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Blood Stained Lives (The Blood Stained Saga Book 1)

Page 20

by Ronald Griffin

  “I really am sorry for all of your losses. No one should ever have to endure all of the pain that you have.”

  She kisses him again and strokes his cheek with her hand, then gently nibbles on his lip.

  “Can't we just run away together?” she asks.

  “You have no idea how much I love the sound of that, but I am the last White Wolf, and that means I'm the only one strong enough to stop him. No matter where we go, he will not stop looking until he has all of the pieces of the amulet.”

  She hugs him again very tightly not wanting to let go of him. Then they hear the sound of someone knocking on the door. They both get up out of bed and Namon answers the door. Brice is standing there with his hand covering his eyes, and then he peeks between his fingers.

  “Y'all decent?” he asks.

  “Yeah man, what's up?”

  “Eric and everyone else have made a big breakfast for the two of you before y'all go.”

  “All right, we will be out in a few minutes.”

  Namon shuts the door, and turns around to see Aluana standing there.

  “Where are we going?” she asks.

  “Well, Eric thinks everyone will be safer if we went to the cabin we have under a mile just north of here. Cyrus will be looking for you as soon as he realizes you're missing, and that will probably be the safest place for you to be right now.”

  “You will be staying with me there, won't you?” she asks.

  “Of course, I mean, I may have to come back in case something happens, but I wouldn't be gone long, and I would only leave if I had no other choice.”

  They both walk outside, and the air is filled with the scent of smoked sausage and pancakes. The picnic table is covered with a feast of breakfast foods. Everyone is very welcoming and pleasant to Aluana. Eric must have had a good night last night because the serious face he has been wearing lately has been replaced by a goofy grin.

  “Namon, before we all eat, I want to have a few words with you and Aluana.”


  They all get up and walk up the hill to Eric's trailer. Once inside, Eric touches Aluana's hand, and looks into her eyes.

  “Just as I suspected. Aluana, how long have you believed you are a vampire?” Eric asks.

  “Centuries, why? What do you mean 'believe' I'm a vampire?”

  “Well, this may come as a shock to you, but you're not a vampire.”

  “What do you mean?” she asks truly befuddled.

  “Well for one thing, vampires don't eat human food. Their bodies reject it as soon as they swallow it. Other than that, you don't even give off the scent of a vampire.”

  “Then how do you explain how I've been alive for so long?” she asks.

  “I have seen this before. A sorcerer can make someone immortal by connecting the person’s essence to that of the vampires. That enables the vampire to preserve the person for a special purpose for as long as the vampire wishes. Namon, you are the person most able to protect her until we can make a plan for getting rid of Cyrus. So when you leave, you stay with her at all times until someone comes for you. Understood?”

  “Yes sir,” he responds

  “By the way Aluana, think of the vampires you lived with, what they could possibly need you for, anything specific. I know that’s broad, but it might help you figure out why they bound your essence to them.”

  “Now, let's go join everyone else. I'm starving,” Eric says.

  They leave the trailer to join everyone outside who are already enjoying their breakfast. Once done, Sierra walks over and hands Aluana a bag with some of her own clothes.

  “I thought maybe you could use some more clothes, since you didn't have any with you when you came here.”

  “Thank you so very much,” Aluana says. Then, noticing Kieran close behind Sierra, she asks, “So is this the guy you were shopping for that day?”

  Sierra starts turning red at the question.

  “Um, actually, that was Namon.”

  “I'm sorry; I didn't mean to put you on the spot,” Aluana says.

  There is an awkward silence for a few moments, and Aluana feels bad now for putting Sierra on the spot like that. She also feels a little uncomfortable because they both have shared the same feelings for the same guy. Does she still feel that way about him? Then Kieran walks the extra steps and gives Sierra a hug from behind. She smiles and holds his hand in hers. Aluana smiles at the two, and feels a little bit better about the situation.

