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Page 18

by Grace R. Duncan

  “Got it. Sit tight. We’ll find the building and come around back. Maybe get some rest. Have you eaten?”

  “Yeah, we hunted just a little while ago,” Finley said. “Thanks, Grammy. I’m—I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about that now, dear. We’ll talk when we get home again. See you soon.”

  Finley hung up the phone and turned to Tanner. He couldn’t make sense of Finley’s emotions coming across the bond, but he looked deflated.

  “What’s up, baby?”

  “Let’s go back to the trees?” Finley asked instead of answering.

  “Of course.” Tanner checked the area again, and they hurried through the light and back into the trees. He found a patch of grass back from the tree line with a view to the street and settled down, then pulled Finley down to sit between his legs and against him. “Tell me what’s wrong?”

  Finley sighed. “I… I really screwed up.”

  “Aww, baby. No you didn’t. Your wolf was going on instinct. No one’s mad at you.”

  Finley shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t know. Grandpaw certainly didn’t sound happy.”

  “He was worried, baby.” He wrapped his arms tightly around Finley. “That’s all. Really.” Tanner kissed Finley on the temple, thinking quickly. “You know, I wish I’d thought of putting my wallet or at least driver’s license and credit card in with the phone.”

  “That’d make getting back a little easier.”

  “Well, I don’t know. I didn’t exactly see a bus or train station here. But we could have, at least, bought lube and rented a motel room.”

  Finley let out a surprised laugh, which Tanner was going for. “It certainly would make passing the time go faster.”

  “Definitely. Instead, I guess we’ll just have to make out.”

  Finley smiled up at him. “Make out? Like teenagers?”

  “If you’ll recall, my dear mate, you, technically, are still a teenager,” Tanner teased.

  “Oh, that’s true. Well, then, I guess I’m too young for—”

  Tanner didn’t let him finish. He flipped them around until Finley was on his back and hovered over him. “If I recall correctly, you have been telling me for two years now that you’re not too young for me.”

  Finley grinned up at him cheekily. “I think I remember something like that.” His smile faded, and he looked up at Tanner with a sober expression. “He’s pushing me to mate again.”

  Tanner nodded, rocking against Finley with his hard cock, matching Finley’s equally hard length. “Mine too. But I can wait to fuck you until we’re back. I want a bed and real—”

  “Lube,” Finley finished for him. “Yeah, me too. Not that I didn’t enjoy that.”

  “Oh no, I did too,” Tanner agreed. “But, yeah. In the meantime, we can give them a little something.” With that, he dove in, catching Finley’s lips in a thorough kiss.

  FINLEY COULDN’T decide if he was more tired or horny. His wolf insisted it was the latter, but now that the run and trip back was over, he wasn’t sure he agreed. As his grandpaw made the last turn toward the house, Finley was seriously torn between a shower and sleep, and a shower and sex, then sleep. Tanner had gotten them both off while they waited, but his wolf didn’t seem satisfied with that.

  Even so, despite the nap they’d taken after he and Tanner had finished, Finley was still wiped out. He guessed that almost two straight days of running was going to do that, and it was just going to take time to recover.

  It appeared he’d have to wait for either option, though, because as soon as they got to the end of the long driveway, Finley saw Jamie sitting on the porch, waiting. He winced, his heart pounding, when he realized what he’d have to say. His mood dipped further, and he was grateful for Tanner’s hand in his—and the clothes his grandparents had brought them. He really didn’t want to have to do this naked.

  As soon as the Jeep came to a stop, Jamie stepped down off the porch and hurried over. Finley took a deep breath as he got out and was surprised when Jamie yanked him into a hug.

  “Oh gods, I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried! You are okay—” The low growl coming from behind Finley cut him off, and he quickly let go, stepping back. “Oops.”

  That’s when Finley realized Jamie was only wearing a pair of shorts. Finley had been so focused on feeling bad, he hadn’t realized how almost-naked Jamie was. No wonder Tanner growled. Still, Finley did not think it was necessary.

  He turned a glare on Tanner, who actually looked sheepish and mumbled, “Sorry.”

  Turning back to Jamie, Finley found himself tongue-tied. He glanced between Tanner and Jamie, both of whom looked ready to tear the other to shreds. He felt like a complete ass after what he and Jamie had done, and now there he was with Tanner anyway. He cleared his throat, and both men turned back to him.

