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Page 8

by Stephanie Brother

  “You don't owe me fuck all,” I snarl.

  Jacket doesn't respond to my aggression. Everything just rolls off him like usual, like he's covered with Teflon.

  “Yeah. We both know I wouldn't be sitting here or anywhere else, if it weren't for you.”


  I'm not getting into the past with him. Like I told Scher, I'm only concerned with the future. And her in it. So better he knows where we stand.

  “And I gotta tell you she is not -” I start.

  “You two guys still shooting the breeze?”

  “Good morning, sir.” Jacket almost stands to attention to greet my father as he barrels in looking for coffee.

  Our convo is deflected and I don't get another chance to talk to Jacket about our relationship before Scherri appears, tousled and soft and good enough to fucking devour.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My cheeks get all hot when I walk into the kitchen in only a pair of PJ shorts and a tank I'd grabbed from my own room, before heading down to look for Stick. After waking up in his bed after the most delicious sleep of my life and with my pussy sore, my lips all swollen from the fierce sex between us all night, finding myself alone was terrible.

  I need him wrapped around me, hugging me into his big solid chest where I know I'm meant to be.

  The three men, standing around the island in the middle of the open plan kitchen, turn to gape at me when I wander in. At least that's how it feels. My eyes snap straight to Stick who's looking at me with a secret smile I don't dare to return, although I'm sure I haven't managed to restrain it and my delight at seeing him is sliding up my face, uncontrolled. I'm sure the other two must be completely informed of the fact I spent the most amazing night of my life being pummeled in Stick's bed.

  I seal a glance across at Jacket, who's still wearing the same clothes as yesterday, his bed on the couch unslept in. I feel a brief pang, knowing he was out somewhere and that he'll soon be gone. And the color rushes blazing to my cheeks with the realization that he's taking me in. His eyes meander slowly down my body, alighting on my tits, almost bare in the thin tee stretched across the mounds.

  He moves on down, taking his time, drinking in every part of me in a way I ought to find uncomfortable, but don't. His gaze trails down my stomach to land my bare thighs. Which suddenly seem way too naked in the loose shorts, boyfriend cut no less. They barely cover my swollen pussy, already throbbing with eager need again.

  My eyes bat back and forth between Stick and Jacket, not knowing where to alight, so I land on Mr Greengross. He's also staring at me but at least without a huge dose of the desire to thrust between my thighs. Still, I feel strange looking at him dumbly while two great hunks, almost dwarfing the older man in his neat suit, eyefuck me from behind his shoulders. Strange in a good way, if that's possible. Okay then, totally fucking turned on.

  “Is it that time? I must be going.” And Mr Greengross hurtles from the room, leaving the three of us alone.

  We stare at each other awkwardly, with the same electricity as before filling the large space.

  “It's already another boiling hot day,” I say fanning my face with my fingers in a lame attempt to hide the wrong kind of heat.

  Which I suddenly notice has morphed into something much filthier. My body has taken over all reasonable thought. I cannot get the one of those two gorgeous hunks sharing me out of my head.

  “Yeah, I should hit the road, I guess,” Jacket rasps out, his voice raw. But is it morning raw or something else?

  “Why?” I squeak, before I get control of my loose lips. “I mean, you've hardly had time to catch up, am I right?” I say looking at Stick.

  “Yeah,” Stick agrees. “Why don't you hang out a little longer, Dude?”

  “We could go swimming up at the hole,” I say jauntily, feeling my face color hotly at the word that conjures up a host of images for me.

  I get the feeling the meaning isn't lost on either of the two guys as well. What am I trying to pull here? It's not gonna happen.

  “That the hole you talked about?” Jacket asks Stick, grinning. “You went up there swimming with your- dog.”

  “Stone was such an amazing dog,” I blurt out to cover the heat in my cheeks. And between my thighs. “You should have known him. He could read the emotions of everyone around him. If you were sad, he'd come and put his paw on your leg to comfort you.”

