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The Errand Boy; Or, How Phil Brent Won Success

Page 18

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  In a handsome private parlor at the Continental Hotel a man of aboutforty-five years of age sat in an easy-chair. He was of middle height,rather dark complexion, and a pleasant expression. His right foot wasbandaged, and rested on a chair. The morning Daily Ledger was in hishand, but he was not reading. His mind, judging from his absorbed look,was occupied with other thoughts.

  "I can hardly realize," he said half-aloud, "that my boy will so soonbe restored to my arms. We have been separated by a cruel fate, but weshall soon be together again. I remember how the dear child looked whenI left him at Fultonville in the care of the kind inn-keeper. I amsorry he is dead, but his widow shall be suitably repaid for her kinddevotion."

  He had reached this point when a knock was heard at the door.

  "Come in!" said Mr. Granville.

  A servant of the hotel appeared.

  "A lady and a boy are in the parlor below, sir. They wish to see you."

  Though Mr. Granville had considerable control over his feelings, hisheart beat fast when he heard these words.

  "Will you show them up at once?" he said, in a tone which showed sometrace of agitation.

  The servant bore the message to Mrs. Brent and Jonas, who were sittingin the hotel parlor.

  If Mr. Granville was agitated, the two conspirators were not wholly attheir ease. There was a red spot on each of Mrs. Brent's cheeks--herway of expressing emotion--and Jonas was fidgeting about uneasily in hischair, staring about him curiously.

  "Mind what I told you," said his mother, in a low voice. "Remember toact like a boy who has suddenly been restored to his long-lost father.Everything depends on first impressions."

  "I wish it was all over; I wish I was out of it," said Jonas, wiping theperspiration from his face. "Suppose he suspects?"

  "He won't if you do as I tell you. Don't look gawky, but act naturally."

  Just then the servant reappeared.

  "You are to come up-stairs," he said. "The gentleman will see you."

  "Thank you," said Mrs. Brent, rising. "Come."

  Jonas rose, and with the manner of a cur that expected a whipping,followed his mother and the servant.

  "It's only one flight," said the servant, "but we can take theelevator."

  "It is of no consequence," Mrs. Brent began, but Jonas said eagerly:

  "Let's ride on the elevator, ma!"

  "Very well, Philip," said Mrs. Brent.

  A minute later the two stood at the door of Mr. Granville's room. Nextthey stood in his presence.

  Mr. Granville, looking eagerly toward the door, passed over Mrs. Brent,and his glance rested on the boy who followed her. He started, and therewas a quick feeling of disappointment. He had been picturing to himselfhow his lost boy would look, but none of his visions resembled theawkward-looking boy who stood sheepishly by the side of Mrs. Brent.

  "Mr. Granville, I presume," said the lady.

  "Yes, madam. You are----"

  "Mrs. Brent, and this," pointing to Jonas, "is the boy you left atFultonville thirteen years ago. Philip, go to your father."

  Jonas advanced awkwardly to Mr. Granville's chair, and said inparrot-like tones:

  "I'm so glad to see you, pa!"

  "And you are really Philip?" said Mr. Granville slowly.

  "Yes, I'm Philip Brent; but I suppose my name is Granville now."

  "Come here, my boy!"

  Mr. Granville drew the boy to him, and looked earnestly in his face,then kissed him affectionately.

  "He has changed since he was a little child, Mrs. Brent," he said, witha half-sigh.

  "That's to be expected, sir. He was only three years old when you lefthim with us."

  "But it seems to me that his hair and complexion are lighter."

  "You can judge of that better than I," said Mrs. Brent plausibly. "Tome, who have seen him daily, the change was not perceptible."

  "I am greatly indebted to you for your devoted care--to you and yourhusband. I am grieved to hear that Mr. Brent is dead."

  "Yes, sir; he left me six months since. It was a grievous loss. Ah, sir,when I give up Philip also, I shall feel quite alone in the world," andshe pressed a handkerchief to her eyes. "You see, I have come to lookupon him as my own boy!"

  "My dear madam, don't think that I shall be so cruel as to take him fromyou. Though I wish him now to live with me, you must accompany him. Myhome shall be yours if you are willing to accept a room in my house anda seat at my table."

  "Oh, Mr. Granville, how can I thank you for your great kindness? Eversince I received your letter I have been depressed with the thoughtthat I should lose dear Philip. If I had a child of my own it would bedifferent; but, having none, my affections are centered upon him."

  "And very naturally," said Mr. Granville. "We become attached to thosewhom we benefit. Doubtless he feels a like affection for you. You lovethis good lady, Philip, who has supplied to you the place of your ownmother, who died in your infancy, do you not?"

  "Yes, sir," answered Jonas stolidly. "But I want to live with my pa!"

  "To be sure you shall. My boy, we have been separated too long already.Henceforth we will live together, and Mrs. Brent shall live with us."

  "Where do you live, pa?" asked Jonas.

  "I have a country-seat a few miles from Chicago," answered Mr.Granville. "We will go there as soon as I am well enough. I ought toapologize, Mrs. Brent, for inviting you up to my room, but my rheumatismmakes me a prisoner."

  "I hope your rheumatism will soon leave you, sir."

  "I think it will. I have an excellent physician, and already I am muchbetter. I may, however, have to remain here a few days yet."

  "And where do you wish Philip and I to remain in the meantime?"

  "Here, of course. Philip, will you ring the bell?"

  "I don't see any bell," answered Jonas, bewildered.

  "Touch that knob!"

  Jonas did so.

  "Will that ring the bell?" he asked curiously.

  "Yes, it is an electric bell."

  "By gosh!" ejaculated Jonas.

  "Don't use such language, Philip!" said Mrs. Brent hastily. "Your fatherwill be shocked. You see, Mr. Granville, Philip has associated withcountry boys, and in spite of my care, he has adopted some of theirlanguage."

  Mr. Granville himself was rather disturbed by this countrifiedutterance, and it occurred to him that his new-found son neededconsiderable polishing.

  "Ah, I quite understand that, Mrs. Brent," he said courteously. "He isyoung yet, and there will be plenty of time for him to get rid of anyobjectionable habits and phrases."

  Here the servant appeared.

  "Tell the clerk to assign this lady and the boy rooms on this floor ifany are vacant. Mrs. Brent, Philip may have a room next to you for thepresent. When I am better I will have him with me. John, is dinner onthe table?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Then, after taking possession of your rooms, you and Philip had bettergo to dinner. I will send for him later."

  "Thank you, sir."

  As Mrs. Brent was ushered into her handsome apartment her face wasradiant with joy and exultation.

  "All has gone well!" she said. "The most difficult part is over."


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