Book Read Free


Page 19

by Nikki Ash

  “She’s going to marry my son,” he says blandly. “I’m going to fuck over Elliot once and for all.”

  “Her cousin?” I bark out, laughing coldly.

  He shrugs. “Yeah. So?”

  “She can’t marry her cousin. It’s against the law.”

  Stalking over to me, he pokes my bare chest. I’m sweaty as fuck from working on my bike, so his finger slips away, his nail scraping me in the process. I hiss at the flare of pain.

  “Money says she can marry whoever the fuck she wants,” he snaps. “And lucky for me, I have lots of it. That means, she’ll do as I fucking say.”

  I’m ready to press the issue, but Theo and Cat pull up in her black Mustang. As soon as they park, Theo climbs out and throws me a hateful look that matches his lovely father’s. The apple didn’t fall far from the goddamn tree.

  “My son,” Heath says in a bored tone. “Harrison will show you how to drive your car.”

  Theo stops dead in his tracks, losing his glare. He grins like a stupid moron. “This is my car? A Porsche?”

  “Happy early birthday,” Heath grumbles. “Have Helen show you to your room. I have some work to do.”

  With those words, Heath storms in the house.

  I toss Theo the keys and then walk over to where Cat still sits in the driver’s seat of her car. She stares straight ahead at the house, as if she’s about to walk right into the boughs of hell. If she only knew.

  Theo climbs in his car that probably set Heath back nearly two hundred grand and fires up the engine. Immediately, it sputters as he kills it. Dumbass.

  Smirking, I rap on Cat’s window with my knuckle. “Hey. Better close that mouth before you catch bugs.”

  She snaps her mouth shut and pushes on the door, shoving me out of the way. “Don’t talk to me, pig.”

  I snort with laughter. “Stallion, remember? Why are you mad, jailbait? I thought you’d be happy to see me.” I waggle my brows at her and flash her a panty-melting grin.

  Her fury melts away as she boldly stares down my bare chest. When her eyes make it to my lower stomach, she swallows and darts her eyes back to mine. “I’m legal. I had my birthday a couple of days ago.”

  Stepping toward her, I cock my head. “I missed your birthday?”

  Her bottom lip wobbles and she looks down at her feet. A tear streaks down her cheek. I’d enjoyed fucking with her, but she’s upset. I’m not a total dick. Reaching forward, I run my knuckle across the wetness on her skin.

  “Don’t worry,” I murmur, “I’ll make it up to you.”

  She lifts her chin and regards me with watery eyes. “It better be good because this was the worst birthday ever.”

  I smirk at her. “I hear a challenge.” My eyes drift over to where Theo is killing the engine again. “And I’m very competitive, mustang girl.”

  A smile tugs at her lips. “Mustang girl and stallion?”

  Throwing my head back, I boom with laughter. “So you admit I’m a stallion?”

  She gives me a shove and sticks her tongue out. “I prefer pig.”

  I follow her around to the trunk and help her pull out some suitcases. Theo curses and climbs out of his Porsche.

  “Show me how to drive this thing,” he grumbles. “I think it’s defective.”

  The only thing defective around here is him.

  “Later,” I grunt. “I’m busy.”

  He sees me trying to grab all of Cat’s luggage and seems to snap out of brat mode. He strides over and hugs Cat.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” he vows to her. “I’ll protect you from him.” He shoots me a withering glare.

  She doesn’t need protecting from me. Ignoring him, I start carrying her shit into the house. Something good smelling wafts from the kitchen and my stomach grumbles.

  “She takes my old room,” Heath calls out from his office. “And I expect everyone for a family dinner.”

  Family dinner?

  Since fucking when?

  Rolling my eyes, I stomp up the stairs and take her stuff to the room that’s long since been abandoned. It’s a small room that used to be for sewing according to Helen. A simple double bed sits on one corner against a wall of bookshelves. Beside the bed is a small table and lamp. In the corner, there’s an armoire. A window overlooks the barn and beyond that the lake. In the far distance you can see Low Valley Estate.

  Fucking Heath.

  Forcing her to look at her house.

