Miss ~ Harloe Rae
Page 24
Her flawless face dips into my line of sight, and our eyes clash. I blink and take a clarifying breath as determination to get rid of her barrels through me.
“Listen, babe—”
She holds up her hand like a stop sign and for some reason, having her interrupt doesn’t bother me.
“Did you just babe me?” Her question is all sass.
“Sure did, sweetheart. Call ‘em like I see ‘em. Don’t pretend to be offended. We both know why you’re over here talking to me.”
Her face turns an adorable shade of pink. “First, stop with the nicknames. Second, are you for real? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I don’t see any issue. You’re the one disrupting my quiet evening.”
“What the . . . I mean, seriously? I want to sit down and this is the only available spot. You honestly think I came over here to hit on you?”
Her ridiculous question doesn’t deserve a response. My glare matches hers as I silently explain my opinion on the matter. My expression must tell her everything she needs to know.
“Wow, you’re an asshole.”
“You’re the third woman to call me that tonight. Be careful, I might get a complex.”
“Aw, poor baby. I’d hate to dent your fragile ego,” she snips with a curl in her lip.
“There’s nothing fragile about me. Don’t worry. I’m hard and solid. Wanna feel?” I ask and pat my abs.
She nods to my hands. “No, thanks. I’d hate for you to rub off on me.”
“Does the grease under my nails bother you? Princess is afraid of getting a little dirty?”
“Do you get a rise out of being mean?”
I lean against the bar and cross my arms. “I don’t get many complaints. You’re not from around here, so I’ll fill you in—the ladies love me.”
“Pretty sure I saw Barbie McCleveage storm off after chatting with you. She didn’t look too satisfied.”
“Now who’s using nicknames? Jealous much?”
“Hardly,” she huffs.
I smirk before checking out her rack, being extremely obvious about it. Pushing her buttons takes away the tension from earlier, replacing it with a surprising ease. Fighting with her is the most nonsexual fun I’ve had with a woman in a long time. Wonder how she’d react if I called her ma’am.
“All right, all right. You’ve broken me down. I was set on not having any company tonight, but for you, I’ll make an exception. If you insist on standing here, blabbing away, I’ve got far better uses for that luscious mouth. My place isn’t too far away,” I suggest while waggling my brows. My behavior is over the top, but what can I say? She’s bringing out the best in me.
Her lips part in shock. This stranger just stares at me, and I’m sure she’s about to turn away . . . or slap me. Either way, mission accomplished.
But this chick is full of surprises.
She raises her chin and says, “You’re pathetic, and I see straight through your bullshit. I’ve dealt with guys like you my entire life—dime a dozen playboys looking to score. Having a place to sit isn’t worth being ridiculed.”
I keep my face void of emotion but my blood is boiling. “Why are you still here then?”
“I have no idea.” She rests a palm on her forehead, looking bewildered and sexy as fuck. “I don’t want to surrender so easily, but just . . . forget it. You’re clearly used to getting what you want. I’d hate to be another tally in your win column.”
I chuckle, the sound dark like a rumble. “No truer words. I’m a fucking winner. Since you’re not interested in my cocky bullshit, let’s make a deal. I was here first so go find someone else to harass.”
A dimple dents her cheek as she smiles, but the expression looks weak. The fire in her eyes extinguishes as she mutters, “A real man wouldn’t hesitate before offering an empty seat to a lady. My mistake.”
I’m the one forcing her away, but for some messed up reason, the distress creasing her face is a punch to the gut. So, I offer some parting words for her to remember me by.
“I never claimed to be a gentleman, Princess.”
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