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On Her Tail

Page 4

by Celia Kyle

  The nearing newcomers made his opponent more desperate, made him make mistake after mistake, granting Zane opportunity after opportunity. Yes, he had his own peppering of cuts and bruises, but Zane saw the white of Kevin’s bones almost as much as he saw the fresh red of his flesh.

  “Zane!” Marcus yelled and then stepped forward to move between him and Kevin.

  Rather than let the alpha put an end to the battle, Zane snapped at the male and swung his arm in a great arch, claws ready to sink into his leader’s arm. “Mine!”

  “Dammit, Zane!” Once again he ignored his alpha.

  Jab. Duck. Feint. Swing.

  More and more blood flowed as strength fled Kevin until one final punch scent him tumbling to the ground and sliding across the slick surface until he collided with the wall. Still Zane went after him. He rushed forward, intent on finishing the job he started, only to have arms and hands halt his progress.

  “No, dammit,” Brett snarled in his ear.

  “Fucking quit it,” Oscar demanded.

  “God damn asshole.” Lennox merely stated the truth.

  All three men held him steady, refusing to let him go, and then his vision was consumed by Marcus. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  His problem? They were his problem.

  “Let Zane go!” Addy’s trembling voice cut through their conversation and Zane’s lion shifted his focus to their mate. “Let him—” his mate sobbed, “go.”

  Instead of fighting to get at Kevin, Zane changed his tactic and yanked backward against the three males. So surprised by his action, he easily slipped from their hold and was able to race to Addy’s side. He immediately swept her into his arms, uncaring that his blood would soak into her clothing. If anything, it would warn others away from her. He hadn’t claimed her yet, but now she was coated in his scent.

  She wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him as tears soaked his skin and he immediately sought to ease her fears. “I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” She continued to cry, and he worried she’d make herself sick. “I’m okay, sweetheart, but what about Jack?”

  “Jack…?” She sniffled. “He’s—”

  She lifted her head and as before she looked past his shoulder and stiffened, telling without words that someone approached.

  He spun and faced off against the group that drew near her. Marcus took the lead while Brett, Oscar, and Lennox stood at his back. “You need to tell me what the hell is going on here. Now.”

  Zane would tell his alpha if he knew. The only thing he was conscious of was that Kevin tried to come after his mate.

  Addy trembled against his back, her front pressed against his blood soaked clothing.

  “I’m waiting,” Marcus growled.

  His mate shook once again, her fear pounding at him and his lion. That scent had him snarling anew. Which, in turn, had the four males returning the sounds.

  “Zane,” she whispered. “If… If they’ll get Kevin out of here, I’ll talk to them. But not—not with him here.”

  That had him stiffening and looking over his shoulder at her. “How do you know his name?”

  “Because… he used to work for Tony Davis. And Tony Davis is Jack’s father. He’s the murderer who disposed of Jack’s mother,” she whimpered. “Kevin helped Tony kill her. He’s been chasing me—”

  For his involvement in Tony’s world and the death of Jack’s mother, the guy was gonna die. Because he’d actually been chasing Zane’s mate, he was gonna die now.

  He shrugged off Addy’s hold and from one breath to the next, his shift rolled through him. He bowled past the four males, brushing them aside as if they didn’t exist, and launched himself at the now unconscious Kevin.

  Jaws spread wide, lion’s teeth fully in place, and his mouth watered at the thought of tearing Kevin into pieces. He would start at the male’s throat, ripping it out in one snap. No, wait he wanted to hear the male’s screams. He wanted Kevin to fear death just as Addy had while she’d been on the run. Yes, that seemed like a wonderful idea. He’d start from the bottom. See if the male could chase anyone with no feet.

  Best. Plan. Ever.

  Except, just as he was about to crunch into Kevin’s ankle, a larger feline body shoved him aside. Now he faced off against his own alpha, the massive lion outweighing him easily and Marcus would have no trouble putting him down. But Zane’s cat wanted blood, it wanted yells of pain and to breathe the sweet scent of death.

