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Altis-5: Book #2 of the Sleeper Series

Page 13

by J. Alexander Black

  “By the authority of Captain Querrion and the head selectwoman of the village,” said Jordan.

  “Head selectwoman? What authority does she have?” said Blaque contemptuously.

  “She is the democratically elected leader of the colonists and given complete authority by Hevinian colonial law and endorsed by Captain Querrion and, by the way, you just talked to her,” said Jordan.

  “Typical local bureaucrat, no respect for their superiors,” said Blaque haughtily looking over at Sara’s back as she continued to walk away. “What do you two want with me. I hope you don’t consider me a suspect.”

  “Anyone who has been in the victim’s yurt in the last few days is suspect until proven otherwise,” said Kris. “Where were you between midnight last night and one am this morning?”

  “Not that it is any of your business but if it makes you go away, I was in my quarters sleeping,” said Blaque.

  “Were you alone?” asked Jordan.

  “That is definitely none of your business,” retorted Blaque.

  “It would help to corroborate your story. Was anyone with you?” said Jordan.

  Blaque looked at them his eyes flickering back and forth. Finally, he focused on Jordan. “Her name is Susan Jones. There are you happy now?” He turned and walked away.

  Kris and Jordan watched him go.

  “I know Susan,” said Jordan. “She volunteers at the village Café.” They crossed the square and went into the Café. The Café was busy with villagers and Hevinian crewmembers. Jordan looked around and spotted Susan behind the serving counter. She was tall, slim and had long red hair. There were several young men at the counter and it was obvious they were not there for the Muska. Kris and Jordan sat at the far end of the counter. Susan spotted them immediately and came over to take their order.

  “Good Morning, Miss Jones,” said Kris formally. “My name is Kris Blackstock and this is Jordan Keaton we are investigating the death of Captain Fosdyke. May we ask you a few questions?

  “I am working at the moment; can it wait until later?” she asked.

  “No, it cannot wait,” said Kris. “Where were you between midnight last night and one am this morning? “I was sleeping.”

  “Were you alone?”

  “No, I stayed overnight with a friend,” answered Susan.

  “Who was the friend?”

  “Andrew Blaque. We stayed up until about midnight and then went to bed,” she said.

  “Thank you, Miss Jones,” said Kris.

  “Do you want to order something or did you just come in for some conversation?" she asked them. They ordered Muska and found an empty table outside. Jordan shook his head. “What are we missing? Everyone that we know who had recent access to the yurt has an alibi except Broan. Granted, anyone could have snuck in during the night and administered the cyanide but if that was so, they would have thought that Frulé was in that bed. This was not a random act. The killer planned this. What we don't know is if Fosdyke was the intended victim.”

  “If Broan checks out we will have corroborated every alibi so we must start looking elsewhere,” said Kris

  “You are a dismal looking pair.”

  The voice came from behind them. “Having trouble solving the murder, are we?” Jordan and Kris looked around it was Bill Clark, SETI’s Security Supervisor.

  “Hola cómo estás Bill,” quipped Kris. “This is Jordan Keaton, Orion’s Senior Security Technician. Jordan, this is Bill Clark, SETI’s Security Supervisor.”

  “Hello, Bill,” said Jordan. “I meant to touch base with you when you came onboard but never had the chance. I did not know you were Spanish?”

  “I’m not,” said Bill. “That’s Kris just being funny. He says he plans to retire in Costa Rica. Like he’ll ever retire.”

  “I will someday, I’ve just got a lot of living to do first.”

  Bill sat down with them. “I came looking for you because I have some information that may be useful. The Captain put me on the ship’s Security Information loop and I was reading your reports when I noticed something that was odd.”

  “How so?” asked Jordan feeling a little defensive.

  “You had listed all initial suspects whose alibi was corroborated, including a brief description of the source of the corroboration,” continued Bill.

  “Yep, so?” said Kris.

  “You listed Adair Swift as being on watch but the Duty Environmental Systems Technician was a different person,” said Bill.

  “How did you know that?” asked Jordan.

