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Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society ( The Spinster’s Society) (A Regency Romance Book)

Page 24

by Charlotte Stone

  “We are well,” Mr. Watson answered. “These are my daughters. Miss Catherine Watson and Jane. I don’t believe you’ve met previously. Girls, this is Lord Benjamin, Lord Wembley’s son.” Jane was not yet out in society as Catherine was, although Catherine had never gone to London. Her parent’s offered it, though the expense would have been difficult, but Catherine said her place was at home. Inwardly, she could only think: who would ask the girl with the burns to dance? Still, this meant that to Lord Benjamin she would be Miss Watson, and Jane would simply be introduced by her given name.

  Before Benjamin could correct the man to say that he had met his eldest daughter on a previous occasion, Catherine bowed her head slightly and curtsied. “My Lord.” Her hand on her sister’s shoulder gently pushed the younger girl down as well. When she rose, her eyes were fixed somewhere over his left shoulder, so she did not have to look him in the eye. “It is nice to meet you.” Her tone was calm, but he sensed she was in some turmoil. He knew he had probably caused it, that she thought he was staring at her injuries. Like the night of the fire, only with much lower stakes, he did not know how to comfort her and explain that he was as enchanted with her now as he had been that night, only for much different reasons.

  Whatever it was that made her appear distraught, it was clear by her behavior that not only had he made a poor impression on her today, but also that she had no memory of him from that night. He told himself it wasn’t fair to expect such a thing when it had probably been the worst night of her life. And yet a part of him was deeply disappointed.

  Then again, why would she remember him? It had only been a few moments when she had been drugged and in the greatest pain anyone could imagine. He could recall every moment of their conversation, but why should she?

  “And you,” he murmured for politeness’ sake, though he couldn’t hide some sadness. Jane, who he guessed was between thirteen and fifteen, grinned at him. “I’ve just finished university and have been reacquainting myself with the village.”

  “Oh. Was it wonderful?” Jane asked with excitement. Cat couldn’t help smiling fondly at her sister, who always loved the idea of any kind of adventure. She also had the innate ability to make even the most mundane moments seem like adventures. Though Cat was responsible for much of her sister’s care, because their mother’s lungs never quite recovered from the fire, Jane had been a saving grace. There was not time to feel badly about her situation when she had Jane to think of, and together, they laughed and smiled often. She rarely meditated on the sadness of the actual situation. Besides, what would be the point? God had spared her that night, and she was thankful for that, even if it remained a mystery how it was done. If she had to bear some scars, then she would.

  She could not put into words why Lord Benjamin’s dark brown questioning eyes agitated her so.

  “Do you mean was Oxford wonderful?” he clarified as Jane nodded eagerly. “I quite enjoyed it, but I am glad to return. There are certain things you miss without realizing it.” He had not felt that way until he saw Cat again. His eyes returned to Catherine, but her gaze, polite and distant, was determinedly set left of his head. His stomach sank as he realized she wanted nothing to do with him. Benjamin had never met a woman who had not sought out his attentions. Both his personality and looks attracted them to him like bees to honey. He never actually had to work at having the fairer sex think well of him.

  “If I went away, I think I would miss the people most of all,” Jane continued cheerfully, too young to sense any tension in the air. Or, Cat mused, she could sense it and was just ignoring it for the chance to have an interesting conversation with someone new.

  “It’s funny,” Benjamin mused. “But the people are quite fixed in your memory, so when you return everything is completely different yet wholly the same at once.” He wanted Cat to look at him just once. He wanted to know if her eyes were still as dark and blue as they had once been, if they still held bravery and wisdom far beyond her years. He wanted to see them happy, instead of filled with pain. “Would you agree, Miss Watson?”

  Her eyes shifted to his in shock, briefly and surprisingly antagonistic, before retreating back into a purposeful, vacant blankness. She wanted to be away from him, and though she was usually mild-mannered, she did not care if he knew it. “I could not say, as I have never been away from home for any determined amount of time.” She looked at her father as soon as she finished replying, as if she wished for the conversation to continue between the two men without including her, but Benjamin wasn’t finished. A part of him realized he wanted a reaction from her while she seemed intent on not giving him one.

  “Not even to London for the season?” he asked curiously.

  She blinked in surprise that he would continue this line of questioning, especially when it embarrassed her. He had probably seen the most beautiful women in the world in London and danced with them as well. They had probably fought to dance with such a man as him. She didn’t believe in self-pity, though, so she set her shoulders and chose to answer him. “My sister will go when she is of age, but no, I have no reason to leave here.”

  “Why is your sister to go when you will not?”

  Her surprise turned to anger, though her voice remained level. He would not let her go! “It is not a matter of my willingness but rather a reason. I do not claim to have a reason to go.”

  He told himself to stop as her cheeks flushed appealingly. But he didn’t stop. “Have you a reason not to go?”

  She inhaled deeply before looking him straight in the eye for the first time. “I think you know that I do.”

  “I’m afraid I do not know what you mean,” he retorted.

  “You had no problem staring at the reason only a few moments ago,” she snapped, referring to her scars and the attention he’d paid them. How could he act so ignorant when he had so blatantly stared, caring nothing for her feelings? He was a gentleman, but she did not think a true gentleman would continue to pester her, like a cat playing with a mouse before it devoured its prey.

  Ben could not explain that it was because he was remembering her and for no other reason. In fact, he realized that if he had to explain her appearance to someone else, he wouldn’t even think to mention her previous injuries. But he couldn’t say such a thing aloud, not with any sense of propriety.

  Cat abruptly turned toward her father. “Papa, I just realized I forgot some ribbon for Jane’s new bonnet. May I return to the store and meet you at the carriage when I have finished?”

  Her father agreed, and after she left, he apologized on his daughter’s behalf. “Her injuries are a very sensitive topic, Lord Benjamin.”

  Benjamin looked him in the eye. “Which injuries? She looked perfectly healthy to me.”

  “That’s very kind of you to say,” Mr. Watson replied.

  “It isn’t kindness,” Benjamin snapped a bit too quickly. “It’s the truth.” He remembering wiping her cheeks and brow with the cloth. Now, his fingers itched at the idea of caressing her face. But it seemed she was not disposed to like him. She did not remember, and he had looked too long on what she longed to hide.

  Mr. Watson watched him queerly, as if he was searching for the answer to a question. Whatever he found in Benjamin’s countenance caused him to invite the future earl to dinner, though the man was quick to admit that their home would never be as fine as what Benjamin was used to. Benjamin considered the invitation for a moment. He did not want to make Catherine uncomfortable, but perhaps he could improve her opinion of him. He would be glad to see them at dinner next week.

  It hit him like a thunderbolt that he had never once particularly cared what any woman thought of him. But she mattered. She mattered a great deal, and though he could not completely explain it to himself, he also could not ignore it.

  * * *

  It is currently priced at $0.99 (around 230 pages)


  Click Here To See How The Story Ends . . .


  The Spinster’s Society

  Book 1 : Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society

  LINK: Book 1 - Lady Lorena’s Spinster’s Society

  ^ Story of : Ashwick . Lady Lorena

  Fire and Smoke

  LINK: Book 1 - The Earl’s Unforgettable Flame

  LINK: Book 2 - The Duke’s Ever Burning Passion

  LINK: Book 3 - The Viscount's Blazing Love

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  This book is copyright © 2017

  by Charlotte Stone

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or deceased, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the author.


  Cover Designed by: Sharon Caldwell

  Digital Edition

  Manufactured in the United States of America




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