  Marcus bared his fangs in a clear threat and Zane snarled. He paced along the wall, eyes trained on his alpha as he fought to find any hint of vulnerability in the male’s defense of Kevin. And he found nothing. Dammit.

  Then one single sound drew away his aggression and replaced it with the fierce need to protect and guard. It didn’t come from the alpha’s or beta’s mate, or even Addy. No, it came from Jack. Little Jack who couldn’t yet defend himself and Zane’s lion decided caring for the small child would fall onto his golden shoulders.

  With one last curl of his lip at Marcus, he abandoned his post near the wall and padded toward Addy. He carefully nudged her deeper into the closet, and nosed the bag that kept Jack hidden. He gently pushed it aside with one paw and then met his mate’s gaze. With a tilt of his head, he encouraged her to lift the baby and give it comfort. Did he want vengeance for what happened to Jack and Addy? Yes. But it could wait and explanations to the small group hovering in the doorway could wait. Right now he needed to care for his family.

  Chapter Four

  Addy stared down at the small child, little Jack snug and content in his new crib. The crib wasn’t the only thing new. Somehow the pride had transformed one of Zane’s spare bedrooms into a nursery within hours. The enforcers as well as the alpha and beta’s mates all pitching in to create a space for Jack.

  Part of her should be annoyed with the assumption she and the baby would be staying with Zane, but then the other part of her realized of course she would stay with Zane. He was her mate and no amount of drama or trouble could change that. So… here she was.

  At least until the alpha—no, he wanted her to call him Marcus—made a decision about the baby. Lori had no family to speak of, but Tony had relatives—though the family was filled with men who thought someone spilling coffee on their shirt was a good reason to tear out the offender’s throat. Which meant Marcus was torn between the laws of their people and what was best for Jack.

  “He’s not going to disappear on you,” Zane murmured. “No one is taking him from us.”

  Her lioness purred, satisfied with both her mate’s presence and his words. She slowly turned from the crib to face her mate. “I understand, but are you sure we’re worth all this trouble?”

  Zane moved faster than a bullet, closing the distance between them in what seemed like an instant, and then she was crushed to him. His fingers tangled in her hair, pulling her head back, while his other arm wrapped around her waist and held her close. “Yes,” he hissed. “Protecting you both is never trouble.” He leaned down and nuzzled her neck. “I want to do nothing but care for you and Jack for the rest of our lives.”


  “You’re mine. He’s mine.”

  Tension she hadn’t realized she’d been clinging to finally fled her body. She slumped against him and allowed him to take her weight. When he eased his fist, she released a heavy sigh and she leaned against his chest. She breathed deeply and drew his scent into her lungs.

  “I know it’s going to be hard. The Collettis—Davises—are going to try and take him. But Lori…” Wants me to keep him out of that world.

  “They can try, but they won’t succeed.” This time, his touch wasn’t rough, but very gentle as he encouraged her to lift her chin and meet his gaze. “Baby, you don’t understand right now, but you will. What I take, what I claim, stays mine. Someday you’ll believe that.”

  “I want to but…” She’d been running and hiding and knew what the Colletti family was capable of.

  “You will.” He l
owered his head, his expression one of asking permission as he slowly brought his lips near her.

  Zane was going to kiss her, or at least wanted to, and was waiting for her reaction. She only had one, of course. Despite her problems, despite the fact the Colletti family wanted her blood and Jack in their possession, she wanted to mate him.

  He did not complete the kiss, did not press their lips together, but instead hovered above her mouth. He was still giving her a chance to say no.

  “Is it safe? Will someone…”

  Zane spoke against her mouth. “I would never do anything to risk your safety. The alpha and beta agreed to stand guard while new background checks are run on the alpha’s guards and pride enforcers. But if you want to wait…”

  If she wanted to wait, he’d give her time. Except she knew he wanted her, could feel evidence of his arousal and need hard against her hip and yet… He was giving her the chance to say no. She didn’t know of any other male who’d be so understanding. And it was those words that made the decision for her.

