Book Read Free

Promise You

Page 3

by Fabiola Francisco

  Dex: almost there sorry

  I sigh and sip my mimosa. “Dex is on his way.”

  I focus on the faded orange liquid in my glass. The last month has been awkward between us. I try my hardest to be myself around him, and I know Dex is also forcing it. The tension between us is threatening to crack our friendship in hopes more will come from it, and last night at my place didn’t help. But, I can’t. I can’t allow myself to fall for Dex. I should take a step back and give our friendship a break. Spend more time with other friends. Have a girls’ night. Anything that will put some distance between the green-eyed man I look forward to seeing each week and the fracture in my heart.

  No more musicians, it was a promise I made to myself a few years ago. Dex has “bad boy musician” written all over his gorgeous face and perfect frame, and it doesn’t take a bad boy to break your heart. I should know.

  “Hey, sorry I’m late. This place is packed.” Dex walks up to us, hands in his pockets as he looks at the crowd.

  “About time you arrived,” I tease, my attempt at being natural falling short.

  “I got a call from the station asking about the playlist I left for the weekend.” He works for a local radio station a few days a week while he’s on his way to stardom. I know he’ll get there one day.

  While we wait for our table, I catch up with Mackenzie while Hunter and Dex talk music biz.

  “What are you going to do for your bachelorette party? Is Tiffany planning it?” Their wedding is a few months away when the weather is warmer. They want an outdoor ranch wedding in Springville, their hometown.

  “You know my sister never misses an opportunity to plan a night out,” Mackenzie smiles even as she shakes her head in mock annoyance. She’s glowing with happiness.

  “Maybe I can help her?” I suggest, knowing it will help keep me focused on something else besides the man standing across from me, craft beer in his hand, leather jacket adding to his look, and our almost kiss last night lingering between us.

  “I’m sure she’d love that,” Mackenzie beams. After her and Hunter’s story, I can imagine this must feel like a dream. Second chances. I sigh and ignore the thought sneaking into my mind. Not everyone gets a second chance.

  I chug what’s left of my mimosa, causing Mackenzie to lift her eyebrows. “Thirsty,” I offer and shrug. How much longer for our table?

  When they finally call my name, we sit and eat, drink more mimosas, and laugh over French toasts, omelets, and avocado toasts. It’s exactly what I needed before the week starts. Nothing beats brunch with friends.

  Dex and I stay behind after we finish eating. “One more drink?” he asks.

  “Why not?” We make our way back to the bar and squeeze into a spot. “Sorry I fell asleep last night watching the movie.” I’m pushed up against him, and his hand lands on my hip to help keep me stable on my feet.

  “‘Ts okay,” he nods with a lopsided smirk and orders our drinks.

  “How was your set last night?” I didn’t even take the time to ask him yesterday with the surprise of seeing him show up at my house when I expected him to stay out late.

  “It was good. We had a nice turnout, and they all seemed to like what I sang.” He pretends it’s no big deal, and I know it’s partly his way of staying grounded and patient.

  “Of course they did. I don’t know how many times I’ll have to tell you that you’re talented.” I cross my arms. “You’ll believe me eventually.”

  “I know I am, and not in a cocky way, but it’s a tough crowd to get into.” He shrugs, chugging half his beer. I sip my mimosa slower, letting it cool the close proximity I am to Dex.

  “I know you want to do this on your own, but send Jason a demo. They won’t pass it along unless they think you’re worth it, so it isn’t a favor.” I’ve offered this many times, explaining that it’s just a way to be heard by someone, and not cheating his way to success.

  He shakes his head. Stubborn man. “I don’t want to do this with a shortcut. I’ve contacted labels. They have my info.” He scrubs a hand down his face, his other one twisting and turning his almost empty glass on the countertop.

  “What about Peyton? You can do this alone but having a manager will help,” I suggest.

  “I’ll think about it,” he drops the conversation and finishes his beer.

