Dallas Fire & Rescue: Chasing Flames (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 1)

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Dallas Fire & Rescue: Chasing Flames (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Fiery Fairy Tales Book 1) Page 7

by Siera London

  “Rolling down Flagler Avenue on Gray Beard’s moped scooter wasn’t the ride I had in mind,” Nathan yelled over the sputter and grind of the engine.

  Twisting the scooter’s right handle, Symphony revved the throttle.

  “Adam is a great neighbor. He’s good to me. Don’t give him a hard time,” Symphony yelled.

  Adam let her borrow his scooter when she was low on funds…lately on a weekly basis.

  “Why not borrow the wicked sister’s car rather than put both our lives at risk on this tin can with wheels?”

  “She’s never offered her car.” Symphony gave an exasperated sigh. “The only reason she offered to play chauffeur today was to pick your brain.”

  “Is that what she wanted to pick?”

  Symphony turned around, Nathan’s mouth was twisted in doubt. She fell quiet. Yeah, Bethany’s interest in Nathan was obvious. Did he flirt amongst girlfriends? Her stomach soured at the thought.

  The warmth of Nathan’s breath caressed the shell of her ear, “Pay attention to the road, Little Blue.”

  “You’re still upright, aren’t you?”

  He pressed his hard thighs along her hips. She squeezed her eyes shut for a second, pushing the urge to relax into all that hot muscle.

  “True enough.”

  “Just hold on tight, Charming.” With her body’s response to his every touch, they’d be lucky to arrive in two pieces.

  “You have no idea.”

  “You’re right… I don’t,” Symphony replied, hoping her insecurities didn’t outshine her humor.

  Close to her ear, his masculine bass sounded with the sweetest melody in her ear, “I’m involved with you.”

  The slow glide of his tongue along her ear sent a shiver down her spine.

  “My attention is not swayed by another woman’s interest in me.”

  His tongue had her attention.

  Nathan certainly didn’t hold his punches. They were equally matched in that regard.

  “We’re here.” Symphony stammered. She turned the scooter onto Flagler Avenue one block north of the law office where Nathan had parked his truck. A cold stillness came upon her. She had avoided the intersections closest to last night’s incident. A queasy sensation swamped her stomach. The bike lurched underneath them.

  “Blue, what’s wrong?”


  “You’re stiff as a fire hook. What gives?”

  “Thinking about all I have to do once I leave you.” She pulled the scooter to the curb.

  “Relax, I’m keeping you close.”

  Depressing the front and rear brake bars, Symphony turned the key, and cut the engine.

  He lifted his weight off the seat. His booted feet hit the pavement casting a dark shadow. Their eyes met. The intensity stole her breath. He drank her in and she was all too pleased to quench his thirst—to a point.

  “Nathan, I have to work. I need to make up yesterday’s hours.” Shoot, she was saying too much. Did Nathan know she’d left the bar early last night?

  “Not before we go shopping and stock your fridge.”

  “I don’t need your hand—”

  His growl pulled her up short.

  “I’m a big man with an appetite to match. I’m not going anywhere, Blue. We need more food at your place.”

  “Nicely played, investigator.”

  “I have a few tricks up my sleeve,” he bent to place a kiss on her cheek.

  That’s what she was afraid of.


  The warm, sweet scent of baking bread hit Nathan the moment the doors opened. He never realized how enjoyable grocery shopping could be as he trailed Symphony through the wide aisles. She hummed while she perused the upright freezers. Nice voice, as long as she wasn’t telling him to get lost. That would be the wrong tune.

  Every selection received a thorough once over before she added an item to their green plastic buggy. How long had she been without money? He would make sure she had enough food to last a few weeks.

  “You can get whatever you want, Blue.”

  She stopped and stared at him. “You really are a nice guy, aren’t you?”

  He reached for her, running his hand down her arm, before interlocking their fingers.

  “I wanna be nice to you.” Without breaking eye contact, he raised her hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back.