  “Whatever,” I grumble under my breath as I drop her suitcases to the floor.

  Voices resound from the hallway. Heath’s voice is booming with excitement as he speaks to Theo.

  “Let me show you to your room, son,” he says.

  Cat stands in the doorway as the footsteps fade down the hallway. Her lips are pressed together as she takes in the space.

  “It has a nice view,” I grunt as though that will make everything okay.

  She swallows and nods. “Thanks.”

  I look past her out the hallway and then tug her inside. She lets out a squeak when I close the door, shutting us in the small room. Taking her hand, I give it a squeeze. It’s clammy in my grip. I walk her over to the window but don’t let go.

  “If you need anything, come find me. Heath is a dick, but he’s not the biggest dick around here. I’ll knock his crazy ass out if I need to,” I tell her with a growl.

  Her features soften as she regards me. “He hates my dad.”

  “I know,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s all I ever hear about. I think it was his favorite bedtime story to tell me growing up.” And what he left out, the journals filled me in.

  She shudders. “I would have run away if I were you.”

  I frown and squeeze her hand again. “But you ran here, mustang girl. Out of the field and into the burning barn. Stupid. So very stupid.”

  Her nostrils flare as she tries to jerk her hand back. “You’re an ass just like him.”

  I arch a brow at her. “Do you really believe that?”

  “No,” she admits with a huff. “God, I hate him.”

  “Join the club. I’m acting president of the Heath Hate Club. We’re looking for a new VP.”

  She lets out a giggle, and I decide I’m going to do whatever it takes to get her to do that more often. This house is a miserable place. Her laughter just lightened it up.

  “I’m scared,” she whispers when her giggles fade.

  I release her hand to cup her cheek. She doesn’t shy away from my touch. Staring into her pretty green eyes, I inhale her scent and try to provide some comfort. Truth is, she may be spoiled, but she’s about to get a taste of the shitty life. I know firsthand what that life tastes like.

  It’s cold and lonely.

  “You won’t be alone,” I blurt out. “I’ll be here.”

  Instead of scoffing that she barely knows me, she nods. As though my words soothe her. My chest expands with pride.

  We stare at each other for a long moment. The air seems to crackle with electricity. I find that my stare settles on her plump, juicy lips. Lips I’d love to suck on. She darts out her pink tongue and wets her bottom lip. I have to suppress a groan.

  “You won’t be alone,” I say again, my voice barely a whisper.

  She tilts her head up and bites on her bottom lip, her eyes burning with intensity. I could kiss her. I want to kiss her. As I lower my head, giving in to the urge, the door flies open.

  “Cat,” Theo barks out.

  She jerks away from me and crosses her arms over her chest. “Yeah?”

  “Are you okay?” he demands as he strides in. He glowers at me as he pulls her against his chest.

  I smirk at him. “She looks okay to me.”

  All humor fades when I notice Heath watching from the doorway. His eyes are narrowed as he takes in the scene.

  “Go wash your filth, orphan. You’re stinking up my house,” Heath says coldly.

  Theo snorts, and I flip him off.

  I shoulder past Heath but
don’t say anything as I head down the hallway to my room to shower. His eyes bore into the back of my head, but I don’t let it show it affects me.

  Truth is, I’m pissed.

  Whatever game he’s playing has just gone to another level. I thought I knew Heath, but apparently, he’s got his hands back in his bag of tricks and is ready to play with more people. And fuck if it doesn’t piss me off something fierce that Cat is one of those people.

  You’re not alone, Cat.

  And for once, I’m not either.

  “This is good, Helen,” Cat says softly. “Thank you. How did you know it was my favorite?”

  Heath, from the head of the table, lets out a mocking laugh. “We know everything about you, girl.”

  She bristles and shoots me a panicked look. I wink at her. Her shoulders relax and she pokes around at her food. I’ve only been around this girl for a minute and I can already tell she’s nothing like her mother—at least the one from the journals. Whereas Cat is sweet and soft-spoken, her mother was a raging bitch. Reading her journals, I often wondered if maybe the woman had something psychologically wrong with her with as hot and cold as she was.