  The look of disappointment on Jamie’s face made Finley feel even worse. “So, you’ve accepted him, then?” Jamie asked.

  Finley nodded, face heating, and swallowed, trying to think of what to say. His heart thudded at the flash of pain that crossed Jamie’s handsome features. When Jamie seemed to cheer—obviously falsely—it only made Finley feel even worse. “I’m sorry, Jamie, I… I shouldn’t….”

  “Hey, hey… he’s your destined mate, Fin, I get it. If I had one….” He shrugged a shoulder.

  Finley nodded. “You’ll find one. I’m sure of it.”

  The smile Jamie gave didn’t reach his eyes. “It’s okay, really. I’m glad you’re okay. And… I’m glad it worked out for you.”

  Finley frowned. “Jamie, I—”

  “No, I mean it. You can’t compete with a destined mate, Fin. But really, I’ve known since the beginning that if he showed up, you’d be with him. I am happy for you.”

  Finley swallowed. “Thank you,” he said softly. He sent a warning glare at Tanner, then hugged Jamie again. “You’ve… I can’t tell you how much all you’ve done has meant to me. I’d… I’d still like you to be my best friend.” He winced as soon as he said it, realizing how it sounded.

  But when Jamie pulled back, the smile on his face was genuine. “Really?” When Finley nodded, the smile widened. “I’d like that.” He tilted his head and considered Finley for a moment. “You’re tired. And I’m keeping you from your mate.” Finley opened his mouth to argue, but Jamie shook his head. “Get some rest. We’ll talk again later.” With another quick hug, he stepped back. “I’m going to hunt. I haven’t done much of anything since you left.” He turned to Tanner. “Take care of him.” There was unmistakable warning in that, and Finley had to give Jamie props for facing off an obvious alpha wolf and threatening him.

  Tanner simply nodded. “I will.”

  With one more smile, Jamie shucked his shorts and shifted in almost a single move, then headed into the woods.

  Finley frowned, watching him go, heart aching. “I was an ass to him,” he whispered.

  “He understands, baby.”

  Finley wasn’t too sure, but accepted the comfort and kiss from his mate.

  “Come on, let’s get a shower and some rest.”

  Finley turned to Tanner and studied him briefly. “You took that really well. Even with the growling.”

  Tanner grinned. “I know where you’ll be sleeping.”

  Finley laughed. “Indeed. How about we go see about that, hmm?” He paused and turned to his grandma. “Uh, Grammy, can we talk later? I’m kind of beat.”

  “Of course, dear. Whenever you’re ready.” She gave him a hug, his grandpaw patted them both on the shoulder; then they headed into the house.

  Finley and Tanner followed them, turned right, and climbed the stairs when Grammy and Grandpaw turned left to the master bedroom on the first floor. Jeans, T-shirts, underwear, and socks landed in a messy pile not far into the bedroom. A minute later, Finley turned the knobs in the shower, adjusting the temperature to blistering. “I hope you don’t mind hot. I’m both freezing—despite our naturally higher temperatures—and feeling fi

  “Well, you are filthy,” Tanner said, waggling his eyebrows, and Finley laughed. “Yeah, I don’t mind hot water. Let’s get cleaned up.”

  They stepped under the spray, and Finley picked up the washcloth and soap, working up a lather. He turned to Tanner and moved closer, pausing before he started to wash. “I used to fantasize about this,” he said, then ran the cloth over Tanner’s chest.

  “Yeah?” Tanner nuzzled Finley’s temple, leaving soft kisses.

  He nodded. “Yeah. I used to imagine running my fingers through your chest hair, soaping you up. I wondered if your nipples were sensitive,” he murmured, brushing his thumbs over them and thrilling at the gasp Tanner gave in reaction. “Mmm, yes.”

  Finley forced himself to focus on cleaning, though he couldn’t resist taking an extra moment or three to run his hands over Tanner’s hard cock when he got there. He took his time, cleaning every inch, teasing the crown, then stroking it slowly. He moved on to Tanner’s balls, teasing them as well until they drew up and his lover gasped.

  “Fuck, baby,” Tanner groaned. “You keep that up, you’ll make me come.”

