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Road to Hell_A Motorcycle Club Romance_Devil’s Mafia MC

Page 5

by Paula Cox

  Maybe it was time to put a stop to this, but she didn’t want to. Instead, she allowed him to carry her.

  Since he was already familiar with her house, he carried her straight into the bedroom. Laying her down on the bed, he took off her shoes. Astounded, she watched as he set them aside. What did he have in mind? His intention became clear when his fingers glided up her legs and he peeled off her stockings. It was an erotic, exotic move and the thrill of excitement that set her body on fire was as much desire as need.

  With care, he removed her dress, and then his fingers glided behind her back to take off her bra. Her heavy, firm mounds slipped out and even though his eyes glazed over at the sight, he ran his hands down her body and slipped his fingers into the straps of her panties. Gently, taking his time, he took them off and threw them aside. Now she was naked and spread out before him like a bouquet of delight.

  She wanted to return the favor but he fiddled with the buttons of his shirt and took it off before she could move. Tania sat back to enjoy the show. His trousers came off, as did his boxers. Her gaze traveled down his lean, washboard abs to his cock that was nestled between his thighs. The sight of it sent spasms of pleasure straight through her pussy. Moisture leaked down her thighs and, without really meaning to, she rubbed her legs together. The gleam in his eyes told her that he didn’t miss that gesture.

  Slowly, he joined her on the bed. His lips descended on hers again. The kiss was hot and fast. It turned her insides into jelly. When his hands clamped on hers and held her prisoner, she didn’t resist. Instead, she enjoyed the attention. It was heady, exciting. His tongue dove into her mouth and tasted her sweet recess. The dance was erotic and she loved each moment of it. When his lips nibbled down her throat and latched on to her hard nipple, her body jerked in response, but he held her in such a firm grip that she couldn’t shift away. What had she gotten into?

  Exhilarating as it was, it was also a little scary to have such intense feelings about a man she barely knew. Now that she had come this far, it was impossible to turn back. Tania lay back and enjoyed the way his mouth moved from one breast to another. He took his time paying homage to both her breasts. Her nipples swelled and hardened. She writhed under him, unable to bear the exquisite torture anymore. When his tongue licked the underside of her breasts, she shivered. Slowly he moved down, tasting the salt off her skin on her stomach and then down until he reached the mass of curls.

  Letting go of her hands, he put his fingers on her thighs and had her to open for him. He inhaled deeply as if he were relishing the scent of her arousal. When his tongue brushed over her clit, the wave of pleasure that speared through her body was intense enough to make her sweat. She buckled and moaned, but he continued his gentle assault. His tongue flicked over the lips of her pussy, tasting, enjoying, until finally he pushed it inside her. She opened for him.

  Now, she was a mass of shuddering, trembling muscles. It was no longer possible for her to concentrate on anything other than what he did to her. Her hands clenched the bed sheets and twisted them while she allowed him to have his way with her. He licked and fondled, caressed and massaged her clit until it throbbed wildly. The orgasm that burst through her made her cry. He moved up her body, rested his hand on her stomach, and watched her face intently while she struggled to get her breath back together.

  What the hell just happened? No man ever managed to reduce her to this state with such ease. He had the hands of a magician. Determined to give back, she crawled over him. She kissed him hard on the mouth and, when he was lost in the frenzy of the passion that overtook them, she slithered down his body. Her tongue flicked over his skin until finally she nestled between his legs. His cock, hard and beautiful, sprang up straight. Bending her head, she licked the tip of his head and was rewarded with a few drops of his precious nectar. As she twisted her tongue over his balls, he growled deep in his throat. His fingers tightened in her hair and held on as if he couldn’t bear to let go. She took her time, using her hands and mouth to bring him into bliss.

  The scent of his musky arousal swept through her nostrils. Delicately, she nibbled on the skin of his balls and on his thighs while he squirmed under her. It was exciting to rest back some of the control that he’d wielded on her. With care, she took him deep in her mouth and relished the way his cock throbbed in her.

  “Tania,” he breathed out her name. “Please.”

  His fingers dug deep into her scalp as she drove him to the edge of insanity. His sexy, gorgeous body was all hers – and she wasn’t about to let it go.

  Just as she thought he was on the verge of exploding in her mouth, he rolled her off him with a hard yank. Even before she knew what was happening, he positioned her under him and drove his cock, slick and hard, straight into her pussy. The loud squeal that issued out of her lips echoed in the room. Her arms tightened around him as she struggled to take deep breaths. Lust, hot and heavy, enveloped her mind.

  They were joined together, hands to hands, hips to hips, and toes to toes. He moved up, pulled out his cock, and buried it deep in her body once more. His pelvic bone ground into hers. He set the pace, grueling and hard, and she matched it. Their rhythm was perfectly in tune. Together, they moved as if their bodies were one.

  When the orgasm spiraled inside her, she yelled loudly. A minute later, he came inside her. Even though he could have collapsed on top of her, he put his weight on his elbows and hovered over her. His kiss took her by surprise. Their lips met and he seemed to take his time. Finally, he rolled off her. For a moment, she felt bereft.