  “You look tired,” I point out. Dex simply nods and orders another beer. Whatever is going on with him, it’s taking a toll on his mood. The normal, outgoing Dex is gone, and I’m left with a quiet, moody one instead.

  I know how stressful this career can be, and how disappointing it must be that he’s been trying to get his name out in Nashville to no avail.

  I bump into Dex as someone pushes me from behind while attempting to get closer to the bar. My hand lands on his chest, and I look up at him, about to apologize.

  “Reese…” By the look in his eyes, I can tell what he’s going to say.

  I shake my head softly. “I can’t.” I pay for our drinks and kiss his cheek, walking away before I make the biggest mistake of my life.


  What the fuck just happened? I look back, but she’s already gone. If Taylor hadn’t interrupted us last night, I would’ve kissed Reese. Shown her how I feel with more than words. Prove to her I’m more than a manwhore musician. Sure, I’ve had my share of women in the past, but that doesn’t mean I can’t commit to one woman.

  Instead of heading home, I take a walk around Downtown to clear my mind, my hand pulling at my short hair. Between my lack of success with my music and the woman who just walked away from me, I need a stronger drink than a beer. I’ll stick to the cold air this winter has brought on.

  I lose track of time as I stroll around town, trying to figure out what the deal with Reese is. She’s always been fun and laid-back. I haven’t seen her go on a date since I’ve met her, but I’ve also tried to monopolize as much of her time as possible. I’m a greedy bastard that way. I love her spunk and wit, but even I can admit the last month has been tense between us and last night didn’t help. This is karma for all those times I told Hunter to move on when Mackenzie was nowhere to be found.

  Now I know why he fought for her. Some women are worth sticking around for. I let out a deep breath, knowing Reese is that woman for me.

  Cold and tired from walking the same path up and down Downtown, I head home to my guitar.

  “How was brunch?” my roommate, Wade, asks.

  “Good.” I sit on the couch with him. The warmth from the apartment we share defrosting my sour mood.

  “You make your move yet?” he chuckles and changes the channel from the game I was just getting into. Asshole.

  “She wants nothing to do with me. No point.” I resign to the reality that Reese and I will always be friends.

  “You can’t give up on the girl,” Wade shakes his head as if I were insane to let it go so easily. It’s been months of trying to get her to see me as more than a friend.

  “Given it all I can.” I lean back and lift a leg onto the table in front of us.

  “Nah, that’s bull. You haven’t wooed her, haven’t even tried. I’m disappointed. I thought smooth-voice Dex would have better moves than that.” Wade finally stops surfing channels, carrying on with the conversation while staring at the TV.

  “You’re an ass,” I laugh. He’s right, though. I haven’t even asked her out on a proper date. I haven’t done anything but try to talk to her. My attempt hasn’t been successful either. My words come out empty when my actions don’t back them up.

  “But I’m right.” He sees me working the truth in my brain.

  “Fuck, yeah.” I run a hand down my face. I’m an idiot. Determined to win Reese, I head into my room and play my music. Time to woo.

  Reese: thank you

  Dex: saw it and thought of u

  Reese: god I needed that today. You have no idea

  Dex: what’s up?

  Reese: just a long day. These choc chip cookies are heaven sent.
May need to sneak away to devour them

  Dex: had I known you’d love them this much, I would’ve delivered them myself

  Reese: dex monroe…

  Dex: yes reese stone?

  Dex: I’m just gettin started

  Reese: you’re impossible

  Dex: if u want company or have a drink later, lmk. I’m not playing anywhere tonight

  Reese: thanks

  I put my phone away, smiling that my cookie delivery was a success. It’s the small things. I listen to Reese, I hear her when she talks. I know chocolate chip cookies are her weakness, even more so if she’s having a rough day.

  One point for me.

  “What’s up?” I slap Hunter’s back when I walk into the joint we’re having lunch at.

  “Not much. You?”

  “Quiet morning.” I work at a local radio station a few days a week, but Mondays and Thursdays are always days off for me. I take advantage to work on music, reach out to labels, plan my sets for weekly shows at the different local bars.

