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Mindsurge (Mindspeak Book 3)

Page 17

by Heather Sunseri

  What is she doing to you? I can’t let her hurt you because of me.

  Don’t worry about me. I’ll figure something out. She won’t do permanent damage.

  Are you still close? I found the note you left. We know where the lab is. I know what I need to do.

  No! Lexi, don’t go near Palmyra. Promise me. I shouldn’t have left that note. If I had known.

  But Jonas, I can—

  No. Promise me. If she catches you there, she’ll never let you leave. I finished reading your dad’s journals. He hid the formula inside you. Your DNA has the key to producing the perfect healer. We had only just begun to figure it all out. Your dad, Lexi… He made sure you were the key. Sandra knows this. If you die, she destroys any chance she has of perfecting the healing mechanism that can be placed inside the trackers.

  That’s why she hasn’t killed me yet, despite all the chances she’s had, I thought mostly to myself. She’s only tried to scare me into needing her.

  Or into running. If you were to run, you’d be vulnerable. You’re somewhat protected at Wellington.

  I tensed, and Jack’s arm held me tighter. Until Roger tried to kill me.

  He got greedy. But he’s locked away now.

  Which was only a tiny relief: smart, rich people tended not to stay locked up. Tell me where you are.

  I don’t know. With a shaky hand, he lifted the cigarette to his lips. The end of the cigarette flared as he inhaled. I’m okay for now.

  How did Sandra get into Wellington? Furthermore, how had Maya been getting in?

  There must be someone on the inside. Be prepared, Lex. Sandra’ll be coming back for Maya, too.

  What makes you say that?

  Because she hasn’t killed her yet. She would have terminated a tracker clone if she wasn’t right where Sandra wanted her. Haven’t you wondered why Maya hasn’t forced someone to let her out yet? You can’t lock up a tracker clone without disabling the tracker.

  I sat up. Oh my gosh, you’re right. Maya would have simply used mind tricks to force someone to let her out. She must want to be here. Or Sandra wants her here.

  “Lex?” Jack placed a hand on the small of my back. “Can’t sleep?”

  Jonas disappeared, and the smell and haze of smoke went with him. “I have to see Maya.” I threw the covers back, grabbed a pair of jeans off the floor, and shimmied into them.

  “Right now? You need more sleep. We’re no good to Jonas or anyone else if we’re zombies.”

  “I can’t sleep. Jonas says he’s okay for now.”

  “Wait. You talked to Jonas?” Jack sat up. “Did he say where he was?”

  “He didn’t know.” I grabbed my weapon-ring from my desk and faced him. “We have to stop Sandra, Jack. She won’t stop until she’s won. We can’t let her.”

  “I’ll go with you.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  “Are you sure you can do this?”

  I nodded once. “I’m sure.” Jack had his hands on my shoulders, and his gaze was directed at me, looking for any sign I wasn’t up for a one-on-one mental battle with Maya.

  Seth unlocked the door, ushered me in, then closed and locked the door behind me. Maya sat on a sheet on the floor in the lotus position. She appeared to be meditating. Good morning, Lexi. You’re here awfully early.

  “Don’t you sleep?”

  I slept.

  “What are you meditating about?”

  She opened one eye and directed it at me. Heat spread across my neck. I broke eye contact and began circling the room, stopping briefly by the one-way window. I knew Jack was on the other side of it.

  He can’t protect you if you go to Palmyra, you know.

  I spun around. “Palmyra?” It was the first time Maya had mentioned the island. “Have you been there?”

  She cocked her head. A sly grin reached all the way to the evil sparkle in her eyes. In one fluid motion, she lifted her body from lotus to a standing position. I flinched, and hoped she hadn’t noticed. Someone had given her some blue scrubs that she’d rolled at the ankles.

  Yes, I’ve been to Palmyra. You’re going to like it.

  “What makes you think I’ll go there?”

  Because that’s the only way to save Jonas. She smiled again. Does he know? She nodded to the large window where Jack stood watching us.

  I turned my head and looked over my shoulder at the window. When I turned back, she was standing slightly closer. “Does he know what?”

