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A New Life Series - Finisher Set

Page 8

by Samantha Jacobey

  He gave her an approving grin, and indicated for her to come over to the table at the firing line. Going through various handguns and rifles, he indicated targets he wished for her to hit with the weapons from standing, squatting, and lying positions.

  It had been over a year since she had fired a weapon, but her skills were intact and she easily hit the marks he prescribed. The crowd of onlookers slowly expanded as they all wanted to see what mayhem their newest member would be capable of inflicting. Eventually, they grew tired of the guns and moved into hand to hand trials, several of them eager to see how she stacked up against them.

  Tori had a calmness about her, complacent to display her abilities. Dan made a third attempt, and she actually began instructing him on his errors that allowed her to beat him so easily. Her voice stern, “No,” she commanded, “Do not step in that way.”

  Grasping his shoulder to position him, she could hear Eddie’s voice in her head as he had directed her in much the same manner. Only back then, when I fucked up, he beat the shit out of me, which she would never attempt for herself as the teacher.

  She quickly realized, this group was not anywhere near the level the Dragons had been. She wasn’t sure if soft would be the right word either; they just seem less effective. As she worked her way through the gathering, she began to notice the training, or lack of it, this particular team of men held. The Dragons were all ex-military. Did Eddie put his group together that way on purpose? And if he did, why didn’t Brett follow suit?

  She also felt pretty sure she had identified the new guy, as she noticed the young man who kept to the edge, his slight build and wire framed glasses a sharp contrast to the rest of the crew. She would have to ask about when it became safe to do so, as Enrique would know. But first I’ll try to get close to the kid, see if he’ll give me the answers.

  Tori took each who stepped up to face her, content to work through them all, learning their strengths and weaknesses and styles of fighting. By the time they returned to the cabin to have a late lunch, she had left no doubt in anyone’s mind; she had earned her Dragon mark the same as everyone else.

  They had gained a certain respect for her, if not fear, as secretly each knew together they could control her, but one on one, she would likely take the upper hand against most, if not all of them.

  Hanging around the cabin, the group reminisced about old times and the Dragons, allowing her to tell stories about them as well. Normally, she would never be permitted to speak in gatherings, not considered an equal to the men. The act had been their way of accepting her, giving her a place among them. Tori outwardly acknowledged the gesture, but inside she knew the move would not distract her from her intentions.

  The sun sank low in the sky, and the group turned to more serious items to discuss. Brett had not shared what Eddie and Red had been training the girl for, but the members of the Scorpions had begun to suspect her purpose.

  Highly skilled, the girl had clearly been trained, and was more than simple entertainment. Buck pressed the issue, demanding she explain her role within the Dragons, which she remained reluctant to articulate in detail.

  With a shrug, she attempted to pacify him, “I did whatever was assigned to me. If Eddie gave the word, I put you in the ground. I cannot say how many it was, or how often. I only know I never missed a mark.” She spoke the words matter-of-factly, not intending to brag. He didn’t look as if he liked her attitude, moving to impose his dominance over her.

  She stood before him, unwilling to cower. His right hand swung and she accepted the open handed slap to the left side of her face, her nose and lip smeared with blood. Straightening herself, she lifted her chin slightly, refusing to wipe at the fresh flow, allowing it to drip from her jaw onto her shirt and the ground below.

  Grinning widely, Buck professed, “Eddie al’ays said you’s a stubborn li’l bitch.” Nodding his approval, “If you had killet ‘em, you wouldn’ admit it, now would ya?”

  His deduction startled her, but she did not move, her expression hiding her displeasure at his insight as she blinked calmly at him. Choosing to remain silent, she stared into the stale blue eyes.

  He could see her mind turning, and for a moment, he felt his heart skip a beat as it dawned on him: if I’m right, we brought the wolf int’ our midst.

  Brett interrupted the scene with a laugh, “Now, why would she kill ‘em? She loved those guys, didn’tcha, baby girl?” He smiled at her, not wanting to see any ill in his newfound companion.

  Still looking dead into Buck’s cold stare, she replied flatly, “Yeah, I did. They were my family.”

