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Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series

Page 5

by J. Alexander Black

  The fleet has the capacity to transport one quarter or more of your current population at a rate of up to a million people on each trip. We have surveyed the planet and have located areas for immediate colonization. With each transport, there is a support ship which carries personnel to set up power, waste water and drinking water purification systems as well as initial food storage and distribution. We will advise you on the numbers and skills required and on the type of terrain required to board the transports. It will be up to you to decide who goes and where the boarding locations will be. It needs to be a large flat area; my staff will brief your planners after the meeting.” William thought for a moment. The advantages for Earth were beyond comprehension but…

  “The offer is very gracious Minister. The People of Hevinia are putting a lot of time effort and resources into helping us. I would like to know the benefits to Hevinia.”

  The Minister almost choked. I’m here to save this planet and he asks what the benefit will be to us. Recovering quickly, he decided on the truth.

  “The benefits to Hevinia are many Mr. President. To begin with we can correct a previous mistake. Secondly, we have an easily transported population to establish a colony in this system and finally, we need more of the minerals that this planet can provide. It is a win-win situation.”

  The Minister’s aide leaned in and whispered. “Yes, yes. Ok, it is a win-win-win situation,” the Minister said laughing.

  “Very well,” said William. “I would like to send an

  advance party of surveyors, construction teams and

  security forces to prepare the way for the colonists and I

  would like to use the Orion for transportation.” The Minister looked at his aid who nodded.

  “Agreed. The Orion will transport an advance party and

  remain in orbit until the supplies are unloaded and the

  advance party is settled in. We have brought new

  communication equipment with us, some of which can

  go with the colonists. The Orion’s staff will assist with

  the communications set up, training and testing. How

  soon do you think you could have an advance team

  ready to go Mr. President?”

  “We can be ready to go in less than two weeks. We

  have everything ready except the communications and

  construction teams already on the Orion.”

  “That is impressive, Mr. President.”

  “Thank you, Minister. We believe in being

  prepared.” He flashed a look at Andrea who was choking

  trying to stifle her laughter.

  “Well then, Mr. President,” said the Minister, “I

  believe we are in agreement. We will meet with Earth’s

  leaders in two days as planned. We will set up worldwide communications to let the citizens of the world see Altis5 and understand the conditions they will be facing and we will not embellish. We will provide a detailed brief for the advanced personnel onboard Orion next week. Can they be ready? Good. Regarding the emigration, I suggest the World Confederation handle the requests. They will then forward them to us for shipboard assignment and a transport date. In addition,” he turned to an aide who passed him a box, “here are

  communicators for you and your staff.” He pulled one out. “This one is yours it will enable you to talk directly with me.” He turned to his aide, “Have the President’s

  pilot meet us in the hangar.”

  The Minister began to rise from his chair but

  William held up his hand. “Before we go Minister, there

  is the matter of Earth defense for those who stay. If I

  send the EDB to Altis-5, we will be leaving ourselves

  vulnerable when your fleet returns to Hevinia. I

  understand you carry additional space fighters and cargo


  “We have indeed brought vessels for Earth’s use.

  The Supply Ship Zeus carries forty-five of the latest

  Jaguars, forty-five Barks and six hundred riders in

  addition to those we need to do our work. These will be

  placed at your disposal. Training facilities are also

  available aboard the Zeus.”

  “Thank you, Minister,” said Umberto. “We will need

  four of the Jaguars immediately to replace the ones lost

  in the battle. Also, there is the matter of replacing the

  missiles used against the Kaedians and additional

  missiles to set up on Altis-5 for its defense.”

  Minister Beltran smiled, he liked dealing with

  Umberto, he didn’t miss a thing. Once again, he turned

  to his aide who consulted a hand-held device and

  nodded. Beltran turned back to Umberto smiling. “We will replace the Moon-based missiles and

  provide 200 more with launchers for Altis-5. Is there

  anything else?” The Ministers voice had a slight edge to

  it. Umberto realized he was pushing. He smiled and said.

  “Thank you, Minister, we look forward to your visit. My

  staff will be in contact to arrange the details.”

  Beltran turned to his aide who was consulting a

  hand-held device. The aide looked up and nodded to

  Beltran. The Minister put on his best smile and said, “we

  have a gift for you from the Hevinian Commonwealth.

  Let me escort you to the hangar.”

  Once clear of the meeting room Andrea looked up

  at her husband, the admiration was clear in her eyes.

  “You haven’t lost your touch, dear.” As their vehicle

  entered the hangar, William’s breath was taken away as

  he saw the Jaguar parked next to Ray’s. It was similar

  to Ray’s Jaguar but it was longer and pure white. In

  fact, it was the whitest white he had ever seen. Whereas

  Ray’s vehicle had one door this one had two; one in the

  front and one in the center. As they came to a halt a

  technician stepped out of the center door.