  “Sweetheart, you’re going to drive me crazy.”

  “I could say the same thing about you.”

  She got up, gathered her clothes, and went into the bathroom. Now that she was here, she might as well take a shower. Actually, she just wanted some time to herself to worry about this sudden development. What the hell was she supposed to do about this man? He was too much. It wasn’t just their sexual chemistry that drove her wild but also the fact that he was her match in every sense of the word. He could make her laugh, he could make her experience the height of pleasure, and he could make her feel safe and warm.

  And yet, if he had that ability, he could also make her cry and relegate her to the pits of misery. In all these years, she had never given control to another man. The mere thought of that was disturbing, scary. How the hell did she manage to put herself in this situation? She should’ve been more careful, better prepared.

  Now, she could do only one thing. It was better to tell him to move on. She wasn’t interested in a long-term relationship, and surely he wasn’t, too. Then why prolong this more. It was better to end now when they were both sated and happy. It was time to put their relationship back on the professional keel. That would be best.

  After she dried her hair and put moisturizing lotion on her face, Tania took a deep breath. She was going to march out, tell him that it was amazing to be with him, but now she wanted her own space. Hopefully he would get the message and walk out of her life. She wouldn’t see him ever again or, perhaps, would just meet him in order to settle the feud over the warehouse. In either case, she didn’t intend to do anything more personal with him. This was enough.

  Her mind made up, she yanked open the door. The sight of him, nestled in her bed, with the covers around him, made her halt. He was sleeping. She couldn’t believe it. When did she invite him to stay the night? What the hell was he thinking? This was way too personal, too awkward. She didn’t want him.

  Before she could wake him up, her cellphone rang. Seeing that it was her boss, she frowned. He never called so late. She picked up the phone. “Hello, sir.”

  “What’s the progress on the warehouse, Tania? The client is up on arms about it. They want the deal to be finalized as soon as possible.”

  She gulped. He gaze roamed over Riley’s face who was sleeping peacefully as if he didn’t have a care in the world. She walked out of the room. “I am working on it, sir. It should be done this week.”
  “Why is it taking so long? I thought you said it was perfect for their requirement.”

  Tania couldn’t hold back any longer. “There is another group that’s interested in the same property and Xavier is in negotiation with them at the same time.”

  It was obvious that he didn’t like it because he huffed with annoyance. “Who are they?”

  “I don’t quite know, sir, but the man who is working for them, Riley, has met me. They appear to be very keen. May I suggest that we look at some other warehouses that are perfect for our client? Just in case, you know,” she suggested.

  “I don’t operate with just in case, Tania. You know better than that. This is the warehouse they want and you’re supposed to get it for them. Is that clear?”

  She flopped on the couch. Damn it! If this deal didn’t go through, her career might be in more jeopardy than she realized. “Yes, sir.”

  When she placed the phone down, there was only one thought in Tania’s head; she had to convince Riley to somehow back out of this deal. If Xavier didn’t have another option, he would tell the owner to sell them the property. Her job would be safe and she might even get the promotion that she was so desperately working towards. Telling Riley to leave was the first step; she couldn’t afford to get more involved with him. If Brin found out, he would throw a fit. Marching over, she put her hand on his arm and shook him slightly. “Riley.”

  She expected him to wake up, talk, and move out but what he did shook her. His arm encircled her waist and pulled her down. He shifted on the bed and made her lie beside him. His hand rested on her belly while he snuggled into her.

  Damn him to hell!

  She didn’t quite know what to make of this man who made her blood tingle with desire. He was truly good at what he did – business, bed, and conversation. But was there more of a substance to the man? She wasn’t sure – but she was game to discover more about him. She didn’t want this. Much to her consternation, she no longer had the urge to get rid of him, not when his lips hovered inches beyond her shoulder. The soft breath that he released felt warm against her skin. It was so wrong in so many ways – and yet it felt perfectly fine. She allowed her eyes to close. Tomorrow was another day. She would deal with this problem later.

  Chapter Seven

  Riley woke up. Something didn’t quite feel right. Actually, it felt perfect but it was different. A while later, he realized that he was sleeping next to Tania, their bodies spooned against each other as if they were meant to be. He took a few moments to enjoy the blissful feeling.

  Her hair smelt so nice. He inhaled deeply. Although he was reluctant to move and end this pleasure, he rolled out of bed and marched into the bathroom. After a while, he got out, gathered all his clothes, and then walked out. He could leave just now and it would seem perfectly normal. He definitely didn’t want anything long-term to establish between them. She was just another woman and, although he was having fun, he didn’t intend to tie himself down to her, or to anyone else. He was a free agent, a wandering soul. Never did he ever feel the need to settle down with one woman and make a life together. Up until now.

  For a few minutes, he stood still in her living room, waiting for his mind to clear. Surely, he wasn’t serious about this. He didn’t actually intend to have a life with her. What was he thinking? How did he feel about her? Love? The word was harsh and hit him like a punch in the gut. No way was he thinking along those lines. Love was such as alien concept, such a strange one, that his mind couldn’t comprehend it.