  “Because I happened to be in the Command Center with Professor Wright and the Captain at the time of the murder and the Captain introduced us,” said Bill. Jordan mentally accessed the ship’s Information System and started a query.

  “Damn!” he exclaimed. “Swift reported to the medical department just before his watch and it seems it was never recorded on the watch roster.” Jordan stood. “We have to question him. Thanks Bill.”

  Within minutes, Kris and Jordan were outside Adair’s quarters. Jordan knocked on the door but there was no reply. Using his security card Jordan released the door lock and the door slid open.

  They went in calling out for him but there was nothing but silence. The Orion’s crew quarters like most military vessels were Spartan but functional. The entrance led directly into a living room. To the right a door lead to a bedroom and a narrow bathroom. The rear of the living room opened to a tiny galley kitchen. Kris pointed to himself then the bedroom. Jordan nodded and headed into the living room. A quick glance in the bedroom then Kris went into the bathroom where he found Adair naked and face down on the floor with his head on the edge of the shower stall. Calling to Jordan, Kris checked for a pulse. There wasn’t one but the body was still warm. While Jordan was contacting the emergency medical team, Kris looked around the quarters. The place was immaculately clean, no clutter of any kind. His mother’s voice crept in his head. “There should be a place for everything and everything should be in its place.” His mother was a very tidy woman, unfortunately for her his father was not. He shook his head to clear his thoughts so he could concentrate on the task at hand. He put on gloves borrowed from the clinic and began a methodical search of the living room. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for but somehow, he knew he would know it if he found it. Jordan had finished with the kitchen and had started searching the bedroom when the medical team arrived. It was not long before Jordan called to Kris.

  “Come and look at this,” he said.

  Under the bunk was a box marked GuillonPainturaud Hors d'Age Grande Champagne Cognac. Inside were five bottles similarly marked, three of them were empty. “This is why we didn’t find a box in Frulé’s yurt,” said Jordan as he lifted the box onto the bunk.

  Marin Kimble, the Senior Medical Technician came in. “Death was due to a skull fracture. Looks like he slipped on the soapy water on the floor and hit his head on the shower stall lip. Time of death is maybe in the last hour. We are ready to take him for an autopsy,” he said bluntly.

  “Ok,” said Jordan. “How soon can we expect the report?”

  “Things are quiet presently, so maybe in a couple of hours, ok?”

  “Great,” said Jordan. Kris was continuing the search in the bedroom. He pulled open a drawer in the built-in head board.

  “Well, well, well,” he said

  “What did you find?” said Jordan.

  “A small cylinder.” He handed it over to Jordan. “I can’t read Hevinian but I’ll bet it says cyanide gas.”

  “You are right it looks like the missing cyanide gas cylinder,” said Jordan. “I will get this over to the entomologist for identification; would you show Frulé the box? Maybe we have just solved the murder.”

  Later that evening Jordan and Kris presented their findings to a small group consisting of Captain Querrion, Colonel Markham, Marin Kimble, Orion’s’ Senior Medical Technician, Sara, the village selectperson and Marcie.

  Marin gave the autopsy report on Adrian
using Earth equivalents. “Technician Adair Swift died as the result of a depressed skull fracture. I found a blood alcohol concentration of 0.33. There were no other signs of trauma or struggle. There was a mixture of soap and water on the floor. Time of death is between 10:30 and 11:00am village time. In my medical opinion, Swift, impaired by alcohol slipped and fell on the edge of the shower stall. The death record will show death by accident.”

  Jordan was up next. “We found a small cyanide gas cylinder in a drawer in Swift’s headboard which has been confirmed as the one missing from the medical department. We found a case of cognac under the bunk which Commander Frulé verified as his. Fingerprinting showed prints on the cylinder belonging to Swift and the ship’s entomologist. The cognac bottles showed Commander Frulé’s and Swift’s and one other unknown print, presumably from the place of purchase. Swift had no alibi at the time of Captain Fosdyke’s death. In conclusion, Mr. Blackstock and I believe there is enough evidence that Swift deliberately killed Fosdyke. However, it is all circumstantial.”