  “Everything is ready, Minister,” he announced. “Thank you,” said Beltran.

  “President Umberto, may I present you this er...”

  he hesitated, head lowered, searching for the right


  “Executive Trim Jaguar as a gift from the People of


  William was astounded.

  “As you can see,” continued Beltran, “it is larger

  than this one,” as he pointed to Ray’s Jaguar. “It is a

  custom model based on the new six-person Jaguar.

  Please look inside.” He led William and Andrea to the

  stairs. “As you approach the door you will notice a light

  blue beam pass over you. This is a security measure to only allow those authorized by you to enter. The same will occur as the pilots enter through the forward door. After you, Mr. President.”

  William stepped up and was immediately scanned, then the door hissed open and he stepped inside. The interior was set up as a compact office/lounge that could seat five comfortably. A couch was against the far bulkhead with a coffee table in front with two very comfortable looking armchairs facing the table. In the rear was a small galley with a small fold down seat for a steward. A bulkhead with a door in the center provided privacy from the pilot’s cabin. Andrea was impressed with the comfortable and tasteful interior and sat in one of the armchairs. Beltran entered next and sat on the couch. The technician entered and began to explain the


  “This Jaguar has been customized for you Mr.

  President. As you were scanned, you were automatically

  linked to the Systems Management Center, which will

  now respond to your commands. This can be mental or

  verbal according to your choice. Your Systems

  Management Center will brief you on the capabilities on

  the way down.” William still in shock at the enormity of

  the gift, simply nodded to the technician.

  “I don’t know what to say Minister. This is truly a

  magnificent gift.”

  “I hope it makes your duties as Confederation

  President a little more enjoyable,” said Beltran. “All we

  need now is your pilot. I have been looking forward to

  meeting him.”

  On their way back to the hangar, Kris and Corbyn stopped in the Muskat to pick up Ray who introduced his cousin. Corbyn was impressed.

  “Small universe, eh?” he inquired. His

  communicator chirped. “I hate to cut the reunion short but your President is ready to leave and requests you meet him in the hangar.”

  “Very well,” said Ray. “Astel, I am sure Marcie and I will go to Altis-5. Perhaps you will be able to visit us there. I would love for you to meet her.”

  “I look forward to that.” They shook hands in friendship. Suddenly Astel inhaled sharply. “I almost forgot.” She reached into her pocket and produced a four-inch flat square box. She handed it to him. “It belonged to our Grandfather. I could not open it. I thought you might like it.”

  “Thank you,” said Ray. He slipped the box into his jacket pocket as Corbyn hurried the two men into the antigrav vehicle and departed rapidly.

  “What’s the rush, Corbyn?” asked Kris. “We are late,” he said simply and concentrated on the vehicle. Two minutes later, they entered the hangar.

  “Will you look at that,” exclaimed Kris as they came to a halt in front of the Executive Jaguar. “Reminds me of a big ass white limousine I saw once in Saudi Arabia.” At that moment, Beltran and Umberto came out. William did the introductions.

  “Minister Beltran, may I present Ray Wright and Kris Blackstock.”

  “It is my pleasure gentlemen. Mr. Wright, the Prime Consul of the Hevinian Commonwealth has asked me to personally thank you for the work you have done and hopes that sometime in the future we can persuade you to return to your homeland so he can thank you himself. Mr. Blackstock, the same invitation is offered to yourself and Colonel Markham.” He was beaming. “Three hundred men defeating a Kaedian armada, that is the stuff legends are made of.”

  “We had a great deal of help from Captain Querrion and the crew of the Orion,” offered Ray.

  “Yes, yes of course, but you boys are the real heroes, without you and Colonel Markham most of this planet would be just so much scorched Earth, if you pardon the pun.”

  William could see the men knew they were being patronized and decided to step in. “I think it is time to be going. I have matters on Earth that need my attention. Ray would you pilot the new Jaguar for me?”

  The technician in the Jaguar poked his head out. “This model does not require an implant. Once President Umberto approves you as pilot the Systems

  Management Center will autosync to you as you step aboard.”

  Ray turned to Kris. “Will you take my Jag down for me?”

  “Yes of course,” said Kris although secretly envious of Ray, he welcomed the chance to pilot any Jaguar.

  “Mr. President if you would mentally approve Ray as pilot we can be on our way.”

  William felt exceedingly uncomfortable but thought; I approve Ray Wright as my pilot. Immediately a voice came into his head. Very well Mr. President. Ray Wright is approved. It is traditional for the pilot or executive to give me a name. What would you like to call me? William thought for a moment then looking at Andrea a name popped into his consciousness. Mae, thought William. Thank you, said the voice, that is a nice name.

  As soon as everyone was seated Mae and Marr communicated their intentions to Janus. The overhead lights went out and the oxygen status light turned to red and the outer doors opened. The blue light of the lariat enveloped both vehicles and smoothly moved them clear of Janus. Once the Jaguars were released from the Janus’ lariat, William asked his SMC if he could communicate with both Ray and Kris, Mae announced she could make the thought links for him.

