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Colonial Prime

Page 9

by KD Jones

  'You do not wear underwear?' she asked him.

  'My people don't like to bind our bodies in that way.' He gently grasped her hair when she bent closer to him.

  She smiled at his desire for her to continue exploring him. Lola helped him remove his boots so he could get the pants all the way off. She knew from his thoughts he couldn’t block that he wanted to rip her clothes from her and bury himself deep inside. But he was letting her set the pace so she could be comfortable. She loved that about him. She loved everything about him.

  She gripped him firmly in her hands, squeezing him and holding him close to her mouth. She swiped a tongue out and licked up the drop of pre-cum that leaked out. It tasted like…cotton candy. Oh yeah, that was good. All nerves gone as she devoured his cock in her mouth. She had to have more of his taste. It was so damn good.

  Oh Kitana! LarIS had never felt anything like this before. Lola was sucking on him like he was a treat and her hands were working his manhood up and down. He wasn’t going to last long and he didn’t even have her naked yet. He wanted to be inside her—craved to be there.

  Lola’s cheeks hollowed out as she sucked him harder, trying to get the delicious essence from him. It took a moment to hear his words because she was so single-minded with her need.

  'My love, I want to touch you to get you ready for me. You have to stop,' LarIS groaned when she played with his heavy balls. 'Lola,' he almost begged her.

  She reluctantly pulled back. She wanted to pleasure him this way. Lola’s experience with men was few and far between. She had always mistrusted them. She wasn’t a virgin, but she had only had two lovers before she left Earth. What she felt with LarIS surpassed anything she had ever experienced before. The intensity of it scared her a little.

  LarIS picked up immediately on her hesitation and pulled away from her mouth. He knelt on the floor in front of her, cupping her face in his large hands. He looked into her strange brown eyes, eyes he had come to love.

  'We don’t have to do anything else if you are not sure. I want only your happiness.' He kissed her lips gently.

  This was her chance to stop before it went any further. But was that what she really wanted? Would she always pull back and hesitate when it was something she cared about, someone she cared about. She shook her head.

  'I don’t want to stop, LarIS. I want this. I want you.' Before she lost her nerve, she grabbed the hem of her dress that she wore and pulled it up and over her head, tossing it down to the floor. She wore only her pink matching bra and panties.

  LarIS stared at her large breasts cupped by the pink contraption. 'How does this thing come off?' he asked.

  Lola giggled at his frustrated look. 'There is a clasp in the front between my breasts.'

  LarIS, wasting no time, went right for the clasp working it with shaky fingers until it unfastened. He pulled the thin scrap of lace away and revealed her glorious mounds. His mouth watered with a need to taste. He cupped her flesh with both hands, squeezing and kneading them. He gently pushed her down on her back and moved over her, showing caution as to not let his full weight press down on her.

  'Are you okay? Tell me if I do anything that makes you have fear,' LarIS whispered in her mind.

  'I’m fine,' she whispered back. 'Oh God!' she yelled in her mind as LarIS lowered and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

  'Lola,' he whispered against her delicate skin. He laved over her distended nipple, making it even harder. He smiled when she arched her back, giving him more access. He sucked the nipple into his mouth, teasing it with his teeth and tongue. He suckled her with steady hard pulls.

  Lola moaned as he kneaded and sucked on her breasts. She felt a fire of need building within her. Why didn’t he come inside her already?

  LarIS was in awe of this beautiful creature. She captivated him from the very beginning and now, he was a slave to her touch and taste. He would never be able to get enough of her. He needed her in the worst way.

  'Please, LarIS,' she begged him, spreading her legs open.

  He moved a hand down between them to pull the panties off her. He threw them somewhere behind his back, not looking. Then his fingers caressed the slit of her pussy lips.

  'Oh…pleasssse.' Lola lifted her lower body up trying to get his fingers to penetrate her.

