating her before this is done.” Georgia crossed her arms and leaned against a tree to watch the conversation.

  “Coach Williams received intel from his contacts at the FBI. They’ve been monitoring phone lines, and apparently there’s been some chatter about someone taking the entire school out.”

  “Taking it out? Who? What does that even mean? Like bombing the school?”

  “Or a major shooting. We don’t know. But Coach felt it was reliable enough, and Dr. Wellington suggested that the nine of us get away from the school before the evacuation even began.”

  “Why did he suggest we leave before the others? I should be there. That’s my school now.”

  “Dean Fisher is running things just fine. You’ve owned Wellington for like two minutes.” Jack’s words reeked of condescension.

  “You’re not telling me something. Why did we sneak away before the evacuation was even announced?”

  Jonas moved to stand directly beside Jack. “Your name was mentioned repeatedly in the wiretap. The FBI believes there’s a bounty on your head.”

  “A bounty?” I nearly laughed. Not because this was funny, but because a bounty seemed so… absurd. “You mean there’s a reward for my capture? That’s ridiculous.”

  Jonas and Jack traded glances.

  “What?” I placed a fist over my heart.

  Jack stepped closer and cupped my cheek. “Someone wants you dead, Lexi.”

  I searched Jack’s eyes. This wasn’t news. It wasn’t that long ago that someone ran us off the road. But hearing Jack say the words made the threat seem more real. “Sandra?” Which didn’t make sense. Why would she go to such trouble to share information with me, entice me to join her, if she wanted to kill me?

  “I don’t think so. I don’t think she or the IIA ever intended to kill you, only to lure you into her web. According to Coach, this is different. It’s a threat from an unidentified source.”

  I rubbed my chest above my racing heart and concentrated on keeping my breathing slow. “Sandra knows who wants me dead. Maya mentioned something before she nearly drowned me.”

  Jack placed his hands on either side of my head. “We are not going to let anything happen to you.”

  I nodded. “Why not tell me this from the beginning?”

  Because I think you know why someone wants to kill you. I was pissed when Coach and I couldn’t find you earlier. You were with Seth, learning more information that you’re planning to keep from me.

  I’m not—

  Jack held a hand up. Don’t bother. If you were about to say ‘I’m not going to keep anything from you,’ then you’d be right. Before we leave this forest, you will tell me everything. Whether that’s tomorrow or next week will depend on you.

  Fine. Let’s hike. I hadn’t wanted to keep everything from him. I was scared. And now, all I could think about was Ms. Long. If someone had murdered her because of the information she had regarding my inheritance, was I in danger for the same reason? Was my mother?

  Wait. Take this. Jack grabbed my hand and slid a ring onto my finger. I looked—it was the same ring I’d used to paralyze Sandra inside The Farm. I believe it will work on bears as well. He winked.

  I turned and stalked off, while rubbing the underside of the ring with my thumb. I should have been scared, but Jack looked worried enough for both of us. And anger trumped fear.

  Georgia shrugged at Fred like she was impressed that Jack and I hadn’t come to blows. “What?” I said to her, practically provoking her into a verbal argument.

  “I’m just surprised how easily you gave in, that’s all.”

  “She hasn’t given in,” Jack said. “But she will.”


  Kyle led the way, followed by Dia and Lin, then Bria
na and me. Georgia and Fred laughed from time to time behind us. Jack and Jonas brought up the rear.

  We had been hiking for well over an hour when it was decided we would stop for a late afternoon lunch. I leaned against a tree, setting my pack on the ground at my feet. Jack handed me a bottle of water.


  “We’re going to camp tonight.”

  I had already guessed that was the plan, given that all four guys had heavy packs on their backs, complete with tents and other supplies. The girls also carried camping supplies. Well… except for me. I hadn’t been given enough notice to prepare for anything. Whatever, I thought.

  “Take a walk with me.” Jack grabbed my hand and tugged gently.

  I studied him for a minute. He wore a black and white flannel shirt over a tight black Under Armour shirt. It was the perfect combination of sporty and rugged. His eyes pleaded with me.

  I pushed off the tree. Jack turned and, without dropping my hand, led me farther along the path and away from the others.

  After ducking through a tunnel of low-hanging tree branches, the path opened up to reveal a clearing beside a creek that ran through the center of the gorge.

  Jack dropped my hand and walked backward while appearing to size me up. “How about a light workout?”

  A light workout, huh? I quirked an eyebrow. What he meant was, he wanted to do a round of taekwondo while he played mind games with me. I gave my head a little shake.


  Very, but I wouldn’t tell him that. A breeze picked up and blew wisps of hair away from my face. The air was crisp and carried the scents of damp leaves and moss growing on the bark of trees preparing to go dormant for winter.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you listened to the reading of your dad’s will. I’m sorry I haven’t been with you for a lot lately.” Jack unbuttoned the cuffs of his flannel shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. “Jonas thinks that whatever you inherited is the reason someone wants you dead. And I suspect it has very little to do with your new ownership of Wellington.”


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