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Sins of the Father: A Second Chance Sci-Fi Alien Time Travel Romance (Ravage Riders MC #1)

Page 17

by Nikki Landis

  Dick Pic? I didn’t want to know.

  “You’re a complete idiot!” I yell whispered. Yeah, it’s a thing.

  “Well, here’s your chance. I want you to scratch my face with your nails.”

  I blinked. Was he into weird pain/pleasure sexual shit?

  I didn’t argue, raking my nails down the side of his face with the scar as he shivered in response.

  Amused, he shook his head and laughed quietly, “Why did you scratch the side of my face with the scar? Not afraid to touch it?”

  “No,” I answered, indignant, “I wanted to leave one side of your face without one.”

  Stupid moronic biker.

  He smiled, a soft and real smile that was kind of sweet and made me shake my head, “I appreciate that Rae.” Reaching into his front pocket, he pulled out a knife and sliced across his palm, blood pooling as he closed the knife and shoved it back in his jeans. He never flinched, and I supposed he must be used to pain.

  How sad.

  “Look, you aren’t going to like this, but if I really raped you there’d be blood and fluids, you know?”

  I swallowed hard and nodded. I didn’t ask how he would know and didn’t want to think about it, “Ok.”

  He proceeded to leave a few bloody handprints and smears around my chest and top and then on the waist of my jeans and in various spots that would be believable. His finger smeared blood across my cheek as he looked into my eyes, “Listen, two things. One, you need to rip a few fingernails off so it looks like we struggled. Two, when we leave this room, you have to act subdued and broken. It’s got to look and feel like I violated and hurt you. It’s the only way, especially once we see Edge, you understand?”

  Tears filled my eyes and I tried to blink them back but one coursed down my cheek anyway.

  “I’m sorry sweetness, today was never my idea. I’m the only one who voted it down. The Outlaws are badass and ruthless motherfuckers. Don’t you ever forget it, Rae. Promise me, you’ll stay far away, no matter what?”

  He watched the tear and wiped it off once the salty fluid reached my chin.

  “Bryce, I’m scared to death right now.”

  “I know, and I’ve done everything in my power to ensure you’re harmed as little as possible. I’d never have touched you today unless I had to. I’m not that much of a bastard.”

  “Thank you,” I choked, fighting back the overwhelming emotion that coursed through me.

  I’d stayed strong this long. I just had to make it a little longer until Peter rescued me.

  “Time to go luv.”

  Chapter 29

  I have Rae.

  That single text was the greatest horror of my life. When my cell vibrated in my pocket it never occurred to me that Rae would have left the house. We went over the danger several times. No leaving under any circumstances so I couldn’t figure out how the fuck my girl was kidnapped.

  Didn’t she ever listen to a damn thing I said?


  Rae didn’t have her cell, so I knew there was no way to track it and find her. Feeling close to losing my shit entirely I dialed Mack’s number.

  “They took her,” I roared into the phone when he answered.

  “When?” he didn’t ask who it was. We both knew.

  “Within the last two hours.”

  “Your plan?”

  “I’m gonna find her and kill every last one of them.”

  “Don’t be stupid kid. That’ll be a bloodbath, and you’ll both die.”

  Whatever. He could fuck off. Why did I expect him to help anyway?

  I hung up on Mack and dialed Beck back after chewing him out twenty minutes ago. Rae left them a note saying she was driving to the store for groceries and would be right back. Fucking hell! Every time I thought of her leaving a new wave of rage washed over me.

  “Calm down bro, I’m as pissed as you, but we have to keep our shit together to find our girl,” R.J. paced in front of me, rolling his shoulders back in an effort to stay level-headed. “Who do we need to call to find their location?”

  I was about to answer when my phone chirped with a new text.

  Warehouse. Summit and Broad St. Come alone & unarmed.

  Fuck that shit. I’d be there packin’ with R.J. I couldn’t stop him even if I wanted to and there wasn’t anything in this world except bullets that were stopping either of us from rescuing Rae. I could sense her emotions all over the place. She was freaking me out – fear, pain, sadness, pity, frustration. I struggled to think clearly.

