A Fine Line
Page 5
“You have a very good career and from what I’ve seen so far, an excellent chance for advancement within NUAgra.”
“I guess, I need to sleep with the boss.”
Rich chuckled in an attempt to hide the pain of her contempt. “That’s hard to do in separate beds.” Quickly he changed the subject. “Do you feel strong enough to wash up and get ready for bed without my standing by the door?”
She nodded.
“I want you rested, and maybe tomorrow we can go into the fields.”
He stripped her bed and put everything into the washer before he remade it. When she came out of the bathroom, he turned on the washer. He was trying, but still not making any headway with her. What is it going to take?
She was wearing ivory silk pajamas, and she looked like an ad for women’s lingerie with the way they accentuated every curve.
“Want a cup of herbal tea?” Rich asked barely able to take his eyes off of her.
“Do you mind making it? I’m really worn out from that little bit of activity.”
“Not at all. There’s also beer if you’d prefer.”
“No thanks, the tea will be fine.”
Chloe drank her tea and climbed into bed. The sweet scent of clean sheets filled her lungs. “You made my bed with fresh linens.”
“It was rather gross. I’ve changed it every day for you.” He smiled at her.
“Why are you being nice to me?”
“Because…Go to sleep.”
“I’m tired, but not sleepy.” She watched as he strode to her bed.
He sat down beside her. “Chloe, don’t hate me. You’ve had a high fever and I’ve done everything that I could to nurse you back to health, but I’ve never once taken advantage of you. I’m sorry you hated me back then because I had the worst crush on you. I thought I gotten over it, maybe I didn’t.”
That’s not what she wanted to hear. “Good night, Rich.”
“No Dickie?”
“No, you’re my boss.” Chloe rolled over, closed her eyes and tried to ignore him.
He chuckled, then washed up, and climbed into his bed. Sleep was eluding her, and it was obvious that he wasn’t sleeping either.
In the darkness of the room, his voice sounded clear. “It would take a whole lot more than ten inches to reach from here to there.”
She giggled. “What would you do with anything that was long enough to reach when you weren’t using it? Roll it in a ball or fold it up?”
“Maybe wrap it around my leg and stuff it in my sock?”
“Then you’d have to put your foot on the urinal to pee.”
He laughed heartily. “Chloe, I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I’m not a prude.”
“I didn’t say you were.”
“But you thought I was.” She got out of bed, came over to his, and sat on the edge. “Dickie, I never sent that note. Dora was a nice girl and I know she liked you, but there was no way that she sent it. I knew her too well. Somebody set you both up.”
“I’ve learned a lot about people since those days.”
“We both have.” Chloe’s heart melted for the man she felt that she barely knew. She’d never been very nice to him. It was like a bad habit, and she was still doing it. She leaned over and very gently planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Chloe, I’m your boss.”
She grinned at him. “I know. I should have done that twenty years ago and saved us both a ton of grief.”
“That’s not the way I would have wanted it even back then. This is.” He put one hand behind her neck and pulled her down to his mouth. It was soft, tender, and very loving. She pulled back and stared into his eyes as she ran her fingers through his hair. She smiled and leaned down to his mouth and willingly kissed him again. Her tongue slid over his lips picking up the taste of beer. Her nipples hardened as they touched his chest. An odd sense of comfort and ease slipped over her as she put her elbows on each side of his head and continued to nibble on his lips. How could a kiss be this hot, yet feel so natural? When she felt his hands on her rib cage, she moaned as her nipples begged for his touch.
He pushed her up and away. “We’re not kids, and I am your boss.”
Desire still flowed through her veins as she stared at him. “You might be my boss, but you’re still Dickie to me.”
“I thought you didn’t like Dickie?”
“Maybe I never gave him a chance.”
“You’re right, you didn’t. But now is not the time.” His frown was apparent.
“You’ll figure it out in the morning. Go back to your bed.”
She stood and went back to her bed, but his kiss still lingered on her lips. “Dickie?”
She pulled the covers over her. “Did you know how to kiss like that back then?”
“Probably not.”
“If you weren’t my boss would you have done more?”
“Go to sleep.”
