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Page 23

by Grace R. Duncan

  Tanner stood up to face his dad. “So… you guys are leaving now, right?”

  His dad laughed. “Yeah, we’re leaving. Well, we’re going to go run. Find a quiet corner to—”

  “I don’t want to know, Dad!” Tanner said.

  His dad grinned. “I know. That’s why I do it.” He laughed when Tanner scowled at him, but then he sobered, glanced at the rest of the table, and led Tanner away a few feet. “Listen, don’t focus on anyone but your mate. He’s the only one that matters tonight. You shouldn’t be able to see them, anyway. But if you worry about pleasuring your mate, focus on the fact that it’s about finishing your bond. It won’t be so bad. I promise.”

  Tanner wanted to sink through the floor. Or hide. Or something. But he realized his dad was just trying to help and he needed to be an adult about this. He cleared his throat and nodded. “Thanks, Dad.” He hesitated, then decided if he was going to be an adult, he needed to get over himself. “Did you have trouble, uh, were you able… um….” So much for being an adult.

  “If you’re asking me if I could get it up, the answer’s yes. But, yes, I was nervous and I worried about the same thing.”

  Tanner was not going to turn completely red. He knew he was close, though. Still, he was glad even his dad had been worried. “Thanks. I really do appreciate it.”

  His dad smirked. “I can tell. Your face is redder than your mate’s shirt.”

  Tanner rolled his eyes. “Great. You gave me advice, now go… fetch a buffalo or something.”

  His dad snorted, slapped Tanner on the back—a little harder than Tanner thought was necessary—and retrieved his wife. Tanner didn’t relax until they were on the other side of the trees.

  He turned back to his mate to see the Coopers still giving hugs and saying good-bye. Hannah and the two girls approached him while Jacob hung back. Tanner would have bet his entire savings account that Jacob was offering similar advice to Finley that Tanner had just received. That was confirmed when Finley’s cheeks turned red. But Finley nodded and seemed to be taking it much better than Tanner had.

  Hannah didn’t speak, for which he was grateful. She simply hugged him, then herded the girls toward the parking lot. Hopefully, they’d go around the clearing after they shifted. Jacob clapped Tanner on the shoulder as he passed; then he too disappeared and Tanner moved back to his mate’s side.

  Bob stood there with them and smiled at him. “We’ll all be in wolf form, outside the circle of light from the fire. You probably won’t even be able to see us. Don’t think about us. Don’t focus on anything but each other.”

  Tanner nodded, swallowing around his dry throat.

  “We’ll stay just long enough to make sure it happens. You’ll know what we’re looking for when the time comes. Then we’ll all take off.”

  “Okay, thanks,” Tanner said. His dad had gone over it with him before, but it helped to be reminded. He knew he needed to just put them out of his mind, period. He just didn’t know if he could manage it.

  Bob squeezed Tanner’s shoulder, then Finley’s, and then he and his wife walked around the fire. The two elder couples stepped up to them. All four of them had silver streaks in their hair and the lightest of lines around their eyes and mouth. Tanner wondered just how old they were, but wasn’t about to ask.

  One of the men—a man named Ted who worked in the pack leather company—put his hand on Tanner’s shoulder. He glanced over the other three, who nodded. “Let us offer our congratulations too. It’s been a long time since we went through our own claiming, but it’s something you’ll never forget. Not because someone’s watching,” he said with a twinkle in his eye, making Tanner blush again. “But because it’s intense for the two of you. Take care,” he said, patting Tanner. Then the four of them walked away. The three elder single men followed without speaking, just patting them on the shoulder; then the pack doctor stopped.

  Miles Grant was a lot younger than the others who were staying, very close to Tanner’s age, in fact. Tanner had a few inches in height on him and was quite a bit bulkier when it came to muscle. Bright red hair and a quick smile were the first things you noticed about Miles, but Tanner’s gaydar often pinged—albeit quietly—around the man. Tanner suspected the doctor was at least bi and closeted. Since he was unmated, that didn’t surprise Tanner much. Miles had relocated to their pack a couple of years before, though he hadn’t given a real reason for the move. If he was bisexual, then Tanner guessed that probably had something to do with it.

