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'Til the End of Time

Page 11

by Sabra Brown Steinsiek

  “We’ll have to notify the embassy. They’ll have questions. We’ll have to notify your family.”

  Laura stood and despite her frail appearance her voice was firm. “Notify the embassy. They can talk to me until tomorrow morning, but I am leaving with my daughter. They can make sure I get a ticket.” Turning to Betta she continued, “We won’t notify your father tonight. Not until I’m home safely. God forbid that something should happen, but I will not have him face my loss again.”

  She was so sure, so calm, that no one had any answers. So Jim, with Toby trailing along to take pictures, took them to the embassy.

  * * *

  “Mr. Ambassador, you cannot announce my return until I am safely away from here. I don’t know if my escape was a fluke or if it was engineered to make my death noticeable. The fewer people who know and the faster I leave, the safer I am. I will be more than happy to let you announce my return to the world once I am safely home. I’ll cooperate fully with the authorities in New York and give them what little information I have. But nothing will happen until I am home.”

  The Ambassador had to admit she was right. Laura had given them very little information about her captors and he couldn’t be positive her theories weren’t right. The longer she stayed in country, the more she was at risk.

  “Let me see what I can do, Mrs. Morgan, Mrs. Flynn. I’ve had a room prepared for you and have ordered a meal for you. My aide will show you to your room and I’ll come up as soon as I have something to tell you.”

  “Do I have your word that you will not announce this?” Laura asked.

  “You do, madam. You are safe here.”

  “Thank you,” Laura said as she stood. She swayed a little as she came to her feet and Betta rushed to support her. “I’m all right, darling. Just tired. It’s been quite a day.”

  She took the aide’s arm as Betta picked up the sleeping child from the sofa. As they left the room, the Ambassador reached for the phone. There were arrangements to be made and made quickly.

  * * *

  Once in their room, with Rhen tucked safely into bed, Betta encouraged Laura to take a hot bath and change into the clothes the Ambassador’s wife had generously offered. By the time she was done, a simple meal had arrived.

  “This tastes wonderful,” Laura said as she took a spoonful of soup. “I was so tired of the local food. I wanted Abuelita’s green chile and Rosina’s lasagna.”

  Betta let her eat her fill, little as it turned out to be, before she questioned her. “Mom? Are you all right? Did they…hurt you?”

  “No, I was treated well. I missed you girls and your father terribly. I don’t want to talk about what happened. I want to hear everything about all of you. How is Taylor?”

  “Not a whole lot better than you are. He was devastated. If it wasn’t for having Annie to care for, I think he would have given up. It was almost as hard for Abuelita and Abuelo. She didn’t handle it at all well. Annie is the strongest of us, I think. She misses you terribly and she’s been trying to take care of Taylor. Meg and I have tried but we just aren’t you.”

  “What about Chris? I was told he was hurt but not how badly.”

  “He was lucky. His shoulder and arm were broken but he’s mending well.”

  “And Rhen?”

  “We fell in love with her, Mom. You know how we’ve wanted to have children, but it just isn’t happening. When I came for Chris, I fell in love with Rhen.”

  They were interrupted by a knock on the door. The Ambassador and his wife came into the room. “I’ve made arrangements for you to leave in an hour,” he said. “You’ll fly to Germany, then to New York. You’ll be home in time for Christmas.”

  “Christmas…home…what wonderful words,” Laura said. “Thank you for arranging it.”

  “It’s the least I can do, Mrs. Morgan. I hope when you are safe, and feel like talking, you will share your story with us.”

  “I will. Thank you for understanding.”

  “The car will be here in forty-five minutes. We’ll be back to get you then.”

  * * *

  When the plane lifted from the ground, it was as if whatever strength Laura had been drawing on was gone. Betta saw her face pale and noticed the lines of exhaustion around her eyes. “You should sleep, Mom. It’s a long trip.”

  Laura smiled at her. “Too long, but at least it’s in the right direction. Thank you, Betta.”

