Book Read Free

Alba Rosa

Page 7

by Alexander Wolfheze

  (2) Technological transhumanism is a much less known, but potentially equally serious threat. In the same way that global climate change constitutes an existential threat to the natural habitat of the European peoples, technological transhumanism constitutes an existential threat to their natural essence. The technological developments that stem from the materialist functionalism of Modernity are already pushing humanity across the threshold of a transhumanist future. Eugenic and reprogenetic technology is already a fact of life and moving in the direction of an ‘algenetic’ (alchemic-genetic) manipulation of basic biological characteristics such as phenotype, gender and intelligence. Scientific revolutions in cybernetics and bioinformatics are already creating biotechnological applications and artificial intelligence. Systematic studies of parapsychology and controlled experiments in psychotronics are already advancing ‘scientific occultism’. Alarming artistic reflections of transhumanist developments are already commonplace in popular culture (Luc Besson’s Lucy, 2014; Matthew Santoro’s Higher Power, 2018). In combination with the escalating Cultural Nihilist deconstruction of all Traditional forms of human identity (ethnicity, gender, age) these developments are opening the apocalyptic perspective of a technological realization of the ideological projects (‘postgenderism’, ‘posthumanism’) and the narcissist ‘alternative realities’ (‘ego-extension’, ‘ego-theism’) of Postmodern Cultural Nihilism.

  The uncontrolled development of transhumanist technologies under the Cultural Nihilist regime of the New World Order poses an existential threat in the most fundamental and essential sense of the word. This threat is most acute for the European peoples because these peoples are the primary target of the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite and because, as a whole, they are most directly exposed to modern technologies. The creation of a regulating framework for these technologies is, therefore, a basic task for an alternative Eurasian order. From a Traditionalist perspective, however, a Eurasian technostrategy needs to do more than impose negatively phrased regulating frameworks: it also needs to pursue positively phrased policy aims. The incorporation of the holistic vision of Traditionalism would provide a Eurasian technostrategy with guidelines for research and experiment: such guidelines guarantee respect for basic notions of human dignity and for Creation as a whole. Such respect will always be lacking within a framework of secular materialism: under the continued regime of the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite it is as good as certain that megalomaniac ‘sorcerer’s apprentices’ will eventually abuse modern technology.

  (3) Ethnic replacement presently constitutes the acutest threat to Western civilization: even if the human race as a whole survives global climate change and technological transhumanism, then ethnic replacement will still mean that the European peoples will not be among the survivors. Ethnic replacement — destruction of the European peoples and the creation of a new ‘Eurasian-Negroid race of the future’ (von Koudenhove-Kalergi)  — is the real aim of the Helter Skelter 2.0 project of the Cultural Nihilist hostile elite. Its underlying logic is as clear as it is ruthless. The European peoples have proven to be historically incompatible with Modernity, as it is defined by Cultural Nihilism: this is why they have to be mixed with and replaced by more malleable — less intellectual, less demanding, less self-conscious — slave peoples. The European peoples are demographically infertile under totalitarian dictatorship, they are economically unproductive in urban-hedonist stasis and they are politically unreliable in debt slavery. To the extent that the thoroughly beaten and deeply indoctrinated Western survivors of the 20th century wars of annihilation and totalitarian experiments accept their fate — to the extent that they abolish themselves, mix themselves with mass-imported colonists or disappear in societal marginality — their diminishing presence may still be tolerated. From a Social Darwinist perspective, their future is logically predictable: it is a future of ecological marginalization and biological extinction. From this perspective such future is, in fact, an ‘evolutionary necessity’: the ‘failed’ aberrations of the human race are being replaced by ‘better adapted’ varieties. With some luck, in the future the last remnants of the Western peoples may still be tolerated, much as the American Natives and the Australian Aborigines of today are still tolerated as shrinking cultural curiosities in remote reservations and slums, occasionally visited by a lost tourist or a bored anthropologist. It is much more likely, however, that the last remnants of the European peoples will be finished off by impatient and vengeful ex-colonial invaders from the Third World. Perhaps brave men may still hope for a heroic death, but there will be no Sparta to hear of their Thermopylae. But for beautiful girls there is no such hope: they will have to fully endure the sadistic revenge fantasies of the invaders. The ‘grooming gangs’ that flourish in the legal void of present-day ex-England are merely modest trial-runs for what history has in store for post-feminist European womanhood.

