Marry Grinchmas

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Marry Grinchmas Page 3

by ChaShiree M

  Once I’m back at my house I notice the lights are on in the living room. I know I shut everything off before we left. Getting out of my truck, I jog up to and onto the front porch. As I open my door I can see Jace sitting on my couch, drinking my beer, and watching Sports Center on my TV.

  Kicking off my boots near the door, I walk over into the kitchen and say “what the fuck bro?” as I reach in the fridge for a beer. Popping the top and tossing it in the bucket on the counter, I head over to the couch.

  “I want to hear all about her, because you’ve never done anything like that before. You fucking claimed her. That is serious shit bro.” Jace says in disbelief.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I reply “I knew she is the one for me. And cut me some slack, it’s my first time feeling caveman-ish. But she doesn’t want me man, and I feel like a fucking pussy for not fully claiming her.”

  “You need to get her ass back here and become impossible for her to resist. Call her grandmother. Be everywhere she is at first, then stop. She’ll miss you being there and come to you.”

  “That is actually not a bad idea. When the hell did you get so smart about women? Aren’t you the one who is still a virgin?”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing, Ham. At least my future girl will never get jealous over someone being better than her or worry that anyone has been here before.” He gestures to his crotch. “It was a no brainer for me, and it’s not a hardship waiting for her. I know what you guys think about me, and it couldn’t be further from the truth.”

  “What do we think about you?” I ask. I know, but I want to know if he does.

  “They say I am a pussy who doesn’t know how to please a woman.” He says. “I have done stuff with women, but the finale is reserved for the woman I marry. It doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with anything else.”

  “Wow! While I do think twenty-nine is a little old to be a virgin, I do get it. Honestly I do. I wish I had waited, especially since everyone I’ve been with is fucking bat shit crazy.”

  “It has to be all the fresh winter air. It fucks with people’s brains.” Jace says.

  I laugh, but it does make me wonder if he is right. “You might be right. Those girls were crazy. Luckily, there were not many. Five isn’t too many? Is it? Considering, I was fifteen the first time?”

  “Elizabeth Mcintosh was the worst though,” Jace says diplomatically.

  “Believe me, I know. She is someone I never want to see again. I do not say this lightly, but she is one evil bitch. After what she did to me and tried to do to Max, she’s lucky Mom didn’t kill her.”

  “I know. Let’s move on to something different,” thinking of that time in my life has me cringing. Elizabeth is the reason my brother Max and I barely talk. She came between us for no reason, other than boredom.

  “I’m going to head home, bro. I wanted to get caught up about the future Mrs. Crawford,” Jace laughingly teases me.

  I laugh with him, but that shit is true. I want her more than I’ve ever wanted anything. The thought of her all alone in her bed makes me hard as a rock. I need to set my plan in motion to get her to feel what I do for her. Is love possible in less than a day? I’d fucking say yes, because it is what I am feeling.

  After Jace leaves I lock the doors and turn the tv and lights off. I head to my bedroom where I shuck my pants, t-shirt, and socks before sliding between the soft sheets on my bed wearing only my boxers. Tucking my arms behind my head, I think on how much better this will be when she is beside me.

  I consider taking my cock in hand, but decide against it because I am saving all of it for her. The thought of her carrying my baby warms my cold heart, along with other thoughts, before sleep takes me. There is our first time together, our wedding day, and the day your first child is born. She is my queen and I should worship her. I will do whatever it takes to make the vision a reality.

  My thoughts drift to what happened in Florida that was bad enough to cause her to leave. I would like to make it right for her, but she needs to open up to me and tell me her secrets. The thought of someone hurting her has me seeing red and wanting to kill whoever did it to her and thought they could get away with it.

  Starting tomorrow she will not know what hit her, because I need her in my life. The fucking Grinch is gone and in his place is a man on a mission ready to make the woman of his dreams, love him. Then I will make her my wife, lover, and the mother of my children; making me truly happy.

