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Forever Mine (Westin Pack Book 3)

Page 16

by Julie Trettel

“Says the man who prays every night to never meet his true mate.” Liam affectionately joked with him, and I couldn't help but wonder if it were true. He definitely had the love 'em and leave 'em vibe going on with a hint of bad boy, or maybe it was just the tattoos that gave him that wicked appeal.

  He shrugged with an effortless ease that just gave him a certain unquestionable “it” factor. “Just ҆cause I have no desire to find mine, doesn't mean I can't be happy for you to have found yours.”

  A young woman approached us. She looked to be in her early thirties, maybe. It was hard to tell for sure. She wouldn't stop staring at me. I gripped Liam's hand tighter.

  He looked up and took notice. “Hello, Kara.”

  “Hi, Liam. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to overhear, but did you really say you're Madelyn Collier?” she asked me.

  I nodded slowly. Her hands flew to her mouth in shock.

  “I'm Kara. You probably don't remember me, but I was roommates with your sister Lizzy in college.”

  “Lizzy?” I said softly, as memories of my oldest sister filled me, and I vaguely recalled the girl from trips to visit Lizzy on move-in day and visits. She was eight years older than I was, and studying for her masters when I left home.

  “I just spoke with her the other day. She was preparing for your memorial. Have you spoken to her? Does she know you're alive?”

  I shook my head. I hadn't called them yet. I knew I would have to, but I hadn't found the courage to face them.

  “She'll want to know. You have no idea what losing you did to her. To all of them. They will hold the biggest celebration ever when you return home.”

  “She's not returning home, Kara. Sure, we'll visit her family, when she's ready, but until then, I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell them. Let her do it on her terms,” Liam told her.

  “Not tell them? Are you serious? Lizzy would kill me if she knew I had information on her sister and didn't tell her.”

  “It's okay,” I interrupted, feeling Liam's anger surfacing. I loved how he was always coming to my defense, and I knew he always would. “I guess I knew this was sort of inevitable. It's why I didn't want to come back with you to begin with,” I told him.

  “Please,” I said, appealing to Kara, “wait to call her tomorrow. It's something I should do myself. I promise, I'll call home tonight.”


  Chapter 17

  I shouldn't have taken her to the Crate. It was stupid. Of course someone was going to recognize her, and I'd just blurted out her name for all to hear and gossip over. What was I thinking? She had handled herself well, though, and Kara seemed to have backed down.

  I knew calling home and facing her past was not going to be easy on her. I decided it would be best if we got back to my parent's house and put Oscar to bed, then borrowed Kyle's office to have some privacy to make the call. I knew I wouldn't leave her side through any of it.

  Thinking about it, I shot off a text to Kyle.

  LIAM: hey, need to borrow your office this evening. Okay?

  KYLE: why?

  LIAM: Maddie and I need it for a few minutes.

  KYLE: Kels told me about you and MC. So NO!

  LIAM: Ass. Why not?

  KYLE: Already lost one chair to Elise, not happening again.

  LIAM: ???

  KYLE: What do you need it for?

  LIAM: Calling her parents tonight.

  KYLE: Oh.

  KYLE: Yeah sure.

  KYLE: But no sex in my office

  LIAM: Thanks . . . I think.

  I put the phone away and it hit me. Gross! I suddenly realized I knew exactly which chair Kyle was referring to. It now sat in the corner of the living room at E's place. I started laughing at loud, causing weird looks my way. Maddie gave me a quizzical one and I shook my head. “Tell you later.”

  We quickly finished our dessert, paid the bill, and headed home.

  “So what was that all about back there?” she asked, still curious about my outburst.

  “I was texting Kyle, asking to borrow his office to call your folks tonight after Oscar goes to bed. He said no.”


  “He was worried we just wanted to have sex in there. Apparently, E . . .”

  She cut me off mid-sentence. “Eww! Don't finish that thought.”

  I laughed and she joined in.

  “Apparently there was a chair involved that now sits at Elise’s place.”

  “The red and brown one in the corner that looks out of place for the décor upstairs?”