  “Well, I’ve got some news.” He turns his full attention to me. “Peyton wants to meet with you. He’s heard your demo and is interested.” A smug smile appears on his face.

  I sit up taller, shaking my head. “What? How?” This has to be a joke.

  “Guess the label had it and he asked them for it. This is good, Dex. I know Cash was impressed with you. This is it, man.” He claps his hands, rubbing them together.

  Hunter and I first met years ago when we were both trying to find our way in Music City. I may be a local to Nashville, but I was just starting to navigate the music world here, and it felt like I was an outsider. After a couple beers, we became friends and have supported each other ever since.

  “Fuck.” My fingers trail through my hair. I always imagined what this day would look like, and I’m in shock compared to what I thought my reaction would be like.

  Hunter laughs. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. Shit. When does he want to see me?” I take a drink of my water, attempting to slow my heart.

  “I gave him your number. He’ll call,” he assures me with a firm nod.

  “Thanks, brother.” I slap his hand.

  “Nah. Don’t thank me. You deserve this. You’ve busted your ass for an opportunity like this.” Hunter nods his head, pensive. “What’s going on with Reese?” He switches gears.

  “Nothing. Can’t get through to her.” No point in lying. He knows I like her.

  “The possibility of working with Rebel Desire is there. I’m guessing maybe opening for them? Just don’t fuck around.” Leave it to Hunter to give me a positive pep-talk when he delivers good news.

  “I know you think me pursuing Reese is a bad move for my career, but I like her. She ain’t just any woman, you know?” I cross my arms and my jaw ticks. He should know I wouldn’t mess with Reese that way. I care about her, and it’s obvious to anyone who spends time with us.

  “I know what that feels like, but I also know Jason is protective. I want you to prove to everyone you’ve got what it takes, but this business isn’t easy. One bad move and you’re gone.” I appreciate his concern, I really do, but I’m not gonna fuck Reese and leave. I want a real chance at a relationship with her.

  “I love ya like a brother, Hunter, but I’m done with the conversations about me fucking up my career for wanting a chance with Reese,” I shoot back, leaving no room for discussion.

  “Got it.” We change subjects, talking about anything else besides Reese while we have lunch.

  “Thanks for telling me about Peyton,” I say as I stand from the table. “Sorry for being an ass earlier. She’s just got me all tied up.”

  Hunter chuckles. “Women.” He shakes his head and clasps my shoulder. “No need to apologize. You know I have your back.” I’m grateful Hunter and I have a friendship that even my asshole comments can’t break.

  “I appreciate that. Now I’m gonna wait to hear from Peyton. A deal with Nashville Records would be a dream.” We make our way out of the restaurant.

  “Tell me about it,” his eyes stare off into space. Hunter says he’s happy with songwriting, but sometimes I wonder if he wishes he would’ve pursued a record deal. I know he’s been offered one and turned it down.

  “We’re livin’ our dreams,” I smirk, slapping his back. This is the best news I could’ve ever gotten. Nashville Records is a huge label for country music. They’ve got Tyler Hunt and Rebel Desire to mention a few, and the fact that Rebel Desire’s manager wants to speak to me has to mean something.

  My hair’s a mess from running my hand through it the entire drive back home. After playing for a few hours, I text Reese to see how her day is going after she told me it was a rough morning. She’s the first person I want to share this news with.

  Dex: wanna grab a drink after work? Got some good news

  Reese: what?!

  Dex: I’ll tell you tonight. Meet me at Riot after work.

  Reese: you’re just going to leave me hanging?

  Reese: hello?!

  Reese: damn you dex

  I laugh, reading her messages. I want to tell her in person.

  “Peyton’s going to call you?” Her eyes are wide as I tell her the news.

  “Yup. Hunter told me today when I had lunch with him. Waiting for his call, but I’m fucking excited.” I lean back on my chair. I know this doesn’t guarantee a record deal, but it’s a step in that direction.

