Book Read Free

Famous by Association

Page 15

by Harper, Leddy

  And that was exactly what I did.

  The table hadn’t even been cleared before I pushed my chair back and stood. “Dinner was amazing, Jeannine. Thank you again. Really. I had a fabulous time with you ladies tonight.”

  “You’re leaving already?” Nicole asked, sounding almost disappointed.

  Out of all the women, I felt sorry for Nicole the most. She truly was a sweet woman, always doing what she could to help me while I adjusted to having cameras follow me around all day. If she sensed even an ounce of my anxiety, she’d quickly whisper a tip or trick into my ear, which would instantly calm me down. I felt sorry for her because I knew how Tiff would treat her when she returned to her own life and I went home. Honestly, none of these ladies deserved the intense whiplash they would get when having to deal with the real Tiffany Lewis.

  Well, except for Serenity. She didn’t get my sympathy.

  She not only deserved it, but I had a feeling she could handle her own.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, but I have to get going.”

  “Oh, why?” half the table whined.

  I hadn’t thought ahead, not expecting anyone to actually ask for my motivation for leaving a dinner party that I’d been at for the last almost four hours. So I said the first thing I could think of. “I have IBS, so I have to get home before I ruin everyone’s night.”

  At least no one tried to convince me to stay longer.

  * * *

  “You’re kidding, right?” Jacoby’s face had turned red from laughing so hard.

  After the driver dropped me off at home, I’d walked straight to the back of the house and out through the French doors. The only thing I did between the front door and the back was toss my purse and heels—that I’d taken off in the car—onto the couch. With bare feet, I held the hem of the dress off the grass and headed straight to Jacoby’s pool house.

  Considering I hadn’t informed him that I was on my way over, I expected him to be surprised to see me. What I hadn’t expected was the excitement that danced in his eyes and consumed his massive grin. That sight alone was enough to eradicate all the stress that had built up in my chest throughout the night. But it was his teasing nature, laughing at my retelling of the evening, that made it all seem so trivial.

  I hung my head forward and smiled to myself. “I wish I was, but I’m not.”

  “I know you said you’d tell them that, but I didn’t think you’d actually do it. At the dinner table, no less. Irritable bowel syndrome? Seriously?” He was beyond amused by this.

  Most women would’ve been embarrassed on some level, but I wasn’t. A little scared to hear what all was said after I’d left Jeannine’s, but that was about it. At the end of the day, it wasn’t the worst thing I’d ever said in front of a group of people, although it was the first time it’d end up on TV. Then again, maybe that’s why I hadn’t been humiliated by it—the entire world would think it was Tiffany who had said it.

  “What else was I supposed to say? They were all asking me why I had to leave, and I certainly couldn’t tell them that it was because I wanted to hang out with my neighbor and play video games while drinking beer. I’m sure that would be more scandalous than Tiffany being unable to control her bowel movements.”

  “They think Adam is traveling, right? Couldn’t you have just said you needed to get home to video chat with him?”

  I glared at Jacoby and blinked slowly, letting my expression speak for me. “You know…it’s not nice to offer such excellent ideas after the fact. If it’s too late to do anything about it, it’s best to keep your suggestions to yourself, no matter how good they are.”

  “You’re absolutely right. My bad.” He struggled to bite back the grin that tugged at the corners of his lips. “Now that I think about it, using IBS was a genius move. No one would be crazy enough to make something like that up, which means no one would question it. Nice work, Tasha. Way to think on your feet.”

  Jacoby could read me like a book. He knew when I was teasing and when I was serious. Without me having to say anything, he could tell if I needed his silent support or gentle prodding to open up about whatever might have plagued me. And aside from the massive misunderstanding when I’d kissed him for the very first time, he’d never shown any judgment toward me. Not only did he treat me with such immense respect, but he made it look easy.

  Aside from Dave, he was the only person who’d ever treated me that way.

  “I’m glad you’re finally seeing things my way.” I made a big show of winking at him, really owning the role of comedic relief. One of the things I loved about being around Jacoby was how easy it was to be myself. I didn’t have to pretend with him.

  He really was a lot like Dave—except straight.

  And very sexually appealing to me.

  “Now that we’ve got that out of the way, are you ready to get schooled on this game?”

  For the first time since knocking on his door, I was aware of my attire. “I’d love to, but this dress isn’t the most comfortable. Not to mention, I still need to wash off all this makeup and take my hair down.”

  “That’s fine…let me get you a T-shirt.” He stood and pointed to the bathroom, adding, “There are clean washcloths beneath the sink and a bar of facial soap in the holder. Help yourself.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. Don’t worry about it. I can just run home and change really fast.”

  He stopped mid-step and studied my face for a moment, as if searching my eyes for something. Either that, or maybe he was pleading with them. “Do you need to go home, or do you just want to?”

  I opened and closed my mouth several times, unsure of how to answer before settling with, “Well, I mean, that’s where my clothes are. I don’t want to give you more to wash by using one of your shirts and a clean face cloth.”