  The way she reacted to his touch had him nearly releasing early. He had to fight to slow down. He released her nipple and took her lips in a more brutal kiss. He moved his fingers inside her tight wet channel, spreading her and stroking her desire for him.

  He knew she was close, but he had to be careful with her. She deserved to be loved all night with gentleness. But at that moment, he was feeling animalistic with his intense need for her. She was ready for him. He moved over her spreading her thighs. He checked her mind, it was clouded with desire for him, need to be filled by him. He positioned himself at her entrance and slowly began entering her.

  Tight…Lola was so tight. He feared she may not be able to take him. He didn’t really know much about Earth females. However, they were compatible with Katierans and Kiljorns so they would have to be compatible with his people too. He prayed to the Goddess KatieRI that it would be true because he knew he would never be able to give her up.

  Slowly he entered inch by inch. Past her entrance through her nether lips. Her breathing became heavy. He was careful to monitor her mind and found that her pleasure fed his own. That had never happened before. He was always able to keep his mind to himself when he shared sex with a female. But his connection was so natural, almost as if Lola had been born just for him. A true bond mate that he could be with destined by the Gods.

  As he began a rhythm within her, he would caress her breasts squeezing them. Her walls widened more for him and his strokes picked up in speed and depth. She felt so good, it was hard to keep from taking her hard. But he did his best to restrain himself.

  Lola wrapped her legs around his waist. He felt so good inside of her. But she needed more from him. She sensed that he was holding back.

  'More, LarIS. Give me more,' she whispered in his mind.

  He looked down into her eyes and saw the pleasure shining back at him. 'Are you sure?'


  LarIS let go of his restraint and pounded into her over and over. He suckled her neck. He wanted to claim her, mark, make sure no other male would approach her for sex. However, he couldn’t do that until she was ready and he was sure she wasn't ready for that yet.

  Lola felt prick points building throughout her body. There wasn’t an inch of her that didn’t feel a response for him. Her tight nipples rubbed against his chest with every move he made. It built and built until she gripped him tight. She threw her head back and screamed. A real scream of pleasure left her throat, startling both of them.

  LarIS looked down at her elated face and knew there wasn’t a lovelier sight anywhere in the universe. He held back the words he longed to ask. She needed time to adjust to him being in her life before he could expect her to accept him as a mate. But that was what he wanted more than anything—her as his mate.

  He felt the tightness building up in his balls and he arched as he thrust one final time. He quickly pulled out of her body and shot his semen out on her thighs. 'My Lola.'

  Chapter Thirteen

  From Kiljor to Katiera it was normally a one day trip. However, the Colonial Planet was further away, making it almost a three day trip. She spent a great deal of that time with LarIS. They shared Meals together, took long walks, which ended up in his quarters with them making love.

  When they weren’t together she spent time with Lizzie, Dr. Garrett, and Lt. Daniels. Lt. Daniels found a training facility on board so they could learn a few more defensive moves. LarIS didn’t want her to do the training but he relented.

  The day they were to arrive on Katiera, they had an impromptu session with Dr. Garrett. She watched them carefully as they entered the room they were using. LarIS and Lola were holding hands and LarIS raised her hand u
p to place a gentle kiss in the center of her palm before releasing her.

  “So, how have things been going?” Dr. Garrett asked.

  “Good, very good,” LarIS answered signing.

  She looked at Lola waiting for an answer.

  Lola blushed. “Amazing.”

  LarIS gave her a wink.

  “I take it the previous intimacy issues have resolved themselves.”

  “Yes,” Lola responded.

  “We are taking it slow but it is…working out,” LarIS added.

  Lola looked at him in surprise. She thought everything between them was perfect. Was he not satisfied with her?

  “Did something Leader LarIS say surprise you, Lola?”

  Lola turned her question on LarIS using sign language, “What has to be worked out?”

  “I’m just being cautious with you. I want to make sure you are okay with things as they progress. We are in no rush. There is plenty of time for us.”

  “You can read my mind. Don’t I seem ready for things to move forward?”