  The next few minutes past in a blur. R.J. and I arrived at the warehouse after texting for back up. Guns drawn and expecting a fight we sauntered up to the building prepared for anything. The doors were wide open as I stepped inside, taking in the Outlaw members and their locations as well as their weapons in a matter of seconds.

  I stood in fury, blade in one hand and gun in the other, ready to maim, fight, and kill for Rae’s safe release. I negotiated the meeting with Bryce via text as R.J. drove here but I suspected a trap. This shit never went down the way you thought. One wrong move and something could happen to Rae. As much as I wanted to unleash my fury on every man in this warehouse, I stood calmly, cool and detached, waiting to see her.

  Nothing on this earth could have prepared me for the way she looked once I saw her tear stained and blood-streaked face. As my gaze swept over her from head to toe, I knew at that moment that someone, possibly more than one someone, had hurt my baby.

  Upon closer inspection I saw the fresh hickey on her breast and the ripped bra, the bloody handprints and smears, the way her jeans seemed yanked up her body, not quite fitting her the way they usually did and inside I died.

  They raped her.

  Oh, God. I think I was going to fucking lose my shit right here.

  With a roar, I crouched, prepared to attack and kill every motherfucker here. I might have snapped if not for the look in Bryce’s eyes. He seemed to be pleading with me, a small shake of his head that no one else noticed but me.

  What the fuck?

  Frantic, I tried to catch Rae’s gaze but she wouldn’t look at me. I knew if she couldn’t glance my way or bring her eyes to meet mine that it was bad. Far worse than I could imagine. Just a few nights ago we had sex for the first time. She was still innocent, and I knew the pain and trauma would be unbearable.

  The weight of the truth pushed down on my chest, and I couldn’t draw a deep enough breath into my lungs. She needed me, I couldn’t pass out like some pussy ass weakling. My baby was hurt and broken and she wasn’t going to be alright without my help.

  Taking another shallow breath, I growled out my next words, “Let her go.”

  Bryce kept his hand on her upper arm and sneered, a show of bravado that surprised me, “In a moment. We have a few things to discuss.”

  “No!” I roared, “Rae is not negotiable.”

  “Stand down Edge,” Rafe’s voice behind me was both a shock and a rude awakening.

  Frozen with sudden fury, I knew this entire incident was a setup.

  I’d been left out of the loop on purpose, but the knowledge didn’t sink in until that precise moment. Watching Rafe walk up to Striker and shake hands like old acquaintances was a bitter pill to swallow. Our rival MCs were not friendly by any means and now this shit? Since when did Rafe have anything to do with Satan’s Outlaws?

  Recovering from the surprised I decided enough was enough. Anyone who got in my way was going down, but I was taking my girl and we were leaving, as fast as possible.

  I moved forward before anyone could react and darted straight for Rae.

  “Stop, or I’ll kill her. Right here, and you’ll have to watch.”

  It wasn’t Striker, Bryce or the others. Rafe’s cold voice halted my steps.

  I paused but didn’t drop my weapons or meet his gaze. If I died this day it would be for my girl, and I’d never regret it. Exhaling I replied in a detached voice, “Shoot me or let me go. I’m taking Rae or dying with her, but s
he doesn’t stay here another moment.”

  “You have two choices Edge. Stay and die, both of you. Or take her and leave . . . but if you do, your ass belongs to me and the club.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw R.J. shake his head furiously. Sensing his anger and fear mixed with determination I knew the choice I had to make and I did so, fast, without hesitation. My voice was low but firm, “I’m in.”

  Striker nodded to Bryce as he let go of Rae and she ran into my arms as I caught her, holding her close and tight but no way would I loosen my grip.

  “Go. I expect you at Church on Friday.”

  I nodded, my voice too choked up to reply.

  R.J. and I left the warehouse, walking fast until we reached my Nova.

