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Page 31

by Darling, Giana

  Before I continue to the acknowledgments just a quick disclaimer, I do not in any way support human trafficking. This is a fictionalized version of a very scary and real problem that still faces our society. If you need to talk to someone about the realities of the social issue, please contact your national human trafficking center to learn more.

  Now on to the good stuff, because thanking the people who make my dream job possible is like the icing on the cake of having published another novel.

  As always, the first thank you goes to the woman I dedicated this book to, my PA and friend, Serena. I know I am an artistic mess as the worst of times and I cannot thank you enough for being patient with my process, my illnesses and my flakiness. You keep the ship on course even when I abandon it for a midnight swim with the sharks. There aren’t words enough to express how much I love you, but I hope knowing I wrote this book with you constantly at the back of my mind if tribute enough.

  Allaa, my twin and constant companion even though we live on different continents, I love you for your passion for my words. You inspire me to be a better writer every single day with your enthusiasm and love. I can’t imagine a world where we don’t nit-pick over the perfect cover models and agonize over the right formatting for my paperbacks. You make my entire creative process even more fun, and I will always love for that.

  To Ella, the Chanel to my Coco. Knowing you and speaking to you brings joy to my every day. It’s so strange to think I’ve never held you in my arms yet I hold you so dear to my heart. I know these words will make you laugh uncomfortably, but I’m compulsively friendly and overly romantic as you know, so I had to do it ;)

  To my #dirtysoulsister Michelle Clay. Before you, I never fully appreciated the meaning and beauty of sisterhood. You constantly provide a safe place for my ideas, personal sexy adventures and real-life pains. I could cry just thinking about the ways you’re support has buoyed me in my hours of need. Love you forever.

  To my Armie. I have been forever changed by the beauty of our friendship. Every day without your laughter, beautiful face and positive energy is torture yet, I know that you could live in Antarctica or me the moon, we could be apart for decades, and the moment I saw you again everything would be just as it was between us. You are my soulmate best friend.

  Sarah from Musings of a Modern Book Belle, I love you so hard. I’m sorry I was a mess getting this book to you in time to beta, but I appreciate your every thought about my narratives and I look forward to you beta reading again (for every single book in the future).

  Jenny from Editing 4 Indies, you are my saviour. Thank you for polishing this manuscript from a diamond in the rough into a polished gem. I know put you in the pressure cooker with this release and I’m so grateful you put up with me because the finished product is perfect. I can’t wait to work with you again.

  Candi from Candi Kane PR, I finally found my guru and you’re stuck with me. I loved working with you so much. You are one of the most genuine, fun, and hard working women in this industry and I think you’re Wonder Woman.

  Najla Qamber from Najla Qamber Designs, as always, deserves thanks for putting up with my last-minute demands for her gorgeous graphics and for making me the most stunning covers. I can’t imagine working with anyone else and I wouldn’t want to.

  Stacey at Champagne Formatting is a genius and a wizard. Thank you for making my books so pretty and doing it so quickly on my tight schedule all the time. You rock.

  I love thanking my gorgeous Master Alexander’s Review Team for the amazing passion for my work and spreading the word about Alexander. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that I have you ladies in my corner always cheering me on.

  Giana’s Darlings, you are the best reader’s group on the planet and my safe, little happy place on the interweb. I love talking with you all about books, boys, and real-life problems. It’s like having my own personal girl squad and that’s pretty freaking cool.

  I have to give a special thanks to two incredible women and authors who give me their invaluable time and advice whenever I ask for it (which is often because I’m still a novice). Leigh Shen and Sierra Simone, I love you both for your gorgeous stories, but even more for your enormous hearts.

  I have so many friends in this amazing community that I cannot possibily pay tibute to all of them, but quickly because I love you, thank you to: Lucia Franco, Charleigh Rose, Kennedy Ryan, Dylan Allen, Rebecca Scarlett, Fiona Cole, K Webster, Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones, Ker Dukey, QB Tyler, Cassie Chapman, Lylah James, Leigh Lennon, Skye Warren, Alessandra Torre, Shanora Edwards and Anne Malcom.

  There are countless bloggers who made this release shine like the North Star in a sky filled with innumerable book release and I’m so grateful to each and everyone of you. My most special thanks has to go to Jessica @peacelovebooksxo, Lisa @book_ish_life, @insanebooklover, @krysthereader and @kerilovesbooks for always sharing and supporting my posts.

  To my sister Grace who wants to read every single book as soon as its written and who is probably prouder of me than I am of myself. You’re the best sister a girl could ask for.

  To my Armie. I have been forever changed by the beauty of our friendship. Every day without your laughter, beautiful face and positive energy is torture yet, I know that you could live in Antarctica or me the moon, we could be apart for decades, and the moment I saw you again everything would be just as it was between us. You are my soulmate best friend.

  In all my wildest dreams and aspirations, I never imagined that I would be so happy as I’ve found myself this last year. It feels very rare and special to claim that two of my greatest dreams have come true in that time. One, is that I am making my living as a writer, something I have hoped to do since I was an eight-year-old girl. And the other, even more incredible dream, is being with the Love of My Love. I’ve known him since I was eleven and we developed childish crushes on each other, I’ve loved him since we were fifteen and our love felt too huge to comprehend, and I’ve fought for him every day since then because I know there was never anyone I would love as much as him. The path to true love is never easy, and my love story is no different. But that happily ever after you think only exists in romance books and fairy tales can come true. I’m living proof of that.

  So, to the Love of My Life, thank you for holding me when I need to cry, for making me laugh every single day of our lives together, and for being proud of me even when I wasn’t sure I should be proud of myself. There is no hero I could ever write who would be as perfect a man to me as you are. I will love you until the end of time.

  Giana Darling is a Top 40 Best Selling Canadian romance writer who specializes in the taboo and angsty side of love and romance. She currently lives in beautiful British Columbia where she spends time riding on the back of her man’s bike, baking pies, and reading snuggled up with her cat Persephone.

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  The Evolution of Sin Trology:

  The Affair (The Evolution of Sin #1)

  The Secret (The Evolution of Sin #2)

  The Consequence (The Evolution of Sin #3)

  The Evolution of Sin Trilogy Boxset

  The Fallen Men Series:

  Lessons in Corruption (The Fallen Men Series #1)

  Welcome to the Dark Side (The Fallen Men Series #2)

  Good Gone Bad (The Fallen Men Series #3)

  Coming Soon:

  Enamoured (The Enslaved Duet, Book 2)

  Sloth (The Elite Seven Series, #7)

  After the Fall (The Fallen Men Series #4)



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