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On Her Tail

Page 2

by Celia Kyle

  Zane snared the door’s handle and yanked, giving himself access to the passenger seat. Before he leaned over his mate, he caught sight of those two guys once again. This time they were seated in a non-descript black sedan, parked south of the building and tried to appear as if they hadn’t tailed him through a mad dangerous dash through the city. They wanted her. No, they wanted the baby and that made him even more determined to keep the kid safe. He was a contrary fucker.

  “Get the baby inside and up to my place,” he growled at Oscar and then focused on taking care of his mate. With infinite care, he undid her seatbelt and gathered her into his arms once again. The red stains were large on the seat, sinking into the pristine leather, and his lion roared its objection at her continued bleeding.

  Without hesitation, he held her close and whirled toward the building’s entrance. Oscar was on his heels as he raced into the high-rise and his fellow pride members were quick to give him a path to the elevator. One of the other enforcers—Austin—held the door wide.

  “Take care of my truck, will ya?”

  “Sure, Zane.” The male was quick to answer.

  “And there’re two lions in a town car down the street. Big, mean looking fuckers and they want my cub. I want them gone.”

  Austin’s surprise was instantaneous at the mention of a child but he quickly recovered. “Consider it done.”

  Assured in his new family’s safety—for now—he refocused on his mate. The second he stepped into the elevator, Oscar pushed a button to close the doors and then they were heading up to his floor. Quiet surrounded them, making his worry grow since he hardly heard his mate breathing. All that broke through the quiet were the low cries from the baby fussing and whimpering and that simply added to his animal’s fury. His mate was hurt, his baby was upset, and those two assholes…

  “You know you’re gonna have to clean up your language. You got a kid now.”

  For a bare second his worry was snatched away from his mate and he focused on Oscar. The lion merely turned his head and gave the blank and unblinking stare as he waited for Zane’s response. And Zane… had only one thing to say to the male.

  “Fuck. You.”

  Chapter Two

  Addy woke with a rush, slamming from unconsciousness to fully awake in less than a heartbeat. As she opened her eyes, a scream erupted from her throat and she gasped for air. Fear, a familiar emotion, attacked her the instant she scanned her surroundings. The walls were clean, the room smelled fresh, and there was no hint of decay marring the carpet.

  It wasn’t a place she knew nor did it look like somewhere she could actually afford.

  The rapid, heavy thump of booted feet pounding on a solid floor hit her ears a bare second before the door was busted down. The wood panel went slamming against the wall, a foot to the lock easily shoving the door from its frame. The owner of that foot strode into the room, and his golden-eyed gaze swept the area in one rapid glance.

  Fury emanated from every line of his body, from the tenseness in his mouth to the ever-widening breadth of his muscular shoulders. His arms were flexed and his human hands resembled lion claws. He was massive, well over six feet and easily more than two hundred fifty pounds of enraged werelion. The only thing that kept her from collapsing into a tearful puddle was that his anger wasn’t directed at her. In fact, it seemed to be hunting the cause of her fright.

  And then those orbs focused on her, the amber flaring even brighter as his stare slid over her in a gentle caress. When he didn’t find anything physically wrong with her, he seemed to expel the anger in a single exhale. His lion gradually retreated, leaving tanned skin as fur receded and green eyes when the cat completely vanished. He drew in a deep breath, nostrils flaring as he inhaled, and then he released it with a deep purr.


  Addy did the same, scenting the air, desperately searching for the male’s natural flavors and her heart stuttered at what she found.

  Her mate. She gasped. Her mate.

  Now? She discovered her mate now when she was running for her life; running for Jack’s life.


  Addy yanked at the blankets covering her, shoving and tugging on them, unsuccessfully battling to rid herself of the restraints. “Where is he?”

  Her mate frowned. “Who?”

  She growled and bared her fangs, but her head was now wrapped in the sheet, totally killing the effect. “Jack,” she snapped. “Where is he?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Who the hell is that? If it’s some ex of yours, you can forget about him. You’re mine.”


