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Simon Death High

Page 3

by Blair Burden

  “Pissing you off? I feel like smacking her across her perfect face!” Lucy snapped.

  Michael tried not to make eye contact with her, “Calm down!”

  “Sorry, I just get so mad sometimes.”

  “Really? I couldn't tell,” he joked. “Back to the club, who could she be with?

  “I'm not sure, but there was loud music in the background. Maybe she has bad service where she's at.”

  Michael began to chew on his lip. “Or maybe she just doesn't want to be bothered with us. What was so important that she had to tell us?”

  “I don't know,” Lucy lied.

  Michael jumped in fright as the thunder seemed to shake the entire house. He jumped back onto Lucy's bed and hid under her covers. “I hate to admit it, but this weather scares me. You would think I would be used to it, considering we never have summer in this town.”

  “Maybe we should go check on Linda. I don't want her choking to death from vomiting in her sleep.”

  Michael and Lucy ran to the bedroom next door. In fear, Michael turned on the lights to witness her gone. Linda’s pajamas that they had put on her were laying on the floor and there was a trail of wet drops leading downstairs caused by her hair.

  “What, she left?” Lucy gasped.

  “But, how?” Michael said. “What if someone took her?”

  “Maybe we should go find her. She is probably sleep walking again. With all the loud thunder and rain, we must didn't hear her leave.”

  Lucy hurried to put her rain boots on, while, Michael started the car downstairs. He didn't know how to drive yet, so he hopped in the passenger seat. Well, he tried to get his license back when he was sixteen, but would freak out whenever he was in the driver's seat. Driving reminded him too much of his mother—she died in a car crash five years ago. It was not a good way to live his life—but it worked for him.

  He flared his nostrils up for some odd reason to try to smell the garage. He found it odd how the house smelled like a sewer but the garage didn't smell like it. “Um, it doesn't stink in here,” he said to Lucy as she got into the passenger seat.

  “What are you talking about?” she snapped.

  “Well, your downstairs smells like crap.”

  “I told you it's a pipe!”

  He wrapped himself in a raincoat that was on the backseat, while Lucy began to drive. “Hmm, you should get it fixed, or tell your parents to fix it.”

  Lucy began to laugh, “I don't talk to my parents like that.”

  Michael's heart began to pound harder as the rain hit the windshield like rocks. “We should head back home. This weather is dangerous.”

  “Oh, don't be a baby,” she teased. “It's just rain.”

  “And lightening, and thunder, and hail,” he cried. “Please, let's just go back home!”

  Lucy pushed on the gas break harder, “HA!”

  Michael tugged on her shoulder, “Please stop!” he hyperventilated. “You're gonna kill me!”

  She pushed on the breaks and then stared at Michael, “I wouldn't want that—I was just kidding.”

  4 | Secrets Unraveled

  Linda could feel vomit sliding up her throat but she swallowed it down. Her eyes began to water as she tried to make sense of where she was. She felt someone gently brush her hair back as loud music filled the room.

  As she tried to reposition her body, it felt as though she would fall because she was on a bar stool. She grasped the edge of the table and tried to focus her eyes. However, everything was a blur, as Linda couldn't even remember how old she was.

  “You cannot be here!” a blonde girl, who Linda tried to recognize said. “Linda, go home!”

  “Nah, let her stay!” said a man, standing behind Linda. “She's funny.”

  “This is between me and you! I don't know how she found us here!” the girl cried. “What if she tells someone?”

  Linda opened her eyes wider as she made out the girl to be Hannah. She tried to say something, but no words would come out. She turned her head back to see who was standing behind her, just to realize the man looked like Dr. Smith. Her heart began to pound like crazy as he sipped his drink. She wanted to scream and run like hell, but it was like she wasn't in control.

  Hannah leaned in with her bruised wrist to pull Linda off the bar stool, but instead her ring got caught onto Linda’s belly ring. Hannah tugged on her finger and Linda gagged in pain. Dr. Smith snatched Hannah's hand hard off, ripping Linda’s ring right through the hole. If she were sober, she probably would have cried in agony, but she held her stomach, trying to understand what just happened.