  That you have a connection with Jonas.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sweat covered my palms. I wiped them on my jeans.

  Don’t I?

  “How long has the lab been at Palmyra?”

  A while.

  Stop being so vague, I mindspoke as I entered Maya’s head. Her brain was an organized web of red neurons. Tell me now. How long has the lab on Palmyra existed?

  Instead of mindspeaking, Maya spoke aloud in a monotone. I had her. “I was taken to Palmyra as a baby. The lab has existed since before you and I were born.”

  When we first met, you called me your sister. What did you mean?

  “We were created at the same time. We were supposed to be implanted in the same surrogate, but after the explosion, something happened. We were separated.”

  Maya’s neurons began firing a little more, and changing in color. Darker.

  How can I get inside Palmyra without being seen?

  “You can’t. Not without help.” Her neurons darkened further, but only momentarily before they sparked again. She gave her head a shake before slipping back into a trance. She was fighting my control. “Why would you want to sneak in? I can take you there. They’re not going to hurt you. They’re expecting you. You’re going to love it there.”

  Sandra had said the same thing—that I would love the beach where the new lab was. Only it wasn’t new, just new to the clones she had here at the University of Kentucky.

  How have you been slipping in and out of Wellington unseen?

  Maya closed her eyes. Her head twitched to one side, then the other. Another presence invaded her mind and pushed against me. This presence was like a water balloon. When I pushed against it, it moved, but barely. Who was it?

  Tell me who’s inside your head, I commanded.

  “No. I can’t.” She shifted. Her eyes remained closed. She brought both hands to the sides of her head, and screamed. “Gaaah!”

  Jack, someone else is inside Maya’s head. Can you see who it is?

  No. The presence is too elusive. I can’t get a good read. Wait a minute…

  What? Who is it? I slipped back inside Maya’s brain. I recognized Jack’s presence immediately—straight-edged, easier to move and shove out—yet this other presence was familiar, but constantly changing. Who was that powerful? One of the seven? No.

  Who is it, Maya?

  And then I realized. I spun around and stared at the window. I didn’t have to see through the glass to know Jack had already fled in search of the one person capable of stopping my mind invasion and getting Maya in and out of the school. How could we have been so stupid?

  I heard the noise behind me, but by the time I reacted it was too late. Just as I lifted my elbow, preparing to nail Maya in the face, her arms were around me, and a needle was in my arm. I only just managed to turn the switch on my ring and drive it into her neck before I sank to the ground. My only consolation was that she went down with me.


  “Hey, Lex. It’s Kyle. Can you hear me?”

  My eyes fluttered open. “Kyle?”

  His figure knelt beside me. “Jack sent me. Let’s get you out of here. I need you to stand.” He placed a hand on my back and helped me to my feet. I swayed, and my vision was off.

  Maya was beside me. Her glassed-over eyes stared blankly up at me, barely blinking. I had no idea how long I’d been out, but she was still paralyzed. I bent down and whispered in her ear. “I would have helped you.” She remained motionless. I must have gotte
n enough of the paralyzing agent in her before I crashed to the floor. I rubbed the spot on my arm where the needle stuck me. “So, am I unconscious?” I asked Kyle. “Are you controlling me in my sleep?”

  Like before, he spoke out loud to me, and because of his mind control, I was able to move and speak despite the drug Maya injected me with.

  “Yes, and I’m not sure how long you’ll be unconscious. I don’t know what she gave you, or how she got it.” He put an arm around me. “Now walk. We’re getting out of here. Coach is on his way to deal with Maya.”

  “I know who it is, Kyle.” The volume of my voice climbed. “I know who’s been helping Maya and Sandra.”

  “Shhh. Calm down.”

  “It’s Addison. That’s how Maya and Sandra have gotten in and out of Wellington unnoticed. Addison made them invisible.”

  “I know. Jack’s looking for her.”

  Kyle guided me through the door and down the hallway. We had just reached the stairs that would lead us to the main floor of the infirmary, when Addison appeared from out of nowhere.