  “For what?”

  “For being here to take me home,” she said as her eyes fluttered shut into a long overdue truly restful sleep. She was safe and on her way home. The nightmare was over.

  * * *

  Returning home that night, “Ishmael” called for Laura to be brought to him. A great cry went up when it was discovered Laura was gone and Amala, seemingly, injured. When he rushed to her quarters, he found her white and quiet on the bed as people swarmed around her.

  “Leave us,” he said and the room quickly cleared.

  Sitting beside her on the bed, he took her hand. Amala opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Hvala,” she said. “Thank you.”

  * * *

  The word traveled quickly and the man who had brought the American to him called on “Ishmael”.

  “She is gone?

  “Yes,” he said. “She overpowered my wife this afternoon and escaped. We are looking for her…she was too weak to get far on foot.”

  The search continued until word came from an operative in the city. The red-haired American had made it to the Embassy. She was lost to them forever.

  Chapter 34

  Taylor and Annie spent Christmas Eve at Meg and Jamie’s house in order to be there when eight-year-old Kat discovered what Santa had brought. She ran in to Taylor’s room just past six to wake him. “Come on, Grandfather! Come see!” Taylor sleepily followed her to the living room where a huge tree held pride of place. Jamie and Meg, already wakened by their daughter, were waiting there.

  Meg kissed her father and handed him a cup of coffee as her daughter darted off to wake Annie. “Morning, Dad.”

  “Is it?” he asked. “Morning usually has sunshine, or at least isn’t pitch black outside.”

  Jamie groaned. “You’re right about that, Taylor. What is it about Christmas that has the wee ones waking at the crack of dawn when every other morning it’s a struggle to get them up?”

  Taylor was saved from answering as Kat flew back into the room followed by her very sleepy aunt. “Morning, Princess,” Taylor said with a kiss on her forehead. “How come you’re not excited to see what Santa brought?”

  Annie simply gave him a look, accepted a cup of hot chocolate from Meg, and curled up in a chair by the tree. It was too early in the morning to talk.

  Kat exclaimed over the beautiful ice skates and plundered her stocking while the adults finished waking up. By the time she had finished, they were ready for the main event—the opening of presents! As the youngest, Kat played Santa, handing out the gifts one at a time and watching with delight as each was opened.

  Taylor hid it well but his heart was not in the festivities. He would rather have been anywhere but here trying to celebrate. There was nothing worth celebrating in his life this year. But the show must go on and he managed to make the appropriate responses.

  * * *

  When they arrived in New York just after ten on Christmas morning, a car was waiting to meet them. Betta used her cell phone to call Chris and tell him to meet them at Meg’s, then she called Meg to let her know they were on their way. As far as they both knew, she was bringing Rhen, and only Rhen, home for Christmas.

  * * *

  Rosina arrived with her arms full of packages and food as the phone rang and Meg ran to answer it. Jamie and Taylor helped her carry the food into the kitchen while Kat placed the packages under the tree.

  “That was Betta,” Meg said as
she returned to the living room after answering the phone. “She and Jamie will be over soon.”

  She took a seat on the arm of Taylor’s chair and leaned her cheek against the top of his head. They watched in silence as Kat showed Rosina her new treasures. “How are you doing, Dad?” she asked quietly.

  “I’m holding up. How about you?”

  “I miss her. Having a child in the house helps because we have to celebrate for her, but I still feel like something important is missing.”

  Taylor squeezed her hand. “Me, too, Meg. Thanks for having Christmas here. I don’t think I could have handled it at the apartment.”

  “I know. If you want to leave early after dinner, I’ll keep Annie distracted.”

  “We’ll see,” he said. “Maybe after we call your grandparents.”

  * * *

  As the car pulled up in front of Meg’s house, Laura began to hyperventilate. What if everything had changed? Life had gone on without her. What if she didn’t fit in anymore? Panic filled her eyes as she looked at Betta.