  “This is bad how?” Finley asked, teasing.

  “Not ready to yet.” Tanner grunted when Finley gripped his length again and went back to stroking it.

  “Hmmm, well, wouldn’t want to make you do something you’re not ready for.” Finley let go, chuckling when he got a groan in response, and stepped back, his breath catching as he watched Tanner rinse the soap off. “Gods, you’re gorgeous,” he whispered, reaching out and brushing his fingers over the soft skin.

  “You’re the gorgeous one, my mate,” Tanner replied, pulling him back in and kissing Finley’s temple again, then working his way along an ear and down over the skin of Finley’s neck. He nipped with his human teeth at the shoulder, and the surge of arousal had Finley’s vision going gray.

  “Oh fuck,” he whimpered.

  “Mmm” was all Tanner gave in return. He slid his hands over Finley’s back, cupped both cheeks, and squeezed, then pulled him closer. He gave more nips to Finley’s shoulder, and Finley bucked against him, grinding their hard cocks together.

  “Need you.” He ran his lips over Tanner’s skin, needing to taste. He was surprised when they spun and he was pushed face first against the wall.

  “Ass out,” Tanner rumbled, and Finley did as he was bid.

  A moment later, he heard the click of a cap and then felt fingers at his ass. He moaned none too softly when one pushed through the ring of muscle and into him. “Oh yes, please, more….” Finley thrust his ass out farther toward Tanner, thrilling when Tanner pushed a second finger into him almost immediately. Tanner nipped at his neck, and he tilted his head, showing his submission. Something in him—his wolf, probably—was pushing him to show it, needing to give it almost as much as he needed Tanner inside him again.

  His wolf was certainly pleased. The whine that came out next was much more wolfish than human.

  “Mmm. He’s happy, isn’t he?” Tanner rumbled in his ear. When Finley nodded, unable to form anything coherent, he got a deep growl in reply. “Mine too. Can’t bite you, but he wants me to take you all the same.”

  Finley managed another whimper and something that might have been “ohfuckyes,” though he wasn’t sure it made it past his lips. His dropped canines poked at his lip as he tried to contain the sounds that wanted out while Tanner worked to stretch him. He was grateful it appeared he wouldn’t need a lot. “Please,” he whimpered, almost desperate to have his mate inside him.

  Tanner must have understood because the fingers disappeared, he heard another click, and what could only be seconds behind that, felt the tip of Tanner’s dick at his hole. Finley took a deep breath, did his best to relax his muscles, and rocked back.

  He let out a near howl when Tanner was seated in a single, full stroke. Tanner hit his prostate on the way in, making Finley’s neglected cock jump and sending a spark of pleasure through him.

  “Fuck, baby, you okay?”

  “Yes, fuck yes! Move, please… fuck me!”

  Tanner gave a quiet chuckle and pulled slowly out, then thrust hard back in. Each new movement from Tanner dragged his cock over Finley’s prostate, in and out.

  Finley’s cries quickly turned incoherent, higher thought completely gone with the pleasure. Tanner had hit his prostate a few times when they’d made love earlier, and it’d felt good. It just wasn’t quite this. Finley decided he really liked this position.

  He tried to rock, to match Tanner’s thrusts, but Tanner held him still and, with a growl, bit down on his shoulder—with human teeth—in warning. Finley understood: Tanner’s wolf needed to take his mate, to claim in some way. Finley braced himself the best he could against the shower wall and gave himself up to the primal force of their animal coupling.

  In no time Tanner was thrusting hard, nearly pounding into Finley’s ass. Finley couldn’t hold back his cries for anything and found himself very grateful his grandparents’ room was on the other end of the house and downstairs. It felt so fucking good, and despite not being able to stroke his own cock, he was quickly approaching the edge of orgasm.

  His frustration must have transmitted across their bond because Tanner grunted, “Stroke yourself, baby,” then held him up until he could resettle on one arm.

  Finley hissed when he took himself in hand, the pleasure almost too much. He managed a murmured, “Close.”

  In response, Tanner sped up, thrust harder, almost slamming into Finley now. Human teeth bit down on Finley’s shoulder, and seconds behind that, Tanner shouted into Finley’s skin, cock pulsing.

