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Paint Me Curious Bronze [Curious] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 8

by Silke Ming

  * * * *

  Summer walked into the beauty salon. She had visited hairdressing shops before, but this was unlike anything she had ever seen.

  “My name is Summer Knight and I have a nine thirty appointment with Maria,” she said to the receptionist.

  “Oh yes. Mr. Balsam told us to expect you. Have you had breakfast?” the woman asked.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Then come with me,” said the woman.

  She followed her into a well-furnished room with a comfortable sofa and a coffee table. On another table sitting under a large mirror, a breakfast bar was laid out. Croissants of various sizes and textures, rolls, butter, cheese, fruit and yoghurt. Coffee by the cup and tea were also to be had.

  “I’ll tell Maria you’re here. She will come and get you. Enjoy your breakfast, Summer.”

  She thought of her ex-roommate Toby. She hadn’t seen him for a long time and this was the opportune time to visit with him. Perhaps they could have lunch together. She called his cell number and he picked up. They made an appointment for lunch at twelve thirty.

  * * * *

  Summer looked in the mirror and a beautiful woman looked back at her. Seamus was right. Her hair had a beautiful shine and she loved the cut. She wondered how much it was all going to cost as she pulled out her credit card.

  “Mr. Balsam has already looked after that,” said Maria.

  It was eleven fifteen when she walked into the street and came face to face with Lana Podesta. The woman did not greet her. Had the new hairstyle changed her facial features that much? She turned around to look at her and Lana did the same. She still had an hour before her lunch date with Toby and wondered what she could do before they met. Seamus had given her a check that morning, her month’s wages. She decided to go to the bank and deposit it into her account. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she read the amount. Three thousand dollars! Why had he given her so much? She had expected only one thousand dollars, but she had worked long hours and had considered that, a part of her job description.

  The phone rang and Seamus hurried to pick it up.

  “So tell me about the new hairstyle,” he said. “I understand you look fabulous.”

  There was silence on the other end.

  “It’s Lana,” said a hesitant voice. “Can I come over to see you? It’s very important.”

  “What is it about?”

  “I’ll tell you when I get there,” she said.

  “How soon will that be?”

  “In about twenty minutes.”

  He waited and soon he heard her car as it roared up the driveway. She seemed to be in a hurry. He opened the door before she could ring the bell.

  “Good morning, Seamus,” she said, moving seductively toward him. “You seem very anxious to see me.”

  “I want to know what is so important to bring you all the way here at this time of the day.”

  “You have never asked me a question like that. You have always been happy to see me.”

  “What is it, Lana?” he asked impatiently.

  His telephone rang again, and he checked to see who the caller was before answering. It was Summer. She was meeting Toby for lunch and would be back later than she had planned. Disappointment was visible in his face.

  “What is the matter, Seamus? Bad news?” Lana asked.

  “Nothing of the sort.”

  “Come on, Seamus. I know you very well. You are stressed, and you are tense,” she said, rising from her chair and walking up to him.

  “I am not stressed, Lana.”

  “Yes you are,” she said as she gently massaged his shoulders. “Yes, isn’t that good, Seamus? This will release the tension and the stress.”

  “You haven’t told me what brought you here.”

  “That can wait,” she said as she continued to move her hands around his neck and shoulders.

  He soon became putty in her hands. He moved his head to the left and the right, releasing the tension, as she worked her hands down to his chest.

  “Now, doesn’t that feel good?” she asked, continuing to rub his shoulders. “I always knew how to make you feel good. Have you forgotten?”

  “No, I haven’t.”

  She walked around the chair and came face-to-face with him. She stared into his eyes before dropping to her knees before him. She put her head into his lap and kissed his erection through the material of his jeans.

  “See that? I can still turn you on,” she said, looking up into his face.

  “No, Lana. Please don’t do that.”

  The words fell only from his lips. She continued to massage his hidden organ with her mouth, finally pulling his zipper down. Her lips moved slowly across tip of his cock, and she stared longingly at the instrument which had brought her so much pleasure in the past. Slowly she inserted it between her lips, moving the crown back and forth across her lips. He leaned back and closed his eyes. His hips jerked back and forth, and her lips and tongue sought to release him from the tension that had taken hold of his body. His frustration over Summer’s absence had allowed him to fall prey to Lana and her seductive ways. She held his stalwart erection in her hand and pumped it up and down and back and forth until he squirmed on the chair. She knew he was almost reaching an orgasm when he grabbed her head and jerked his hips up to meet her. She took him deep into her mouth and then back to her lips. Unable to hold back any longer, he cried out as his body broke into spasms. She stared into his eyes.

  “Oh, Seamus, that was just old times,” she said, still manipulating his limp prick.

  “You should go now, Lana. Summer will be back at any moment.”

  “We have time, Seamus. I saw her in the town, and it didn’t seem as if she was in a hurry to get back here.”

  “Is that why you came here?” he asked, jumping to his feet. “Because you knew Summer wasn’t here? Please go, Lana.”

