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Page 10

by Stephanie Brother

  “An Italian boy named Dante was my first, my last, my everything. I guess a lot of girls feel that way about the first boy they kiss. You never forget him. It's forever vivid for being special. Unique. The first one. There's only ever one first time.”

  With that Gran closes her eyes again, as though she's uttered all the words she wants me to live by. I sit beside her, with her tiny hand in mine, until my mother joins us.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Scherri comes back from the hospital visit more sad than I've ever seen her in my life. I immediately take her in my arms and she doesnt resist, even though her mother is right in front of her.

  “She's gone,” she whimpers into my neck.

  “I'm sorry, Babe.”

  I stroke the back of her hair and let her tears flow into my hot skin. I know how she feels and I know that the best thing is to let the feelings freely leave, before they settle in your limbs and come back to bite you.

  Jacket's hand is stroking her lower back and I don't even mind that. Everything we can do to make Scherri feel a teeny bit better is all that matters. He disappears for a while and I lead Scherri to the den where I settle her under my wing. If I could take her on my lap and hold her there like a little girl, I would. Jacket finds us there when he carries in a tray of the sweet tea he's made.

  “Thank you,” Scherri says, a wan smile of gratitude turning up her lips.

  “No problem.” Jacket sits down on her other side and takes her hand in both his.

  And that's how she finds us. When Lyndsey walks into the room, clearly on the attack, she's shocked to discover her daughter cossetted between the two of us.

  “I can see you don't even seem to care about your grandmother's passing,” she snipes at her daughter. “I brought you here to support me in this terrible time and all you've done is make googoo eyes at every boy that comes to the house.”

  I'm about to tell Lyndsey to take it easy but a wave of something powers through Scherri and she pushes up out of my hold, her cheeks blazing hot.

  “I do care,” she rages, shocking her mother with her intensity. “I care very much, mostly because she was the only mother I ever really knew.”

  Lyndsey looks like shes been slapped in the face but only for a second. You can see her cells regrouping, like the T2 unit in the Terminator movie that can never be fully eliminated.

  “Was it her that also taught you how to be a little slut, only interested in throwing yourself at boys?” Lyndsey says.

  “Mrs GreenGross, you're upset,” Jacket intervenes. “Sit down and have some tea before you say something that will be hard to forget.”

  But not even his charm has any effect on Lyndsey. I can see her and Scherri are unleashing something that's been stewing for years, decades even. I fire him a look and he slides from the room, leaving me to deal with the two furious women.

  “No, that was all you, Mom,” Scherri lets rip. She stands up and faces her mother head on. “You and your abandonment of your husband and daughters.”

  The actual slap across her face resounds around the den stunning us both. Jeez. I leap forward and snatch at Lyndsey's wrist, easily restraining her from striking my girl again.

  “That's enough,” I tell her. “Are you okay, Babe?”

  The two women burn furious hurt, one into the other via their ferocious stares. But Scherri's lip is quivering while her mother's is rigid. Christ, I just gave Lyndsey more ammunition with that slip up. She disentangles her glare from Scherri and rounds on me. Good, I can take the all the ammo she's got to throw at me. At least Scherri's free now.

  “Babe? Babe? Is that the way you address your sister? What exactly is going on with you two anyway?” She swivels back on her daughter. “Don't tell me you've dragged Harden into your dirty little slut games?”

  “I said that's enough,” I jerk Lyndsey's stiff arm, where I'm still restraining her badass temper. I dont care if she is my dad's wife and that she's just lost her own mother, no one speaks to Scherri like that.

  But Scherri is determined to have her say. And perhaps it's time. All I can do is stand by her and make sure she's safe. And that I'm there to put her back together after she's shattered everything she's known up until now.

  “What Stick and I share isn't any of your business,” she says, standing up to her mother for the first time. Which clearly surprises them both.

  “You're disgusting. I want you to leave this house.” she snarls at me.

  “I'm staying.”