  Linda touched the ripped hole, and blood was on her hands. She tried to cry, but Hannah put her cold palm over her mouth and lifted her to her feet.

  “Why do you always do this?” Hannah shouted. “Just stay out of my business!”

  “Whhh?” was all she could say.

  “You hate to see me have a life? I’m not Michael; you cannot control me like you control him!”

  Dr. Smith walked over to Linda, “She won't remember in the morning. I promise.”

  “How do you know?” Hannah said.

  “Because—” Dr. Smith took his huge fist and slammed it into Linda’s face knocking her out cold. Her head snapped back, not hard enough to break her neck, but hard enough to give her a cramp. Hannah wanted to cry as Linda collapsed to the floor, but she knew if she showed any emotion...he would do the same to her.

  With her head swollen, Linda lifted her head up in confusion. She looked around as she realized she was in the school cafeteria. The room was empty, but she could tell it was almost lunch because it smelled like mystery meat.

  With squinted eyes, she looked around the table and all her stuff was around her, including her phone. She went through the fifty missed calls and text messages—most were from Michael, Lucy, and Tyler.

  She turned around as she heard footsteps enter the cafeteria—it was Michael. He came running, hair dripping from swim practice, and then he hugged her.

  “You're okay?” he cried. “I'm so happy. I got worried when I didn't see you in class today!”

  Linda shoved him off her sore body, “How did I get here?”

  “Ugh, you tell me. Lucy and I were looking for you last night, but like an hour after we were searching, your dad claimed you were home—”

  “And you believed him?” she snapped. “He's an old mental drunk. He probably thought the cat was me!”

  Michael held in his laugh. “Well, you're okay now. Where were you? Were you with Tyler?” he said as he lifted one eyebrow, hinting he wanted details. “You don't have to lie about it.”

  “I'm not sure where I was, but I had a hell of a dream about Hannah.”

  “Hmm, strange. I didn't see Hannah in Economic class today. I usually see her sitting at her table when I walk by. I didn't even see her with the dance team today either.”

  “Ha, yeah...she was like in super small shorts—I mean short like how I like my jeans. And she had her hair all big and wavy—but the oddest part is that she was with Dr. Smith,” Linda laughed. “It didn't make sense though because I remember her like...I can't remember but, yanking my belly button ring out.”

  “Eh, weird dream. I had a dream about Dr. Smith once. I dreamed he moved in next to me,” he shivered.

  The bell rang, and within a second students came running to the cafeteria line. Linda seemed entertained as she was never in the cafeteria this early. She enjoyed watching teens fight over food. Lucy ran over to the table as she saw Linda sitting there. She threw her bag onto Michael’s lap and hugged Linda.

  “Oh, Linda! You're okay!” she cried. “You had us so worried.”

  “Michael told me,” Linda said.

  “Where were you?” Lucy asked as she sat on her hands, trying to warm them.

  Linda pouted and leaned her head on Lucy's shoulder. “I'm not sure, but I don't feel good. Can we all go home instead of going to our last classes?” Linda said. “I just have an odd feeling her

  “Yeah, baby,” Lucy said. “I really didn't want to be here today anyway. I have mega cramps.”

  “Why don't you take those pills?” Linda said.

  “What pills?” Lucy said.

  “The ones you said are for menstrual cramps. You know, the ones that hit the floor the other day and everyone stared at you,” Michael added.

  Lucy shook her head in confusion. “I don't have menstrual pills.”

  Michael stared at Linda with a funny face. “Um...okay...”

  “Have you guys seen Tyler today?” Linda said, changing the subject.

  “Nope, I thought he would be with you,” Lucy said. “I don't ever notice him though.”

  “No, I didn't see him either,” Michael said.

  “Have you seen Hannah?” Lucy said.

  “No, but tell Lucy your crazy dream about her,” Michael said.

  “Later, because it feels like I’m going to pass out. Can we just leave?” Linda said. “Like now!”