  “Thank you again for the clothes. That was very sweet, and considerate of you,” she says.

  Brice comes up towering over Aluana; then lifts her into the air, giving her a big bear hug. Then he puts her down and gives her a very serious look.

  “You take care of my friend, all right?” he says while tilting his head in Namon's direction.

  “I will,” she says with a smile.

  “And you,” Brice says while pointing at Namon. “You get into any trouble, just howl, and the B-man will be there before you know it.”

  “You've got it, man,” he says while tapping his knuckles with his own.

  Brice then picks him up for a bear hug as well. When he puts him down, he picks Oz up.

  “Don't worry about my little buddy here. I'll take care of him while you're gone,” Brice says.

  Oz tugs on Brice's shirt and points to Aluana when he has his attention. Brice walks over to her and Oz jumps into her arms hugging her. She hugs him gently back, then he launches himself back at Brice, and clamors his way to his shoulder. Kaya walks over, and gives Aluana a hug as well.

  “You two, be careful out there. Namon, you let us know when you two get there ok?” Kaya requests.

  “The cabin is fully stocked for any need you may have,” she states.

  “I promise,” he says tapping his pocket with his cell phone in it.

  Eric walks over patting the two of them on their shoulders.

  “Be careful, and once this all blows over, Aluana, you are welcome here with us anytime.”

  “Thank you. I will definitely hold you to that,” she says with a smile.

  She feels at home with them, and believes that they truly care for her. They aren't putting on a show like Cyrus always has. Aluana slides the straps of Namon’s backpack over a shoulder and lifts her bag as Namon phases into his wolf form so that he can better sense any dangers that could be around during their trip. They enter the woods, and several thoughts enter her mind. I wonder if anything has ever happened between Namon, and Sierra? She is very pretty.

  “No, nothing has ever happened with us,” Namon said to her with his mind. “Don't freak out this is another one of my gifts. When I am in my wolf form, I can hear thoughts. It's sort of like telepathy.”

  “Wow, that’s really cool. I wish I had that around Tiffany,” she says.

  “Who's Tiffany?”

  She rolls her eyes. “She’s one of Cyrus's favorite vampires that sucks’ up to him every chance she get, a bane of my existence, basically. She tries her best to cause trouble for me every chance she gets.”

  “Sounds like you’ve had it pretty rough,” Namon says.

  “Yeah. So, how come nothing ever developed between you, and Sierra?”

  Namon sniffs around concentrating on the best way to answer the question.

  “I just never felt that way about her. I mean, she was my first kiss, yeah, but I never had that feeling I always thought you should have when you are supposed to be in love with someone. She never felt more to me than a friend, anytime she made it clear that she wanted more, that just made me feel uncomfortable. I thought I may not have felt that way because of this big destiny that I'm supposed to be a part of. So I didn't even try to feel anything more for her or anyone else. When I first laid eyes on you, though, all of that changed. The whole world as I knew it just froze in place right then.”

  She smiles hearing those thoughts, knowing that she felt the very same way when she first saw him.

  “So have you ever had a
girlfriend?” she asks.

  “Do you count?”

  “Well, we haven't technically established any form of relationship, yet. So, no, I do not count,” she says with a slight laugh.

  “In that case, No, I was home schooled for most of my life, other than Katrina, Kaya, and Sierra, you're the only woman that I have ever been around for an extended period of time.”

  “So that means you're a virgin, then?”

  It's a good thing that he is in wolf form, or else he would be turning several shades of red at this moment.

  “Yes,” He answers uncomfortably.

  “I could have had sex and just do not remember it. Anyway, it would feel like a first time for me,” she finishes, blushing a little. She isn’t used to reading wolf facial expressions, so Aluana can’t tell whether, or not Namon is uncomfortable. In case he is, she keeps chatting. “So yeah, can’t remember much at all before Cyrus got hold of me. I do get these headaches sometimes, and I see glimpses of what may be memories, but I do not know for sure. The most vivid one I have had was about a dragon trying to eat me.”