  “I wish I'd met him,” Jacket says, his eyes burrowing all the way into me so goosebumps run the length of my limbs.

  “Yeah, well, let's go now, before I'm needed for something more important,” I say.

  My mother mentioned taking me shopping with her and becoming a little angsty when I said I wasn't really up for it.

  “Last one down's a loser.”

  I grab the remains of my coffee and dart up the stairs to change. Hungering to get back down to my guys.

  My guys?

  “Okay, I guess that's me then,” I say when I arrive and find them already hanging on the porch.

  “You're the furthest thing from that,” Stick says.

  There's a strange tension in the air between the two strapping hunks. I don't know what it is, but I do know a cold dip will loosen them up.

  We head up to the swimming hole, Jacket wandering along behind like Stone used to, until he'd realize where we were headed and bound past us to run splashing into the refreshing cool water.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Stick asks tenderly.

  “I'm more than okay,” I whisper back. “I'm so happy. I love you so much.”

  Christ, that fell out without my permission. The feeling welled up so fast I didn't get the chance to consider the moment.

  I glance up at Stick and he's beaming down at me, tension dissipated. His full lips turn up into a delighted smile.

  “I wish we were alone right now,” he husks. “Because I'd tear that little dress off your body and show you just how much I love you too. I've always loved you, Scherri and I wanted to be the first one to say it.”

  “Beat ya.”

  The tree stand opens up and the blue water appears. Jacket lets out a hoot and hurtles past us, reminding me again of Stone. The memory of the old days when Stick and I were kids repeating itself. Jacket pulls off his tight black tee and tosses it, his taut back muscles rippling. He reaches the water's edge and bends down to drop his dark jeans. I reach out for Stick's hand which he clasps with a squeeze.

  And, ohmigod, Jacket's going commando. His shapely buttocks and powerful thighs are revealed as he steps out of his pants.

  “You coming?” he turns back to shout.

  I don't miss a glimpse of his impressive dick, half lifted and swaying before him. It's not as huge as Stick but he's still well endowed.

  Not to be outdone, Stick strips off his jeans and tee until his gorgeous big prick is also bared. He waits for me to pull my dress over my head and watches me run to the water in my tiny bikini, before rushing right after me.

  We splash over to Jacket, who's swimming laps back and forth. The three of us are like kids, slicing water at each other, whooping with pleasure. Stick ducks below the water and then his head comes between my thighs. His shoulders hook behind me to lift me up above the level, water streaming off my body.

  I catch Jacket's gaze taking me in, stripping the tiny pieces of fabric away, before I go tumbling back in. I've just managed to catch my breath and right myself before Stick's between my legs again. The back of his solid neck rubbing against my spread pussy lips as he uses its strength to lift me out of the water. Except Stick is watching from in front of me.

  It's Jacket's shoulders I'm sitting on now. My thighs clamped at his ears, my pussy riding the back of his neck. Ohmigod, every cell starts tingling. He tosses me with a huge splash. The guys pounce on me then, lifting me like I weigh nothing and tossing me between them like they're having a game of catch, using me as the ball. As I land with a splash in front of each, I'm agonizingly aware of the
naked cock under the water.

  Sometimes I brush against one as I flounder for balance or when I'm grasped by a pair of massive hands. They're both diamond hard which should hardly be possible what with the cool water. The things I could do, could imagine that is, with those two steel blades.

  Chapter Twenty


  I don't know whether I'm pissed or empowered, or what the hell is happening here. I ought to be mad enough to knock Jacket from here to next week. But I'm not. And why not? Shouldn't I want to defend what's mine to the death if need be?

  Jacket and I took our coffee out to the porch while Scherri was getting ready. Neither of us having swim jocks to change into, all we had to do was wait for her to come back down.

  “Your sister is so fucking hot,” he said through gritted teeth, at least having the decency to keep his desire under wraps.