  He should leave right now and never look back. The woman was a witch. She had ensnared him in some kind of a love spell that was bound to doom him. This was his chance to make a break. It was important that he not get trapped in this net that she was spreading around him.

  His people could handle the rest of the deal. He didn’t need to be here. It was better to move far, far away in another town and take over some other deal. His work here was quite done.

  When she sauntered out of the room an hour later, he was making pancakes in the kitchen. Bewildered, she stared at him. He could see the snap of anger in her eyes and the softening of her mouth as she saw him flip the pancake. “What are you doing?”

  He should have gone. That would have been the best thing to do, but, of course, he couldn’t do it. He gave up his last chance for freedom for this opportunity to see the mistrust in her eyes as she walked forward and saw the full plate of hot pancakes.

  He kept his tone light and easy. “I’m cooking breakfast. Do you want some?”

  She settled on the stool. “Okay.”

  Taking out a clean plate from the cupboard, he arranged two on it and presented them to her. The maple syrup and pot of chocolate sauce was already on the counter. “You’ve a well stocked pantry and kitchen. I hope you don’t mind, but I took a good look around before settling on this. Felt like having something sweet for breakfast.”

  Instead of answering, she picked up her fork and knife, cut off a piece, and put it in her mouth. She chewed. He saw the delight in her eyes. “This is good. Is there no end to your talents?”

  “You haven’t tasted my smoked salmon and my Delicious Death chocolate cake yet. They will melt in your mouth.”

  “So you cook?”

  “I do what I can. Got tired of eating in the restaurants alone. It was better to learn the basics and, of course, once I started, there was no looking back.”

  She ate her breakfast. Once all the pancakes were ready, he poured two cups of coffee. What the hell was he doing here? The scene was far more domesticated than anything he ever experienced before. There were few opportunities for him to wake up next to a beautiful woman, and fewer instances when he lingered long enough to share a meal. Riley was choosy – and that was the reason why his heart was still intact. This woman was going to change things, though – and he wasn’t quite sure how he felt about that premonition.

  “Sugar?” he asked, giving her no hint about the conflict that raged in his heart. He didn’t want to give her the satisfaction of knowing that she had wrapped him around her finger.

  This woman was dangerous. If she ever got to know that she held so much power over him, she wouldn’t hesitate to use it to manipulate him, and he couldn’t allow that. This was a treacherous, risky game and, even though he quite enjoyed it, Riley was a bit rattled by it.

  “I don’t take sugar,” she said as she took a sip.

  He could see the speculative gleam in her eyes as she viewed him from above the rim of her cup but he didn’t give any indication that he was aware of her gaze. Instead, he set a plate for himself and joined her on the counter. For a while, they ate in silence. It felt perfect, right, but he was aware that this was just a lull in the storm. There were too many differences between them. She was dynamite, a woman who could take care of herself and her needs. She wouldn’t just allow him to creep into her life without a fight, but he was determined to stay.

  “This was pretty good.” Picking up her empty plate, she took it to the sink and washed it. “I can’t wait to taste your other delights.”

  He finished his pancakes. His heart beat with joy to hear her say that. Although he could tell that she was shocked to find him in her house in the morning, he could tell that she was pleased, too. Maybe she wanted this as much as him but didn’t quite know how to express herself. That was the problem with independent, strong people – they got so used to being on their own that it was impossible to admit that it would be nice to have someone else in their lives once in a while. But he wasn’t thinking about short term. He wanted to be with her for as long as he could – for as long as his heart desired and until one of them drove apart the other.

  But what if this was true love? No way. He didn’t know her well enough to fall for her. This wasn’t some movie in which people spent a little bit of time together and then couldn’t imagine their lives without each other. He didn’t feel like that. Not a chance in hell.

  Picking up his plate, he carried it over to th
e sink. She took it from his hand. “Thanks,” he said and turned away. The scent of her, the sight of her, was enough to send desire careening through his heart. He wanted to carry her back to bed and make love to her. His body ached to feel her skin, her hands, and her delicious curves.

  “No problem. After all, you are the one who cooked me a breakfast. I don’t remember the last time someone did that for me.”

  Good. That meant that it wasn’t often that she woke up with a man in her house. He liked it. “Any time, sweetheart.”

  “Why do you keep calling me that?”

  Riley raised an eyebrow. Why, indeed? Sure, it was a term of endearment that he used sometimes, but he never actually did so for any of his girlfriends or the women he slept with. But he couldn’t admit that to her without confessing that the way he felt towards her was so much more different than his feelings for other women who came before her. “It’s because you are sweet, and because you are after my heart.”

  “You can keep your heart,” she snapped. Startled by her tone, he turned to face her. She didn’t look up. Instead, she washed her hands and then wiped them on a towel. Carefully, she glanced at him. “Sorry. It’s just…this whole thing is making me nervous.”


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