  Freaking the fuck out and trying not to panic, I held Rae in my arms in the backseat, tears slipping down my cheeks as her slender arms wrapped around my neck, desperate to end her nightmare. I tried several times to speak but I couldn’t, the lump in my throat blocking any attempt to form words. For the first time since I met Rae, I broke down, crying as hard as she was, both of us clutching the other tight enough to leave bruises.

  R.J. was silent as he drove, his eyes constantly darting to the review mirror, back and forth between us. He kept gulping like he wanted to cry too and I knew he fought as hard as he could so he could keep driving.

  “Pete?” she finally spoke my name, her small voice hoarse.

  “Yeah, baby?” I croaked, scared to death of the next few words that would tumble from her lips.

  “They didn’t rape me.”

  I blinked, unable to comprehend.

  “Peter, they didn’t rape me. I promise.”

  “Fuck Rae,” I cried, “thank God.” I didn’t thank God for anything, not since I was a little kid but right now, I’d thank him for keeping my baby safe, for anything he wanted. “What happened? Why do you look like . . .” I couldn’t finish that sentence.

  “It had to be believable. Bryce said it had to look like he had or I never would have left that warehouse without being touched. Akando and Devlin were waiting for their turn.”

  “Fuck,” I cursed, cradling her head against my chest. “You alright?”

  She bit her lip and shook her head. Stupid question for me to ask, “Bryce kept them away.”

  “Bryce?” I asked, my teeth clenched tight. “Is he the one that gave you that hickey?”

  She grabbed my cheeks and forced my gaze to hers, her grasp tight, refusing to let go, “Do you understand? Devlin and Akando would have raped me. Bryce saved me. This was the only way.”

  I didn’t fucking believe he had to give her a hickey. No way.

  “He didn’t have to suck on your breast. That’s my fucking job,” I fumed.

  “Yes,” she agreed. “It is but he caught me by surprise and I couldn’t fight him off Pete.”

  “He forced this on you?” I was livid.

  “Yes, he said something about revenge for a dick pic.”

  My eyes narrowed, “Bullshit!”

  “What’s he talking about?” she asked, not letting me avoid her direct gaze.

  “I drew a fucking dick on his forehead in middle school when he fell asleep in class. So what? Guys pull shit like that on each other growing up. R.J. shaved my eyebrows off once. Remember?”

  A small smile perked up her lips for a moment before disappearing, “Yeah, I do.”

  R.J. snorted up front, “Only because you put jock itch cream in my toothpaste tube.”

  “Really?” Rae rolled her eyes. “You’re both stupid.”

  Neither of us disputed that since we both knew it was true.

  “Did Bryce say anything? Why did he go through all this effort to keep you safe? He could have taken you himself. Doesn’t make sense. He hates me as much as I fucking hate him,” I spat, still fuming.

  Maybe I misjudged him. Maybe he wasn’t the cold bastard I thought he was but . . .

  Why the hell did he put his lips on my girl?

  “Bryce said something serious was going down, but I guess you know that now.”

  I did.

  “He also mentioned that I was supposed to be taken and hurt to send you a message. They want to warn you off, to make sure you stopped and walked away from whatever they’re involved in. You’re in serious danger, Pete. Bryce said you could die,” her voice broke on the last few words.

  “Oh baby,” I whispered, leaning our foreheads together. “I’m always careful so don’t worry about me. I’m not rushing off to get myself killed. I wouldn’t be much fun as a ghost. Right?”

  She smirked, “I would probably still think you’re hot.”

  I leered at her, licking my lips before I leaned and kissed her, careful not to be too rough. My baby was still in shock from the last twenty-four hours, and she didn’t need any additional stress or worry, especially me trying to get laid any chance I got. Not that I would even think of it today. She’d have to be handled carefully right now and protected, and that’s what I intended to do.

  “Why don’t we take you somewhere safe and we’ll have Beckett and Shane bring Leah in the morning?”

  Relief flashed across her face, “You’ll stay with me, right?”

  I hated the vulnerability in her soft voice, “Yeah baby, I won’t leave your side, I promise.”