  AFTER TALKING TO MY NANA, I head to the bedroom I used when I would come for the summer. Sitting on the bed, I go over everything that was done or said in the past few months. My grandmother is right about one thing, I am not like other girls. I have always had a desire for hearth and home, which I credit to my dad.

  My father is one of the most decent, loving, and hard working men I know. As I was growing up he was firm but there for every concert, sports event, and to kiss my boo boos when we were hurt. He was the opposite of my mother who was busy worrying about her aging looks or making my sis and me into beauty queens. She is not the maternal type. Her complaining and never being satisfied set aside, it is evident she loves my dad.

  That is what I want. I want someone to look at me and think if I am not in his life, he will not be complete; I will always look the same to him on the last day of my life as I did the first day he saw me. My man should be strong, virile and hardworking, love his family, and believe in loyalty. I need someone like…Ham.

  Ham. A man, who saw me in trouble and took action, and he never let go. As I lie in bed and stare at the ceiling, I’m wishing and hoping for a sign telling me what to do. Even though I came here with a plan, talking to my grandma has me thinking back on my real dreams. I wonder if I am denying my heart’s desire because I am scared.

  He has me coming unglued with a single look. When he is near I find myself inhaling more than usual to get a whiff of his masculine scent. He smells like musk, pine, sweat, and fresh air. It is an intoxicating effect. Thinking about it now has me quivering and creates a dampness spreading in my panties. My nipples are hardening while my breathing becomes shallow. I want to move my hands inside my pjs and give myself an orgasm, but two things are stopping me. One is that I am in my grandma’s house, and two, I want that feeling to come from Ham not my own hand.

  In my head I know what happened with Jasper was not my fault, but I feel like I might have seen the signs and ignored them. Was I desperate enough I was willing to overlook a moral indecency, or too gullible and inexperienced to know the difference?

  I don’t know the answer to any of these questions, but what I do know is I will no longer be that stupid girl. I won’t be lied to or made a fool of, and I will do everything I can to make sure that doesn’t happen, but does that include walking away from the very future I covet?

  SLOWLY ROLLING OUT OF BED, I glance at the clock that which shows it is five a.m. I’m not exactly sure what woke me this early until I hear a noise coming from the front of the house. Someone is pounding on my front door. I pull on a pair of sweats and go into the living room, turning on lights as I go. When I reach the front door, I unlock it and throw it open.

  “Avalynn? What are you doing here?” As I look over her shoulder I see she has her grandmother’s monster SUV, and it is parked next to my truck. At least it’s a lot safer than her tiny hatchback.

  “I couldn’t sleep and needed to talk to you” she says while pushes past me into the warmth of my cabin. Removing her boots, gloves, and coat I can see she only has on plaid pajama pants and a tiny black tank top. She doesn’t even have socks on.

  “Ok. Do you want to some coffee? You do know you need to start dressing for the weather we have here?” I say as I am shaking my head and making my way to the kitchen.

  “Yes, please. And yes it’s colder than a witch’s tit out there” she says, with her Florida accent. It is so different from mine, it makes me laugh.

  “Well, I don’t think I’ve ever heard that expression before, but you are
right. When there is no sun out its cold as fuck. Considering it’s only five in the morning it should be much colder outside” I say as I fumble with my tongue tied. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Me, why I ran to my Nana’s, and was hesitant about us.” she says coyly.


  “Was?” I ask. Hope starts to spark as if a flint was struck.

  “Yes, was. I talked with Nana and made a few life decisions that I have been dreading, but was a long time coming.”

  “Ok baby. Tell me what you are running from.” I coax.

  “His name is Jasper. He is an asshole who must have seen me coming.” I clench my fists already knowing I am not going to like where this is going. “He proposed to me after only three months and I accepted. It was a mistake. In hindsight, he probably only proposed to get me to sleep with him. I wouldn’t sleep with him which he felt gave him the right to sleep with absolutely everybody else in Tampa. It’s probably an over exaggeration, but all those damn girls came forward and told me about his tattoos. I had never seen any of them but they gave exact details of each one. I broke it off with him, got in my car, and drove until I ended up here. I couldn’t stay there with all of the, I told you so.”