  “It’s all right, Mom. Nothing’s changed.” She kissed Laura’s cheek. “Trust me, you’re going to be the best Christmas present any of us get.”

  A cab pulled up behind them and Betta realized that Chris had arrived. “Stay here for a minute, Mom. Let me get Chris and Rhen inside, then you go on in to Meg’s office. I’ll get Dad down there to you.”

  Laura nodded and blinked back tears. Taylor. Betta understood that, as much as she loved all of them, Taylor was the one she needed right now.

  Quickly she whispered to Rhen that Grandma Laura was a surprise and to not say anything. She and the little girl scooted out of the car just as Chris emerged from the cab. He broke out in a grin as he turned to them. “Perfect timing,” he said with delight. “Welcome home!” He kneeled down and with his good arm picked up the little girl and kissed her then turned to his wife. “I didn’t know it was possible to be this happy,” he said as he kissed her. “Are you ready for the big surprise?”

  If you only knew. She smiled and nodded. If you only knew.

  * * *

  Laura watched the reunion of her daughter and son-in-law and the birth of a new family as Rhen was carried up the steps on her new father’s arm. They were so perfect together. She said a little prayer for their happiness then got out of the car and climbed the steps. Letting herself into the familiar foyer, she tried to calm her breathing and pounding heart. Once in Meg’s office, she turned to the window to look at the familiar street while she waited for her life to begin again.

  * * *

  When the door opened, everyone stood up to greet Betta and Chris. But only Betta stood there.

  “Where’s Chris?” Jamie asked.

  “Right behind me,” Betta said as she pulled off her gloves. “We have a special present he’s bringing in.”

  “What is it?” Kat said, bouncing up and down in excitement.

  “It’s Rhen,” Chris said, stepping into the room with his new daughter. “Betta’s just back from fetching her from Bosnia. She’s come to live with us.”

  There was a moment’s stunned silence then everyone began speaking at once. Kat was thrilled to have another little girl in the family and Jamie pounded Chris on the back as the sisters embraced.

  “She’s beautiful, Betta,” Meg whispered, her eyes filled with tears. She knew how much her sister had longed for a child and now it had happened. “She looks like you.”

  Taylor hung back a little, surprised by the news. This was the little girl that Laura had loved. How happy she would have been to welcome the child. It was so unfair that she wasn’t here to see it.

  Pasting on a smile, he came forward and hugged Betta. “Congratulations, you sly thing. How long have you known?”

  “Just a few days. I went to get her.”


  “Yes. And I’m home safely so you’ll just have to save the lecture for another time.”

  “I’m happy for you, Betta,” he said, watching as Kat took charge of the younger child. “I wish you every happiness.”

  “Thanks, Taylor. Could you come down and help me with the packages? Chris couldn’t handle Rhen and me and the presents.”

  “Sure,” he said, glad of a moment’s respite from the joy around him. He needed to regroup before he greeted his newest granddaughter.

  At the bottom of the stairs, he looked around for the packages. “Where are they, Betta?”

  “In Meg’s office,” she said. “I’m going to run back up. You can handle this.”

  Before he could protest, she was gone. Shaking his head, he opened the office door.

  * * *

  Laura had heard their voices and she turned as the door opened, her heart in her throat and her knees shaking.

  Taylor came into the dim office and switched on the light. He froze when he saw the figure standing by the window. The ghost of Christmas past? Or a hallucination brought on by his wanting her?

  Then he heard a quiet “Taylor” in a long-missed voice. “It’s me. I’m home.”

  He opened his arms as she came into them. “I’m home, Taylor. I’m home.” His tears rained down on her head as he held her again. If this is a dream, please let me never wake up.

  * * *

  Upstairs, Meg looked around for Taylor as Betta came back in, closing the door behind her. When she raised her eyebrows in question, Betta gestured she should come to the kitchen where Rosina was working and took Annie by the hand to bring her along.