  “Look, I don’t know who you think you are…” Addy finally got the sheet from around her and gave it one last yank, freeing her fully. She carefully pushed herself until she was sitting on the edge of a… bed? Yes, she was in a bed. In a bed and no longer wearing the ratty jeans and worn t-shirt she’d donned that morning. Now she was clothed in a baggy top and equally large drawstring shorts. Her grimy sneakers were gone, and her hair was no longer tied in a ponytail at the base of her skull. Basically, she looked nothing like she had when she’d rolled out of bed.

  With a shake of her head, she tried again. “Look, I don’t know who you think you are, but—”

  “I’m your mate.”

  “—you need to tell me what you’ve done with Jack.”

  He narrowed his eyes and a whisper-quiet growl thrummed through the room. “Don’t you growl at me,” she hissed. “I’ve eaten bigger lions than you for breakfast. Give him back to me and then I’m leaving.”

  “But,” he blinked in surprise, “you’re my mate.”

  “And he’s only a baby. One who needs my protection. That comes in the form of getting him the hell out of here.” She braced one hand on the mattress and slowly pushed to her feet. She swayed slightly, knees unwilling to help her stand, and she stumbled to the side, grasping one of the bed’s post to keep her upright.

  “You can hardly stand,” he snarled.

  “You don’t have to stand to ride a train.”

  “Dammit. Sit down before you fall down. How the hell are you gonna take care of a cub if you can’t even get out of bed?”

  He had a point. Not that she was telling him that. “I need to leave.”

  Leave before Tony’s guys found her. Before they crashed into wherever the hell she was and snatched the baby from her arms.

  “No, what you need is to relax for thirty seconds so we can talk.”

  The man didn’t realize stubborn was her middle name. “Look—”

  He growled at her, the only warning she received before he darted forward and pulled her into his arms. He cradled her close and was gentle despite his large size and obvious anger. One giant step had them beside a plush chair, and another had them both cuddled in the cushioned center.

  “No, you look. We’re going to talk and you’re not going anywhere until we do.”

  Addy snarled. “That’s kidnapping.”

  “You’re my mate. That’s like stealing a car I already own. Ain’t gonna happen.”

  That had her bristling. “So I’m a car now? Is that a dig because I’ve got a wide ass?”

  Self-conscious lioness, party of one.

  His brow furrowed, mouth forming a small frown. “I like your ass. Not that I looked when I changed your clothes. But you were hurt and somebody had to take care of you and the fucking doctor had already fucking had his fucking hands all over you. I was gonna fucking kill him.”

  “I don’t even want to know.” She shook her head. “We’re getting off topic here. Where is Jack? Is he okay?”

  “Is Jack the baby? That’s his name?”

  She didn’t want to give him any more details than necessary, but answering one question would lead to another which led to another and then the eventual revelation of the truth. And then they’d make her let him go.

  “Yes, my baby’s name is Jack.”

  He eased her closer, arms holding her the tiniest bit tighter, and she f
ought the desire to simply sink into his embrace and take comfort in the feel of his skin on hers. Except she couldn’t afford a distraction. Not now, not ever.

  “But we both know Jack isn’t your child. So why don’t you answer my questions and then we can talk about what the hell is going on.”

  It all sounded so rational. Too bad she wasn’t prepared to listen.

  “He’s mine,” she growled.

  He shook his head. “No, he’s not.” He sighed. “How about we start with your name? Mine is Zane Edwards. I’m one of the North American pride enforcers.”

  A new jolt of terror overtook her, blinding her to any good sense. Without thought, she struggled against his grip, fighting to get free. She would find Jack on her own and then run as far and as fast as she could. He was an enforcer. Enforcer. His job was to uphold the laws. Which Addy had blatantly broken when she’d fled Tony’s. It didn’t always matter that a person had good intentions.