  “Maybe you have some kind of connection with the dragon, and that is why Cyrus wants you. Maybe that is also why you have the ring,” he suggests.

  “Maybe,” she says with a slight bit of uncertainty.

  The closer they get to the cabin, the stronger the sound of flowing water gets. Namon's ears perk up at the familiar sound, and he gets an idea.

  “Follow me. I want to show you one of my favorite places to go when I need to think,” he says.

  He leads her to the river nearby and she gasps at the amazing view. She gets too close to the edge of the steep cliff, and Namon pulls her back by grabbing her shirt with his teeth.

  “Easy, I can't save you if you wind up falling in.”

  “Why not? You can't swim?”

  “No. No one has taken the time to teach me. Well, all I have had is Katrina and she kept me hidden as much as she could to protect me. It got frustrating at times, but now I understand why she did it. I truly miss her,” he says with his head lowered. “Then there is the pack and they are all afraid of water. Plus, it’s a long fall into some really rough waters. Even the strongest of swimmers could drown.”

  “Stay away from water. Check,” she says.

  “There is a relatively safe way down over here, though.”

  Namon walks farther up the side, and there is a small pathway that leads down to the water. She follows him carefully as they make their way down. Namon hops onto one of the large boulders that’s beside the river and lies down, staring into the water.

  “This is where I come when I need to be alone. With so much going on, I tend to have a lot on my mind and need time alone to think.”

  “It's beautiful,” she says as she sits down on the boulder next to him.

  “I also come here to read my mom's journal. It's the only connection that I have with my parents. That is how I have learned about the other White Wolves. I just wish that I had them instead of the journal,” he says.

  She leans down and kisses him on the top of his snout.

  “I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could do.”

  “You are doing plenty just by being here with me.”

  Several minutes go by, and they just gaze into the water.

  “Well, I guess we need to head to the cabin,” He says.

  They get up, climbing back up the pathway, and continue on their way to the cabin. Soon they see the cabin ahead of them. Once they get to the porch, Namon turns around, and howls to signal everyone that they made it there safely. He then phases into his human form so that he can open the door, checking all the rooms. Once satisfied things are secure, he raids the cabinets searching for food. Aluana sets his backpack beside the bed and the bag Sierra gave her on the bed, then goes through the clothes, looking for something to change into. She decides on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She walks into the kitchen and catches Namon stuffing his face full of junk food.

  “Damn honey, didn't we just eat a little while ago?” she asks.

  “Yeah, it's a side effect from my phasing. It burns many calories, so I have to eat shortly after I phase to human. I could replenish while I am in wolf form as well, but I wouldn't want to gross you out by eating a deer, rabbit, or something. Too many times switching form and I could pass out.”

  “We definitely don't want that to happen. I think I am going to go take a shower,” she says.

  “All right, and I will take one after you. I'm sure you would appreciate it if I didn't smell like dog.”

  She sniffs the air in his direction realizing that that he is right. He does smell like a dog.

  “Yeah, that may be a good idea,” she says with a grin.

  She turns around, walking through the bedroom to get to the connecting bathroom. After turning the shower on, she removes her clothes while allowing time for the water time to become hot. Once satisfied of its temperature, she gets into the shower, closing the curtain behind her. She places her hands to the wall as the hot water hits her body. Her thoughts drift to Namon, and how kind he is. She believes that he will do anything to protect her, and that makes her feel the safest she ever remembers feeling. The smell of mint mixed with oatmeal lingers in the air as she rubs the bar of soap all over her body. She lathers up, making sure she is all nice and clean before rinsing off. When she uses the mint-scented shampoo to wash her hair, she breathes in soothing scent.

