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Don't Come Looking For Love 3: Family Ties

Page 22

by Natavia

  “Don’t make me call Lo-Lo on you!” Gary said to me as I looked at Draya’s ass.

  “Who is Lo-Lo?” Draya asked.

  “His fat girlfriend!” Lema said, laughing at her own joke.

  “Everyone is fat to Lema. Y’all know her dizzy-eye ass sees double,” I said. Raja fell out laughing. Gary snapped his fingers at Lema then dropped down to the floor, kicking his leg up.

  “You just got served! Bloop!” he said to Lema, getting up just as fast as he fell.

  “Do that again!” Teagan said to Gary. Lo-Lo called me and I told her I was at the hair salon. She started questioning me.

  “What bitch do you have in your face?” she asked, spitting her seeds out in my ear.

  “Nobody,” I said. Draya eyed me and my dick got hard. I needed to get the fuck away from her. I wasn’t trying to cheat on Lo-Lo but I’m a man! The temptation is real!

  “Why do you sound like that? What are you thinking about, Sameer?”

  I cleared my throat. “What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t fuck with me, Sameer! I would come down there and beat your ass and the hoe’s ass that’s probably in your face,” she said. After I talked to her I hung up the phone. Draya leaned forward, reaching for a clip making sure I saw her perfect titties. I turned my head.

  “What’s the matter Sameer? Scared?” she boldly asked.

  “Yeah, scared I might catch something! You are doing too much over there,” I said to her.

  “Naw, only thing you would catch is a bad case of good pussy!” she said. Her client put her nose up then grilled me.

  “What the hell are you grilling me for? All those damn bald spots in your head. You need to be mad at whoever took your sew-in out! Or do you have alopecia?” I asked Draya’s client. Gary told me he was going to put me out and Raja snickered. Lema threw a pen at me.

  “Why the fuck are you such an asshole?” Lema asked.

  “Because of ugly-ass broads like you! Don’t talk to me, Lema! You didn’t have to show everyone my dick,” I said, although I didn’t care about that. I didn’t have anything to be ashamed of.

  “I’m joking with y’all, lighten up,” I said, looking through the King magazine in the waiting area. The door chimed, Somalia switched in. My day was getting worse! I put the magazine in front of my face. I was hoping she couldn’t see Teagan sitting in the back. Lema went to the front desk. Somalia told Lema she had an appointment with Draya.

  “Sameer.” I didn’t answer as I held the magazine up. She pulled her phone out then dialed. My phone rang, and she snatched the magazine from my hands.

  “I knew it was you because of your cologne and those tats on your arms,” she said.

  “What’s up, Somalia?” I asked her.

  “I hope he didn’t kick you out like he did me,” Lema said. That bitch needed someone to slap her ass.

  “Honey, if he kicked you out then I’m sure it’s because of those teeth and those fucked-up ass eyes!” Somalia spat.

  Somalia had a bad mouth, which was what drew me to her. I loved a pretty-ass female who could talk shit like me. She was about five-foot-two and on the thick side. She had her hair in a long weave with pink tips at the ends. Her smooth brown skin was blemish free and her lips were full and pouty. Somalia was drop-dead gorgeous! She looked like one of those island women. I was with her first then I cheated on her with her sister Narshae. She was trying to control me and I didn’t like that shit. She was six years older than and was trying to act like my mama. She even wanted to dress me! I couldn’t get with that.

  “Lema, just stop talking! You are making us look bad for business, hunty! Besides, you are not going to keep dissing my cousin! I done had it! You are trying to be like Raja and, hunttyyyyyy, you can’t! Only Raja gets special passes when it comes to talking shit to my family in here! And that’s only because I talk about her Sponge Bob, plankton-looking ass daddy!” Gary said.

  “Roger that!” Raja said, rolling her eyes. I needed to get the hell up out of there!

  Somalia sat down next to me. She rubbed her fingers through my waves.