  “How did you and Mom meet?” Theo asks Heath around a mouthful of food. His arm is over the back of Cat’s chair, and it irks me how possessive he is over her.

  “She wanted my dick and I gave it to her,” Heath says, shrugging.

  Helen lets out a huff. “Mr. Heath!”

  “He asked,” Heath grunts.

  Theo’s cheeks have turned red either from embarrassment or anger. Judging by the way he fists his hand around his fork, I’m going to go with anger.

  “It looks like Heath just gives his dick to everyone around these parts,” Cat snips, her eyes on her plate.

  Heath laughs. “I’ll give it to you too if you ask nicely.”

  Theo and I both rise to our feet. My chair knocks back and hits the floor with a loud clank.

  “Don’t be an asshole or we’ll leave,” Theo growls. “Consequences be damned.”

  Cat tugs at his arm. “Theo, it’s fine.”

  He glowers down at her. “It’s not fine. He can’t talk to you like that.”

  Heath sips his wine and motions for Theo to sit. “Calm down, son, I’m just joking. Apparently Cat is the only one who knows that.” He shoots me a satisfied smirk.

  I yank my chair up from the floor and settle back in it. Helen pats my shoulder, but it does nothing to calm me.

  Theo takes his seat, but he’s stiff and no longer eating. I shovel in the rest of my food to keep from knocking my fist through Heath’s pearly white teeth.

  “So, Theo,” Heath says, changing the subject. “What are your plans for after high school?”

  Theo relaxes and smiles at Cat. “We’re going to go to Yale together.”

  Heath snorts. “Oh really? Cat, you have a hidden college fund I don’t know about? Do I need to make your dad forfeit that as well?”

  Theo gapes at Heath in horror. Fuck, he has so much to learn about his dad.

  Heath grins. “Kidding, son.”

  Theo’s jaw clenches, but he continues as though he actually believes Heath. First thing to know about Heath is he doesn’t joke about anything. He’s Mr. Fucking Serious about everything, especially when it comes to revenge.

  “We’re going to go to Yale and then we thought about traveling abroad,” Theo says. “I grew up in Paris. I’d love to take Cat there one day.”

  She gives him a fake-ass smile and he seems satisfied by it. While he prattles along about their plans, I watch her. Her silky brown hair is pulled into a neat ponytail and her makeup has been scrubbed clean. So young and innocent. It maddens me that she’s in the lion’s den. Succulent and mouthwatering. I know it will only be a matter of time before Heath tries to take a bite.

  I turn my glare on Heath, who watches me with interest. My jaw clenches as I give him my best, You touch her and I’ll fuck you up, old man look.

  He seems to interpret it because his brown eyes gleam with challenge. Heath may have more money than God, but I have something money doesn’t buy.

  And that’s a mean right hook.

  Once I’m sure everyone is asleep, I sneak into Cat’s room. When I kneel down, I slide my palm over her mouth.

  “Wake up, mustang girl.”

  She starts to scream but thankfully I have her mouth covered.

  “Shhh,” I murmur. “I want to show you something.”

  Her head nods and I slowly pull my hand away. It’s dark, but the moonlight shines in through her window, lighting up her sleepy eyes.

  “Where are we going?” she asks, her voice a breathy whisper.

  “I owe you a birthday present.”

  Her teeth flash in the moonlight as she grins. “Really?”

  “Really,” I grunt as I grab her hands and pull her to her feet. “Now come on and be quiet.”

  I keep one of her hands in my grip as I guide her from the room and down the hallway. We pass my room, then Theo’s, and finally Heath’s. The last door at the end always remains locked, but I have a key. Pulling the key from the chain around my neck, I unlock the door and slip inside with her. I quietly push it closed and then carefully take her around the covered furniture to a closet. It’s pitch-black in the closet, but I know it like the back of my hand. I pull her inside and close the door behind us.

  “This way,” I whisper as I guide her deeper into the long walk-in closet. It’s an L-shape and when we reach the corner and turn, we are in my favorite place in the whole house. My spot. “Sit.”