  She settled down in my lap, clutching my shirt tightly in her fingers, refusing to let go until her eyes fluttered and she fell asleep, even then they twitched like she would wake instantly the second I moved.

  As Rae slept I watched her, my heart breaking at what she endured. This was never supposed to happen. Protecting her all this time only to have her end up taken by the Outlaws anyway was a huge failure and entirely my fault. I never should have left her side, not for any reason.


  Everything was spiraling out of control fast. I’d have to contact Mack again. Now that they’d taken Rae, I was out for vengeance. Mack would be pissed when I told him what I had done, but there wasn’t much choice. Saving Rae was all that mattered. My future, or lack of it now, was nothing.

  I’d live with my choices.

  I’d own my shit.

  That’s what a man did for the woman he loved.

  Chapter 30

  I wanted my mother. After the terror of the last twenty-four hours all I wanted was to hug my mom and cry on her shoulder. Sometimes a girl needs a good cry and as much as I wanted to see Hayley I wanted my mom first. Jake had Hay at home on lockdown and remained by her side until we were certain no retribution from the last weeks would catch us by surprise.

  Mom was sitting at the dining room table, pale and thin like she hadn’t been able to eat in weeks.

  I rushed forward as we entered and tackled her in a hug, tears streaming down my face as I blubbered, my words jumbling together in a mess of emotional upheaval.

  “Shhh,” she soothed, running her hand down my back, “you’re safe. That’s all that matters.”

  “Leah’s out in the car. I told Beckett to wait a few minutes until you two were ready to bring her in.”

  My mother nodded, placing her hand lovingly against my cheek, “We’re ok now. Bring in my baby.”

  Pete nodded to R.J. who left returning moments later carrying a sleepy Leah into the house. Once she saw our mother, she untangled herself from his arms and rushed mom with tiny sloppy kisses all over her face. Hearing my mother’s soft laughter eased some of the heartache in my chest.

  I left the room to follow Pete who had walked silently away, his head lowered and shoulders slumped. He seemed distant, his eyes focused on a framed picture of my mother, father, and me in the main hall. I lifted a hand to his arm as he pulled me into his side, his head falling into my neck.

  “I’m sorry Rae.”

  “Pete, this isn’t your fault –”

  Pete stood up straight and pushed me behind his back, his voice startling me as he roared at R.J. “I just saw Devlin pass the front window.”

R.J. cursed, pulling his gun from his waistband. “What do you want to do?”

  They shared a look, “Take her upstairs now.”

  Shouting that mom and Leah were in danger, I fought R.J.’s grip, but he picked me up anyway and ran up the stairs away from the front rooms and vulnerable wide open windows.

  “Stop fighting me Rae,” he hissed between clenched teeth, “you’ll listen right now dammit.”

  My chest was heaving with fear and adrenaline, my body trembling with the knowledge that Devlin was here to finish the job Charles was supposed to do months ago.

  “R.J. I’m not going to stay up here while my mom and Leah –”

  I was cut off by the sound of gunfire erupting downstairs. The quick pop, pop of an automatic sounded like thunder to my ears. Opening my mouth to scream, I was silenced by R.J.’s hand covering my mouth.

  “Shhh,” he whispered and tugged me from the bed toward the open window. “Not a word,” he glanced out, trying to detect how many Outlaws were on the property.

  “But my –”

  He shook his head at me fiercely and sent a text which I could only assume was to Peter. Below I could hear my mother crying and begging. “No, stay away!” She must have seen someone through the front door or window. I heard her cry out a name, she was terrified and she screamed so loud it echoed upstairs. The sound made my blood curdle in my veins.



  Chaos exploded around me. More gunshots. My little sister crying. Heavy thuds on the floor below. The front door crashing in. Breaking glass. Raised voices. Another scream from my mother.

  “R.J.,” I whimpered.

  He placed a kiss on my cheek and hugged my body close to his, “Shhh honey.”

  The sound of footsteps on my stairs made me tremble in fright. R.J. glanced out the window again. “There’s more outside. We can’t leave from here,” he whispered.

  Leave? What about my mom and little sister!?


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