  “I miss you,” she said. Draya sucked her teeth. What was she mad for?

  “That’s what’s up,” I said, turning away from her. I was hoping Lo-Lo didn’t pop up on me to raise hell. The thought of that happening was making me sweat. Somalia was too damn close!

  “There goes Lo-Lo!” Gary shouted. I hopped up almost tripping and everyone laughed at me.

  “Where she at?” I asked, looking out of the windows.

  “That’s what your ass gets!” Gary said, snapping his fingers.

  “Don’t play with me like that, nigga! Fuck is wrong with you?” I asked him. “Hurry up with her hair! It doesn’t take all day to do a little girl’s hair!”

  “It does when it hasn’t been getting combed on the regular. Teagan has too much hair,” Gary said, parting it then braiding it.

  “Lo-Lo is always combing her hair,” I said to Gary.

  “Lo-Lo isn’t a hairdresser, Sameer. Teagan has too much damn hair to be getting it combed at home. It needs detangling and all of that,” he fussed. I ignored Gary because he would’ve went on and on about it.

  Somalia sat in Draya’s seat after she finished her client’s hair.

  “So, Sameer, how is fatherhood? I hear you have another baby on the way. What is that, your third one? Oops, my bad, it’s your second,” Somalia said.

  “You got jokes, don’t you? It’s all good though. The joke is going to be on you when you call me, and I answer the phone with my shorty moaning in the background. I might let you hear me slurp on her pussy. You would be mad, wouldn’t you? Yeah, I know you would since I never put my mouth on your pussy,” I said. I could see it in her eyes that my comment hurt her.

  “You are no good, Sameer. You will be cheating on Lo-Lo soon. Your dog ass cheated on me with my hoe-ass sister,” she said, giving Draya a high-five.

  “Why are you high-fiving her? She was trying to get the dick before you walked in! If I was single I would’ve had her ass bent over in the back, making you wait for your appointment,” I said. Draya smirked. Somalia scrunched her nose up.

  “Hoe-ass nigga!” Somalia said.

  “And you still love me!” I laughed at her.

  After Gary finished Teagan’s hair, I picked her up because she fell asleep in the chair. Some nigga came into the shop with dingy clothes on and fake jewelry. Lema ran into his arms then gave me the side-eye trying to make me jealous. This nigga smiled showing his rotten teeth. He grilled me for some reason.

  “Don’t worry about him, baby. He want me back but I told him I had you,” she said to the nigga. I must’ve told Lema some crazy shit when I was drunk. Lema acted so crazy it was almost funny!

  “I want you? Your swirly-eye ass got me all the way fucked up, young!” I said to her.

  Her man grilled me. “Tell your woman to take those pictures of me out of her phone,” I told him, walking out. I could hear him cursing Lema out. I was never going back to that shop again!

  Gary came out after me yelling and snapping his fingers.

  “See, that’s why I stayed away from y’all evil fuckers! Don’t bring your ignorant ass back to this shop anymore!” he said.

  “Nigga, shut the hell up!” I said, putting Teagan in her car seat. She snored like she had a long day. Some niggas walked past then grilled me. I guess because I was standing outside with Gary.

  “Those gay-ass niggas!” one of them said. I laughed it off because I had my daughter with me. Gary put his head down. Under all of those colors and overly dramatic dancing he does, I could see he had some shit with him.

  “What’s up with you, nigga?” I asked him. When we were younger all of the boy cousins were close. Gary wasn’t always this way and I wondered what happened to him. He stopped coming around us. His mother Karina never came around the family like that because of Caroline, but made an exception for Gary. When Gary stopped coming around, Karina disappeared

  “Don’t act like you don’t know,” Gary spat.

  “Know what? Speak your piece! You been acting like you got some shit against us and I want to know why. Motherfuckers out here thinking you don’t have a family. Nigga, that’s foul. You know how grandma is about her grandkids! You could’ve at least called her or something,” I said.

