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Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series

Page 9

by J. Alexander Black

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the beautiful Island of Crete. What an extraordinary day.”

  He paused to look around at the gathered dignitaries. “It is my great pleasure to introduce the Colonial Minister of the Hevinian Commonwealth. Mr. Welesdon Beltran.”

  Beltran stepped up to the podium, like all politicians all over the Galaxy he was in his element in front of a crowd, “Hello, everyone, I bring greetings and offers of friendship from the Prime Consul and the people of the Commonwealth of Hevinia. This is a momentous occasion for both our worlds. This is the third planet that I have had the pleasure of introducing to our

  Commonwealth but this is the first time I have ever felt indebted to that planet. To all of you I say thank you for your courage to come together, to put aside your differences and fight as one against an overwhelming force of evil that has destroyed the inhabitants of many planets and was determined to destroy you.

  For hundreds of years we have watched generation after generation bring profound changes to this planet technologically, philosophically, and artistically. Each change has benefited this world greatly. People are living longer, diseases have been conquered and innovative ways have been found to bring food and water to those in need. Unfortunately, all these good changes have brought about some challenges. Living longer has resulted in major spikes in population which increases the demand for food and fresh water. This in turn increases the need to burn fossil fuels to power the industrialization of food production and distribution that has caused an increase in the pollution of your atmosphere. Our scientists tell us that if things continue at the present rate in just under one hundred years the oxygen levels in your atmosphere will no longer support human or animal life.”

  There was a murmur from the crowd.

  He continued, “This is not news to you. Your scientists have been predicting this for many years have they not? This brings us to why we are here. We are here to offer a chance for survival. We have brought planet sized atmospheric scrubbers that will filter out impurities from the atmosphere but that is only a temporary solution. Unless the population of Earth is decreased by at least one quarter we would be only delaying the inevitable. The answer there is to once again do what you have done for several millennia. When an area becomes intolerable whether it be a lack of food or a bad political climate, humans migrate to where life could be better. It is time to do that once again. I will create no illusions; it will be better but not necessarily easier. You will be provided the means to have a great start. Solid houses, electrical power, transports, farming equipment, and enough food to last three to five years but success will be up to you. When you leave here you will be taking not only your hopes and dreams but also your prejudices, your sense of justice good or bad and your religious beliefs. This is not a land for the lawless or would be dictators. It will be governed by the vote of the people. Laws will be adopted or created by the will of the majority and be enforced by those elected by the people. This will be a time to say, as President John F. Kennedy said, ask not what your planet can do for you but what can you do for your planet.”

  William realized his error but decided the point was true. “If you have worked hard you should be successful and self-sufficient within that time. By creating a World Confederation, you have taken the first and most essential step in saving your planet, without which immigration of this magnitude would not be possible. As we have successfully colonized hundreds of planets your government has graciously allowed us to add our expertise in organizing the selection process. Initially we will be limiting the selection to certain skills to provide the basis for the colony. Information about the criteria will be made available soon. Please think carefully before deciding.

  President Umberto has received new military equipment including Barques and Jaguars for the continued Defense of Earth. The Kaedians noses have been bloodied but they will not go away. What you defeated was but one fleet of many. The Council of Nations has authorized the President to continue recruiting and once a cadre capable of training others has been formed the First Earth Brigade will deploy as an advance party to secure the new planet for the colonists.” He paused and looked around at the crowd. “For some of you this will be difficult, for others a chance of a lifetime. For us humans this is just another step in our evolution. History is full of men and women reaching for the stars. Well here we are and the stars are waiting. Welcome to your future.”

  He stepped back from the podium, as the crowd stood, and applauded as he turned and shook hands with President Umberto. William waited for the applause to die down and stepped up.

  “Information on the selection criteria and the process will be released in the coming weeks. Please think carefully before applying, it may well mean a lifetime commitment. There will be new opportunity for those who emigrate and for those who remain.” He turned to the Minister. “Thank you, Minister Beltran, I and my staff look forward the challenges ahead.” He turned back to the crowd “Thank you all for coming. I know you must be hungry so please be patient for a few moments while we prepare for the reception. Minister Beltran and his staff are anxious to meet with everyone.” At his signal, the caterers began hauling out tables and within minutes a buffet and several bars were established.

  Preparation for the bachelor party began at 1500. Ray took the white Jaguar to Crete and picked up William and Andrea after the welcoming speeches were over, then on to New York City. Ray picked up the tuxedos for the best men while Andrea and the President changed into something more casual, then back to the Orion where they were received in Captain Querrion’s stateroom. Major Welch took Commander Frulé to Epernay, France where they met with Frulé’s cousin Caspar, an employee of the Möet & Chandon Company. The Commander had arranged to purchase twenty cases of champagne for the party. To his surprise, he found the cost had been covered by his old friend Claude Fronterac, the President of France. The cases were labeled “D'une nation reconnaissante.” Möet & Chandon donated four bottles of their Dom Pérignon and a pair of engraved champagne glasses to the bride and groom. Ten minutes later, they were landing outside of Mr. Daniels’ distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee where they picked up a few cases of Tom’s favorite adult beverage.