  “Yup, that's the one.”

  “That's terrible,” she said, laughing.

  “I did not want to ask how he knew about it!” We both laughed harder, and were still laughing and joking about it when we walked into the house. Dad was in the living room when we arrived. He stopped. Frozen, he stared at Maddie, causing my arm to tighten around her protectively.

  “Hello, Mr. Westin,” she said politely.

  “Jason,” he said, as if on autopilot. He looked her over much in the same way her own father would before ripping her from my arms in a big embrace. I growled at him. “Simmer down,” he told me. “Madelyn. I can't believe it's really you. Mary told me, but seeing you here, now. You're all grown up. Your parents must be ecstatic.”

  “Actually, they don't know she's here yet. We're calling them tonight.”

  He looked confused. “You haven't called them? They don't know you're even alive?”

  Maddie looked sad at the accusation and I glared at my dad until he backed off some.

  “No, sir.” She sighed. “It's a long story. I really don't want to go into again right now.”

  “Mommy!” Oscar yelled, running into the room to hug her.

  I bit back another growl that was trying to surface, reminding myself it was only the kid. I had to admire the irony. Wasn't it he who was warning me off not that many days ago? I didn't know this crazy protectiveness would continue to worsen.

  I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair, trying to calm myself and my wolf. It was just family. No threat, I tried reminding myself.

  Kyle had walked into the room while I was lecturing myself. When I opened my eyes, they met his. I expected to get a wrath of shit from him, but he just gave me an apologetic smile. I knew he understood what I was going through.

  Chase was away at college. At least I didn't have to hear it from him.

  “Look at you,” Kyle said, addressing my mate. “Little MC all grown up. Z-Man hasn't stopped talking about Oscar since I got here. He seems like a great kid. You've done a wonderful job with him.”

  Maddie beamed with pride and I wanted to thank my brother for his kind words to her. He didn't make a big fuss over her sudden appearance like others had, and I know she appreciated it as much as I did.

  “And you,” she said. “Alpha. Wow. I mean, we knew one day, but it's just crazy, right?”

  Kyle gave a worried look to our dad. We were all still a little concerned about him, but he looked unaffected.

  We spent the remainder of the evening playing games and hanging out in the family room. Kyle hadn't stayed long; he had just come to grab his mate for a kid-free night. Zander was staying and Oscar thought it was super cool to have a sleepover with the tyke. Despite the age gap, they seemed to get along and entertain each other well.

  I could tell Maddie was extra nervous the closer it got to bedtime. “Are you sure you're okay with this?” she kept asking him.

  “Mommy, I'm fine. Are you going to be okay?”

  “I'll be fine, buddy.”

  “Grandma Mary says Liam's room is just across the hall. Could you sleep there tonight, you know, just in case?”

  I heard her intake in breath and tried to fight back a smile. I knew I liked that kid.

  “Yes. I have a few things to do before bed, but if you need me tonight, I'll be just across the hall.”

  “Okay, good night, Mommy. Good night Liam.”

  “Night, Unkie Leem. Night, Aunt Maddie,” little
Zander said. I could see Madelyn turn to mush. The squirt was going to have her wrapped around his tiny finger any second.

  “Come on, Aunt Maddie,” I teased. “These boys need sleep to grow big and strong.”

  “Just like you, right Liam?” Oscar asked excitedly.

  “You got that right, kid.” I fluffed the hair on his head and told him good night, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down towards the bed. Before I knew what was happening he had his arms wrapped around me tightly.

  “Thank you for taking care of Mommy today so I could play with Zander and Grandma Mary. I had a lot of fun,” he whispered to me.

  “Anytime, kid.” It bothered me that he felt so strongly that Maddie needed to be looked after. She was far stronger than any person I had ever met in my life, yet her own son seemed to find her weak and fragile. “We'll be right across the hall tonight if you need anything.”

  I quietly closed the door to the nursery and found Maddie staring at the adjacent door, looking more nervous than ever. I wanted her. God knew I wanted her, but I would never push her for more than she was ready to give. I figured that was an issue we'd deal with later. First up was probably an even harder one. It was time to make the phone call I knew she dreaded above all else.