  “And you, you little tramp. I want you out of this house.”

  “That's fine with me. You never wanted me around before when I was a kid, so why should now be any different? But don't think you can make me feel dirty or slutty about my body or who I love ever again.”

  “Just wait until your father hears about this,” she says, under her breath.

  Although it isn't clear whose father she's referring to, our kind of shared dad or Scherri's own father.

  “I'm glad your grandmother didn't survive long enough to witness this.”

  “Granny told me to love freely and not be ashamed of it. Something you neglected to teach me in your eagerness to instill some kind of shame that would hold me back my entire life.”

  “Sure, throw my dead mother in my face to hurt me. You have no shame, young lady.”

  “You're right, I don't. Not the kind you want me to have at least.”

  “You two will not humiliate this family. We've lived in this house a long time. This community looks up to us.”

  “Don't worry, we won't be around long enough to upset your fake apple cart of perfection. As soon as the funeral's over, I'm leaving.”

  “No, I want you out of here now. First thing in the morning you can pack up and find somewhere else to act like a little slut.”

  “Lyndsey, I'm telling you for the last time to stop speaking to your daughter like that. The insults don't hurt her any more. You're only hurting yourself.”

  “She is no longer my daughter. My only real daughter, Bella, will be here very soon, thank goodness.”

  She turns her flashing eyes at me but I stare her down stone hard. Scherri's mom needs to understand that her bullying days are over. Scherri's found the inner strength inside to stand up to her without fear. The combined events of today have given her a new sense of herself, I can see it written all over her even if she hasn't quite taken it on board yet. And it's an amazing sight to see my girl confident and self-assured. Not taking any crap anyone wants to spew on her.

  She's so soft and kind, my beautiful, perfect girl. But there's also a tough core inside her that will always protect her sensitivity. Just in case I'm not around some time to take care of it myself.

  “Goodbye then. I guess we won't be seeing either of you anytime soon,” Lyndsey hisses her final shot.

  “Yeah, goodbye, Mum.” Scherri's voice cracks and she takes off, running out off the room and up the stairs.

  I let Lyndsey in on one of two truths about her wonderful daughter that I doubt she'll truly take in. But I nevertheless feel compelled to tell her that Scherri and I are the real deal, always have been. Then I follow straight after my girl.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  I run headlong up to the bathroom before Mom gets the satisfaction of seeing her words reduce me to a blubbering mess. The door is locked but it immediately flies open and I come face to face with Jacket.

  That is, I half crash into him in my blind hurry to lock myself away from my pain. Without a word he wraps me into his arms and lets me rest there, coddled against his chest. Not as strapping as Stick's I notice, more wiry but still solidly built.

  “Are you okay, Doll?”

  I nod and bite down on my lip, not wanting to start up the waterworks again.

  Stick soon appears at the top of the stairs and joins us in the bathroom doorway.

  “Let me take her.”

  He pulls me possessively into his arms and I rest aga
inst his big chest, my favorite place in the whole world. I reach out one hand to Jacket. He threads fingers through mine and stands looking down on me so that heat pitches at my thighs, despite my misery.

  “I guess I'll take off,” he says. “Leave you guys to your family time.”


  I don't want to let him go just yet. Not yet. I can't take another person leaving right now. I crave the comfort of two ripped guys protecting me on either side.

  “Not tonight,” Stick tells him, commanding. His voice is filled with meaning. “We can make her feel better.”

  My heart leaps at that and I know it's wrong, so wrong but I don't care. I want to feel good. I want to lose myself in two men that blanket me with adoration so I can stop feeling hopeless about loss that cannot be changed.

  “Do you want that, Babe?” Jacket runs his fingertip down my cheek so tenderly the tears prick my eyes again.

  I nod minutely, my other cheek resting across Stick's hard pec.

  Above me, over the top of my head, I feel the two men exchange intense glances. They know what they want and what they want from me. They know what this means to them too.