  “If you’d be more comfortable doing all that at your house, I’m completely fine with it. I just didn’t want you going all the way over there and back in the dark if you don’t need to. With the amount of dirty laundry I have after a week of working in yards, an extra T-shirt and washcloth are seriously nothing.”

  I thought about it for a moment, really weighing my options. He had a point about it being dark, and I was already here. Everything I would do there could be done here without all the time wasted coming and going. Finally, I conceded with a sigh. “Yeah, okay…fine. Go get me that shirt. Preferably the biggest one you have.” That was all I could get out before he disappeared into his room, his laughter leaving a trail behind him.

  Even though I had requested the biggest shirt he owned, I doubted that was what he gave me. And I had a feeling that he’d done that on purpose. It barely covered my backside, and thanks to the thong I had to wear with that form-fitting dress tonight, Jacoby would get a full moon every time I got up or sat down.

  I had hesitated after slipping it over my head, unsure if I was prepared to expose that much of myself to him so soon. Sure, two weeks ago, I was straddling his lap and grinding myself against his impressive erection. And a few days after that, he’d crawled between my legs while I was on the phone with Ty. Granted, clothes were never removed, and neither occurrence had ended with the deed being done. Since then, though, the furthest we’d gone was a bit of intense kissing and some innocent—yet sexy—groping here and there. Walking out with my behind on full display would definitely move things up a notch.

  What I’d told Dave earlier about making sure of things before taking the next step was just as true now as it was then. I genuinely believed that Jacoby was different, so my hesitation wasn’t because I thought he’d hit it and quit it. It was to protect myself from the heartbreak that could come when my time here was up. Considering the feelings I’d already developed for him after only five weeks, becoming intimate too soon would surely lead to my complete devastation. And while I was certain of my decision to feel things out a bit more, I knew that would go straight out the window the second he touched me.

  Jacoby could turn an atheist into a believer.
  With one touch, they’d be singing “Hallelujah” and praising Jesus.

  I finished washing my face and then dried it off with the towel he had hanging next to the shower. The thought of that same towel being wrapped around his wet, naked body wasn’t lost on me. In fact, I found it to be a rather appealing visual as I removed all the bobby pins from my hair before tying it up in a messy bun.

  Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought once more about the risk of prancing around his place with my rear hanging out. I quickly ran through the pros and cons, as well as everything I’d discussed with Dave earlier today.

  With my eyes closed, I took a deep breath and made up my mind.



  I definitely didn’t think it through before grabbing a shirt for Tasha.

  I’d picked one that I assumed would’ve been long enough for her, but it clearly wasn’t. Part of me rejoiced at the sight of her as she came out of the bathroom, but another part of me felt like I had set myself up for a night of blue balls. Although, I’d bear almost anything to spend an evening with Tasha. And that scared the hell out of me.

  What shocked me the most was the confidence in her smile when she strode into the living room and said, “Why do I have the feeling you did this on purpose?” It was enough to calm the entire situation—well, everything except my pants—enough to keep it from being awkward.

  “I swear, I didn’t.” I would’ve held up my hands to emphasize my statement, but I needed to keep them in my lap if I didn’t want her to doubt me.

  After setting her dress on a small table in the corner, she came to join me on the couch. Keeping everything covered didn’t stop her from being the sexiest woman I’d ever seen. There was just something about her modesty mingled with sex appeal that did something for me. I’d never seen anything quite like it.

  “If I’m going to wear this, then I think we need to talk about something.”

  For some reason, her words had my stomach tied in knots, but I didn’t let that interfere with whatever she had to say. So I nodded and managed an audible, “Okay.”

  “I know we’ve had a few moments…” Tasha jerked her head toward the window, gesturing to her house. It wasn’t completely clear what she was trying to say, but I assumed it had to do with the intense moments in her living room where either she’d straddled me, or I’d crawled between her legs. “But I don’t… I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to.”

  “It’s okay, Tasha.” I grabbed her hand and held eye contact. “I didn’t ask you to stay for that reason. I genuinely want to spend time with you.” And that was the God’s honest truth. It didn’t matter what we did—or didn’t do—I enjoyed being around her, which I couldn’t say for a lot of people.

  She seemed to accept that, though hesitantly, and moved on. Grabbing the controller for the gaming console, she immediately began to set up her character. We’d done this many times, yet it never got old. It was like we’d been playing against one another for years, as if this was our routine.

  What confused me the most, though, was how badly I wished for this to last.

  Ever since my life had fallen apart on the world’s stage, I’d struggled with relationships of any kind. Aside from Jessa, I had a hard time trusting people. And when my ex and I broke up, I became convinced that I was incapable of being with someone on that level. I’d sold my house and moved down here to be closer to the only family I truly had left, because I didn’t believe I deserved more. I doubted I’d ever have anything better.

  Yet here I was, genuinely wanting more with Tasha.

  It made absolutely no sense, considering I didn’t really know her. Sure, we’d talked about a lot of things, but I’d only gotten to know her in this make-believe world where she had to pretend to be someone else. I wasn’t foolish enough to think that things would be exactly like this after she went home. However, that didn’t stop me from wishing for things to stay the same with us.