She stared into the darkness. She wanted him. Her body burned for his. What was he packing? It wasn’t ten inches, but it wasn’t small either. She squeezed her legs together trying to squelch the sensation his kiss had activated. The feel of his breath on her neck and his soft fingers teasing her nipples played through her mind. Why did she feel this way? What was it between them? That was no ordinary kiss. She rolled onto her side with her back to him.
Noise from the other bed, told her he wasn’t sleeping either. The fire inside of her burned brighter.
No sex for over three years and she couldn’t remember the last time she even wanted it. Her ex’s enthusiasm had waned shortly after they were married. She had accused him of an affair and he assured her it was nothing more than work related stress. After that, he was more attentive and often sent her flowers. It wasn’t until he left her that she discovered his infidelity. He might have been married to her, but he had two children by another woman.
She had no interest in ever becoming involved with another man. So why Dickie and why now? Her body pulsed with desire. She punched her pillow and rolled over.
Her eyes, accustomed to the darkness, stared at him. She could tell he was lying on his back with his hands over his head. His white tee shirt seemed to glow in the dark, and she watched his chest rise and fall. She squeezed her legs together. If only she could stop the throbbing need that burned with his every breath. I hate you, Dickie Warren. Why are you doing this to me?
~~~ Five ~~~
“Do you feel up to taking a drive?” Rich asked. “The snow is gone and it’s warm out there.”
“I’m better, not one hundred percent, but I’m sure I can make it through today,” Chloe responded, hoping she sounded convincing.
“Good, we’ve got two ATV’s out there, but I think you’d do better sitting behind me. Grab your camera.”
He sat on the ATV and offered her his hand as she climbed behind him. She put her arms around his waist and decided she liked sharing a ride until he took off. Then she held on for dear life. He stopped once to look at the small map in his pocket.
“Over there.” He pointed and took off again.
She laid her cheek against his back and clung tightly to him, allowing her body to be carried along with his. Each bump moved their bodies in unison. The earthy wet scent in the air mingled with his. She breathed a little deeper and smiled. She couldn’t remember a time when she felt more alive or energized.
When they reached the spot, they dismounted and surveyed the various rows. The ice storm had severely damaged the crop, but when they compared it to the regular wheat, it was obvious that the Dunhurst was not as damaged.
“Stronger stalks, and look at the heads. They’re double in size, not just the number of grains, but the size of the grains.”
She listened to what he was saying and started snapping pictures. Numbered Dunhurst Project signs marked off the various rows. “Is this cold damage?” She pointed to some tender young rows that appeared to be about two
inches high.
“Yes, exactly. Too soon to tell if it will bounce back. Ready? We’ll go look at another field.”
He had intended to check all the fields with her, but she was wearing out quickly.
“We’re going back. I don’t want you to overdo it.”
Exhausted from their outing, Chloe took a nap. As six o’clock approached, Rich sat next to her and gently woke her. “Hey, want some food?”
She stirred and then rubbed her eyes. “How long have I been sleeping?”
“A little over four hours.”
“Oh.” She gazed around the room, then back at him. She smiled as her hand ran up his arm. She wanted him to touch her and to feel his lips one more time. Instead he touched her cheek and brushed her hair from her face.
“Time to get up. I’ll fix diner.”
She watched him head into the kitchen area and start their meal. A few minutes later, she joined him. “Mac and cheese with hot dogs. A real low-cal meal.”
He chuckled before he answered. “Not hardly. It’s a little high in salt, too.”
He looked so at ease in the kitchen. In fact, he seemed to do domestic chores effortlessly. She smiled and said, “But it’s going to taste delicious.”
He grinned at her.
“So when did you learn to cook?” she asked as she poured a cup of coffee. She couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten a hot dog. And tonight they looked good rolling around in the frying pan. The aroma was making her tummy rumble.
“I never really learned, just watched my mother and tried to help out. How about you? Do you cook?”
“Occasionally. I eat a lot of salads.” She raised her eyebrows. “You mean you never noticed my cotton tail?”
“Oh, I noticed your backside and I’ll assure you that there’s no fluffy bunny tail attached to it.”
“So you were looking.”
“Please, I don’t want to discuss it. I’m your boss. I should have never commented about your—”
She leaned into his back, her hands wrapped around his waist and made their way up to his chest. Her fingers circled his nipples.