  Nathan felt the tremor in her delicate fingers. Air left his lungs when tears formed in her eyes. Not caring who saw them, he pulled her into his embrace.

  “Why’s my girl crying?” he asked, kissing her hair. The fruity scent that clung to her had his mouth watering. There was nothing about Symphony he didn’t like.

  “Thanks for being nice to me.”

  Nathan was unsure how to respond. Symphony was generous, patient, and hardworking. What reason would anyone have for treating her cruelly?

  “If you make it a habit of crying when I’m nice, we’ll both be called down to the police station for questioning,” he joked.

  He got the desired effect. Symphony cleared her throat before pushing away, Nathan released her from his embrace.

  “What’s your favorite meal?”

  She walked in the direction of the meat freezer he assumed because the air became cooler.

  Her question surprised him.

  “Anything with meat, vegetables, and potatoes works.”

  “Oh, geez… you’re such a man.”

  She grabbed everything in the meat case that wasn’t a liver, a gizzard, an ear, or a snout. He grinned when she repeated the process in the canned goods aisle. Symphony wasn’t shy when it came to what she wanted.

  “No other choice, Blue. No other choice.”

  “How about… I cook you a prime rib dinner, complete with vegetable puree, broccolini, and roasted potatoes.”

  Nathan was speechless.

  “What? Why are you looking at me like that? You said you liked my cooking, so I’ll cook.”

  “You’re gonna cook for me, again?”

  “I like watching people eat. I’m weird that way.”

  “Then you’re gonna love me.”

  Her breath hitched. Nathan could see himself loving Symphony. Did she share his vision of their future? Could this beautiful butterscotch woman with midnight blue hair that rivaled the night sky and sultry amber eyes crave him to the depths of her soul?

  “Is that why Bethany and Penelope demand food from you?”

  “They’re not that bad.”

  “Not that bad?” his tone incredulous. “Horrible would be too kind.”

  She laughed, throwing a slim pack of monogrammed napkins on the pile forming in the center of the basket.

  “You’re right, but they mean well. And they are always there for me.”

  “You all grew up together?”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  A bag of white seedless grapes, a crate of strawberries, and two Bartlett pears were added to the cart. “We met in a San Diego campground.”

  “You have Texas plates.”

  A guarded expression covered her face, the light in her eyes dimmed with sadness. “My mom was born and raised in Fort Worth. After the…” she stalled. “She was a club singer; the motor coach was our home until she died eight months ago.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss. It must have been difficult growing up on the road?” When he moved toward her, she threw up a hand to stop him.

  “I survived,” she said deadpan. “Let’s get you back home, Charming.” Her smile half-hearted.

  There was that wit again, her first line of defense when he got too close.

  Nathan glanced down at the basket, “Thank goodness we have my truck. The scooter wouldn’t pass go with all the grocery bags on the handle.”

  Maybe the talk of food would lead them back to safer topics.

  “You want me to put something back?” she offered on a mumble. The slowing of her step told him she preferred to keep her bounty, but she was prepared to relinqu
ish it if he desired.

  “I wouldn’t think of it.” He leaned down close, “You’ll need the energy between all the riding you were talking about earlier.”

  Symphony’s mouth fell open. She turned wide eyes on him, shock clear in her expression.

  He grinned.

  “You’re direct,” he shrugged. “No benefit in denying what’s happening between us.”

  “Then there’s some things you should know about me before—”

  Nathan held up a hand to stop her. He was ready for the brush-off. He wouldn’t let her get the words out of her mouth.

  “You a wife on a hiatus from your husband or a Y chromosome dressed in women’s clothing?”

  “Of course not.”

  Symphony looked offended.

  “Do you have two kids waiting for you at your mother’s house back in the real world?”


  “Considering I’ve had a run-in with all of the above since I relocated to Key West, we’ll work through the rest as we get to know one another.”

  “Sounds like interesting times. You need to write a tell-all book.”

  “Trust me when I say… you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Nathan grimaced at the number of times a woman had misled him just to get in his bed.