  LarIS hesitated. “I monitor your mind to make sure I do not scare you.”

  “You’re holding back,” she accused.

  “Only a little, to protect you,” LarIS said.

  “I don’t want to be protected like some child. I want to be treated the same as any other woman.”

  “But you are different.” LarIS was confused over all this. He only wanted to ensure her happiness.

  “Leader LarIS, I think what Lola is trying to say is she would like as normal a relationship as possible with you. For other normal couples, they cannot read each other’s minds and have to communicate verbally to let each other know what they feel. It takes effort but those who succeed at it have a strong and healthy relationship.”

  “I cannot help that I have the ability to speak mind-to-mind.”

  “Lola, it doesn't sound like you have a problem with the telepathy itself. Is that right?”

  “I enjoy our mind-to-mind. I just don’t want it to be used to treat me as a helpless person.” A tear escaped and trailed down her cheek. Was she never going to have a normal life?

  They were interrupted when LarIS got a call on his Comm link. He apologized as he touched his ear piece.

  “Leader LarIS here. ETA? I’ll be there in five minutes.” He disconnected his call and turned to the females. “I am needed at the control center. We are entering the Katieran Solar System and I have to be present when we make contact with Katiera.”

  “That is fine, Leader. I think this subject is going to be more in depth than we have time for today. I will try to schedule us a longer session while we are on Katiera. I want both of you to think about what the other person is feeling. Put yourself in their shoes.”

  Lola wasn’t looking at him. LarIS bend down in front of her and touched her face turning her toward him. He used the silent language. 'I will see you later today. I have to make arrangements for the shuttle to take us down to the planet.'

  'Sure, see you later,' Lola responded without looking in his eyes.

  LarIS sighed as he stood back up. He didn’t understand what he had done wrong, but he had to put this to the side for now. His people needed him to perform his duties. Kitana!


  “Make the connection,” LarIS ordered his Lieutenant.

  “Sir, you are on.”

  The viewing screen in front of LarIS lit up with the image of Prime Commander KydEL. “State your purpose.”

  LarIS smiled. “Leader LarIS of the Colonial Planet requesting permission to land on Katiera.”

  KydEL nodded. “Permission granted. Sending the coordinates for the landing field.” The transmission was cut off short.

  “Well, I am glad that we are expected,” LarIS commented dryly. Normally KydEL was more friendlier than that. He suspected it had something to do with the Commander’s mate, Jaxon. He had read Prime ConEL’s thoughts. Prima Captain Jaxon Malone was breeding but there were problems. They were awaiting the arrival of Medic JadEN with some kind of specialists from Earth.

  He turned to his transport commander, “Commander, prepare a shuttle and send someone to escort the others to the docking bay.”

  “Yes, Leader LarIS.”


  A nice lieutenant came and got Lola and Lizzie to take them to the shuttle. She smiled because the man obviously had a crush on Lizzie. But she seemed to be clueless.

  “Is there anything else that I can do for you,” the lieutenant asked as he stared with longing at Lizzie.

  “Nope,” Lizzie responded, clearly distracted.

  Lola felt sorry for the man. She gave him a warm smile. The man returned her smile. Then he jumped at something that startled him from behind Lola. She turned around to find LarIS standing there glaring at the poor lieutenant.

  “Are you growling?” she signed.

  “He should not be flirting with you,” LarIS signed back. “And you should not be flirting back with him.”

  “What?” She was flabbergasted. She wasn’t flirting at all. “I was being nice.”

  “I scented his arousal,” LarIS told her.

  She shook her head. “It wasn’t for me. I think he has a crush on Lizzie.”

  LarIS grunted and took her elbow gently to help her onboard the shuttle. He used their mental link. 'I do not want other males near you. I feel…protective.' He felt a hell of a lot more than that. Protective, obsessed, overly concerned….

  'So, you’re speaking to me again mind-to-mind?’ She had not heard his voice in her head at all since he left their therapy session. Normally he would always touch base with her but he was gone for a couple of hours and he hadn’t tried to contact her not once. It bothered her. What if this was it? What if after that last session he thought she was too much trouble?