  I stopped, and curled my fingers into my palm until my nails broke the skin.

  Lexi, if she does anything to me, I won’t be able to stay inside your head. You’ll go back to being unconscious, and I’ll be blind.

  “Hi, Lexi. Long time, no see.” Addison always sounded older than her eight-year-old body looked.

  “Jack’s out looking for you.”

  “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

  I cocked my head, studied her. She didn’t yet know we’d figured out she was the one getting Sandra and Maya in and out. “Well, he said he hadn’t talked to you in a while. Wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m sure you’ve all been busy. It’s all right.”

  “No, it’s not. We need to stick together.”

  Keep her talking. Invite her to breakfast. I’ll tell Jack.

  “Kyle and I are on our way to breakfast. You interested?” My words slurred slightly. I always sounded a bit drunk when drugged and under Kyle’s control.

  “Sure.” She wrung her hands, glancing periodically around me to look down the hallway behind me. “What were you guys doing down here? I heard we had Sandra’s clone locked up here on campus.”

  Wave your hand like it’s no big deal, Kyle instructed. Tell her Maya’s sleeping.

  “Pfft. Oh yeah. I just checked on her. She’s sleeping. I’d like to get that tracker out of her. I think she’d be relieved to be away from Sandra and out of her control.”

  A wrinkle formed across Addison’s forehead.

  Now lead Addison out of here. I’ll do my best to keep you on your feet. She’s not getting inside your head because you’re unconscious. It’s frustrating her. Don’t let on, but I’m having trouble finding Jack.

  I reached out and grabbed Addison’s hand. “Come on. Let’s go eat.” Even while I was unconscious, my heart caught in my chest at Kyle’s words. What had happened to Jack?

  Kyle kept me walking toward the dining hall, and I led Addison and tried to keep our conversation going. It was early in the morning. Most students weren’t even up yet, and the campus was quiet. We were halfway across campus when she slowed.

  I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up, Lexi. I’ll go blind the minute I lose my grip on your mind. And once I’m gone, if you’re even the least bit conscious, she’ll know what you’re thinking.

  So what do we do?

  Speed her up.

  “I’m freezing.” I crossed my arms and rubbed the goosebumps that formed there. “Let’s hurry.”

  She looked toward the turnaround in front of the dorms, then back at me. “Wait. Jack’s coming.”

  I looked up. “From where? How do you know?”

  “He just told me, silly.”

  She’s playing you. She’s trying to stall. Jack hasn’t answered me.

  Just keep me conscious, okay?

  Kyle sighed. I’ll try.

  Just as we reached the sidewalk, a dark car sped to a stop in front of us. Kyle? Panic sent my heart into overdrive.

  I can’t hold on much longer. You have to relax.

  It’s Sandra. I swallowed hard, and glanced at Addison. Her hands shook. She stuffed them in her coat pockets. I decided it was time to stop pretending. “At least you have the decency to look scared. You can stop the games.”

  Addison’s crazed eyes found mine. “You knew? Why can’t I read your mind?”

  “Because Maya drugged me. I’m unconscious.”

  “Kyle’s directing you.” She glanced behind me to Kyle. “But he’s about to lose you, isn’t he? That’s why his face is scrunched up in pain.”

  Which was definitely unfortunate. “I brought you out of that coma. I broke into The Farm to save you. And this is how you repay me? Repay Jack? After everything we did for you, you’re working with Sandra?”

  “I had no choice.” Her voice was meek, quiet.

  “We always have a choice.”

  “She has my mom,” she whispered.

  Anita had been at The Farm when we were there. “What? Why didn’t you say something? We would have helped her.”

  The back door of the car opened, and out stepped Sandra. “Hello, Sarah.”

  “You can’t win,” Addison said. “Sandra always wins.”

  “That’s right, Sarah. Surely you’re starting to realize this. Addison, where’s Maya?”

  Addison glanced over her shoulder. “She’s back at the infirmary.”

  Sandra narrowed her gaze at me. “You did something to her, didn’t you?”

  “Nothing she didn’t deserve.”