  “It happened to you too! Don’t act like you don’t know what the hell I’m talking about!” he said.

  “Gary, I swear if you don’t tell me what the fuck is up with you, I’m knocking your dumb-ass out!” I said to him.

  “I don’t like being like this! I wasn’t supposed to be like this!” he screamed, drawing attention to us.

  “We don’t care about that, Gary! Your family still cares about you, nigga! Fuck is you getting all dramatic for?” I asked him.

  “Your father did this to me! Your father raped me, Sameer! I haven’t been right since! Why do you think I stopped coming over? Your father was a fucking child-molester! I know what he was doing to Jameer. Only difference is that he raped me in the basement while everyone was asleep. I went downstairs to get something to drink and he overpowered me. I was only twelve. I hated y’all for that shit and still do!” he said with anger in his voice.

  “I didn’t know he touched you,” I said, getting mad.

  “Yup, he sure did! Out of all of us that used to stay over Aunt Sheri’s house, I’m sure I’m the only one he fucked! He picked me! It’s almost like he knew deep down that I was supposed to be like this,” Gary said with tears in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Gary. I didn’t know. Nobody knew,” I said.

  “Well, there you have it! That’s why I stayed away! This family brings back memories! It takes me back to Gary when I’m around y’all! I’m Tataliscious now! The queen of all the queens!” he said turning around, walking back into the salon.

  I got into my truck then pulled off. I looked at my daughter in the backseat asleep and couldn’t imagine someone hurting her. That shit with Shia and the shit Gary just told me had me feeling some type of way. Sick motherfuckers that preyed on children were everywhere! Daytona didn’t have to worry about getting Teagan ever! She was unfit and I could picture her letting some random nigga watch my daughter.

  I dropped my daughter off to my mother then headed to this residential house for people who are handicap. I had to pay my father a visit. I hadn’t seen him since I whipped his ass for touching on Jameer.

  I pulled up to the home and it was a nice white house with flowers in the front yard. I walked to the front desk. I gave them my ID then signed my name in the guestbook. A petite young Caucasian caregiver took me up the stairs to his room.

  She knocked on the door. Moments later he opened it up in a wheelchair. I hated how much we looked like this nigga!

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” he asked. I pushed him to the side then shut his door. He looked scared. I could tell that he would’ve pissed himself if it weren’t for his urine bag. I sat in a chair across from him and he started sweating.

  “What’s up, Pops?” I asked.

  “Why are you here, Sameer?”

  “Why did you do it? What crossed your mind to touch on little boys? Huh? I ran into my cousin Gary after all of these years. Guess what, Pops? Gary is dressed like Cinderella! He was into sports when we were kids! He was liking girls! Now, his name is Tataliscious and he does fucking hair! He could’ve been a football player! That nigga loved football when he was younger. So, I have a question for you. What the fuck made you take away his life like that, huh?” I asked, clenching my fist. He rolled his wheelchair back until it came to a stop.

  “I was sick. I didn’t mean to do it. I had an urge that I couldn’t shake,” he said.

  “You are lying. An urge is something you can’t control. You never touched Kenjay, Shine or me. Hell, you didn’t even touch Siah or did you? That’s probably why she doesn’t like men! You had your pick!” I said to him.

  “I never touched Siah!” he said, crying. He was the telling the truth. Siah goes harder than any nigga. She would’ve tried beating his ass if he did. It wouldn’t have been that easy for him.

  “What made you touch Jameer and Gary?” I asked.

  “They were weak. I knew I could get away with it. I was sick! I gave myself to God and He forgave me,” he cried. I wiped my eyes as tears poured out of them. I loved my father at one point. He was the perfect father in my eyes. I thought I had it all when I was younger.

  “You hurt me! You hurt Jameer! Your own fucking son! You are our father! You are supposed to protect us! You can repent all you want to, Pops, but you still ruined other people’s lives! Jameer is screwed up in the head! He hates me! He fucking hates me because of what you did to him!” I shouted.