  “Stop calling her that,” I snapped out at him. Again my fingers curled into clenched fists getting ready to deck him, army bud or not.

  “Alright. Scherri is the sexiest woman I've ever seen. That girl is a keeper for some lucky dude.”

  “Yeah, me,” I snarl before I even realize the words are out.

  I know Scherri wants to loosen up her mother before letting her know our somehow incredulous news, but I couldn't let him continue down this path. Scherri is mine and not up for grabs. It's either let him know that or smash my fist into his face until he's dog meat.

  I was aware of Jacket's eyes burning into the side of my face, where he was looking at me oddly. Then Scherri appeared looking adorable and referring to herself as a loser which bugs the hell out of me, even if it's only a joke.

  It's a relief to get out of the house where we have to constantly be on guard – something I swore never to live with again. Announcing our love for each other on the walk takes away any pain I might have been feeling. Scherri's mine. My girl finally belongs to me.

  We played a lot of games during the boredom of our deployment but this is the sexiest fucking one ever. And somehow it's really hot playing it with an army buddy. Maybe because I can tell Scherri is peaking with excitement at being tossed between us, loving how we're using her, helpless to resist our power. My dick is standing straight up under the water and I pull her close to brush against its diamond hard length every time I pull her out of the water to throw her back to my bud.

  One time, her hands wrap around and squeeze my wide girth and almost make me lose it. Seeing her bikini top dislodging every time the force of the water drags at it has me burning up for her body to be as naked as Jacket and I are. Her tits bounce and sway in the tiny triangles, the sides bared, her nipples jutting out through the fabric. It's all I can do not to slide my fingers under her bikini bottoms.

  The craving to stroke her swollen clit, push my fingers inside her pussy which belongs to me, is unbearable. I meet Jacket's hooded gaze and know he's just as tormented. She's driving us both to distraction and I think she knows it. I think she thoroughly relishes having two guys hot for her.

  The sudden realization that I have the power to give her that fantasy hits me with irrevocable force. She belongs to me now. I know that without doubt. We are as solid as the rock jutting out by the shore. This is her chance to experience two men reveling in her body. If she wants it.

  “I didn't bring a towel,” she whispers when we eventually emerge from the water.

  All three of us are enervated and pink from the heat inside rather than the water's chill.

  “Take my tee,” I grab it for her and then hook my fingers into the side of her bikini top to cover up her delicious flesh.

  I don't want my old bud giving her any more of an eyefuck unless I'm certain she wants it. She walks away into the trees to modestly change and Jacket slaps at my shoulder.

  “Sorry, Man. I didn't know you had a thing with your sister yourself.”

  “No you got it wrong -” I immediately let him know.

  “It's okay, Bro,” he interrupts me. “I can sense all the chemistry firing between you two. I notice you can't keep your hands off her. And I don't judge another man, not so long as everyone's a grown up.”

  “No, it's not like that -”

  “And after what we've been through, well – anything goes right?”

  I can't repress a low animalistic growl brimming with frustration that he's not hearing me.

  “No seriously, I do mean, you got it all wrong.” I try again.

  “Okay Bro, no prob.”

  He's clearly not taking me in, too keen to let me know he's cool with me banging my own sister, now that he's clued in.

  “I get it, Dude, I do,” he continues. “After dreaming every night of your girl that got away, not getting her back, I get that you don't wanna commit to another straight-up woman.”

  “You do not get it,” I snarl, pissed now that he doesn't just hear what I'm saying.

  I don't want him thinking those kind of thoughts about Scherri. She's the most perfect, purest angel in the world and deserves nothing but adulation from every man.

  “She is not-”

  “Jacket. I'm not his sister.”

  We both whirl around to where Scherri's standing behind us, watching me come close to decking him. Jacket is his usual devil-may-care self, as non-plussed as ever, just rolling through life like it owes him big time, nothing getting in his way of having any effect at all. How easy not to give a fuck about anything. To take his pleasure when he wants it. I envy him for that.