  “Okay,” said William, “but for now I would prefer to use voice communication.”

  “As you wish, Mr. President,” said Mae over the intercom.

  “Yes, Mr. President,” said Ray.

  “This is Jaguar One,” said Kris.

  For the rest of the trip back to Earth, President Umberto conversed easily with Ray and Kris. They and Colonel Markham had developed a strong bond during the formation of the Confederation. In fact, Tom Markham had been Umberto’s assistant at the U.N. Umberto told them about the request from Tom.

  “That does not surprise me,” said Ray. “From the looks of things, I will be going with them.”

  “That means I will be going too,” said Kris.

  “We will find out soon enough,” said Ray. “Mr. President, may I suggest you contact my Uncle James at Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). He will be able to find the communications volunteers from his organization. He may be interested in setting up a SETI station on one of Altis-5’s moons.”

  “Excellent idea, Ray. I will talk to the White House the moment I get back to my office.”

  “I can make that call for you Mr. President,” said Mae.

  “No thank you, Mae, I will wait,” said William.

  Andrea was smiling. “You just had to make it a female,” she said with just a hint of sarcasm.

  “I named her after your mother though,” said William, smiling back.



  “Here is the first bid Mr. DeVoot; from the Japanese contractor Hideci Akiyama. His bid is seven hundred million US Dollars,” said the IT Technician.

  “What is our minimum cost again?” asked DeVoot of his staff.

  “Well Sir, if we cut a few corners we can construct the complex according to the specifications for four hundred and fifty million,” interjected the lead estimator.

  “Great! Let’s see what the others are bidding. I am a gambling man and I wager a grand that we will be able to come in at six hundred million. Any takers?” There were none. The last person who bet against DeVoot and won was replaced. He hated to lose.

  As chair of the Committee and developer of WoCADS, Matthew Blakely had the executive level of access to the program. Only he could see all the submissions at the same time. The other members of the Committee could only see one submission. Each member and their staff were to evaluate only that one packet and rate it according to the criteria. When they completed their evaluation, they were to be sorted according to the rating, only then would the entire Committee see the combined results of their work. At this point, any member could request a packet be pulled and reviewed by the group but any changes would have to be approved unanimously. What was not revealed to the bidding companies was that the top four selected companies would be investigated further. Two Committee members would visit the company headquarters and interview the CEO and their staff. Other Committee members would visit the buildings previously built by the prospective contractors and interview the current owners. The results of the interviews would be added to the packets and these four would be reviewed again by the Committee and voted on. The company with the most votes would win the contract.

  It was late afternoon, and the last of the bids were coming in. The Committee staff were printing the bids, placing them in packets ready to assign to the individual Committee members for review. Matthew was watching the incoming bids when he noticed a small icon on his task bar blinking. He clicked on it and the lower half of the screen filled with scrolling data. The top half displayed a warning. Someone had hacked into the system. The security gate had detected a microscopic vibration and had responded. The security protocol required the system to identify the reason for the disturbance and determine if an incursion happened. If so, it was designed to covertly track it back to the source. Once the source was identified it then prov
ided the information back to the executive level user for a manual response. Matthew waited until the last bid was accepted then checked to see if WoCADS was waiting for a response. It was, so he shut down the internet connection and unplugged the blue Ethernet cable thus isolating the system.

  “WoCADS just went off line!” exclaimed Alvin.

  “Did we get our bid in?” asked DeVoot. “Is there a problem?”

  “The bid has been accepted,” said the IT tech. “I don’t think there is a problem. It would not be unusual to shut down once all the registered contractors have submitted their bids.

  “OK,” said DeVoot with a smile, “now we wait.”

  “Now,” said Getts, “there is the matter of payment. I have fulfilled my part of the agreement, now I would appreciate it if you would fulfill yours. I believe we agreed on cash?” DeVoot gave him an evil look then smiled as he reached into a drawer and pulled out a thick manila package.

  “As we agreed Mr. Getts, 100,000 thousand dollars in US currency. You may count it if you like.”

  “I trust you DeVoot.” Getts never trusted anyone. Even so he placed the package unopened into his brief case.

  While the submissions were printing Matthew watched the data on the screen. The trace had led to the originating computer network that forwarded the bid from the DeVoot Construction Company. He checked the bids and found the last bid from the registered contractors was from the DeVoot Construction Company. Also, to no surprise to him, it was the lowest bid. He smiled, he was not angry that his super secure program had been hacked. As a programmer, he knew that no system was completely secure; all you can do is to try and keep one step ahead. He was smiling because his safeguards had detected the incursion and he knew who had hacked into it. I win, he thought. Matthew walked into the Committee room and addressed the group.


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