  She shuts off the water after thoroughly rinsing her hair, then pulls the curtain back and reaches for the dry towel to dry off. She wraps the towel around her body once she completely dries off and ties it right above her breasts to make sure she is all covered up. Then she steps out of the shower, grabs another towel, and uses it to dry her hair as she walks out into the kitchen. She watches him for a moment as he throws away food wrappers, and is surprised when she sees him carefully wiping the crumbs from the kitchen table.

  “Good looking and you can clean up behind yourself. Yeah, I think I might keep you,” she says.

  “Good because you're stuck with me,” he says with a confident smile.

  “I'm all done with the shower. I'll dress while you're in there.”

  He walks over to her and wraps his arm around her, and then kisses her on the lips before he walks into the other room and prepares for his shower.

  While Namon is in the shower, Aluana holds tightly to the towel as she walks around the cabin exploring a little bit. She looks at the movie collection by the flat screen television in the den. The movies tell her that this cabin is generally used for romantic escapes, since they are all romance movies or romantic comedies. Once she is done looking through the movies, she can hear the water being shut off, so she returns to the bedroom.

  Namon finishes drying himself off and puts his clothes on. He looks at the convenient selection of colognes and decides on one that isn't too strong, or overpowering. He wants to smell good for her, but doesn't want to drive her out of the house. Once satisfied with a choice, he sprays some on. He opens the bathroom door, and sees her standing there with the towel still wrapped around her.

  “I thought you were going to get dressed?” he asks.

  She silently walks over to him and wraps one arm around his waist, and the other behind his head as she pulls him down closer to her. She kisses his lips softly at first, but then the passion builds, and she pries his mouth open slightly with her tongue. He doesn't resist, allowing her tongue access, and she uses it to rub over his making their kiss very deep, and passionate. Their tongues tangle around one another, causing a hunger to build inside both of them. His instincts start to take over as he grabs her by the buttocks and lifts her. She wraps her legs around his waist as he lifts her. The two of them turn together as he then presses her body against the wall. She grabs his shirt and tears it down the center hungrily. The torn pieces fall freely, allowing her access to his chest. She rubs her hands all over his chest, and starts kissing his shoulders. He leans in close
r, and starts to kiss her neck as well and then he gently sinks his teeth into her shoulder. She gasps as he does this, and then drags her fingernails across his back. The two of them moan out slightly in pleasure as she explores him.

  He carries her over to the bed, lays her down gently, and then kisses her lips passionately. His hands rub down over her shoulders on the way to the towel. He slowly pulls it open, exposes her breasts, and massages a breast with one hand as the kiss continues. She moans a little into his mouth as his fingers rub over her sensitive nipples. He breaks away from her lips and starts to trail his lips down her neck, alternating from kissing to a gentle nibble. The trail continues on to her breasts as he kisses each one of them, taking the time to suck on each nipple, driving her into frenzy. She has difficulty staying still, and she grabs him by his hair and encourages him to continue going down further. He kisses all over her tight stomach and then, as he spreads her legs, he begins to kiss her thighs. He can smell her passion building just a few inches away from where he is kissing, so he decides to move closer. Instinct driving him on, he kisses the warm wet area where she burns with desire. She lets out a few gasps, and whimpers before she starts pleading with him.

  “Please. I want you inside me. Please.”

  He stands up, removes his pants and underwear in one single movement. Trembling from excitement and nervousness he slowly climbs on top of her, positioning himself between her legs. He kisses her again as he slowly penetrates her. She cries out in pleasure and wraps her legs around his waist. She scratches his back, and then grabs his buttocks as he thrusts deep and slow. Both of their bodies glide over one another again, and again, building their passion until they both burst with orgasm at the same time as if they were one complete being.

  Namon collapses beside her on the bed, and she rolls to her side, wrapping an arm around him, and using his chest as a pillow with the biggest satisfied grin she has ever had. Well, that she can remember, that is. Namon catches his breath, holds her close to him, and kisses her.

  “So that's why Eric looked so happy today,” Namon says.

  Aluana laughs and then kisses him back.


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