  “You ain't? Your mother made a mistake?” Jacket murmurs, his eyes getting all soft when he looks at her.

  “I'm not his sister but I am that girl he lay awake dreaming about,” she says. “At least I hope I am. I better be.”

  “Of course you are. There's never been anyone but you, Scher.”

  “So, she's the first kiss girl too – your sister?” Jacket blurts.

  “She's not my sister.”

  “I'm not his sister.”

  Scherri and I announce at the same time. We're both half mad, half in hysterics at the dumbfounded look on Jacket's normally placid face.

  “But you told all of us guys, you never stopped telling us in fact, about the first kiss girl – your childhood friend.”

  Now at last, I get to take Scherri's hand while we're standing in front of someone else. It feels so damn good to claim her as mine before a witness.

  “And then our parents started an affair that broke my family,” she tells him. Her voice croaks at the memory and I pull her in close under my wing, my arm possessing her.

  “Wow, that's heavy. Sorry to hear that, Baby.”

  The bastard still can't stop looking at her. And I feel Scherri melting under my arm. For some reason she's wearing only my tee shirt. Her bikini top is in her hand. I note that her dress is still on the ground where she tossed it. She forgot to take it with her to change into.

  I guess we're all a little befuddled by the situation here. There's no point denying it. The sparks aren't only flying between Scher and Jacket. The idea of sharing her with him, the guy I have a particular history with, if I'm honest it makes my dick steam.

  “And sorry for, you know, making dog eyes at your girl,” Jacket tells me. “But you're gonna have to keep her under lock and key because she is smoking hot and every guy on the planet is gonna fall for that smile and those curves.”

  “Don't you worry, Bro.” I inform him. “I'm intending to take very good care of her.”

  Chapter Twenty One


  Stick pulls me in close to him so I rotate and my bare tits crush against the ridges of his torso. The agony of the pressure in my breasts points straight to my clit. And the throb there between my thighs builds to a pounding pitch, every pore swelling and pressing at my edges, wanting this so badly. I'm hungry for this one chance at an incredible experience before I dedicate myself to Stick forever and a day.

  I shouldn't want this. It's bad enough, so wrong, to be screwing Stick in secret. What would my mot
her have to say if she knew I was letting two men use me at the same time? I'd be an even bigger little slut in her eyes. I wouldn't be able to take the disdain she'd hurl my way with every glance.

  “You want this, baby?” Stick tips his head down so his hot breath falls on my lips. I want him pressed there. His hard mouth claiming me, reassuring me.

  “I want what you want,” I whisper.

  Every part of me clenching to do this. To have two men inside me at the same time. To have four hands touching me, stroking me, tugging the energized needy parts of my body that never seem to calm for very long. I love Stick and still I find it desperately exciting to think of another man inside me while he watches. Another man pummeling my pussy while Stick licks my clit and pinches it between his lips.

  Yeah, I want this.

  “And I want to give you everything you want,” he husks.

  So I get the definite idea that he wants this as much as I do. His dick is rock-face hard and shoving aggressively against my waist. The idea of being on my knees with his length in the back of my throat while Jacket is behind me, buried inside my pussy all the way to the hilt sends electric shards of heat through every part of me. Maybe it gives him a similar sensation.

  “Every experience, every pleasure, I want us to share everything,” he gruffs out.

  His arm around me, caging me to his chest stretches out for a moment. I sense Jacket take a step toward us. Then he's close at my back. So close I can feel the burning heat coming off his skin.

  “We belong to each other so nothing is out of bounds now,” Stick whispers against my face. “We know we always have us to lean on. We can share everything.”

  His fingers lift from my back and curl around Jacket, tugging him further forward until he's gently pressed into me. His solid chest, more lithe than Stick's rock solid one. It molds into the curves at my back. I'm compressed between the two sexiest men alive, out here in the wilderness, the secret spot Stick and I have shared for years. I shiver with anticipation as a second massive bulge grows against my ass cheek.


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