  “Is it possible that while stealing the cognac Swift disturbed the person sleeping and killed him with the cyanide gas to avoid being caught?” quizzed Sara. “That is possible,” agreed the Captain. “But Swift’s record shows him to be an outstanding technician who has never been in trouble. Besides, who thinks of stealing cyanide when contemplating a theft? Surely, if he did steal the cognac it would be a spur of the moment decision for a normally honest person, would it not?”

  “We believe that there is a third person involved,” said Kris. “This person coerced Swift into killing who he thought was Commander Frulé. Stealing the cognac was just an afterthought. This third person went to Swift’s quarters, found him drunk, and realized that he was a risk and killed him to make it look like an accident. So, we may still have a killer in our midst that is targeting Commander Frulé.”

  “Most folks on the Orion barely know him,” said Tom. “He joined us just before the Battle for Earth.”

  “Precisely,” said Kris. “His only action that brought him worldwide recognition was his leadership in the Battle for Earth. I believe we may have a Kaedian sleeper in our midst. Our recent encounter with a Kaedian vessel enabled that person to receive instructions which were to kill those involved in leading the Kaedian defeat.”

  Nobody said anything. Everyone understood the implications. Crap! thought Kris, I have gone too far this time. The seconds seemed like hours.

  Finally, Marcie spoke up, “I for one trust Kris’s instincts implicitly. I have placed my husband’s life in his hands before and he has never fallen short. If he says there is a Kaedian sleeper onboard then there is a Kaedian sleeper onboard. How do we find him?”

  “How is that possible? Everyone onboard has been thoroughly screened,” said the Captain.

  Kris was about to jump in when Jordan suddenly had a revelation. “All except one,” he said. “There is one person aboard who has not been screened and that is Andrew Blaque.”

  “You believe the Assistant Minister for Colonization is a Kaedian sleeper?” asked the Captain incredulously.

  “There is a way to find out,” suggested Kris.

  “No,” said the Captain aggressively. “I forbid it. I cannot condone such action based on a hunch. Unless you come up with irrefutable evidence confirmed by me personally, you will take no action against Andrew Blaque. No background checks, no investigation and nothing said on this subject leaves this room. Are we clear?”

  “Yes Sir,” said Jordan, taken aback at the Captain’s sudden aggressive stance.

  “That includes you, Mr. Blackstock. While aboard my ship you are subject to my authority.”

  Kris opened his mouth to argue and caught Jordan’s warning look. What is happening? he thought. What had brought on this change in the Captains normally unflappable behavior? Something was wrong. He breathed out sharply in resignation. Given no choice, he said, “I understand Captain.”

  “Good,” said the Captain. “Technician Adair Swift’s death is officially ruled an accident. As to the death of Captain Fosdyke, I agree that the evidence points toward premeditated murder and is at this time unresolved. As the case is not closed I am ordering enhanced security for all senior EDB personnel including Mr. Wright and Mr. Blackstock. Colonel Markham can I leave the details to you?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Then I think we are done here. Thank you everyone.” With that statement, the Captain stood and left the room with Kimble.

  Kris was angry and Marcie recognized it. “Come with me and have some Muska,” she said.

  “I don’t want any damned Muska,” said Kris. “Any ideas on where I can get some real coffee?”

  “As a matter-of-fact I do, Uncle James brought a couple of cases with him. I am sure he would share with us.”

  James was quartered in the bachelor area at the back of the village near the huge food storage area. He shared the yurt with Bill Clark and Joshua Barnes, SETI Technical Supervisor. They would be returning to Earth with the returning Hevinian ships once the site was set up and tested. Their wives had just arrived in Maine when the men were invited by NASA to install the SETI site on Altis-5. Not wanting to move again, they decided to remain behind. So, for now Bill and Joshua were for all intents and purposes, bachelors. When Marcie and Kris arrived, they found the three of them sitting around playing poker. There was a half empty bottle of eighteen-year-old Glenmorangie on a small crate off to the side.

  “Kris, how goes the investigation my friend?” asked Bill. “I heard what happened to Swift.”