  “Okay, let's go now—” Lucy got quiet as she stared across the cafeteria.

  Michael and Linda turned to see who she was looking at—Adam Black.

  Adam was nothing more than Lucy's summer fling. A lot of crazy things happened last summer, but Adam and Lucy were the most memorable. Everyone just knew they would graduate as high school sweethearts—not until he left her right before school started. He never gave a reason why, and anytime someone would bring up the subject, Lucy would give them a death stare. Their breakup was always on Linda’s mind—mainly because she was nosy.

  Also, Linda thought he was gorgeous, like Shia Labeouf gorgeous. Although she would never tell Lucy, Linda wanted to snag him up after they broke up—but, that would break the friend code.

  Michael tugged on Lucy to get up and pulled her to her feet. “Come on, let's go home.”

  The gang went to Lucy's home like usual, trying to get answers on where Linda had went. She couldn't have gone far since their town was small. Also, someone they knew would have seen her.

  Michael turned on the television on full blast, trying to block out the loud rain from outside. He flipped on the local news and as usual the Simon High deaths were breaking news.

  “...Detectives have just released new info that connects all the deaths of the teenagers that attend Simon High. They're saying that all of them had bruised wrists. They're not sure if this is due to after being killed or before—”

  Linda’s eyes got large as she remembered Hannah's wrist from her dream. “Hannah had that in my dream.”

  “What dream?” Lucy said.

  “I don't know, one of the ten weird dreams I had. It was when she was leaning for me and then her ring got caught onto my belly button ring and she pulled so hard, it yanked out—” Linda lifted her shirt and screamed. She stared at her belly button that had hard blood on it. She poked at it, which was red and purple.

  “Ew?” Michael said in confusion. “What happened?”

  Linda put her shirt down, “I'm not sure.”

  “You know, sometimes in dreams things happen in real life too. Like when some people dream about peeing in the toilet but they're really wetting the bed,” Lucy said.

  “So, you think I pulled my own belly button ring out?”

  “It's possible,” she sighed.

  “No! That's crazy!”

  Michael sat close to Linda, “So, what else happened in that dream?”

  “Where is Tyler?” Linda said, ignoring Michael. “What if he is the next victim? What if I was supposed to be the next victim last night?”

  “I'm sure he is fine. Why don't you just call him?” Lucy said.

  “I don't have his number yet. I don't think he has a cell phone.” Linda sank down into the blankets and tried to think back to her dream. “I was at a bar,” she said, remembering back. “A bar for people at least twenty-one. Um, that's all I remember...”

  “What type of bar? It must have been out of town. I don't know any bars out here,” Michael said.

  “No, it's an underground bar just before you leave Simon. Like around South Simon. I used to go there back when I was depressed. I used my looks to get in.”

  “Are you sure you were dreaming?” Lucy said.

  “Ew, I had to be!” she shivered.


  “Because Dr. Smith was in it,” Michael answered for her.

  Linda gagged and leaned back onto some pillows. “It's not just that, but...but...he was there with a date.”

  Lucy's face turned fearful as she turned the television off. “How would you know that?”

  Linda’s eyes narrowed, “I wasn't dreaming, was I?”

  “ I know?” Lucy stuttered.

  “You're stuttering. You know something,” Michael snapped.

  “I don't know anything,” she giggled.

  “Is Hannah having an affair with Dr. Smith?” Linda said. “And you knew about it. That's what you guys were talking about in the restroom the other day!”

  “What?” Michael gasped.

  “You were listening to us?” Lucy said.

  “Of course I was listening,” Linda said. “You should know by now that I’m the most nosiest person in the world.”

  “Well, it's not what you think. Let's just end this conversation now. I have to find something to wear to the dance tomorrow night.”

  “I thought they canceled the dance due to the deaths?” Linda said.

  “No, they changed it to a charity dance now. Most likely detectives will be there too,” Michael said. “Linda?” he waved his hands in front of Linda’s face as she stared into space.

  “What?” she finally said.