  “You’d be surprised what I’d believe.”

  “I get the feeling you’re full of surprises, Little Blue.”

  In spite of the fact, he’d met Symphony less than twenty-four hours ago; Nathan ignored conventional logic that told him to slow down. Symphony was an amazing woman and he had no qualms about falling for her. In fact, he was sure his heart was already at her feet.

  Chapter Six

  Symphony put the last of the canned goods in the pantry. The RV’s undercarriage kissed the dirt with Nathan’s truckload food purchase. She jumped when she felt large hands close around her waist. He should leave, but how could she send him away when he kept touching her?

  A primal grumble sounded, “I’m hungry again.”

  His mouth at her neck sent a wave of nervous energy through her. “What do you want?” she stammered. “We’ve got…”

  Nathan placed a finger to her lips, “You.” His finger slipped down to her chin before placing a barely there kiss on her lips.

  “Open for me,” he whispered, using his fingers to massage her nape.

  Those stupid butterflies were back in Symphony’s stomach, and they followed their master’s call. She did as he asked and was rewarded when his full lips covered hers. He applied gentle strokes to her tongue, coaxing her to relax and give rather than him taking. Resistance left her body. The slow assault of surrender blossomed as she opened herself fully and let him have his wicked way.

  “Mmm, you’re good,” she mouthed against his lips.

  “Only the best for you. Open wider,” he teased her lips with his tongue.

  Symphony deserved a lot of things that happened in her life, but a man like Nathan wasn’t on the list. He was protective and attentive, even committed. She understood that about him in a short period of time. He was more than she deserved, but she didn’t have the courage to push him away. Especially when he offered so much of what she craved—stability, companionship… love.

  “That applies to you, too.”

  He could have any woman he wanted. A transient barmaid with a past best left buried didn’t get the fairy tale hero no matter who told the story. She tried to pull away.

  “Not on your life,” he held her. “Stay put.”

  Nathan rubbed his thumb along her jawline. The callused skin of his hands turned Symphony’s hormone meter to full power. He had man hands, physical evidence that he labored to earn his money. She liked that he wasn’t some pretty boy getting by on his charm. A vision of Nathan covered in sweat, all those muscles glistening in the sun made a nice picture. Symphony sighed. She abandoned her thoughts when his forehead came to rest on hers, “Kissing me should put a smile on your face or at least take away your frown.”

  “Sorry,” she murmured.

  He ignored her apology.

  “What’s burning in that brainiac head?”

  That callused thumb of his made a slow trek down Symphony’s neck to stop at her collar bone.

  “Thinking about home, that’s all.”

  Symphony wouldn’t be returning to Dallas. Lyric had financed the RV with their meager savings and her singing career. If her home was her car, then it should be stylish and comfortable. Her mother had loved the RV, which meant Symphony would do everything in her power to keep the bank from foreclosing.

  “Kissing me makes you think of home?” he quizzed. Obviously, Nathan didn’t see the connection.

  “It does,” she went on. “Your kisses are a warm fire on a cold day.”

  “Are you always this direct with men?”

  “Don’t know,” she responded in truth. She was in foreign territory. So unknown, that she didn’t know what to keep to herself. It was possible, she had told him, or somehow shown him everything he needed to truly hurt her.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You’re my first.” Symphony thought she should probably hide her feelings. Keep something for herself in case this one day was all she would have with Nathan. They both knew she had to leave for work soon; maybe he hoped to get fed and get lucky.

  His hand, that had been making a steady climb up her neck, stilled. “First what?”

  “My first everything.” Despite the warning signs flashing in her head, she pulled her head away from his, letting him see the magnitude of her admission.

  Nathan’s jaw dropped open. He looked awestruck, humbled, and proud all at once.

  “I shouldn’t be with you, but I can’t help myself,” she said, curling her fingers into his shirt.

  “That’s where you’re wrong, Blue. It’s impossible for you to resist me.”

  He pulled her close. Her hearted pounded in her chest. Warm breath, sweet and moist caressed her cheek

  “I won’t allow it,” he whispered.