  “I’m sorry, Sameer! I wish I can take it all back. I wish you had killed me instead of having me live the rest of my life in this chair,” he said.

  “Our mother loved you! How do you think she felt when she found out her son was molested by her man? It crushed her and now it’s going to crush her even more knowing what you did to her nephew! After all of these years she finally knows the truth! You should’ve heard her screaming and crying after she found out you touched Jameer!” I said to him.

  “I cannot go back in life to undo things! I wish I could but I can’t! I was fighting some demons I couldn’t control. The day you almost beat me to death I gave myself to God,” he said. I grilled him.

  “I hate when you evil motherfuckers do something then throw God in it. Stop using God for an excuse as to why you should be forgiven. Jameer will always be fucked up and Gary is still trying to be happy with himself! You created those problems! I hope you fucking die! I would come to your funeral to piss right in your casket! I hate you! I never hated anyone as much as I hate you! I don’t feel sorry for you! You don’t even feel sorry for yourself! I bet if you wasn’t handicap you would still be molesting little boys!” I said.

  “You can hate me but I still love you, Sameer,” he said. I cocked back, punching him in the face. He fell out of his wheelchair. His legs were very skinny but his upper-body was big. I guess it came from not being able to use his legs.

  “Don’t you ever tell me some punk-ass shit like that again!” I said, walking out. That nigga needed to hurry up and check out! I couldn’t wait until the day he took his last breath!


  I canceled all my up and coming events, fired all of my bodyguards. I couldn’t trust anyone because I didn’t know who else Domo blackmailed with money. That nigga played me! Kayla is his daughter and he didn’t say shit about it, so obviously he didn’t want me to know. I guess so when shit hit the fan his family wouldn’t go down with him. I should’ve known something was off with him and Rissa. Rissa was the one who referred him to me. They been setting my ass up for a long-ass time just to get paid. But nobody had come forward yet about the big fight. Corey told me he would handle that since I got enough shit on my plate.

  Domo was still in a coma, but I still had something for his bitch ass. Latisa got some shit coming to her also if they made it out alive. The only one I felt sorry for was Kayla because she wasn’t going to have any parents. Then again, if her parents could do that shit to Shia there was no telling what they have done to her. She was better off without them!

  I walked into the living room, sipping my Henny straight. It was only eight in the morning but I couldn’t sleep. Tookie squawked.

  “Kiddie porn! Kiddie porn!” That was it! I had it with that bird! Shia was going to be mad at me but I would deal with that later. I grabbed Tookie and took her outside around the back. She pecked my hand.

  “Bitch-nigga! Bitch-nigga!” she squawked. I threw her in the grass by the pool.

  “You can live out here!” I said walking towards the house. I looked back and Tookie was hopping up, flapping her wings, coming towards me. I jogged to the house and tried to go back through the sliding doors. They were locked. I peeked in, Britain
and Shia were on the couch laughing at me. They locked my black ass out in a fenced-in yard with a crazy-ass bird!

  I felt something peck me on the ankle and it was Tookie. I kicked her, feathers flying through the air as she flew across the yard. Britain and Shia ran to the sliding door, unlocking it.

  “O’Shea, you killed Tookie?” Britain asked. Shia went to pick Tookie up.

  “Good! I hope I did! That fucking bird was talking about kiddie porn! I keep telling you stop talking around that bird! You think I want to be reminded of that shit? You think I want Shia to hear that shit? Tookie is a parrot! She repeats EVERYTHING! I’m tired of her! At least her lazy ass finally got to fly!” I said, walking into the house. Tookie was lucky I didn’t have Timbs on!

  Britain came inside the house crying.

  “You killed my bird! O’Shea, you killed my fucking bird!” she screamed. I sipped my Henny then waved her off. Shia walked in holding Tookie but she wasn’t crying.


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