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Live-In Mom

Page 22

by Paige, Laurie

He caught her hand and kissed it, then held it to his chest. “Yes?”

  “Ours is going to be increasing.” She waited for his reaction. By mutual agreement, they’d left off birth control six months ago.

  He pushed himself to an elbow. “Sure?”

  “Well, I haven’t been to the doctor, but all the signs are, um, propitious.”

  He laughed and hugged her close. “Jonathan will drive us crazy picking out names. It took him months to decide on ‘Ian,’ and that was a cousin. A brother or sister will take some major thought. He told me the other day that helping raise a kid was a big responsibility.”

  “With you for a father, Jonathan for a big brother and Shane and Tina and Ian for kinfolk, I have no doubt that our child will get the best of raising.”

  “No doubts at all?” Ty traced the curve of her jaw, his manner serious and loving.

  Carly gazed into eyes as blue as a summer sky. “No doubts at all,” she whispered. “None.”

  eISBN 978-14592-7329-0


  Copyright © 1997 by Olivia M. Hall

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