  Suddenly, in the middle of the game, Tasha paused the screen and turned my way. The determination on her face had my chest constricting and my stomach in knots. I could tell that she’d had a lot on her mind since we first sat down to play—her movements in the game were sluggish, like those of an unskilled player. I knew she was better than most at almost every game we’d played together, so it didn’t make sense. And now, captive by her intense stare, I could tell she had something serious to get off her chest.

  “I think I should probably head home. I just noticed the time, and it’s getting late.”

  I glanced at the clock on the wall, noting that it was past midnight. “Why don’t you stay here tonight? It’s too late to be walking home, especially in that.”

  She dropped her chin, as if suddenly remembering what she was wearing. “I really don’t think staying here is a very good idea, Jacoby. I appreciate the offer, but I think it’s best if I just go back to the house.”

  Now, even more worried, I began to panic. “Have I done something to upset you?”

  “No, not at all.” Her eyes widened, as if worried that she’d offended me. “I promise.”

  “Then what is it? Why are you so adamant about leaving in the middle of the night?”

  She pulled in a deep breath and then let it out quickly before replying. “I know you said you understand, but I don’t think you do. I mean, I haven’t really explained anything, so how could you possibly know what I want to say?” She had a good point, so I let her continue without cutting her off like last time. “I am the queen of ruining things, and the last thing I want to do is ruin whatever we might possibly have between us.”

  I smiled, finally relaxing enough to breathe properly. As easy as it would’ve been to repeat the same mantra from before and tell her it was all right, I decided against it. It clearly hadn’t worked last time, so I figured it was best to go down a different route. “Why are you the queen of ruining things?”

  She shrugged, clearly not expecting that question. Lucky for me, she answered anyway. “I guess I’ve been burned too many times, so I’ve developed a knack for ending relationships before the other person has a chance to do it first.”

  That both confused me and caught my attention. “What do you mean? How have you been burned in the past?”

  “Well, in high school, Tiffany had a way of ruining any relationship I was in—whether she’d start a rumor that would make my boyfriend break up with me or get them to leave me for her. It was a game to her, one where I always lost. Then, after high school, guys would find out who my sister was, and that would get between us in one way or another. Really, it’s all so stupid, but after so many times, I guess you can say it’s gotten to me.”

  I could relate to her in ways she’d never know. But I could never fully tell her that without disclosing my past, and I could never do that without losing her for good. And even though I wasn’t sure how long this would last between us, I certainly didn’t want to ensure that it would be over before it truly began.

  “So what are you trying to say, Tasha? Are you pushing me away or doing what you can to prevent that from happening?”

  “The second one.” For the first time, I picked up on a hint of uncertainty. It was only brief, though. As quickly as it came on, she shook it off and smiled. “I really don’t want to mess this up, Jacoby. I mean, I don’t know what will come of it, but I at least want to find that out before ruining anything.”

  “And what makes you think you’re going to ruin anything between us?”

  “That’s just it…I have no idea. But I worry that taking things all the way would or could do just that.”

  Tasha Lewis had a way of pulling me in, unlike anyone else I’d ever met. “It’s okay, Tasha. I get it. And if it makes you feel any better, I’m totally okay with waiting, too. I’ll even sleep on the couch if it means you’ll stay.”

  She twisted her lips to the side and hummed to herself. “I don’t want to put you out like that. I would feel horrible making you sleep on the co

  “At least I’ll know you’re safe.”

  Her shoulders dropped with her heavy sigh. “Okay, fine…but I’ll sleep out here.”

  “Nope. You take the bed. I swear, Tasha, I’m not bothered with taking the couch. I fall asleep out here more times than I actually make it to the room.”

  “Whatever,” she complained with a sexy groan. “You win.”

  Most people probably wouldn’t have called that a win, but I had to agree with her. She would be staying at my place, sleeping in my bed, wearing my shirt. It didn’t matter where I slept, as long as she was here.

  “One more game and then bed?” I asked, hoping to get a little more time with her before calling it a night. And to my surprise, she agreed.

  For the first time in my life, I felt lucky. Not only had I won the bet with her and made her rub my feet—if that’s what you wanted to call it—but I’d gotten her to agree to stay in my bed for the night. And if that wasn’t enough, less than an hour after turning the lights out, she’d asked me to join her in my room.

  We’d kept to our agreement—we didn’t take things all the way.

  But that didn’t mean we didn’t hold each other all night.

  And I had to admit…it was the best night of my life.



  This was no ordinary walk of shame—it was a stride of pride.

  Although, it would’ve been a lot more comfortable if I had shoes. At least Jacoby let me wear a pair of his boxer shorts home so I didn’t have to trek through the yard with my bum hanging out.

  All I could think about was taking out these contacts that were glued to my eyeballs as I walked through the patio door—which I had inadvertently left unlocked on my way out last night. I had my dress balled up in one arm while I closed the glass door behind me, but that all changed when I glanced up. The dress went flying, landing on the intruder who stood in front of me in the living room. With it draped over his face, I saw my opportunity and took it.


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