  “The dance...aren't you going tomorrow night?”

  She bit her lip, “Of course. I wouldn't miss it.”

  “I'm going to the bathroom—I have to pee,” Lucy announced. “I'll bring the dresses from the guest room that I want to show you guys!”

  Linda got up from bed and walked into Lucy's messy walk-in closet. Like always, she dug around searching for something to wear for the dance. Although Hannah was more fashionable, Lucy always had new things—no matter what. And she never wore them because she hated her body.

  “Ouch!” Linda shouted as she banged her toe on a plastic bag. Angry, she snatched up the bag and bottles fell onto the floor. “Cl-o-za-pin—”

  “Linda!” Michael shouted, cutting her off from reading the prescription bottle. “Come help us carry these dresses!”

  Linda threw the stuff back into the bag and ran out to them. She beamed as she noticed new sparkly short dresses. “Oh, I’m in heaven. Please, let me borrow this one!”

  “The pink one?” Lucy smiled. “Of course you can borrow it.”

  “YES! Thank you!” she kissed Lucy's cheek.

  “Hey, that's what friends are for.”

  5 | Hannah's Web

  Hannah slid on thick bracelets as Lucy hurried to straighten her black hair. She only ever straightened it on occasions, but by the end of the night, it would be a fur ball again. It was worth spending hours straightening because the photos would look gorgeous. Hannah never had that problem though—her hair was always perfect.

  Linda honked the horn of her car for Lucy to hurry up. However, she didn't know that Hannah would be coming along too.

  She turned stiff as Hannah came out the house door first. With a smile, Hannah opened the passenger door just to realize Tyler was sitting there.

  “What are you doing here?” they both said to each other.

  “These are my friends,” Hannah snapped.

  “Um, just climb in the back,” Linda said to Hannah.

  Everyone knew Hannah always rode shotgun no matter who was driving, and in their case it was always either Lucy or Linda. With an attitude, Hannah slammed the passenger door shut and hopped in the backseat next to Michael who was dressed in a blazer and jeans.

  “Jeans, Michael?” Hannah rolled her eyes. “This is our last real da
nce until prom and you wear jeans?”

  “These are my formal jeans,” he teased. “This isn't a fashion show, Hannah. It will be dark inside, no one will notice.”

  Lucy came running to the car next, trying to avoid the rain. “Hey, everyone.”

  Hannah rolled her eyes again as she dusted off her new sparkly dance uniform, “Lucy, it sucks you're not on the dance team anymore. I miss you.”

  Lucy nervously laughed, “Really? I wouldn't have guessed it,” she mumbled.

  Michael stared at Hannah's flashy uniform. He liked the aqua blue and how it showed off her fit shape. “How did you guys afford new uniforms this year? I thought our school was poor?”

  “Um, we...had...” Hannah thought of something to say.

  “They were charity,” Lucy said. “Yup, charity.”

  “Charity?” Tyler butted in. “Is that what they mean by charity,” he laughed. “Man, this school is messed up.”

  As Linda drove, the tension was stronger than ever. Their usual car rides were loud and full of gossip stories, but nothing was like normal anymore. As they arrived at the school street, they could already hear the music from the gym.

  Michael slicked his hair back as he winked, “We are going to have so much fun!” he beamed. “I'm so excited. This is our last dance until prom. Aw, sad moment...”

  “This is the last thing this town a school dance,” Tyler said. “All these kids should be at home eating at the dinner table.”

  “Then, why did you come?” Hannah snapped. “You just want to be nosy.”

  Tyler rolled his eyes and jumped out the parked car first. He waited for Linda to fix her eyelashes and then walked over to her side. Hannah got out next and didn't wait for anyone. She sped walked toward the entrance and met up with the other dance team members.

  “Why didn't you tell me Hannah was coming too?” Linda said to Lucy.

  “Yeah?” Michael agreed.

  “What's the big deal?” Lucy said. “She is our best friend.”

  “Where has she been?” Tyler said. “I heard her family put out a missing persons report.”


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