  I reach over and wrap her in my arms. As she melts in my arms, I have a hard time stopping myself from taking her to my bed. She leans her head back tilting her head to touch her lips to mine, casing me to lose my mind. I pull her onto my lap as she starts to moan from me wrapping her hair around my hands. Her hands slowly move over my chest where she delicately traces my tattoos using tentative touches, making me even harder. She’s shifting and rubbing her pajama pants clad pussy over my sweat clad cock as she mewls. Taking control, I abruptly stand and she wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.

  I start kissing her neck as I walk us to my room and continue kissing as I lower her feet to the floor. Removing her tiny tank and tossing it over her head, I see she is not wearing a bra which causes her delicious tits with their pale pink nipples, to bounce. Immediately, I latch my mouth first on the right and move to the left. She moans, and then pulls my hair to get my attention. I lift my face and she starts kissing me like there is no tomorrow. “Fuck me Ham. I need you badly.” She purrs. Suddenly I lose control and pull my pants along with my boxers down. “Is this what you want baby?” I say, fisting my cock.

  “Yes Ham. That is what I want.” Her eyes go big at the sight of my cock.

  “I want to taste you before I fuck you,” I tell her.

  She removes her pants, causing me to lose my mind, because she isn’t wearing panties. A-fucking-gain. I growl. “Girl you better start wearing panties or other motherfuckers might think they can easily take what’s mine.” When she just shrugs I toss her on the bed watching as she bounces once. Before her squeal is completely out I’ve settled myself in between her thighs. When she tries to close her legs, I pull them wider apart and dive into her pretty pink pussy. Sucking her clit into my mouth, I groan as soon as her taste hits my tongue.

  I HAD NO IDEA THIS is where we would end up when I came here. Actually, I am not sure why I drove to his house before the sun has even risen instead of sleeping. All I could think about was Ham and trying to get him to understand why I am weary of starting anything with him.

  His mouth on my pussy is beyond anything I could have ever imagined. “Ham, I don’t. I’ve never…oh God…yes…that feels so good. I need something Ham. Please.”

  “It’s ok baby. Let it go and grind this pretty pussy on my face. Take what you need. Fuck Avalynn. I could bottle this honey and use it on my fucking pancakes, it’s so sweet. How am I supposed to stop eating it long enough to claim you with my dick?”

  His dirty talk is making my fever rise. How can something be obscene and at the same time be very sexy? I never imagined wanting my husband to talk to me like that, but I am slowly thinking I won’t be able to live without it. “Ham. Something is happening. I…I’m…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

  “Fuck baby. Watching you cum is like the fucking second coming. I want to see that look on your face for the rest of my life, baby. Give me your lips.”

  He sucks on my lips and bites into them a little, making them feel swollen and used. Feeling used by him is a welcome emotion. I squirm, trying to line my swollen clit up with his hard member; needing more friction, and needing it now. He on the other hand seems to have other ideas. He is eating at my mouth while his hand works its way into my wet, needy pussy.

  “Fuck, Avalynn. You just came but you feel like you haven’t had any ecstasy yet? Are you always going to be this greedy, baby girl?”

  “I don’t know Ham. Maybe you didn’t take me to the ecstasy I need. Fuck me Ham. I need you to fill me and make me yours. Make me believe in lust, love, and forever Ham. I need to believe in everything.” He works his fingers in and out of me forcing my body to move and meet each thrust of his fingers. When I clench on his hand, he latches his mouth onto one of my nipples and a growl reverberates from his mouth. The sound races thru my whole body until it hits the core, causing a silent scream from my mouth.

  I don’t know what happened next, but as he bites into my neck, I gasp in surprise from an unfamiliar mixture pleasure of and pain; he slams into me in one thrust, ending my virginity and changing all the way I see my body. The feeling is foreign and unexpected. I have to be honest and say it’s painful. I feel a tear escape from my eye. While my eyes are closed, I try to regain my composure, remember to breathe, and keep the embarrassment at bay.