  “Congratulations,” Miles said, holding his hand out.

  “Thanks.” Tanner shook it, and he turned to Finley.

  “Thank you, Miles. You’re staying, then, right?”

  Miles nodded. “Yes. There’ve been a few times where the claiming bite didn’t heal right. I figured it’d be best if I stayed, just in case.”

  Finley raised his eyebrows. “Didn’t heal right? We’re wolves!”

  “Oh, I know. It’s unusual, but it’s happened.” He shrugged. “If the bite doesn’t happen in the right place—avoid the carotid artery, by the way, if you could—then the bitten mate can actually bleed faster than they can heal. The shock usually stops them from shifting fast enough.”

  Tanner swallowed. “I’ll, uh, keep that in mind.”

  Miles laughed. “Relax. I really don’t think you’ll have anything to worry about. It’s really rare. Anyway. Congrats.” With a pat to Tanner’s shoulder, Miles moved away.

  Tanner turned to his mate. “Are you ready?”

  “As nervous as I am… I’ve been ready for two years,” Finley said.

  Tanner already knew Finley was nervous. He couldn’t have sensed Finley’s worry any easier if it beat him over the head with a stick. He stepped closer and pulled Finley into his arms. “I love you. We’ll be fully mated. That’s all that matters in the end.”

  Finley took a deep breath. “You’re right. Uh… how do we do this?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Let’s take off our socks and shoes, but we’ll wait for the rest until we’ve started by the fire. I’m thinking it might help us ease into it.”

  Finley nodded. “Uh… I was wondering… should we, uh, prepare me now?”

  Tanner considered it, then nodded. “I think that’s a good idea. The less we have to do in front of them, the better. Do you have the lube?”

  Finley pulled the small bottle they’d brought out of his pocket and handed it over. They were far enough away from the fire to have a bit of privacy, so he opened his pants and turned his ass toward Tanner.

  Tanner leaned over him, hand sliding under the cotton. “I don’t think we’ll have to do too much,” he murmured into Finley’s ear. “I was just inside you this morning.”

  Finley whimpered a little at the reminder. The sound went straight to Tanner’s dick, and any worries Tanner had about being able to get aroused were dispelled. At least for now.

  He used plenty of lube and worked quickly, anxious now for this to happen. When he’d worked the third finger in, he nipped at Finley’s ear. “Think that’s good?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” Finley replied, standing. He made a face. “Feels weird to be lubed up and stretched while still dressed.”

  Tanner grinned, knowing it looked wicked. “Maybe I like the thought of you ready for me.”

  Finley rolled his eyes. “Not like we can take advantage of it. Can you imagine getting knotted in public somewhere?”

  Tanner waggled his eyebrows. “I’m sure we could come up with an alternative.”

  “Dear Diana, I’ve created a monster,” Finley muttered, but he was grinning. “Let’s go, mate. I’m ready.”

  THEY DECIDED to approach each other from opposite sides of the fire, liking the symbolism of it. They met right in front, Tanner reaching out while they were still a short distance apart. He brushed a thumb over one of Finley’s cheekbones, then leaned in and their mouths met.

  The kiss started slow as they brushed their lips over each other’s sof
tly. Tanner slid his arms around Finley, tugging until they were tight together. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue over Finley’s lips, sliding it along his tongue when he opened at the prompting.

  He knew they were out there, ten of them, watching him and Finley. In wolf form, but that only meant they couldn’t speak. Still, he couldn’t see them—the light didn’t stretch that far—and it helped more than he thought it would.

  He opened his eyes and ran his gaze over Finley’s gorgeous face. The way the firelight danced over his skin and caught in his hair made Tanner’s breath catch. He really was the luckiest wolf in the world to have Finley as his mate.

  “You really are gorgeous,” he whispered.

  Finley opened his eyes and reached up, cupping Tanner’s face. “So are you. Thank you, for this. For not pushing us to wait longer.”

  Tanner shook his head. “I shouldn’t have waited this long.”

  “We’re here now. Claim me, Tanner. Make me yours.”