  Set Things Straight

  True to his word, Brian contacted his attorney as soon as Warren La Buff left the house. Explaining how his sister had been discovered, and then laying out the details of how she had been moved to LA to be declared a minor and emancipated, he inquired how the situation could be challenged.

  Robert Frost, Attorney at Law, laughed out loud when he heard the insanity of his new case. Reassuring his client they would set things right, he hung up the phone to give Special Agent James Godfry a call. It had been some years since he had had a client involved in that level of government interest, but hearing his name meant there would be a good chance they could work things out quickly and easily, once they knew what the FBI actually wanted.

  A few minutes later, he returned the phone to the cradle and stared at it for several minutes. Robert had been Brian Madson’s attorney ever since the band made it big and needed legal advice. He liked working in the business sector, it being a lot cleaner than the cases he had handled long ago.

  That’s how he knew Jim. He knew that Godfry, a by the book kind of guy, could be trusted at his word; a fact he had learned from working during those dark times he no longer cared to muddle through. He considered whether to call Brian back and decline the case, having heard what Godfry had to say.

  Leaning back in his chair, he ran his fingers around the outside of his lips tensely. Brian’s sister is a murderer. A cold hearted bitch without remorse. She’s a whore who uses men at will; completely untrustworthy and possibly sociopathic. What’s worse, the Feds weren’t finished with her yet. She still had work to do for them, and they weren’t going to let her go without a fight.

  Scooting back up to his desk, he made the call to the number he had scratched on his notepad. Brian answered on the first ring, “Hello?” He sounded excited.

  Robert began to explain to him that Tori’s case was complicated, “This is going to be a bit of a struggle, Brian. I’ll see what I can do, but they’re going to resist our cause.” He elaborated the best he could, “Also, the case has been declared classified for national security, which means going public will get us into serious trouble. We’ll have to tread lightly here and do what we can.”

  “That’s not good enough, man,” Brian’s voice rose with outrage, “I called you to set things straight, not make excuses why they’re allowed to do this t’ her!”

  “I’m not saying we won’t win,” Frost soothed, “It just won’t be fast… or easy.” He would have played the expensive card as well, but he knew Brian wouldn’t care about the price tag.

  Michael, who anxiously listened to the conversation from Brian’s end, eagerly grasped at the phone. “Hey Robert, this is Mike, former head of security for the guys. I’m also Tori’s husband. Look, we want to help in whatever way we can, so what is it that you need?”

  Frost paused a moment, considering the situation. “Are you guys safe there? Would they have any way of locating you?”

  Michael assured him their locality was pretty secluded, and then realized Enrique had found them, presumably with help from the Feds. Had they sent the man after us before they came to pick us up, or had it been someone else? Back peddling slightly, he admitted, “Well, the Feds know our whereabouts for sure, if that matters.”

  Robert quickly agreed they were safe then, “The Feds have no intention of harming them as long as Tori does what they want her t
o do.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Michael became puzzled by his answer, “You mean they orchestrated what happened in New York?”

  Robert shook his head at the device in his hand, “No, I don’t think so, but they’re not above manipulating the result. Let’s just say, as long as she’s doing what pleases them, they won’t do anything to bring harm to your guys. Just stay put, but keep your eyes open. There may be other people looking for you not associated with the Feds who would be more inclined...” He trailed away, but his meaning understood.

  Yeah, that’s what I was afraid of. Michael hung up the phone, the concern evident on his face as Brian demanded, “Well?”

  Michael only shook his head, staring at the floor while he went over the man’s words slowly in his mind. This is bad, he thought to himself, really bad.

  Out loud, he instructed Brian to relax. “We just lay low; you guys get a nice vacation. We can put y’all up in the motel if you want, be a little more comfortable, but we should still avoid using any of your money here, in case anyone would be able to use that to track you. And you guys need to do a better job of keeping a low profile,” he gave his brother-in-law a stern look.

  “Hey, I have an idea,” he continued, “Let’s head over to the music store where I bought Tori’s guitar. We can get you some instruments. You can set them up in the garage, and use this time to maybe write some new tunes.” He smiled encouragingly as he spoke. Michael had worked for the band long enough, he knew they were at their best when they could put their hearts into their music.