  In the comfortable Captain’s day cabin, William Umberto looked calm and relaxed as the Captain answered Andrea’s questions about life on Hevinia especially about the role of women. William’s outward appearance belied the fact that he was wrestling with the problems of creating a functioning government.

  The Council of Nations had decreed that the United Nations Secretariat would transition over and act as the interim administrative body of the Confederation. However, one of the privileges of the Presidency was the freedom to select his cabinet directors. Only three were required so far. He had his budget director, Jacque Noir, a French economist. His deputy Antonio Ferrante was the famous macroeconomist who worked on the development of the Euro. For Administrative Director, he had chosen Edward Smith who, as Chief Administration Officer (CAO) of Berkshire Corp the largest manpower organization in Europe, believed he was on the top rung of the ladder until William offered him a job. His deputy, Effram Alphonso, who’s singular attribute was his skill in taking companies from bankruptcy to success in weeks. The Director of the Earth Defense Forces would eventually be a civilian but for now he needed a military man to organize the screening and training of thousands of volunteers. He wanted Donald Winters who had the knowledge and background but he knew he needed political influence as well so he chose the famous Russian Cosmonaut and renowned tactician General Gregory Chenko, to be the Commander in Chief of the Earth Defense Forces.

  Once EDB1 received its replacement ships, there were enough left to form three more Brigades. He knew he would not relax until all three were operational. Besides the combat units he needed supply and logistical personnel, an almost impossible task for one man. Several eminently qualified military leaders had sent letters of interest in the number two position but in his mind, there w
as only one man for the job.

  Commander Donald Winters was summoned to the Captain’s cabin. When the Commander arrived, Tom informed him that the President had cleared him to fly the white Jaguar and would he use it to take the ladies to pick up their dresses. Over lunch with Sara and Emma, Andrea learned that the problem of where to purchase a wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses had been solved. Emma had contacted her sister Karen Richardson, the fashion writer for the New York Times, for assistance and she had found a store in upstate New York in a discrete corner of the Finger Lakes area. In return, Sande agreed to let her cover the wedding for her paper. They needed a Jaguar to take them down to the surface. Andrea decided they should travel in style in the Presidential Jaguar and after discussing things with William and Tom they agreed that Commander Winters should be the pilot. Leaving Tom to talk with Andrea and the Captain, William walked out of the stateroom with Donald and just outside the door the President made him an offer, which to his surprise Donald respectfully refused.

  The ladies were ecstatic when they heard the news and almost ran to the hangar. With the ladies

  comfortably ensconced in the cabin Donald gave Mae their destination and the white Jaguar slipped out of the hangar into the blackness of space. Within minutes they were picking up Karen and Karl Trembley, her cameraman, at Bryant Park two blocks from her building. It was a warm day in the city and the park was crowded with New Yorkers taking advantage of the sunshine. Mae selected an open spot near the center of the Park as the Jaguar landed a crowd gathered awestruck by the gleaming white space ship. Karen, having no idea what one wore for travel aboard a space ship, was wearing comfortable slacks and a loose-fitting white shirt, her cameraman Karl was suitably attired in jeans and T-shirt. Carrying their baggage and camera equipment they pushed their way through the crowd. Emma stepped out of the side door of the ship and greeted her sister enthusiastically. They had been apart for several years and had a lot of catching up to do. With the ladies chattering away Karl was happy to sit up front with Donald. Although the manager of the dress shop had been informed that they were coming she found it hard to believe until the brilliant white Jaguar materialized in the parking lot. When Karen informed the owner whom the strange tall lady was marrying and that the wedding would be featured in the New York Times she immediately offered to cover the cost of the dresses.

  By 1900 Orion time, all was ready. The

  bachelorette party was already underway when Tom was escorted to the Brigade Hangar and seated on a throne made of packing cases and painted black. By military standards, the party was pretty tame but considering where they were, it went well. It began with a toast to the groom exclaiming him as being a stout and brave fellow entering into the dark abyss of matrimony. This was followed by toasting the various nationalities, kings, queens, Presidents etc. then toasting past units, longlost friends, and heroes. Then Tom was roasted in a good-natured way. The highlight of the evening was the arrival of the President of the World Confederation. Dressed in casual slacks and a cashmere sweater he stood at the makeshift podium and addressed the group.

  “Gentlemen, you may think that as the President of the World I would have a great deal of power and prestige but it is not true. I know this because I have been here for 5 minutes and still do not have a beer.”

  The men roared with approval and suddenly at least six beers were offered. The President then launched into a series of stories about Tom in his previous life as his senior staffer at the U.N. As the evening wore down the men sat and listened as one by one the older veterans regaled them with war stories. The younger men were in awe to be in the prescience of these great men who were their heroes and believed all of what they heard, whereas most of the older men could separate the facts from pure bull which quite possibly some of it was. Before the President retired he singled out Tom and took him aside. “I have a problem that I hope you can help me with. Commander Winters as you know has been very involved in training new EDF members. He has proven to be an outstanding leader as well as an accomplished pilot. In fact, I was so impressed by his abilities that I offered him the job of Deputy Commander of the Earth Defense Forces with a promotion to Bird Colonel.”

