The Troubadour's Song
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Peter the Chanter: see John W. Baldwin, The Language of Sex:Five Voices from Northern France around 1200 (Chicago, 1994),
Demons: Christopher Page, The Owl and the Nightingale: Musical Life and Ideas in Medieval France 1100—1300 (London, 1989),
Leprosy as a sexual disease: R. I. Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society: Power and Deviance in Western Europe 930—1230 (Oxford, 1987),
William the Marshal and the Jews: ibid.
Frederick IPs commission: ibid.
Anti-Semitism and moneylending: ibid.
Leopold's mint-master: see Peter Csendes, 'Die Babenberger und Wien', Wiener Geschichtsblatter, Vol. 31, 1976.
'Both because of their teaching . . .': see Friedrich Heer, The Medieval World: Europe 1100—1300, trans. Janet Sondheimer (London, 1974),
'For reason of adultery . . .': see Stephen O'Shea, The Perfect Heresy: The Revolutionary Life and Death of the Medieval Cathars (London, 2000),
Sunday mass in Albi: see Morris Bishop, The Penguin Book of the Middle Ages (Harmondsworth, 1971),
'Kill them all . . .': it is not absolutely clear that he actually said this, but it was widely believed. See O'Shea, The Perfect Heresy,
White Brotherhood: ibid.
Raymond VII was scourged: ibid.
The Church had traditionally tried to reduce violence . . .: for the development of the concept of Holy War, see Andrew Wheatcroft, Infidel: The Conflict between Christendom and Islam 683—2002 (London, 2003), Even St Augustine of Hippo could see occasions where violence was justified.
Some of our great civilising institutions: it is true that these all had roots further back in history, but it was the twelfth century when they were formalized. Nor, it does have to be said, was the cult of the Virgin necessarily helpful to women, but it was a crack in the overwhelming maleness of religious culture.
Dante would link usury with sodomy: see Colin Spencer, Homo- sexuality: A History (London, 1995), Ironically, Dante's own family seems to have made their money from usury.
Money and cities: see Moore, The Formation of a Persecuting Society,
Méreaux and local currencies: once again, I am grateful to Bernard Lietaer for making some of his thinking, and the latest academic research on the subject of money, available to me. It can be found in Bernard Lietaer and Stephen M. Belgin, Of Human Wealth: Beyond Greed and Scarcity (Boulder, 2004). See also Luca Fantacci, 'Complementary Currencies: A Prospect on Money from a Retrospect on Pre-modern Practices', presented for publication to the Financial History Review; and Luca Fantacci, 'Moneta Universale e Locale', in Storia della moneta immaginaria (Venice, 2004).
Make it respectable: see R. N. Swanson, The Twelfth Century Renaissance (Manchester, 1999), The fourteenth century saw the first attempted revival of troubadour music in the annual Jeux Floraux festivals.
'It is no wonder to me . . .': quoted by Michael Routledge, 'The Later Troubadours', in Simon Gaunt and Sarah Kay (eds), The Troubadours: An Introduction (Cambridge, 1999),
Bertran Carbonel: ibid. The full verse says: 'Like a man who takes a great risk with his money, out of a desire to make a fortune, and manages to put up with the misfortune he has to suffer because of the profit he hopes for, I have done likewise, lady, since I have given you my heart and body...'
Blondel's Chanson VIII: see L. Wiese, Die Lieder des Blondel (Dresden, 1904).
William the Marshal's death: see David Crouch, William Marshal:Court, Career and Chivalry in the Angevin Empire 1147—1219 (London, 1990),
She sang about love: see Page, The Owl and the Nightingale,
Postscript: The legend of Blondel reprise
'O Richard!': from Michel-Jean Sedaine, Richard Coeur de Lion, 1784 Theatre de Sedaine (Paris, 1878).
Gretry and Sedaine: see David Charlton, Gretry and the Growth of Opera-Comique (Cambridge, 1986).
' le style troubadour : see, for example, Alice MacKrell, An Illustrated History of Fashion (New York, 1997).
Jean de Notre Dame and Claude Fauchet: the development of the story's treatment by French historians is outlined in Prosper Tarbe, Les Oeuvres de Blondel de Neele (Reims, 1862).
Lord Baden-Powell: see Robert Baden-Powell, Scouting for Boys:A Handbook for Instruction in Good Citizenship (new edn, Oxford, 2004).
James Russell Lowell: see 'Two Scenes from the Life of Blondel', Atlantic Monthly, November 1863,
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