  “I’m so happy for you! This was definitely worth telling me in person. You’re forgiven for ignoring my texts.” Her blue eyes are bright with pride for me. I want this and more with her, to share my successes with her and to celebrate hers. I want this woman for more than one night and more than a warm body on cold nights. Woo her.

  “Thanks.” I scoot up and lean my elbows on the table, brushing back a strand of hair and tucking it behind her ear. Her breath catches as my fingers glide over her skin and there’s no denying she feels something, too. I leave it at that. I don’t push. Subtlety will work best with her, and I want her to see we’ve got something here.

  I order us another round, white wine for her and a beer for me, and ask her about her day. She goes into some issues she had with a client and the damage control she had to do today before the shit hit the fan. The cookies were perfect timing.

  Once we’re done, I walk her to her car, leaning in to kiss her cheek. My hand holds her hip as my lips brush against her cool skin. Instead of a quick peck like usual, I take a moment to breathe her in and get my fill of her sweet perfume.

  “Bye,” her voice is hoarse.

  “Bye, Reese,” I smirk as I watch her fiddle with her car keys.

  Point two for me. I’ll be damned if I don’t make this woman mine.


  “Earth to Reese. Hello?”

  “Huh?” I look at Taylor and Mackenzie, who are sitting across from me at a hightop in Wilder, our go-to bar for happy hour.

  “I bet you I know what she was thinking about,” Taylor giggles.

  “You mean, who,” Mackenzie adds with raised eyebrows.

  “Right?! She should tell him how she feels. It’s obvious he’s not going to reject her,” Taylor says as she conspires with Mackenzie.

  “Not at all. Dex has been smitten with her for months, I’m sure since before I met them,” Mackenzie says, both of them gossiping like school girls.

  “Did she tell you they almost kissed the other night?” Taylor is such a gossip. Mackenzie gasps and stares at me.

  “You both need to stop right now,” I whisper-yell. They’re talking as if I’m not sitting in front of them, listening to their theories.

  “Did you and Dex almost kiss?” Mackenzie gives me her stern teacher look.

  “No, Kenzie. Ignore the rumors.” It’s true I was swimming in thoughts of Dex and the way he held my body as he kissed my cheek on Monday. It’s been five days of replaying the scene in my mind. I’m sure at this point I have a distorted version of reality, like a ga
me of telephone where the message changes with each passing person.

  “That’s because Mike and I got home right on cue. He was leaning into her and ready to pounce.” Taylor looks at us with a knowing smirk and arched brow.

  “Taylor, be quiet.” I rub my temples and finish off the wine in my glass. I should’ve ordered a martini.

  “I speak the truth, big sis. You just don’t wanna hear it.” She shrugs and grins like a know-it-all. Typical Taylor.

  “What’s the worst that could happen if you tell him?” Mackenzie tries the mentor approach, getting me to brainstorm and create pros and cons lists.

  “I ruin our friendship.” And break my heart. I keep that to myself. They don’t need to know everything about me.

  “Bullshit,” Taylor calls me out.

  “Look, even though he may feel the same, it wouldn’t work out in the long run. I’m not looking to get into a relationship with an expiration date before we even begin,” my voice is tight.

  “That’s all in your head,” Mackenzie tries to reason with me while Taylor dips a chip into the salsa and nods in agreement.

  “I know the music industry.”

  “Look at the guys and Hunter,” Taylor tries to provide evidence that not all musicians are womanizers. What they don’t know is that it goes beyond the man playing the music. I shake my head of those thoughts. Not the time to explore the past. Or ever.

  “Can you trust me on this one, please.” I look at the two of them, pleading they drop the subject. “I’m happy with my life. Unlike you two, I’m okay being single.” They glance at each other and frown.

  “Sorry, that was a bitch thing to say. I didn’t mean you guys are in relationships because you don’t want to be single. It’s just…” I trail off my words, exasperated with having the same conversation.

  “Complicated,” they both exhale.

  I nod and look away, pretending to pay attention to the football game on the television.

  “Hey, Hunter is at Riot. Do you want to come?” Mackenzie asks as we walk out of Wilder.


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