  His grip tightened on her nape. When their lips met, he pillaged her. Their kiss went on and on, and Symphony was breathless when he released her.

  “I’ll take care with you, Symphony.” Nathan’s statement sounded like a vow and he’d used her name. When he kissed her this time, his lips were sure, committed, and gentle.

  Nathan understood what she offered him. Did she?


  Nathan’s world tilted. The RV felt like it teetered on a mountaintop and his next decision would determine if they crashed and burned or took flight. His hands shook as he processed the magnitude of Symphony’s trust in him. She was his for the taking. He’d capture every pleasurable moan before they set foot outside this space.

  He slid his hands down, cupping Symphony’s bottom in his large hands. Her breath caught and his masculine pride soared. Never had a woman been so responsive to his touch. Peering at the dark leather couch, he decided against it and angled them toward the bedroom, her back to the door.

  “You sure about me, Symphony?” What would he do if she hesitated?

  “I am. And you,” she pulled her teeth between her lower lip, driving Nathan wild. “You sure about me?”

  “Stake my life on it.” Had he said that aloud? Yeah, assessing his internal gauges, Nathan felt… fine. He’d meant what he said. Sure as fire needed a spark, he had fallen for Symphony.

  “What’s your last name, Blue?”

  “Porter, why?”

  “A guy needs to know the woman he’s putting his life on the line for.” More like his heart.

  “Sacrifice is scary stuff,” she teased, stroking the muscles along his back. He thought maybe she was gauging the commitment he made with such a bold statement.

  “Not this time.”

  She smiled at him. Nathan felt the blood pump faster through his veins, felt his heart expand in his chest—forming a special place for Symphony Porter, his Little Blue.

hony needed her job and Nathan would get her there, but rushing the moment was not an option.

  “I want to make love to you.”

  Her amber eyes burned bright, “I want you, too.”

  There was no trepidation in his voice or body language. He lifted her chin, captured her full bottom lip before pushing deep into her mouth. He was lost, but he wasn’t alone.

  A solid whack sounded against his jean-clad legs. They both looked down to see Max had padded over from his makeshift bed in the captain’s chair reserved for the driver. The canine’s tail wagged a steady beat of contentment. While Nathan looked on, Max sniffed around Symphony’s ankles, before placing a doggy lick up her left calf.

  “Guess you have Max’s stamp of approval, too.”

  Giggling, Symphony hugged him tighter, her arms at his waist like a belt to his superhero moment.

  “Thanks, Cujo. I like you, too.”

  “Everyone’s happy?”

  “Very.” Her voice lowered, calling to him in a language old as time.

  Nathan squeezed the rounded flesh in his palms. Symphony moaned. She tilted her head up, and he was on her. Taking his time, he slipped his tongue across her lips, penetrating her mouth. He used his tongue to stoke her passion. She shivered. He sucked her bottom lip between his teeth. Her body seemed to ignite. When he next claimed her mouth, he incinerated all resistance.

  Symphony kissed him back, molding her curves to his. He delighted in her exploration. She was a live flame in his arms, raw and uninhibited. She grabbed his backside, and he groaned into her mouth. Starved. The word slammed into his brain cells. They were both starved, and eager to feed their sexual hunger.

  Nathan assumed control of the kiss, diving deeper inside, tasting her honey, and wanting more. Sun-made sweetness burst on his tongue. The taste so intoxicating, Nathan knew he was hooked. He wanted to explore every inch of his woman. As if sensing his need, Symphony obliged him by opening wide. He took advantage. A nip with his teeth had her moaning and he plunged deep insider. He would devour her until she begged for more.

  Symphony broke their kiss and he wanted to howl in protest. Then he felt the warmth of her mouth on his neck. Her tongue, moist and hot, formed a path of ecstasy on his skin. Licking. Tasting. The bulge in his pants strained against his zipper, the pressure painful on his growing erection. She used her teeth over his pulse point and he almost lost it.


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