Rich’s penis began to swell. She didn’t need to be doing this to him.
“It’s not cute and it’s not funny,” he protested.
“So it’s having an effect?” She slipped one hand down towards his pants, but he caught it and grabbed the other for good measure. She leaned into him and ground her pelvis against his butt. “Isn’t this what you wanted? A remote location and a chance to get me alone?”
“I wasn’t expecting you to get sick. I wanted a chance for us to talk. That’s all I wanted.”
“Oh, yes, wipe away six years of hatred and fulfill your teenage fantasy. So you had a crush on me. What did you do go home and work it off every night?”
“No. And you need to stop what you’re doing.”
“Why? Your whole purpose was to bring me up here and seduce me. We need to do it, then we can move on. I’ll find another job, and when I do - I’ll turn in my resignation.”
He turned off the burners, then turned around and swept her off her feet. “Enough. There’s no reason for you to go looking for another job because I can’t think of a better person to work for NUAgra. And no matter what my personal feelings are for you, I’m not touching you. We’re not kids anymore. Stop acting like one.”
“No, we’re not. So put me down.”
He dropped her into a chair and walked back to the stove.
“I hate you, Dickie Warren.”
“No, you don’t, and you probably never did. Your excuse for not liking me was because I wasn’t part of your popular crowd, and I’ll never be.” He turned around and faced her. “You want to know why?” He studied her face. Her eyes had narrowed and her lips were pressed into a fine line. He knew she was angry. “I don’t have time for such nonsense and I never have. My life has been spent building a career - not making friends.” He turned back to the stove but looked over his shoulder at her. “If I wanted some female company I wouldn’t have to bring her to North Dakota.”
He fixed their plates. “Your meal is ready.” He sat and ate, but she never budged from her seat. When he finished he washed up his plate, pulled out his computer. He looked up once realizing she was still seething. Two hours later, he picked up her plate, scraped it, washed it, and put it away. He returned to his seat at the table and continued what he was doing. When he finished, he packed up his computer and turned out most of the lights. He glanced her way once before heading for the shower. She was obviously ignoring him. Maybe it was a good thing.
When he returned from his shower, she was still in the same place. He wondered what was on her mind. He was trying to keep his thoughts honorable, but they kept slipping into the heat in his abdomen.
“You might as well get some sleep,” he told her as he headed for his own bed. “We’re getting up early and leaving for Texas. It should be much warmer down there. I’m sure you’ll find the accommodations better since you’ll have your own hotel room.”
Chloe could feel her heart melting. His fresh from the shower scent and the sight of him wearing only a pair of pajama pants, turned her mind to mush. She’d never been fair to him. Instead of letting on that she enjoyed the constant competition for grades she had told herself that she hated him, yet she knew she would have never done as well if it were not for his incessant challenge. He’d brought out the best in her.
Was it really easier to dislike him or was she falling back into some old teenage pattern? Why? She couldn’t imagine being stuck in the cabin with some unknown guy. What would she have done? What would he have done to her? Dickie had been wonderful to her. He stirred something inside of her. She loved touching him. It felt good. Am I that desperate? Thoughts and feelings whirled through her mind.
A long forgotten memory of borrowing a pen from him and then never giving it back, surfaced. She had purposely kept it because it was his. The she used it until it ran out of ink and still held on to it. It was her little piece of him. She headed to the bathroom knowing she owed him an apology.
Rich stared into nothingness and listened to every sound she made. She’s still beautiful and just as intelligent. She’s done more in three weeks with NUAgra then any of the other managers…then I brought her here.
His mind slipped from work to her naked body. Those beautiful rounded breasts with small pale brown nipples. Now, he wished he had touched them. Her silky smooth skin…Fire burned inside of him.
She had toyed with him. Baited him. The memory of her touch still lingered, sending heat to his groin.
There was a slight delay at the airport in Texas. Finally Rich told the car leasing company to forget about the rental. Since he didn’t have time to waste, he made a phone call and had a limo pick up Chloe and him. “My place first.”
He had the driver drop them off in front of a large modern building. In a few more minutes, his building’s concierge followed them with his luggage to the top floor.