  Without a word, I took her hand in mine, gave it an encouraging squeeze, and led her down to Kyle's office. He had left it unlocked for us, so we quickly entered and closed the door behind us. We were completely alone, and for a brief moment I could appreciate why Elise would choose this room to, uh, pick out her new chair. I struggled not to laugh just thinking of it.

  “I can't do this, Liam,” Maddie said, reaching for the doorknob and ready to bolt.

  “Hey, hey, hey, come here,” I said, wrapping my arms around her and holding her close to my chest. “I'll be right here. We'll do it together. I know it's hard, but do you really want them to find out through the grapevine? They'd be en route the second they heard.”

  She shook her head. “No, I'm not ready for that. I can't see them yet.”

  “I know. I know,” I said, kissing the top of her head. “That's why we have to make this call, and you know it.”

  She nodded, but when I pulled back and really looked at her, she looked terrified.

  “Mad, they're going to be thrilled. They've missed you so much.” I said, trying to be reassuring.

  “Don't you think I know that? Don't you think the guilt of that has eaten me alive every day of the last eight years?”

  I hadn't thought about that. I really hadn't considered why she was so purposefully staying away from her family. I knew she had always loved them, and I also knew they still very much loved and missed her.

  “I'll be right here with you. You can do this.”

  Her eyes begged me not to make her and I had an internal battle over what to do. In the end, I knew we had to call them. I put the phone on speaker and dialed the number to the Collier Alpha house.

  “Hello?” A woman's voice came across the phone.

  Maddie shook her head no and ended the call. Tears filled her eyes and my heart broke watching her. She was trying hard to breathe, but I could feel her headed for a panic attack.

  “That was my mom,” she said.

  “I know, I know. And you can do this, sweetheart. You are so much stronger than you know.”

  She nodded, but I knew she was borderline hysterical.

  “Ready?” I asked, as she shook her head no. I tried to give her an encouraging smile as I dialed the number again.

  “Hello?” I heard Cora Collier say again over the phone. “Hello?” she said a little harsher when we didn't immediately respond.

  I watched Maddie staring at the phone with tears running down her cheeks. It was clear to me that she wasn't going to speak right away. Which put it all on me. I couldn't completely protect her from this, but I could help as much as she needed.

  “Mrs. Collier? This is Liam Westin.”

  “Liam,” she said, clearly surprised. “What can I do for you? Is everything okay with your family? Is your mother okay?”

  “Never better, and she is fine, thanks for asking.” I pulled Madelyn into my arms as she continued to cry softly.

  “I'm surprised to hear from you, especially at this hour. Is there something I can do for you?”

  “Actually I need to speak with both you and Zach. Would it be possible for him to come to the phone? Perhaps you could put me on speaker so the both of you can hear,” I advised.

  I knew Zach Collier well. He was a tall, stoic man, with a quiet, commanding manner. I liked him a lot. Over the last year since working with Westin Foundation I had had the opportunity to really get to know him. Collier Pack had unanimously agreed to invest in Westin Foundation and we had spent months working closely on the details.

  “Hello? Liam?” Zach Collier's deep voice came through the phone, filled with concern.

  “Hi, Zach,” I said.

  “Cora said you needed to speak with the both of us? Is everything okay with your family?”

  “Yes, sir, they are all fine.”

  “And the investment? Did something happen?”

  “No, sir. I promise your money is safe with me. This isn't a business call. It's personal.”

  “What's going on, Liam?” Cora asked.

  I looked down to find Maddie staring at the phone, lost inside herself.

  “There's really no easy way to tell you both this. I suppose I should start with letting you know, I found my true mate.”

  “Oh, Liam, that's fantastic!” she gushed. “I know your mother must be so relieved.”

  “That's great news, son, but you didn't need to call us for that. I would have seen the announcement come out.”

  “Well, that's a bit complicated still,” I laughed.

  “Mating always is, but so worth it in the end.” Cora said.