  Tanner moaned softly at the need he heard in Finley’s voice, and he dipped his head, kissing his way along Finley’s neck. He inhaled the pine and sunshine, a soft growl rumbling in his chest as it filled his senses. He nipped at the skin, then pulled back and lifted his hands to Finley’s shirt.

  He took his time, kissing what he could of Finley’s skin as he went. Finley clung, gripping Tanner’s arms tightly as if to hold himself up. Tanner loved the idea that he made Finley come undone so well.

  Eventually, the red silk hung open, and Tanner brushed his fingertips over the lean, toned muscles of his mate’s chest. Finley was developing just a hint of a six-pack, and the view sent more blood surging to Tanner’s cock. His vision shifted and his canines dropped.

  When Finley looked up at him and saw his arousal, those beautiful green eyes—which Tanner saw in grays now—bled black and Finley’s teeth dropped as well.

  “Gods, that’s hot,” he whispered.

  Finley nodded, leaning in. “I love seeing that,” he said just as softly, before kissing his way over Tanner’s neck. His hands went to the buttons on Tanner’s shirt at the same time, and what could only be moments later, Tanner’s shirt was open and off.

  The heat in Finley’s gaze as it ate up Tanner’s chest thrilled him. To know his mate wanted him so much did good things for Tanner. But he wanted to keep this moving. As much as he loved savoring Finley, they had something to do tonight, and he was determined to get it done.

  He dragged his fingers over Finley’s chest, allowing himself to tease the hard abdominal muscles before flicking open the button on Finley’s pants. He loved watching those muscles jump in anticipation, and seeing the tent dispelled the last doubts in Tanner’s mind that they wouldn’t be able to do what they needed to.

  He did tease Finley a little, lowering the zipper slowly, enough so they heard each individual click as it moved. Finley whimpered when Tanner was only halfway, and he gave in, pushing it the rest of the way. They dropped, and Tanner moaned at the wet spot on Finley’s boxers.

  As tempted as he was to drop to his knees and taste it, he held the urge back. His wolf was tired of waiting. He wanted Finley under them, wrapped around his cock, their teeth in Finley’s shoulder.

  Tanner could agree. Doing his damnedest to push back the last of his human reservations, he slid his fingers under the waistband of Finley’s boxers and eased them over his hips. Finley’s cock sprang free, bobbing, tip glistening in the firelight.

  Finley wasn’t idle while Tanner worked, however. He was too busy trying to unbutton and push Tanner’s pants out of the way. Their movements took on a bit of urgency, and before too long, they were both naked, clothes kicked out of the way.

  Tanner pulled Finley in again, wrapping his arms around his mate and claiming Finley’s incredible mouth. Their tongues dueled as they nearly devoured each other. Tanner’s hands slid down to cup Finley’s ass, pulling him closer, and Finley moaned as their cocks rubbed, Tanner echoing the sound.

  They knelt, facing each other, not willing to let go or break the kiss. It was a little awkward, but Tanner couldn’t pay attention to that. All he cared about was tasting Finley, feeling that amazing body against his. He rocked, grinding their cocks together and pulling a new gasp from Finley’s throat.

  “Oh gods, Tanner,” he murmured, fingers threading through Tanner’s hair.

  Tanner dove in, nipping at Finley’s lip and sucking it in. He worried it briefly, then let go, biting a light trail over Finley’s jaw. He teased the spot behind the ear, then left a series of nips to his mate’s neck.

  He nipped with his human teeth the spot he’d bite in a very short time, but not yet. They had one more thing to do before he could bite. He couldn’t resist a slightly harder nip, though, and his cock jumped when Finley groaned at it.

  Sliding a hand between them, he ran his thumb over the tip of Finley’s cock, then wrapped his hand around both of them. As he teased them, he slid his other hand back, checking to make sure Finley was still stretched and lubed well enough.

  Grateful to find he was, Tanner sat back—while not releasing the kiss—snatching up his pants and pulling out the lube. Keeping his lips locked to Finley, he slicked up his cock, then tossed the bottle aside.

  They broke the kiss and stared at each other for a several seconds. Tanner brushed the fingertips of his clean hand over Finley’s cheek. “Thank you for wanting to be my mate.”

  Finley smiled a beautiful, incredible smile. “Thank you, Tanner. I couldn’t have asked for better.”