  “We are pursuing other avenues of inquiry. I came looking for a decent cup of coffee,” said Kris looking at the bottle of Scotch.

  “Sounds like your political knickers were twisted and handed to you on a plate,” said James. “Would you care for a drop of Scotch instead?” Marcie realized that Kris was in good hands, said her farewells and left.

  After the Captain left, Jordan remained in the briefing room. His mind was racing while the evidence revealed what had happened it did not explain why it happened. It was possible that Fosdyke was deliberately killed by Swift who took advantage of the situation and stole the brandy. His accomplice or handler found him drunk, decided he was a threat, and killed him. That meant there were still one or more bad guys onboard. So, who were they and what were they up to? The more he thought about it the more he became convinced that the killing of Fosdyke was not a mistake. He decided to search Swift’s quarters again.

  In James’s yurt Kris was staring at the glass of scotch in his hand. He was over the anger he felt at being dismissed by the Captain in such a way but his mind could not settle down. If there were bad guys onboard it would seem that they were here for a much larger purpose than killing off a few military leaders. It would accomplish nothing. One thing he knew about any military structure was there was always someone able to step up. No, there was more to this than they realized. He decided to do some more investigating and he would start with Swift’s quarters.

  He put down the untouched scotch and headed to Swift’s room. The Orion's crew quarters were laid out in squares accessed via a labyrinth of hallways, and as Kris turned a corner he ran into Jordan outside Swift’s door. Both smiled knowing instantly what the other was doing there. Jordan pushed on the door. It was open. Jordan immediately pulled a weapon from his belt. He had personally locked the door when they had searched previously. He burst through the door with his weapon up ready for anything. Inside they found Andrew Blaque rifling through Swift’s desk drawer.

  “Stop!” yelled Jordan. “Put your hands where I can see them.”

  Blaque turned to face them, his hands up. “I am unarmed Jordan,” he said.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Kris.

  “The same as you,” said Blaque. “Looking for information.”

  “Why?” Said Jordan. “What has this to do with you? This is a security matter.”

  Blaque began to lower his hands.

“Keep your hands raised Blaque,” said Jordan. “I was reaching for my identity card; I believe the time is right to reveal my true self,” stated Blaque with a wry smile.

  “What do you mean?” asked Kris.

  “I mean I am an agent of the CSS. If I could show you my identity plate…”

  “Very well,” said Jordan. “But do it slowly.” “What is the CSS?” asked Kris

  “It is the Commonwealth Security Services. An inter-galactic police force,” said Blaque.

  “And the Commonwealth?” said Kris.

  “It is the governing body for all the planets within Hevinian influence,” said Jordan. Blaque handed his identity plate to Jordan who placed his right middle finger on the center square and immediately ‘saw’ the information permitted to him at his clearance level. It identified Andrew Blaque as a Senior Investigative Technician of the CSS with clearance way above that of Jordan.

  “It’s genuine,” said Jordan. He turned to Blaque, “I still feel a little slighted that I was not made aware of your identity when you came onboard but when I think about it, it makes sense.”

  So much for my theory that Blaque is a Kaedian, thought Kris, but I might as well confirm it. “I take it you believe there is more to this mystery,” he said.

  “It would seem we have all come to the same conclusion,” said Blaque. “Why don’t we combine forces and see what we come up with.”

  “Fine with me,” said Jordan. “Let’s go over this place very carefully.” They divided up the quarters; Kris took the bathroom and galley kitchen, Andrew the bedroom leaving Jordan to check out the living room. Within minutes Kris called them into the kitchen. He had found something about the size of a thumbnail hidden behind the light globe in the kitchen. As Blaque entered the kitchen, Kris accidently bumped into him spilling a cup of water onto Blaques hand. As he apologized, Blaque reached for a towel and dried his hand. Kris smiled as he saw there was no reaction and Blaque had not been burned. Kris placed the small object on the kitchen table. Jordan peeled off a soft resin like substance to reveal a miniature data plate. Jordan then inserted it into his reader, read it then passed it over to Blaque.


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