  “I-I-I—” She couldn’t get out any other words, her mind overrun by panic. Not for herself, but little Jack and what would happen if his father got his hands on him. Her best friend’s voice—Jack’s mother—drifted through her mind.

  If Jack stays with him, Tony will kill him. This life will kill him. I want more for my son than an existence of stealing or hurting others and dodging bullets or claws from the pride. You have to help him…

  “Hey, shhh…” He stroked her back, large palm tracing her spine and she figured he was probably trying to calm her, but his touch did anything but. “It’s okay.”

  No, it was very not okay. “I have to go. I want Jack and then I want—”

  “Hello, I see my patient is up.” Yet another stranger poked his head through the doorway, his gaze bouncing between Addy, her mate, and back again. “How are you feeling?”

  “Patient?” She raised her eyebrows in question.

  The man came forward and she recognized the tools of a doctor’s trade; the ever-present stethoscope and white jacket making his profession easily identifiable.

  “Patient.” He tugged the stethoscope from around his neck. “You were one injured little cub when Zane carried you in here.” He pressed the cool pad of the stethoscope to her back. “Deep breath for me.” She did as asked, repeating the move several times until he finally stepped back. “Any pain? Anything still bothering you?”

  “I’m fine. I need to see Jack.” Why wouldn’t anyone listen to her?

  “Well, that is up to your mate and the alpha, but I can tell you he is healthy as can be and doing fine. Didn’t even have a scratch on him after your adventure with your mate’s car.”

  Addy only distantly acknowledged that apparently she’d been hit by a car while she still held Jack in her arms. Even more, her mate was apparently the one who’d been driving. That news was frightening, but sheer unadulterated terror struck her when she realized the North American Alpha was now involved in the situation.

  “Can-can—” she licked her lips, “can I see him, please?”

  She needed to see him, touch him, and make sure he was okay. And then… Then she’d snatch him and try to figure out where to go. Her lioness whined an objection, aching to stay near her mate rather than going on the run. But she had to think of more than herself, of the promise she’d made and the small life that hung in the balance.

  The doctor frowned. “I believe Alpha Marcus wants to speak with you first.”

  Of course he would. Of course he had questions, ones Addy didn’t want to answer. But she didn’t get a chance to tell him. The male simply turned on his heel and strode toward the door, leaving her alone with Zane once again.

  “I don’t want to talk to him. I want Jack and then I’ll get out of your lives.” She didn’t miss Zane’s low growl and she also didn’t miss the way her inner cat responded with an interested purr.

  “You’re mine. Mine.” He tightened his hold slightly, but not enough to jostle her injuries. “I’m not letting you go. I’m not letting Jack go.”

  I sliver of hope drifted into her heart. “You won’t—You won’t let anyone take him away from me?”

  “Us.” He cupped her cheek and encouraged her to meet his gaze. “I won’t let anyone take him from us.”

  “There’s… He’s not… I took…” How did she explain the truth?

  “I know you’re not his birth mother. Everyone who has come in contact with both of you knows this. Did you break any laws—human or shifter—to have him? You have to tell me.”

  A tremor racked Addy and she wasn’t quite sure how to answer the question, but she tried. “In my heart, I don’t believe I did, but others might think…”

  “Then the answer is no. Jack is yours, you are mine, which means Jack is mine and I’ll be damned if I let anyone take what belongs to me.”

  For the first time in weeks, for the first time since her best friend’s brutal death at Tony Davis’ hands, Addy was able to breathe.


  With those quiet words, Zane’s mate shuddered and relaxed against him as tension fled her body. She might not trust him, might be filled with panic and fear, but she at least accepted those few words as truth.

  “Now that you know I won’t let anyone take him, why don’t you tell me what the fuck is going on?” He internally winced, knowing the way he worded the question wasn’t exactly classy.

  She chuckled, and the teasing sound turned into a low groan that had his beast hissing within his mind. “It might be better if you don’t know all the facts.”