  As if he knows what I am doing and feeling, Ham caresses the side of my face as he rain’s kisses and softly says, “shh.” I am very sorry baby. The first time would hurt no matter what I did to lessen the pain for you. I decided it might be better to get it over with all at once and I want you to believe me when I say the worst of it is over. There will be no more movement until you give me permission. Try and focus on the feeling of our bodies together as one and how the feeling of your honey joins us.”

  His mouth is sinful. I can’t feel anything but, full and needy when he is talking to me like that. I wiggle around a little partially to test if there is any more pain, and also as a way of letting him know it is ok for him to move.

  “Are you sure Avalynn? I know I am not going to last with you squeezing me like a God damn, pair of pliers. I will not spend the time I am lodged in you ripping your shit to shreds, if you’re not ready. So be sure you are ready for me to move. Once I start I am not stopping until I feel a kid being formed in your womb. This will be the last time I am going to ask if you are sure. Are you sure Avalynn?”

  There seems to be a two-part question here even if he didn’t ask it. I should be more cautious considering what I have gone through, but something about him and this feels different. I cup his cheeks and look into his eyes to tell him the truth of my heart, because I don’t know any other way. “I’m sure Ham. You have just made me a woman. Now make me your woman.”

  “Shit!! You have no idea what you unleashed, but we can get to that later. Right now put your legs around my waist baby, and hold on.”

  He pulls almost all the way out and slams back in, making me see stars. It is the most amazing feeling I have ever had in my life. Profoundly though, I know it wouldn’t be like this with anyone other than her, and that makes it more special.

  “Yes, Ham. Oh my gosh!!! I feel you everywhere. Harder please. Right there! Right there!”

  “Hell yeah baby. Tell me what you want. You feel that love? Look Avalynn. Look down and see how obscene you pussy looks being wedged around my big dick. Look at how red that poor beautiful pussy is being beat to death by this monster I have. Can you see your honey soaking my cock baby?”

  His damn mouth is going to be my undoing. The filthy things he says are such a turn-on and every time he says anything, I feel my pussy contract with the need for release. He is right though; watching him take me is so fucking erotic and twisted in a beautiful way.

  “Yes. Ham I see it. Please.
It is coming Ham. Faster! I need you to get me there. Oh God…please…” I’m not sure if it is the pleading or the act itself, but he speeds up while pushing my knees up to my ears allowing him to go so fucking deep. I’m startled as he bumps up against something that feels like a vortex vacuum, I try and tell him to pull back…

  “Did you feel that? You know what that was Avalynn? That was your cervix baby. I know it’s tight and your instinct is to keep me out, but you got to relax and let me in to put my baby in there, love.”

  “Ham, I don’t think…I don’t know if…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…”

  The last I hear is…”Fuck!!!! I’m cummming.”

  JESUS CHRIST. I COULD DO that every day for the rest of my life I think, as I breathe heavily from running a fucking marathon. She is fucking mine and I plan to never give her back. I am still inside her tight pussy when she moves under me. “More? You greedy girl.” I ask.

  “Umm, Fuck that was amazing but I think you broke me.” She pants as I smile and ease out of her.

  I see her wincing slightly as I pull out, but she doesn’t say anything further. Before moving over to her side, I lean down and kiss her little pussy. Laying down next to her and pulling her close to me I say, “I doubt I broke you babe. You’re staying right?”

  “Oh. Yeah! I don’t think I am able to walk right now.”

  When she snuggles closer to me, I reach down and pull the blanket over us. She is so fucking beautiful, and I can’t believe she agreed to be mine. Did I really meet her less than twenty-four hours ago? It seems unreal, but it also feels like destiny. There is no better feeling than going to sleep with the woman of your dreams after seeing Heaven. Sure, it’s a haven nestled between her creamy thighs, but damn if I don’t want to keep going there with her.


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