  It is ironic that the ‘best’ ethnic replacement scenario is actually the ‘Islamic scenario’. In spite of the loudly voiced concerns of Western nationalists and populists, the Islamic scenario at least allows the European peoples the opportunity of physical survival. Mass conversion to Islam — politically opportune or otherwise — at least offers the perspective of biological survival within a basic structure of social order. To be sure, the European survivors will experience life under a totalitarian theocracy, sustained by primitive collectivism, judicial cruelty and cultural levelling as a great setback in terms of civilization, but at least their physical continuation will still be an option. Much more drastic than the ‘Islamic scenario’ is what may be termed the ‘African scenario’. A non-Islamic Umvolkung scenario is much less attractive, because it will lack all structure. In such a scenario the last Western peoples — islands of indigenous shipwrecked castaways in a sea of abject barbarity — will have to survive in an ‘Africanized’ Europe. Because most Western people would not survive a year of ‘going native’ in Kinshasa or downtown Johannesburg, it is necessary to briefly explain the words ‘abject barbarity’. In the ‘African scenario’, the economy will founder in falling productivity, institutional corruption and unbridled nepotism. Infrastructure will crumble under demographic overload, technological incompetency and political disinterest. Public order will be crushed under failing law enforcement, ethnic violence and judicial chaos. In this scenario, ‘political power’ is a contradictio in terminis: every pretended governmental authority will have to bend to the reality of hyper-democratic idiocracy. Government officials will mobilize the hunger and resentment of the demographic majority against ‘colour privilege’, a ‘privilege’ that is inevitable due to well-established ethnic differentials in labour ethics, social structure and resource planning. The mass killing of the Belgian population in Lumumba’s Congo, the legalized expropriation of the British population in Mugabe’s Zimbabwe and the politically tolerated genocide of the Afrikaner population in Zuma’s South Africa are only a foretaste of what awaits the European peoples in an ‘African scenario’. Before Europe lets itself be colonized by Africa it would be useful for Europeans to inform themselves about the sadistic and bestial perversions that surrounded the much-lauded ‘decolonization’ of Africa. Perhaps the most frightening answer to the question of why young people in the West are not informed about these historical realities is that the malignant-narcissist hostile elite of the baby boomer generation actually — consciously or unconsciously — wishes to subject their children and grandchildren to these perversions and bestialities.

  Halting and reversing the ethnic replacement must have high priority in the creation of an alternative Eurasian world order. The speed at which the Western peoples of the Atlantic littoral are being replaced is now so high that only a few decennia remain before these peoples will be minorities in their home nations. As long as the Cultural Nihilist ideology of the thalassocratic-Atlantic New World Order dominates public discourse throughout the West, any effective resistance against ethnic replaceme
nt is impossible. As long as the ‘populist’ and ‘libertarian’ patriotic resistance does not break with the political correctness discursive ‘frame’, and as long as they do not reject the hyper-democratic institutional ‘frame’, they are doomed to failure. Within the present parameters — the political practice of parliamentary democracy, the debate culture of the media cartel, the ideology of hyper-democracy — all attempts at a substantial reform of immigration policy will be futile. The ‘long march through the institutions’ is only suitable for Maoist ‘fellow travellers’: it corrupts, trivializes and vulgarizes. The only exit from this deadlock is a metapolitical revolution that deconstructs the Cultural Nihilist discourse and delegitimizes the Cultural Nihilist institutions. This implies a top-down revolution, inspired by higher authority and expressed in higher identity. A Traditionalist Eurasianism can offer both: it can offer the higher authority of authentic charisma as well as the higher identity of authentic community. In concrete terms, these are: auctoritas based on a historical Ausnahmezustand and Volksgemeinschaft based on historical affiliation. A Traditionalist Eurasianist project must be aimed at a metapolitical revolution that re-introduces these notions of authority and community.

  (4) Even if the threats of global climate change, technological transhumanism and ethnic replacement can be averted, then still the European peoples face a fourth existential threat, viz. social implosion. Cultural Nihilism, with its poisonous combination of militant secularism, neo-liberal Darwinism and culture relativism, has a fatal effect on all authentic forms of religious, ethnic, social and cultural identity. The ‘deconstruction’ of these identities feeds the deluge of militant atheism, self-defeating oikophobia, atomizing anomie and collective narcissism that is rolling over the Western world. The visible increase of social chaos is simply the outer reflection of an invisible inner crisis of de-personification. The advance of social chaos may be greatest in America, which is the ‘guiding light’ of Western Modernity, but its symptoms are already visible throughout the entire West: hyper-democratic anarchy, ochlocratic mismanagement and idiocratic barbarism increasingly dominate the entire public space. The systematic deconstruction of all authentic forms of personal identity is externally institutionalized in matriarchic hyper-democracy, anti-nationalist legislation and xenophile ‘affirmative action’. Internally it is realized through subconscious conditioning (‘modern child rearing’), internalized cognitive dissonance (‘modern education’) and targeted subliminal manipulation (‘modern media’). The result is a self-reinforcing cycle of collective degeneration and individual psychopathology — the logical endpoint of this dynamic is social implosion. In the final analysis, it is this social pathology that is responsible for the existential threats of climate catastrophe, technological transhumanism and ethnic replacement. A healthy social organism does not destroy its own ecological niche, it does not experiment on its own vital organs and it does not tolerate parasitical hostile take-overs. From a Traditionalist perspective, the coming of Hellstorm 2.0 is a necessary evil: the ultimate test of Western civilization has the meta-historical meaning of a purification of the Western peoples. Perverted Cultural Nihilism and degenerate Modernity must die in the collective mind of the West before the heart of the European peoples can start to beat again. This purification demands nothing less than their spiritual re-birth. In this test, no exertion can be too demanding and no sacrifice can be too great. An essential teaching of the Western Tradition is the mors triumphalis: it stipulates that all those who commit themselves to the ultimate battle are certain of victory. A Traditionalist Eurasianism will have to practice this teaching.