  I could hear the love in her voice, and knew she was thinking of her own mate, not mine.

  “Wait, is she from Collier Pack? Is that what this is about?” Zach questioned.

  “Actually, she is, or was. Is,” I finally decided.

  “Come again?” he asked.

  I took a deep breath and let it out. There really was no easy way to say this, so I just blurted it out. “It's Maddie. My one true mate is Maddie. Your daughter, and I've found her.”

  Madelyn's eyes flew to mine, larger than I'd ever seen them. I gave her an uncertain face and shrugged. I didn't know how else to say it. There truly is no way to say, “Hey, remember that daughter of yours that ran away and was presumed dead? Yeah, she's here and she's my mate!”

  “Could you repeat that? I'm not sure we heard you right,” he said cautiously.

  “No, sir, you heard me correctly. I found Madelyn. She's alive and doing very well. I brought her home to San Marco with me. She has a son. You have a grandson. It's our Maddie, Zach.”

  I could hear Cora crying through the phone. “Maddie?” she wailed. I feared she might become hysterical from the news. “Maddie's there? Zach, we have to pack, we need to go to her.”

  “No,” Maddie said aloud, shaking her head with eyes pleading me to stop them.

  The line went quiet. “Madelyn? She's there? She's listening in? Right now?”

  “She is,” I confirmed.

  “Madelyn, we love you so much. I am so sorry. I'm so very sorry. Just come home. Please, come home,” her mother begged.

  I heard some noise in the background and could make out that Zach was trying to comfort his mate. “Shh, Cora, it's okay.”

  “Zach, it's Maddie, that was our baby girl. She's there, right now.” Speaking directly to Maddie, she spoke a little louder. “Baby, please, talk to us. We need to hear your voice. Are you okay? Please, I just need to know you're okay.”

  “I'm okay, Mama,” Maddie finally said. “I miss you guys.”

  “Oh, Madelyn, we miss you too. So much, every day. Not a day goes by we don't think of you,” her mother assured her.

  “I'm okay
. I'm okay,” she said, as if trying to convince herself as much as them.

  “When will you be home?” Zach asked.

  “I'm not coming home, Daddy. Not yet at least. This hasn't been easy on me. I'm still trying to adjust to being around wolves again. I'm not ready to come home.”

  “Then let us come to you!” Her mother was practically begging. “We can be there tomorrow if we drive through the night.”

  “Mama, please, no. I'm sorry. I just need some time. Please, just know that I'm okay. I'm safe, and I love you.”

  Maddie turned and walked out the door. I knew her parents could hear the click behind her. I didn't know what to do. Should I run to her, or console her grieving parents?

  “Liam? Liam, please?” Zach begged.

  “I'm here, Zach.”

  “Tell me she's okay. I want your word that she's truly okay and no harm will come to her.”

  I pulled out my phone and texted him a picture of Maddie on the boat ride over to Alcatraz. She was smiling in the sunshine and looked truly happy.

  “Oh my God. Thank the heavens, it's her. Look Zach, it's really her!” Cora exclaimed, telling me they received my text. Next I shot off a picture of me and Oscar we had taken on our outing the day Maddie and Lily caught up.

  The line went quiet and I knew the questions were about to come.

  “That's Oscar. Your grandson,” I informed them.

  “H-h-how old is he?” her mother stuttered.

  “He's seven.” I heard the gasps of astonishment.

  “Is this why she left? She got pregnant and thought what? That we wouldn't care? That we wouldn't take care of her and our own grandchild?” I could hear the anger and hurt laced in Zach's tone.

  “Zach, I promise you it's not what you think.” I battled internally on what to tell them, and decided it was best they knew. “The night Maddie disappeared, you know she snuck out of the house and went to a concert and that she was separated from her friend and disappeared, never to be seen or heard from again. What you don't know is that she was assaulted that night, brutally so, and left for dead. You don't need all the gory details to understand what I'm saying. She survived, but in a lot of ways it killed the Madelyn you knew. She's been living with humans under a different name. They took her in when she found out she was pregnant with Oscar.”


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