  “There are pillows,” she murmurs.

  “I used to hide out in here when I was a kid. Heath never looked for me here,” I tell her. I pull the chain from my neck and then reach for her in the dark. My palm brushes against her hair, but she doesn’t pull away. I manage to slide the chain around her neck. “Now you can hide here too if you want.”

  She’s quiet for a moment and then she reaches for my hand. “Thank you.”

  I lean past her and push on a small LED light I stuck on the wall. The small space glows faintly in a bluish white light. Her face is shadowed to me, but when she turns to look at the light, I can see her profile and she’s smiling.

  “I like this place,” she says, looking at all the pillows strewn about. She reaches over and grabs a plush blanket and pulls it into her lap. “Maybe I’ll never leave.”

  “Stay as long as you want.”

  She turns to look at me once more, but I can’t see her features in the shadows. “Why are you being so nice to me?”

  I frown and lean back against the wall, releasing her hand. “Do I have to have a reason?”

  “Most people do.”

  “I’m not like most people,” I grumble.

  She moves to sit beside me, leaning her back against the wall too. Our legs are outstretched in front of us but hers are covered with the blanket. I tug some of the covers over my bare legs and when my leg slides against her smooth one, my dick hardens.

  “I did it for my dad,” she says softly. “I couldn’t bear to see him lose everything.”

  “So you sacrificed yourself?”

  She starts to cry and I feel guilty. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her to my side and kiss the top of her head. Her hand fists the front of my T-shirt as she cries against me. We’re quiet as she sobs and eventually her tears dry up.

  “Got that out of your system?” I tease.

  She lets out a breathy giggle. “For now.”

  “Good, because I wanted to give you your present.”

  “I thought this place was my present.”

  “Part of it,” I tell her as I lean over to pull the plastic tub my way. “I think this room was your mom’s sitting room of some sort. Maybe her own private library or reading room. I’m not sure. Heath keeps some pictures in her old room but most of them are in here.”

  “Pictures of my mom?”


  She scrambles for the lid and pulls i
t off. Her hand dives into the box and she pulls out a handful of pictures. The light is dim, but it’s obvious she looks just like her mother. Her mother was always smiling, but in the pictures with him, her smile was the widest.

  “I hate him,” she says, running her thumb over Heath’s face. In this particular picture, they’re probably around thirteen or fourteen. He stares at her as though she’s his everything. I’ve never seen him look that way in real life. Only in pictures. Only with her.

  “He’s a dick,” I agree.

  She thumbs through many photos before turning to me. “How could she love someone like him? No wonder she married my dad. He’s good and gentle and kind. Heath is a monster.”

  “Yeah,” I say as I reach into the tub. “She didn’t think so.” I hand her one of the many journals that belonged to her mother when she lived here as a girl.

  Cat takes the offered journal and starts reading. She scoffs and snorts, obviously in disagreement over how wonderful Heath is. I’ve read them all. Some just detail out the things she and Heath did for the day. Some entries are love notes to him. Other entries are explicit recollections of their lovemaking in their teenage years.

  “This is my dad,” I tell her, pointing to another picture I find. My chest does a squeeze, but I ignore the bite of pain. I don’t remember him. Not really. My earliest memories were of Heath and Helen. I have glimpses of what my dad looked like. The pictures fill in the blanks.

  “What’s his name?” she asks.

  “Hunter Crenshaw. He’s dead.”

  “That’s my mom’s brother,” she says softly. “You don’t look like him.”

  “I was adopted,” I grumble. “Guess my mom didn’t want to keep me.”

  She snaps her gaze to mine. “She left you with Heath?”

  “She left me with my dad, but he overdosed on pills and died. It was actually the same night your mom died. Heath said he looked for my mom because ‘she owed him,’ but he never found her. I don’t think she ever wanted to be found.” I shrug as though it doesn’t bother me. But it fucking bothers me. If it weren’t for Heath, I would’ve starved to death.

  “I’m sorry,” Cat says, patting my thigh over the blanket, “that’s tragic.” She doesn’t remove her hand.


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