  Their mouths crashed back together, the kiss deep, thorough, momentarily stealing all of Tanner’s ability to think. He forgot entirely what he’d been about to do. All he could focus on was Finley’s mouth.

  But a moment later, he had to break the kiss to breathe, and his memory came back. He sat back, still kneeling, and helped Finley settle in, straddling him. He steadied his cock, and Finley sank onto it in one slow, smooth, steady motion.

  When he was buried completely, he closed his eyes, resting his forehead against Finley’s. “I will never get tired of that feeling,” he said, no longer caring who heard. This man, his mate, was beautiful and amazing and his. He realized he was proud of that. He finally understood what his parents and Finley’s parents and everyone else had been trying to tell him.

  Finley was his. And it didn’t matter who saw. It went beyond not caring; he wanted everyone to know! His wolf howled in his head as the pieces fell into place.

  Tanner kissed Finley, then rocked his hips, thrusting a little. Finley would have to do most of the work in that position, but somehow he knew it was the best one for this. Sitting up, they’d be visible, and yet they could still focus on each other.

  He cupped Finley’s ass in his palms and lifted Finley a little, then let him fall again. The delicious friction pulled twin moans from them and prompted Tanner to do it again. Tanner added an upthrust this time as Finley sank down, and drew a gasp.

  Finley caught on quickly, and together they moved, lifting, then dropping, Tanner thrusting at the same time. They found a rhythm, both attuned to each other by now, both knowing how the other moved. Finley’s head fell back, and Tanner leaned in to nip again at the skin.

  The pleasure built, faster than Tanner would have expected. He was so focused on the amazing feeling of Finley’s tight heat around his cock that nothing else mattered. Not the witnesses, not the heat of the fire, or cool breeze of the night.

  “Tanner, I’m… oh gods,” Finley moaned. “Close… already close.”

  With a hum of agreement, Tanner moved faster, gave harder thrusts as Finley came down on him. He shifted just a little, hoping he could brush Finley’s prostate as they went, and Finley confirmed it with his shout. The reaction was enough to cause Tanner’s balls to draw up and he bent to Finley’s shoulder. “Baby,” he moaned in warning, trying to slide his hand between them.

  “Won’t need it,” Finley murmured. Then his mouth found Tanner’s shoulder and his arms tightened. />
  Tanner groaned, wrapped his arm back around Finley, and only a few thrusts later, his orgasm screamed up on him, shoving him violently over the edge. He bit down at the same moment Finley did and the pleasure seemed to explode, forcing him to let go of Finley’s skin.

  They both threw their heads back at the same time to see something Tanner would never forget as long as he lived. A bright, ethereal spirit form of his wolf rose up above him, along with a spirit form of Finley’s. He couldn’t mistake them, even without color. They were both built exactly the same as their real wolves.

  The spirit forms twisted around each other, as if they were winding themselves together, then merged, the edges of each wolf fading until they were a blurred, single wolf. The meaning behind it wasn’t lost on Tanner. Their wolves, they, were now one. As they watched this, that invisible force that had wrapped around them before did so again. It seemed to pull them even closer, and as it did, the last strands of their bond fell into place.

  Tanner had the brief thought that his teachers had been wrong. It wasn’t like a vine. A vine was too fragile. The bond felt more like a many-threaded cable made of steel or even titanium. Unbreakable, between them.

  He knew, in that precise second, their bond, unlike the others Tanner had heard about, would not, could not, be broken. Finley was his, as he was Finley’s, for the rest of their lives.

  Tanner! Finley’s voice sounded in his head, and Tanner’s eyes widened. Oh gods, Tanner!

  Tanner looked down at Finley, who’s eyes were as wide as his own were. Fin? Are you okay?

  It happened. We’re… we’re mated!

  We are, baby. Tanner grinned, yanking Finley in and kissing him firmly. He hadn’t even noticed his knot form, but it was there, tying them together, pulsing as he filled his mate.

  I love you, Finley said in his head.

  I love you, baby. I’ve never been happier in my life.

  Me either. Finley grinned at him. This is going to take some getting used to.

  Tanner laughed, nodding. Yeah. I look forward to it. You know what this means?


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