  “I—I trust you and if you say we’re safe, then we are. Which means I don’t want to wait.” She pressed to her tiptoes, anxious to begin a kiss that would eventually lead to other more delicious things, but he didn’t allow her to do so. She whimpered, and tried again, only to be thwarted.

  “You were ready to leave me, Addy.” His voice was hoarse and rough.

  Shame washed over her, anger at herself over not trusting him pummeling her. She should have. She doubted she’d be given a mate who meant her harm.

  Instinctively she knew the man holding her didn’t have an evil bone in his body. Her time with Lori had allowed her to fine-tune her senses.

  Addy opened her mouth to release the apology that hovered on her lips only to have him immediately silence any regret.

  “No, don’t say anything. It was smart. You didn’t know me—don’t know me—and had to keep Jack safe. I admit it hurt my pride a little, but I can’t deny you did a good thing.” A fierce possessiveness filled his gaze. “But now you know I’m worthy of your trust. So if you even think about running again I will take you over my knee and turn that sexy ass of yours bright red.”

  She couldn’t have stopped the blush that filled her face had she tried. “You can’t say things like that.”

  “Why?” He raised a single brow. “It’s the truth.”

  With a groan, she nudged him. “I’m sure you think you’ll do that but—”

  “Oh, it’ll happen.” Zane breathed deeply and released a rumbling purr. “And I think you like that idea. You want me to strip—”

  She placed her fingers over his lips to shut him up. She wasn’t going to confess that it intrigued her. Not at all, not ever. And especially not in Jack’s nursery. “Hush. Don’t you know there’s an infant not three feet away?”

  He didn’t even bother apologizing. “What?” He shrugged. “It’s not like the kid isn’t going to hear and see us loving on each other at some point.”

  …loving on each other…

  “Loving… Our son sure as hell isn’t going to see—”

  “I like hearing you calling him our son, but you shouldn’t curse around him. Don’t want to teach him bad habits.” His voice turned husky and seductive. “And he won’t watch us loving, but he’s going to know his parents make love. I bet you’re a screamer. Am I right?” He shook his head. “Don’t answer that, I’ll find out myself.”

  Zane released her and turned away, snatching her wrist and tugging her from the room. He drew her down the hallway, their steps quiet as their bare feet padded toward the master bedroom. It wasn’t a far walk from the nursery down the hallway, but it seemed like a million miles. And once again, he practically read her mind. The moment they stepped into the room they’d share, he pointed to one of the bedside tables. “I bought the best baby monitor they make. You can listen to him, but it’s got a camera too so you can see him as well. If he makes a sound or breathes funny, we’ll know.”

  And she found herself tumbling toward loving him all the more.

  The presence of the monitor reminded her of what he’d said. “Parents? You said parents making love…”

  He jolted to a stop. “Of course. What else can we be? I already told you you’re not leaving me. Don’t even think—”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I wasn’t… I didn’t think… we’re parents. We hardly know each other and we’re parents.”

  “Exactly. And now, we need to give Jack a brother or sister.” He slowly drew her toward the massive king-size bed. “Any objections?”

  Yes, she had worries and concerns that still nagged her brain, but there could never be anything wrong with claiming her mate. “No, none at all.”


  Zane nearly pounced on her the moment the words registered. Instead, he tugged a bit harder and the moment she was close enough, he wrapped his arms around her and fell onto the bed. A bright laugh escaped her and he found himself smiling in response. Despite recent events, he was thrilled they could find a little bit of joy in each other. There was no doubt they needed it.

  He rolled them, pinning her beneath his bulk and holding her captive. He managed to grasp her wrists in one hand and stretch her arms above her. With a firm but gentle push he pinned them in place. “Keep them there.”

  Addy whimpered and the sound went straight to his groin, making him twitch and throb in his jeans. He’d been hard for her the moment her scent filled him, and he’d been craving her ever since. Now, he’d have her.