  'Of course I’m speaking to you. Why would you think those things?' he asked, reading her thoughts.

  She shrugged and sat down. 'It’s a lot, all the stuff with me. It’s a lot for anyone to have to deal with.'

  He knelt briefly in front of her and touched her cheek with his warm fingers. 'It’s not too much for me. You are everything to me and I would never think of giving up on us. Not ever. Right now I need to concentrate on why I am on Katiera. So please do not think I am ignoring you.'

  'I get it. You have an important task and your people need you to be here. I just want to help you if I can. Not be a hindrance.' Lola leaned her face against his hand, closing her eyes and inhaling his scent. He smelled so damn good.

  'You do help me. Just being you, listening to me. You comfort me in so many ways. I find peace in your arms. You cannot know what that means to me. But I treasure it and would fight any who would try to take away that peace or you from me.' Goddess knows that he longed to kiss her. But she was shy when it came to public affection. He didn’t want to add to her discomfort.

  'I find comfort and peace in your arms too. How long until we can be alone again?' Lola asked shyly.

  His green eyes twinkled and he gave her a very sexy smile. 'Soon, my love. I will meet briefly with Prime Leader RendEL while you and the others are shown to the suites you’ll be staying in. I will come for you after the meeting to take you to the Evening Meal.'

  She frowned. 'Do we have to go to the Meal room? Couldn’t we order a private meal to be brought up to us so we can eat in private?'

  The images that Lola sent through their mental link had him stiff and aching. The little vixen. 'Careful, Lola, I am tempted to take you right here despite the witnesses.

  She giggled, leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips. 'Promises promises,' she teased him.

  Holy Kitana! She kissed him in front of everyone. She initiated it. He leaned forward to give her a more thorough kiss but her hands planted on his chest pushed him away.

  'Not right now, love, you have to help navigate us to the planet and then you have a meeting to attend to,' she reminded him with a devilish grin.

  'You do realize that you
are in a heap of trouble when I finally get you alone?' He turned to sit in his seat and almost missed it when she sent him erotic images of them.

  Lola imagined them on the shuttle alone, both naked. She would straddle his lap and rub her wet pussy against his hard staff. He would suckle her nipple making her head tilt back. Then she would take him into her hand and position him at her entrance. Next she would lower herself until…

  'Lola!' LarIS yelled her name in her mind with a voice thickened with need.

  Lola opened her eyes and smiled at his stiff shoulders. Oh yeah, this mental link could be a real good thing.


  Wow, Katiera was really pretty. She had caught a glimpse of the green water that seemed to cover a great deal of the planet. It sparkled an emerald green under the rays of the two suns. The two suns were a sight to behold. She knew about them. It was one of the many things taught on the transport for their culture classes. It was still strange to see them in reality.

  “What do you think?” Lizzie asked Lola, signing.

  “It’s beautiful, but not as beautiful as the Colony,” Lola answered. She much preferred the forests and jungle environment. It felt more like home to her. She noticed Lizzie’s shoulders shaking as she laughed.


  “I think you are biased when it comes to planets.”

  Lola shrugged. Maybe she was. If LarIS lived on Katiera, she might feel differently. So maybe home was anywhere that LarIS was. Home was…LarIS. Okay, this was getting complicated.

  “Come on, Lola. Lt. Daniels said there was a really good dress shop right down the street here. We have to find something to wear for the mating ceremony,” Lizzie encouraged her to keep moving.

  “I don’t see why I am going. I have never met the Prima before.”

  “You were sent the invitation and so was I. We never get to do anything fun where we get to be dressed up.” Lizzie added a pout for effect.

  Lola laughed at her friend. “Fine, we’ll shop and find us a pretty dress to wear.”

  “That’s the spirit.” Lizzie hooked her arm with Lola’s and practically skipped them down the street.


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