  “Nope, not gonna work. Tell me already.”

  “Bossy,” she grumbled. “I am Adelaide Wilson, but my friends—correction friend—call me Addy. Or rather, she did before…” She swallowed hard and blinked back her tears. “I’m just Addy.”

  Zane traced her lower lip with his thumb, staring at her mouth and wondering what she’d taste like. “Addy. I like that. Addy and Zane.” He was tempted to brush a soft kiss across her lips, but kept himself in check. “And Jack?”

  “It really is best if you don’t know.” At least then he could claim ignorance and maybe Tony would take it easy on him for helping her.

  “Maybe you let me decide that.”


  “I can’t protect you and Jack if I don’t know.” He tucked a few errant strands of hair behind her ear and ignored the way she shook her head and continued to deny him. “How about I guess then?” He didn’t wait for her agreement. Instead, he simply told her what he’d worked out so far. “He’s not yours, Addy. I think he belongs to one of the guys who chased you out in front of my truck. Am I right?”

  Zane waited for her lie, held his breath as he anticipated the untruth to drip from her lips. She was in trouble, scared, and still hurting, so he couldn’t blame her if she continued to lie. He hoped she would soon trust him. Actually, he wanted to yell at her and shake her, demanding her to have faith in him right this moment. But he didn’t let his usual uncontrolled anger take over.

  “I didn’t give birth to Jack, but that doesn’t mean he’s not mine.” She snarled the last few words, revealing how much she cared for the baby. “And no, neither of those men fathered him. His dad couldn’t even be bothered to think of him until he was missing.”

  Her fury assaulted his nose with a burning heat, and it was tinged with a giant heap of terror. He gently ran his hand along her back, tracing her spine and trying to soothe her. He hadn’t ever had experience calming someone, but there was the first time for everything. “Okay… Can you tell me anything else? Will you tell me anything else?”

  She remained quiet, nibbling her lower lip as she met his gaze and then turned her attention elsewhere. He knew he was being judged, Addy trying to figure out if he could be trusted, and his lion snarled at the fact she didn’t blindly believe in him the first moment they met.

  The front door to his apartment opened and then softly thumped closed, which was followed by a low murmur of voices. She stiffened in his arms, a new wave of fear slid through her
so he increased his soothing attentions. “Addy?” He prodded. “Are you going to talk to me?”

  Look, he even made it a question and everything. Those voices drew closer and he was easily able to pick apart the owner of each. Marcus had obviously come, and the other male was his brother and pride beta, Brett. The tinkling feminine laughter from Penelope and Jennifer was joined by a baby’s giggle. They would soon have a full house, five more bodies crowded in this room.

  “You need to give me something before they get here.”

  “I…” Her eyes clashed with his and he couldn’t fail to notice the moisture gathered there. The way it threatened to overflow and cascade down her cheeks. “I…”

  Dammit. He wanted to growl and snarl at her, intimidate her into telling him the truth, but he bit back the sounds. She was already hurting both emotionally and physically, and he had no doubt she was utterly exhausted.

  Who knew how long she’d been on the run and hiding? Who knew how long they’d been on her tail and dogging her steps? For her to go running into traffic… They were definitely dangerous.

  Zane brushed her hair back from her face and cupped her cheeks, wiping away the first tear that trailed down her face. “I’m going to take care of you. You and Jack, okay?” She carefully nodded and he leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. “Good. Stay here, and I’ll be back.”

  “But what about…”

  “You don’t worry about anything.” Yet another droplet of moisture escaped her eyes. “You’re my mate, Addy, you know that right?” At her nod, he continued. “So I’m going to take care of you. You rest for a little bit and I’m gonna get Jack. The doc already checked him over and someone went and got everything we’ll need for him. You both take it easy and I’ll deal with everything else.”

  Disbelief and hope warred and fought their way across her features. “You’ll… But you don’t…”


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