  Sandra pulled a stun gun from somewhere behind her, walked up to Kyle and stung him in the arm. As he fell to the ground convulsing, my legs gave out. I had regained a little bit of control over my body, but not enough to keep from hitting my head on the sidewalk as I slumped to the ground.

  My fingers and hands were numb, and I couldn’t move my legs; and in my state of impaired consciousness, I couldn’t even mindspeak. Kyle rolled back and forth on the ground in pain, and I knew that when his pain subsided, the blindness would prevent him from helping me. I was caught, helpless.

  “Addison, go get Maya, now.”

  Addison’s gaze ping-ponged between me and Sandra before she turned and sprinted toward the infirmary. For someone so little and young, she was fast.

  Sandra stood over me. “This would have been much easier had you simply accepted your fate. Maya understands this already. What happened to you?”

  My eyes opened a little. I brushed my fingers across my lips. “I guess you messed up my genes when you altered them.”

  Sandra laughed. “That’s funny.” A frightening chill moved through my body. Sandra knelt beside me and traced my cheekbone, my chin, and ran her fingers down my neck. “You’re my masterpiece, Sarah. There’s nothing imperfect about you. You’re the key to the future of stopping the world’s most deadly diseases. We’re going to make a great team. You can either participate willingly, or I can force you. You thought it was rough having Jonas in your head before? Wait ’til you see what changes I’ve made to his tracker. It’s going to be brilliant.”

  My heart constricted. Oh, Jonas, I’m sorry. I hadn’t heard from him since earlier that morning. How could I help him, help the other clones, if I was under Sandra’s control?

  Sandra opened the door of the car and said something to the driver. He exited the car and circled the hood. He was a tall, bulky man, not someone I had any desire to mess with. He bent down and started to scoop me up off the concrete.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” Mr. Bulky paused.

  Sandra snapped her head in Jack’s direction, followed by the slow rotation of Mr. Bulky, who had one hand up, one hand reaching under his sports jacket.

  Jack. He’s got a gun. Finally, I was able to use my mind to reach out to Jack. I tried to reach Mr. Bulky. Do not touch that gun, I ordered. Raise both hands and turn around.

did as he was told.

  “Nice trick, Sarah.” Sandra looked about as worried as a cat taking a nap. What game was she playing?

  Jack held out a hand to me. “Can you stand?”

  “I think so.” The drug seemed to be wearing off. I reached out and grabbed hold of his hand and let him pull me to my feet. I swayed slightly then touched my hand to the back of my head. My fingers came away bright red. “Shit. I hit my head pretty hard.”

  Motion to the left caught my eye. It was Addison and Maya, running toward us. I pulled on Jack’s arm, supporting myself while he continued to watch Sandra and the driver for any movement.

  As Addison and Maya got closer, they slowed, both seeming to take in the situation. Addison refused to look at Jack or me, but Maya’s eyes shot daggers.

  “Okay, Sarah.” Sandra had been calmly gnawing on her cuticle, but now she dropped her hand. “This is your chance to choose to come with me.”

  “What crazy planet do you live on that you would think I would come with you?” Although I’d go to her island eventually. I’d rescue Jonas, take control of the clones she was growing, and make her pay for the pain she’d caused. But I wouldn’t go there with her. When I went, it would be on my terms.

  She stepped closer to me, ignoring the gun Jack had pointed at her head. “You will join me eventually. I can be patient for now. But if you come now, I won’t send my next gift.” She smiled.

  Don’t listen to her. You know this is a trick.

  I stepped even closer, rotating my shoulders back. “Your gifts don’t scare me.”

  Laughter erupted from deep inside her. “Oh, Sarah. This one should.” She reached up and patted my cheek. “You call me after you receive it, okay? We’ll talk then.”

  One blink later, Sandra, Addison, and Maya vanished.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Days later, we still hadn’t received any messages or “gifts” from Sandra. And I was pissed at myself for constantly glancing over my shoulder and jumping at every sound. Meanwhile, I was moving forward with what I called “Operation Sandra Smackdown.”

  The only problem: I still needed to tell Jack the plan.


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