  Stick pulls me gently back through the bathroom door and his mouth comes down on mine. His tongue entwines firmly but with the same tenderness Jacket gave me. They're both letting me know this is all about me. They're completely dedicated to my pleasure. My heart is already bouncing along faster than is possible, with breath to match.

  Jacket follows us in and locks the door. Then his hands slide around my hips from behind to undo my jeans. He peels them along with my underwear, down my thighs and kneels at my feet to pull me out of them. I feel his hot breath falling into my crack, making my pussy fill with pulsations of eagerness.

  Stick's hand slides across my stomach into my wetness and strokes across my clit, his middle finger swirling into my pussy mouth where he meets one of Jacket's. I shudder with delight at the two sets of fingers plundering my pussy, knowing this is just the beginning. Jacket's thumb pads pull my crevasse open and his tongue connects with Stick's finger before scooping up my prodigious juice and dragging it all the way back along my seam, sending particles of white light flying through me.

  He circles his pointed tongue around my tight rear hole, pushing and probing at the puckered entrance. I moan into Stick's mouth, the yearning pressure pushing at my skin lining.

  “I think she's ready for us.” Jacket looks up and Stick breaks his tantalizing exploration of my mouth.

  “Against the basin,” he tells Jacket, more of a command.

  Jacket immediately complies, unbuttoning his low slung denim and allowing it to drop to the floor where he kicks out. He's commando as usual and his perfect prick is already pointing straight up like a rocket. He fists it and strokes the length while reaching out his other hand to me. Stick leads me to him and turns me around so my back is to Jacket and I tremble.

  Oh god, can I do this?

  It's so filthy on so many levels.

  Some little voice, I know who it belongs to, berates me in the back of my head. I silence it and surrender to the feel of Jacket's rounded head nudging between my ass cheeks. His hands cup my round flesh to pull it apart and he pushes a little harder. My eyes are imprisoned in Stick's hooded green ones. I sense how he likes watching me with his old army bud. How he loves being in charge of my double pleasure.

  Stick's fingers hook under the hem of my tee and pull it up slowly. He reaches the underside of my breasts and stops as I hitch, then hold my breath. Jacket's cock is an inch into my ass and impeded at the tight ring. We're both panting with the compression that only increases the mounting excitement. Stick pinches my solid protruding nipples through the cotton. Then as Jacket's hand wraps around my hip to stroke my clit, I gasp with the explosion of pleasure searing through my core.

  “Oh god,” I pant out. “Ohmigod, that's good.”

  Having Stick's eyes burn into me as Jacket pushes deeper inside my ass, one hand stroking my engorged clit while the other squeezes my breast is sending us both delirious with filthy need. With a twist of his hips, Jacket bursts through my inner obstruction and is all the way inside, burying his prick up to the hilt.

  I squeak with the shock of being filled the wrong way, the strange pain that morphs into ridiculous ecstasy. Then I start to rotate my hips on Jacket's dick, loving his length rubbing inside my forbidden tunnel. I need his fingers inside my pussy.

  “Open your legs,” Stick gruffs out, his voice scratchy with lust.

  I do what he says and allow him to gaze on his friend strumming my hard triangle. Stick lowers himself like he's in adulation at my feet and I squeal as his face comes down over Jacket's hand and buries into my pussy mouth.

  Jacket is leaving my pussy totally for Stick. I'm his to control and do what he wants with. He licks circles around my hole until I quiver. It's so erotic, Stick's mouth lapping at the edge of Jacket's cock and balls, I'm on the edge of losing it. Then his huge hands clamp around the back of my thighs to lift me.

  Jacket hitches up so he's sitting on the marble countertop and Stick lowers me, facing him so my eyes are held prisoner in his. Slowly, inch by inch my pussy stretches open while I hold my breath and am impaled on Jacket's gorgeous dick.

  Stick steps back to admire his handiwork. Of me sitting on his friend's thighs, mine spread around the outside so my pussy is spread open and another man's prick buried in my ass.