  “I want you, Seamus. We have time. I miss you, and I want to feel your warmth inside me,” she pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, Lana. I can’t sleep with you. Please go.”

  “Are you sleeping with her, Seamus?” she asked, visibly annoyed.

  He did not reply, and she picked up her handbag and walked to the door.

  “You won’t get rid of me that easily. You just can’t toss me aside like an old rag, Seamus. I know you are sleeping with her. I know you are.”

  How was he going to face Summer? He had made a terrible mistake. What would she do if she found out that he actually had sexual contact with Lana Podesta?

  * * * *

  Summer was driving along the gravel road on her way out of town, when she saw another car approaching in the distance. It was unusual to see cars on that road at that time of the day. It was a convertible. She slowed down and pulled to the right as she continued her journey. She was surprised to see Lana Podesta, her hair flying in the wind, on her way into town. She had seen her three hours previously in Whitney. Why was she coming down the gravel road? Had she used the opportunity during her absence to visit Seamus?

  Chapter Twelve

  As she drove up to the house, Seamus met her at the door. She stared at him before stepping out. He didn’t seem nervous or out of sorts, and there seemed to be no guilt consuming him.

  “Your hair looks lovely,” he said, kissing her on the cheek and spinning her around. “Maria did a great job. Do you like it?”

  “Yes, I didn’t think the color would suit me, but I am very happy with it.”

  “It’s perfect for you,” he said, beaming.

  “I saw Lana Podesta as I was leaving the hair salon.”

  “Did you?” he asked.

  “And I just saw her again. She was on the country road on her way into Whitney. You said you would be honest with me. Was she here?”

  His heart started to beat as if it would leap from his chest.

  “You know Lana,” he said nonchalantly. “She saw you in Whitney, so she used the opportunity to show up here. I cannot say unannounce
d, because she did call before she came.”

  “And did you say yes?”

  “I did, because she said it was important. I thought it had something to do with the exhibition.”

  “What does that have to do with the exhibition?”

  “You know that she has helped me in the past.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “Anyway, before you accepted the position, she used to help me with booking the location, getting in touch with the caterers, booking the hotel room, and buying the champagne for the first evening of the exhibit. Stuff like that.”

  “Did you sleep with her, Seamus?”


  “Seamus, you know I’m not talking about your past. What you did before we met has nothing to do with me. Did you sleep with her today?”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  “Were you planning to tell me that she was here?”

  “Of course,” he said, stepping closer to her.

  “I trust you, Seamus. I hope you are telling me the truth.”

  “I am. How was lunch?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “We had a good time together. It was actually a lot of fun. You should meet him.”

  “I would like that,” he said. “By the way, the shipping company will be here early tomorrow morning to crate the paintings for shipping.”

  “Is there anything else to do before they arrive?”

  “Not really. It will probably take the whole day before it’s done. I’ve decided on sixty-four paintings. I think that’s more than enough for three days.”

  “That should be enough,” she replied.

  “That’s what I thought. When do you want to start the ‘Curious paintings?’” she asked, puttering around the room.

  “It’s up to you. There isn’t enough time right now.”

  “For you, Summer, I will always find time.”

  “By the way, you’ve overpaid me.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief because he was expecting another question regarding Lana Podesta.

  “It was a long, hard twelve months, Summer. You worked really hard and lifted a lot of the workload from my shoulders. In addition, you have changed my life. That’s the reason for the extra money.”

  “Thank you,” she said. “I am going to change my clothing, and I will be right back.”

  He gazed at her, afraid to open his mouth in case he said the wrong thing. She disappeared down the hallway, and he immediately sat down, thinking only of the mistake he had made earlier that morning. He hadn’t lied to her. He hadn’t slept with Lana, but he knew what he confessed to her wasn’t exactly the truth. She would never find out because there was no one else who knew about it. Lana wouldn’t tell her, for if she did, it would mean the end of their relationship, and she was totally hooked on him.

  * * * *

  “What must I do at the exhibition?” Summer asked as they sat at the back of the house in the enclosed patio sipping lemonade.

  “You will be my PR person. You must speak to the potential clients about any paintings they show interest in. You are there to make me look like Michelangelo or whichever great painter you choose. You are there to push those prices up. The bigger the bank account, the higher your commission will be.”

  “You’ve never said anything about a commission before.”

  “Now you know. I will let you know who has really deep pockets in the room, and you will act accordingly.”

  “In other words, I am the honey to catch all those big flies.”

  He laughed.

  “You’ve got such a way with words, Summer,” he said, reaching for her.

  His cell phone rang and he looked at it, but didn’t take the call.

  “Are you hiding from someone? This is not the time to hide. Could be one of those people with deep pockets! They might have seen something they like in the brochure and want to make a purchase ahead of the exhibition.”

  “That was Lana,” he replied. “I don’t think she is going to give up that easily.”

  “Can’t you talk to Fred about her?”

  “What do I tell him? That I was still sleeping with his wife, and now that I have found someone else, I want her out of my life?”