  “What is it, Betta? Where’s Taylor? Don’t tell me he’s gone.”

  “No, he’s here—down in your office right now.”

  “What’s he doing there?”

  “Sit down, all of you. I have something to tell you.”

  Jamie heard them scream and rushed to the kitchen to see what was wrong. He found the sisters crying in each other’s arms.

  “Meg? What is it? Are ye hurt, lass?”

  She could only shake her head and smile through her tears.

  “Nothing’s wrong, Jamie. Everything’s right. Let’s go in the other room and I’ll tell you all about a Christmas miracle.”

  * * *

  Taylor finally stepped back and took her face in his hands. “It’s you. It’s really you.”

  “It’s me. I can’t believe you’re you and you’re here and I’m here and we’re together.”

  “How? They told me you were dead,” he said, his voice breaking.

  “They were wrong. It’s a long story and I’ll tell it to all of you. Right now it doesn’t matter, does it?”

  “No, it doesn’t. I don’t care, as long as you’re here. God, I missed you, Laura. I wanted to die with you.”

  “I’m so glad you didn’t,” she said through her tears. “Please kiss me awake, so I know this isn’t a dream.”

  Gently, he placed his lips on hers and tasted again the unique flavor that was Laura. She held on to him as if to never let him go and he deepened the kiss as he felt the shattered pieces of his world mending around him.

  Chapter 35

  As Betta fielded everyone’s questions, Annie quietly slipped out of the room and ran downstairs to Meg’s office. The door was closed and there was no noise. Please, let it be true. She prayed silently as she opened the door.

  At the sound, Taylor and Laura broke their embrace and turned to see their youngest daughter standing tentatively in the doorway. Laura opened her arms and cried, “Annie!” and the girl rushed into the embrace.

  Watching them, Taylor could only smile. The impossible had happened. Laura was alive and their family was complete once again.

  Laura brushed Annie’s hair back from her face. “You’ve grown so, Annie. You’re not the little girl I kept remembering.”

  “No, Mom, I am that little girl. The one you taught to wish on
stars and dandelions, to believe that the impossible would happen and it has, it has. You’re really here.” Tears clogged Annie’s voice and streamed down her face as she held her mother’s hands. Laura pulled her back into her arms and met Taylor’s eyes over Annie’s head. Still smiling, he stepped forward and held them both.

  * * *

  Upstairs, it was chaos. Betta and Meg were both in tears as their husbands sat in stunned silence. The little girls watched quietly, unsure if this was a happy day or a sad one. Kat knew that her grandmother had died and gone to be an angel and that she couldn’t come back. Rhen could only see her beloved Betta was hurting and she finally rushed to her and touched the tears, “Do not cry, Mama, do not cry!”

  “Oh, Rhen, this must be so confusing for you. These are good tears, my angel. I am so happy to be here with you and have your Grandma Laura safely home with us.”

  Meg reached out and took Kat’s hand. “Come here, sweetheart. Do you understand what’s happening?”

  Solemnly she shook her head.

  “Remember that we told you Gran had gone to heaven? The people who told us that were wrong. Some bad people had taken her and were hiding her from us. She wasn’t in heaven at all, and now she’s home.”

  With the quiet faith of a loved child, Kat accepted the news. All that mattered to her was that Gran wasn’t gone.

  “Can I see her?”

  “Soon,” her mother said as she hugged her. “Let’s send Annie down to get her.”

  When they looked around, they realized Annie was gone. “She must have left already,” Meg said. “That means they’ll be here soon.”

  * * *

  Taylor didn’t know how much time had passed. It seemed but a moment and forever at the same time. Stepping back from their circle, he said, “The others will be wondering where we are. We should go up. Are you up to it, darling?” he asked, worry filling his eyes. Laura looked so frail he was almost afraid the welcoming embraces would break her.

  “Taylor, there’s nothing that could keep me from that. Let’s go.” Taking Annie by the hand and trailed by Taylor, she went up the stairs.


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