  A Traditionalist Europeanism will be able to direct the European peoples in the approaching inner struggle. At the heart of Traditionalism lies the Sophia Perennis and this Eternal Knowledge contains an irrepressible creative force: it is the power that lets the blind man again see the glorious dawn, that lets the crippled man rise again in youthful vigour, that re-ignites cold ashes into all-consuming fire. Thus, Traditionalist Eurasianism can lead the European people through Hellstorm 2.0 and guide them towards an unexpected resurrection. Provided it is led by a worthy Katechon and guided by Traditionalist values, Eurasianism has the power to resurrect authentic forms of identity in the European peoples: faith, ethnicity, estate, gender and vocation. This ability to reawaken the Western Tradition, still deeply buried under thick layers of theoretical treatises, political analyses and public debates, is of inestimable value. This secret fire, still smouldering deep in the bosom of time, has the power to burn down the entire titanic project of Cultural Nihilistic Modernity.

  9. Across the Threshold of History

  aut viam inveniam, aut faciam

  In the face of the Four Political Realities of Hellstorm 2.0, young Western people cannot be altogether blamed for massively opting for escapism. But the remarkable lack of ‘communal engagement’ among post-baby-boomers is essentially due to the great fire sale of all forms of community and identity by the baby boomers: the criticism of the post-baby-boomers by the baby boomers is nothing more than a transparent outward projection of unsolvable inward guilt. Silently, the baby boomers are counting on the continued societal disengagement of the post-baby-boomers: such disengagement is an absolute precondition for the continued existence of the Cultural Nihilist New World Order. The Postmodern Western world is therefore fully geared to the propagation of escapism: except for the classic recipe of cognitive dissonance, nihilist materialism and soulless hedonism, there is now also a more accessible alternative: the virtual reality fantasy world of social media, gaming and infotainment. From a cultural-historical perspective these escapist facilities, plus a minimal level of material well-being, may be understood as a necessary ‘bribe’.

  The imminent self-abolishment of the historical ethnic communities of the West is a logical consequence of the baby boomers’ collective conversion to Cultural Nihilism, but the self-abolishing process can only be fully completed after the biological end of the baby boomers themselves. From a bio-evolutionary (ethnic, cultural-adaptive) perspective the baby boomers are still a product of the historical ethnic communities of the West and as long as they are alive the main pillars of these communities need to be kept standing. Only after the biological end of the baby boomers can these pillars be finally discarded: nation-state, social hierarchy, church, academy, family. Until that time, a process of gradual reduction is necessary for the tactful and silent accomplishment of its ultimate aim. Until the final hour, the post-baby-boomers will be co-opted through a carefully calibrated combination of institutional pressure, intellectual deception and individual bribery. Thus, a significant number of post-baby-boomers have taken on the role of a Sonderkommando: they are assisting in the sui-genocidal process in return for a short respite and some small comfort. Thus, they are made to look away from the smoking chimneys, whose fires are fed with the shrinking remnants of Western civilization. This ‘banality of evil’ is a universal phenomenon: absolute evil is imperceptibly transformed into a daily routine. In all young people, conditioned in collective cognitive dissonance and adjusted to the ‘inner exile’ of escapism, the economic pressure of the ‘labour market’, the social pressure of ‘political correctness’ and the psychological pressure of the ‘biological clock’ eventually complete the process. After some years of social conformity not only the energy and beauty of youth fade, but also the instinct and integrity of youth; after a few years the youthful certainty that ‘something is not right’ is inevitably lost among the many compromises by which one disqualifies himself mentally and morally.

  But young Western people should not entertain any illusion about the final destination of the self-abolishment project: the full menu of ‘palliative care’ will remain the exclusive preserve of the baby boomers. When the last baby boomer millionaire is finally disconnected from his respirator by his latest-import private nurse, the economic cake will be eaten. When the last baby boomer feminist leader finally hands over the keys of her
ministerial safe to the first available ethnic replacement, the political farce ends. When the last baby boomer editor-in-chief finally turns off the light in the offices of the Lügenpresse, the last lights of Western civilization will be extinguished forever with it. Then, finally, the Betrayal of the West will sink in — but then it will be too late.


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