  “Not in those words, but yes, something like that.”

  “It’s more complicated than that. He was good to me when I needed help, and I thanked him by sleeping with his wife.”

  “You didn’t rape her, did you?”

  “No, she’s an adult who threw herself at me. I could’ve said no to her. I should’ve respected the man who used his money to back me.”

  “Maybe you should take her out to lunch and have a talk with her. Tell her the truth.”

  “I’ll only do that if you come along with me when I go to see her.”

  “I was not there when you slept with her, and I will not be there when you try to end the relationship.”

  “I just don’t know how to get rid of her. I like Lana, but she wants more from me than I am willing to give.”

  The phone rang a second time, and he stared at it without picking it up.

  “If you don’t answer it, I will,” she said.

  He picked it up, since he had no idea what kind of mood Lana was in. When she left, she was not a very happy woman.

  “Why didn’t you answer when I called?” she asked.

  “What do you want, Lana?”

  “You know what I want, Seamus. It’s you I want. Let’s meet somewhere. There is no longer any privacy in your home.”

  “I can’t, Lana. I can’t meet you anymore.”

  He stared at Summer, who was motioning to him.

  “Just a moment, Lana.”

  “Why don’t you go and meet her? No time like the present to tell her what’s on your mind,” Summer whispered.

  “All right, Lana. Let’s meet at the Greek restaurant at the corner of James and Pollock.”

  “I was hoping for a place with a little more privacy. Perhaps we can go to our room at our favorite hotel,” she said, trying to seduce him.

  “Let’s meet at seven thirty at the restaurant. I can’t stay very long because I have a very early start tomorrow morning.”

  “I wish you would go with me,” he said to Summer after ending the call.

  “You’re a big boy. You can handle it.”

  “I will be back before eleven,” he said as he stepped out the door. “Wait up for me.”

  “Be strong and don’t take no for an answer.”

  Summer stretched out on the couch and turned the television set on. There was nothing she was interested in, so she turned it off, went to her room, and looked through her closet. What would she take to New York City? She knew she had to look her best, because she knew that Lana Podesta would also be there. Seamus promised to take her shopping, but she couldn’t expect him to buy her a completely new wardrobe. She also needed a couple outfits for the second week when they would spend the time together.

  She looked at the clock. It was seven thirty, and she pictured them walking into the restaurant. She poured a glass of red wine and climbed the stairs to his room. She picked up a novel, which lay on his bedside table, but it didn’t hold her interest. She undressed and stared at her naked body in the mirror. Rubbing her breasts, she continued to stare at her image. Then she picked up his terry cloth robe and put it on. She stepped onto the landing and was about to go back downstairs when she stopped and looked up. The eyes of David Balsam followed her every move. How she hated that painting! She climbed the stairs and opened the door to the studio. It was the first time she was alone there. The first thing she saw was the nude painting of Rachel. She stared at it and moved closer to it. What was Rachel thinking while Seamus was painting her portrait? And more importantly, what was Seamus thinking? “Ohne Ausdruck!” She could read nothing from the body, and there were no facial features. All she knew was that Rachel was probably thinking about getting Seamus into bed.

  She moved from one painting to the other,
imagining herself at the exhibition explaining the paintings to prospective buyers. She looked up at the clock in the studio. It was eight o’clock. Time was moving so slowly. What were they doing? What were they eating? Was she trying to seduce Seamus? Oh dear God, what have I done? How could I have sent him alone into the lion’s den? What would happen if he couldn’t say no to her? After all, he felt indebted to her husband.

  Get it out of your mind, Summer. He’ll be coming home to you.

  She continued to move from painting to painting. She came upon the portrait, which bore a striking resemblance to Lana Podesta. What had she written about it?

  Recapturing Youth.

  Seamus Balsam.

  She thought about Seamus. She felt his lips on hers. Her hands moved to her breasts, and they felt like his hands. She walked to the back of the room and stared at the painting on the wall. It was a medium-sized painting. She lifted it from the wall and put in on the easel. She was partial to this piece from the moment she laid eyes on it. A still life! A bottle of wine, salami, and a loaf of bread! She heard the sound of an approaching car and hurried to put the piece back in its place, but the car did not turn into the driveway. Something caught her attention. The painting was hung in front of a glass window which had been painted, perhaps for privacy. There was a little spot in the corner where the paint had worn away. It was not a window, but a door with glass panelling at the top. She knew there was a room behind the door, but she couldn’t see too much because it was very dark. Was this the reason he told her not to climb to the third floor? She tried pushing the door, but it did not move. She couldn’t find a knob or a keyhole. What did he have hidden back there?

  She turned out the light and went back to his bedroom. Laying the terry robe at the bottom of the bed, she climbed naked into bed and waited for Seamus’s return. It was just before eleven, and she knew he would soon be home. Anticipating his arrival was driving her crazy. Each time she heard an engine, she looked through the porthole, but it wasn’t Seamus. She decided to call him. She dialled his number, but stopped the call before he picked up.


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