  That seemed to be all his body needed. Finley let out his own shout as the orgasm slammed into him. His vision went fuzzy as the pleasure flew through him, yanking the cum from his balls to paint the tiles in front of them.

  An aftershock, almost as hard as the orgasm itself, hit when Tanner’s cock knotted, locking him firmly in Finley’s ass. His mate’s length thickened, hitting Finley’s prostate once more, causing him to shoot again.

  As he came down from the pleasure, he realized Tanner’s claws were digging into his hips. He hadn’t even noticed the pain. He glanced up to see his own were still out against the tile above his head. His vision hadn’t even gone back to full color yet.

  He panted hard, trying desperately to chase oxygen. Tanner’s hands eased their death grip from Finley’s hips, and he slipped his arms around Fin’s waist. Tanner buried his face in Finley’s neck, leaving light kisses over the skin. His cock still pulsed lightly in Finley’s ass as they struggled for breath.

  “Still didn’t make it to the bed,” Tanner muttered.

  Finley laughed. “No, we didn’t.” He leaned his head back onto Tanner’s shoulder. “I don’t care. Holy fuck, baby,” he murmured.

  “Yeah, no kidding.” He dropped more light kisses on Finley’s shoulder. “We have a problem now, though.”

  “Hmm?” Finley couldn’t begin to think clearly enough to solve a problem.

  “I’m knotted and we’re still in the shower.”

  Finley blinked, opening his eyes. He was interested to note he could see in color once again. “Well, I didn’t get bathed yet,” he pointed out.

  “True,” Tanner agreed.

  Finley looked over his shoulder when Tanner let go to see him reaching for the washcloth and soap. “Let’s see if I can do this while we’re tied together.”

  He chuckled, moving where Tanner put him to reach all the places they could to wash. A few times, as Tanner shifted, his cock ground into Finley’s very sensitive prostate, making him moan.

  “Every time you do that,” Tanner said in Finley’s ear, “my cock pulses again. My poor body just keeps trying to plant pups in you.”

  Finley laughed. “It can keep trying. I certainly don’t mind—not that it’ll succeed.”

  Tanner chuckled. “I don’t mind either. Gods, baby, you feel so amazing.” He tossed the washcloth aside, and they shu
ffled around to face the water. He wrapped his arms tightly around Finley, nuzzling his neck. “I could stay here forever.”

  “I could keep you here,” Finley whispered, hugging Tanner’s arms. He looked back to meet his mate’s gaze. “I love you.”

  “Mmm. Love you too.” Tanner brushed his lips over Finley’s.

  They stood for a while, but when the water turned cooler and Tanner’s knot still hadn’t subsided, Finley started getting worried. “Uh, does this happen every time?”

  Tanner shook his head. “I don’t know. Like I said, you’re the first time I’ve knotted. I have no idea what to expect. But, uh, water’s getting cold.”

  “Yeah, uh….”

  “I guess we’ll just sort of… shuffle?”

  Finley laughed. “Guess so. I think we need to be careful with shower sex.”

  Tanner snorted. “So it seems.”

  They managed an odd dance to get partially dry, then shuffled into the bedroom. They took it slowly so they didn’t pull too hard, but the progress was more than a little frustrating to Finley.

  “You know, you could just pull out,” Finley pointed out, but Tanner was shaking his head before Fin even finished.

  “No. I have no idea how big that knot is and I’m not taking any chances that I’ll cause you damage—which I very well could.”

  He didn’t bother arguing. Finley was coming to learn what his mate’s stubbornness felt like through their bond, and coupled with the set expression on the handsome face, he knew he wouldn’t win this one.

  It was worse than trying to walk in a three-legged race. Every few steps, they stumbled, making them laugh. Tanner tried lifting Finley, but he was too heavy to carry like that. When he set Finley down, he tripped on the edge of the dresser, kicked Tanner in the ankle, and almost twisted his own. Finally they made it to the bed and managed to get in with no further problems. Tanner got the covers up over them, and they settled in.

  Finley was asleep before the knot even subsided.

  Chapter Fifteen

  FINLEY WOKE to the most amazing feeling in the world: wet heat surrounding his cock. He opened his eyes and looked down to see Tanner sprawled between his legs, that sinful mouth wrapped around his dick. Finley moaned, unable to tear his eyes away from the vision in front of him.


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