  “You're absolutely stunning,” he grits.

  I see the massive bulge in his jeans where his utterly perfect cock is pounding to break free. I'm a little scared but still, every cell in my body is hammering to have him inside me. I want two men's cocks inside me at once. And I want it right now.

  “I need you,” I moan.

  “Are you sure you can take both of us at once?” he asks, his face the image of concern.

  “Yes,” I plead, breathless. “I want that. It's all I want. Please, Baby.”

  Stick drops his own jeans and steps out of them. He moves toward me and I reach out to take his beautiful hard prick in both hands. But he grabs my wrists and pins them to the countertop.

  “You just relax and enjoy,” Jacket rasps into the side of my neck.

  “Yeah, let us take care of you,” Stick adds.

  He cups my other breast, pushes it up toward his mouth and sucks the nipple hard. meanwhile his other hand directs his rounded head into my pussy mouth.

  “Oh god,” I call out, so Jacket's hand comes up to cover my mouth. I immediately bite the side of his finger, lightly and he pushes the fat digit inside where I get to suck on his finger to keep myself silenced, tasting my own pussy juice.

  It's all almost too much. I'm about to implode or explode or completely lose my mind from two hands on my breasts and two cocks in my holes. As soon as Stick shoves into my pussy I'm certain I'm going to splinter and come apart at the seams.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  “Look after my man,” Jacket tells Scherri, then to me; “And you take care of our girl.”

  “Will we see you again?” Scherri asks softly.

  “We never know what's around the corner, right? We'll have to leave that to the fates.”

  Its the kind af answer I'd expect from Jacket, who's become a bit of a mystic since I last saw him. It suits his ass actually.

  And with that he vanishes.

  We hear the bike growling to life outside the window and I pull Scherri in close to me under my wing. We both know it's time for me to take care of all her needs from here on. She nuzzles her cheek up into my chest. If I could lie like this with her pressed into my skin for the rest of my life, I'd be perfectly content. But I don't know what she wants next.

  These past few days have been completely crazy and intense. A wild roller coaster ride of emotions and changes and discoveries. Shit. It could have been devastating and blown all three of us apart. But we all somehow got through it.

  “Are you happy, Babe?” I ask
her and she nods her cheek against my skin and lets out a little noise that demonstrates her own contentment.

  “Did that make you happy? Me and Jacket? Together?”

  “Yes,” she says dreamily. Then adds; “Thank you so much for giving me that experience. I couldn't have done that with anyone other than you.”

  “You better not,” I gnarl. Joking but I'm still perplexed.

  Is that something she wants? A pleasure she needs on a regular basis.

  She certainly couldn't wait for the second go around with both of us. And while I admit it was the hottest fucking thing, watching her get off on Jacket's dick, I know it's not something I could tolerate again, Scherri being with another man. That was a moment in time and it better remain a lost moment. It was a bond that glued us together, glued Jacket and I back together while we took care of her. And maybe even me, myself and I back together finally.

  I guess she picks up on the turmoil running through my head because she disentangles herself and sits up to look down on me, her face a mask of concern.

  “Are you fine with what happened?” she whispers, her eyes wide, her little fingers working anxiously at my ab ridges. “Please say you are because I don't think I could bear it if I've caused any problems between us. You're all that matters to me.”

  “Yeah, I'm cool,” I say. Relief gushing at every cell. “It was a thing that was hot in the moment. But Scherri, I'm not going in for threesomes as a general practice.”

  “Good, that's good,” she agrees, looking relieved. “Because I don't want to do that ever again either. You're right, it was a moment. And I feel closer to you than ever now, if that's even possible. Like all the stuff that could have come between us going forward - your feelings about your deployment, my issues with my mother - that's all behind us.”

  “So long as we're clear. You're mine. You belong to me and I don't intend to share you again with another man. Ever.”

  Her eyes stretch wider and she nods her head. But her lip is sucking in on itself and she looks as though she's about to tear up.


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