  “That’s great,” said Tom, “What an opportunity for him.” Tom paused thoughtfully. “I am surprised that he did not tell me about it though.”

  “That’s because he turned me down.”

  “What? Did he say why?”

  “He said because he wanted to go to Altis-5.

  Personally, I think that’s a load of bull. I think he turned me down out of loyalty to the Brigade.” The President paused. “Tom, I really need him. Things are happening quickly. The majority of the world’s leaders are seeing the value of a world defense force but are not willing to turn over responsibility until the EDF is fully operational. Don was born in America to a German Mother and a British Father. Emma is Spanish and his two children are adopted from Rumania and China. He speaks six languages, has a master’s degree in political science from the Sorbonne and has space combat experience to boot. The man is truly international and uniquely suited for the job. You and I both know the selection of General Chenko was a political consideration. He is the figurehead and he is happy with that. I need Don to run things”

  Tom was stunned; he had no idea, all the time he and Don had spent together they were so busy working they never had time to really get to know each other. He thought about what the President had said. Don was an important part of his command. His rock-solid leadership and well-thought-out advice would be missed. On the other hand, he could be of significant help to the Brigade as the Deputy Commander of the Defense Force.

  “I take it you would like me to speak with him? You know you could make it an order.” “Yes, I could,” said the President. “But I respect him too much to do that.”

  Tom looked at the President and saw the strain beginning to show, and knew he needed Donald to take this burden off his shoulders. Looking around the room, Tom spotted him at the makeshift bar.

  “Very well. Would you excuse me Mr. President?”

  Tom went over to the bar.

  “Don, I need your advice,” said Tom as he steered him away from the bar. “I have been wrestling with a problem since we agreed to go to Altis-5. I am concerned what will happen to the Brigade after the Earth Defense Forces are ramped up on Earth. I have heard that President Umberto is looking for a second in command. Colonel Rainsome is on the short list. I know him, his first order will be to rotate the Brigade back to Earth and disperse us to provide needed combat skills in the new Brigades. I know eventually that is inevitable but we need time to finish what we started and to do that we must stay together.”

  “Don’t BS me Tom, I didn’t just jump of the turnip truck,” said Donald angrily. “You know very well the President offered the job to me and I turned him down.”

  “Why Don?” asked Tom.

  “If it were not for you, Kris, and Ray, I would be languishing in a reserve unit somewhere in North Dakota right now just waiting to retire. I owe you. I want to repay that by making your Brigade the best in the force. That’s why I turned him down.”

  “I understand,” said Tom, “but I am serious about Colonel Rainsome. He will bring us back as soon as he can. I know I would do the same thing. You have the experience he lacks. You understand firsthand the logistics of fighting in space. You have all the skills and background necessary to pull the force together. Chenko is a mere figurehead and Umberto needs a leader he can rely on. I need you; the whole damn world needs you to take this job. I need to know my back is covered while we are out there and you are the only one I can trust. You want to repay me, take this job.”

  Don looked straight at Tom. “You are serious aren’t you Tom?”

  “Yes I am.”

  Don started to smile “How in the hell am I going to explain this to the wife? For eighteen years, she has followed me around from one base to another. She made friends wherever we went but never like the f
riends she has here. I don’t think I could ask her to do this.”

  “Ask me what Donald?”

  Emma was standing behind him. “Are you talking about the job President Umberto offered you?”

  Don turned around; Emma was standing next to two suitcases. “The ladies are packing up our other stuff and it will be on the next Barque down. We will be leaving with the President and his wife in the morning, these will last us for a few days. With your new promotion, we can get more if we need it. Well don’t just stand there, Colonel, say goodbye to your friends. We have a Jaguar to catch right after the wedding.”

  Over at the ‘Hen’ party most had gone home tired but happy leaving Sande alone with Marcie, Dearian, Anne and Karen. Karen had been covering part of the bachelor party and had joined the ladies for a cup of Muska. They told Karen of how the village came about and Sande told stories of life on Hevinia and about what she knew of Altis-5. They talked into the night. As they talked, Karen realized that someone had to record this incredible story and it had to be her. In New York, it was 8:00 am, commuting time for most New Yorkers but she knew her editor would be at work already. She called his number on Marcie’s phone.

  “George, its Karen. I am still aboard the Orion. I want to write about the voyage to Altis-5. There is a huge story here. I am not going to pussyfoot around, either you sponsor me in this or I go freelance. Your choice.”

  “Whoa, hold your horse’s young lady,” said George. “No one said anything yet. Just let me get this straight. You want to travel to Altis-5 with the advance party and write about the happenings onboard. This is a threemonth trip out, two months there and three months back. Are you sure about this?”

  “Absolutely. It is amazing here. The military dependents have created a village in one of the massive holds. That alone is worth writing about but its more than that; it’s how they have created a lifestyle that most of us would love to experience. Our readers will eat it up. I can send in installments, a weekly journal if you like. You can slice and dice and print how you like. I need your answer now. We leave tomorrow night.”


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