  “Addy? Are you listening?” When she released a low whine and nodded, he moved on.

  The feel of her, the sensation of having those curves flush against him, had so many fantasies flitting through his mind. He wished they had time to spend days mating and exploring each and every one of his ideas. But they didn’t, they had Jack to worry about and care for. So that made each coming together important. He had time for one idea, not thirty-seven.

  At her confirmation, he released her wrists and got to the task of discovering his mate’s secrets.

  He captured her mouth in a passionate kiss, sliding his tongue between her lips and exploring her with a single sweep. Her flavors blossomed across his taste buds, arousing him even further as the flavors of sweetness and heat filled him. She teased him, carefully sucking on his tongue, and he nearly came from that alone. He carefully drew his mouth away and nipped her lower lip.

  “Witch,” he whispered into her mouth. She merely hummed and wiggled against him, forcing a groan from his chest. “You’re gonna kill me.”

  Then he focused on making her cry out, torturing her with pleasure as she was now doing to him.

  When he asked for his lion’s help, the beast was quick to react and transform Zane’s fingernails to sharpened claws so he could slice away her clothing. Delicious inches of her flesh were revealed, goose bumps rising on the newly exposed skin, and his mouth watered with the need to sample her.

  He wasn’t one to deny himself, so he slid down her body, licking every bit of her that was bared. He lapped at her collarbone, nibbled her nipple, and when he got to the juncture of her thighs he nuzzled her slightly damp curls. The salty musk of her arousal filled his nose and despite the gentle tightening of her legs in an effort to hide from him, he refused to let her. Even when small claw-tipped fingers pricked his skull, he remained in place. He did, however, let his attention meet hers and he narrowed his eyes.

  “Where are your hand supposed to be?”


  He puffed a warm burst of air over her needy flesh. “What, love?”

  “It’s… I’m not pretty… down there…”

  No, she wasn’t pretty, she was gorgeous. The plump lower lips, the swollen pinkness of her need for him… Magnificent. And his. Couldn’t forget that part.

  “Shhh… You’re more than pretty and right here… this is glorious.” He kept his attention on her as he lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to the seam of her sex lips. �
�I’m going to taste you, make you scream my name, and then I’m going to mate you.” As each word left his mouth, her breathing increased until she panted and squirmed. “Any objections?” Addy shook her head and he smiled wide. “Good.”

  Then he did exactly that. He put his mouth against her, tongue sliding out to lap at her cream as he gathered the evidence of her need into him. The flavors overwhelmed him with their strength and intensity, calling to his inner beast and demanding the lion come forward. He wanted to roll and bathe in her scent until he was covered from head to toe.

  He suckled her clit, the very source of her pleasure, and moved with her as she rocked against him. She babbled and moaned, begging for more. When he traced her opening with a single finger, she whimpered, but when he slid two fingers into her velvety warmth, she finally screamed. She milked his intrusion, hips moving with him as he thrust and retreated, and all the while he continued flicking that bundle of nerves with his tongue.

  Her face flushed and her eyes went glassy. He’d done that, he’d overwhelmed his mate until she was a trembling mass of need, and yeah, he was cocky about that fact.

  Zane knew she was close, the intricacy of her flavors telling him she’d moved beyond a craving for him and on to bone deep need. A need he was happy to satisfy. When she began tightening around him rhythmically, he knew she lingered at the edge, that it wouldn’t take much to send her into the abyss of joy.

  He didn’t stop his hand, but he did lift his mouth from her, smiling widely when she sobbed and gave him an accusing glare. “Do you want to come now or with me inside you?” Zane ached for her to pick the latter option. He wanted to be hilt deep in her wetness and feel her come apart around him. He slid his fingers free and then carefully thrust into her once again. “Addy?”


  Zane wanted her to think? To speak? He had to be kidding. Since he was no longer pushing her toward the edge of release and instead had her hovering near the brink, she figured he was serious. Bastard.


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