  The pair took Tori’s truck and made the purchases that afternoon. Pulling up in front of the shop to unload them, the guys were a little more calm, maybe even a little excited at the sight of their new distractions.

  While they were gone picking out the equipment, the other three had cleared out the space in the garage, and all of Tori’s tools and projects were pushed to the side and covered with tarps to await her return. Setting everything up was easy from there, and by midnight, the band could make plenty of racket.

  As luck would have it, there were few houses close enough to be bothered as they were located more in the business district of the small town. They were free to bang away, shutting it down by midnight each day, almost happy that they had something constructive to do.

  Michael watched them with a grin. Group of big boys, they are; good kids really. Just that money changes people, as fame does. Watching them, he thought about Tori, hoping she was ok and strong enough to endure what he knew she would have to do to get the job done.

  He strongly suspected she was with Enrique, since she still had his number on a pink piece of paper in her wallet; or far as he knew. At first, the idea had bothered him, but after he had had some time to think about it, he realized it would be a good thing. The man obviously cared about her, and that means he won’t let anything happen to her if he can help it. It would almost be like she had a bodyguard.

  In the midst of his chaotic thoughts and emotions, Michael discovered one thing he knew for sure; he still loved her. And, therefore, he could not wait for her to come home so he could give her the love she really deserved.

  One of the Guys

  Inside groups like the Scorpions and the Dragons, there is always a pecking order, very similar to the pack mentality of wild dogs. Tori had been a part of the Dragons, but she had always been considered the lowest member, even below Henry, who had lost his position within the group after taking her without permission. The Scorpions accepted her more fully, and it became apparent she had earned a rank above many of the older members, which gave her an odd feeling.

  That night, they assigned her a bunk of her own, and no one was allowed to force themselves on her after the morning Buck had beaten her with his belt before they shared her. Brett and Buck seemed to agree, she had earned her place by rights, and they would head out the next day to continue the business at hand.

  Lying in her bunk alone and bored, Tori almost felt disappointed no one wanted to fuck her. She wondered how they would react if and when she did the choosing. The sex gave her a great deal of power and she felt unhappy to relinquish it so easily. As it were, lying in the dark unaccompanied, she at least had some time to think and to make her plans for the days ahead, while, at the same time, she avoided looking back as she drifted off to sleep.

  Over the next week, she seemed to have forgotten about the little town in Texas and the man she had there, waiting for her return. The group had rolled out of the small camp and made their way into Colorado. Arriving in Denver, they met with a contact for The Organization, who had work for them. Taking care of several of the new jobs, her skills were verified and the respect she had gained solidified. They saw and accepted her for who and what she was, and she had nothing to hide among her peers and equals.

  Within a few days, Tori began to feel a restless need rising inside of her. The only man who seemed willing to fuck her was Brett, who she entertained a few nights, but in the end, she wanted something more. When she couldn’t take it any longer, she drank a large portion of a bottle of Denaka and went after Enrique, who had been keeping his distance from her since the first night they had arrived. Catching him, she insisted that he fulfill her needs.

  The move quite a switch, the others watched, noting she clearly took charge of the encounter as she removed his clothes, allowing them to drop onto the ground next to a concrete picnic table in the center of their latest camp. The group had stopped at a small site, a typical location for them, and had an area laid out around it in one of the more secluded spots, comfortable in the dark open areas.

  Having stripped him, she ran her hands over his bare skin. She then licked his nipples that hid beneath the hair on his chest, and dropped to her knees as he stood naked before her. Not fully aroused, he felt nervous about her actions and what it might mean within the group.

  Taking him into her mouth, she excited him further and pushed him down her throat with ease. He cupped the back of her head with his hands, unable to resist her skill at pleasing men with her mouth and tongue, and small moans began escaping his tense lips.

  Turning him so that he sat on the bench of the table, his back leaning against the top and legs facing out, she placed the tube of gel on the seat next to him so that he could reach it. He knew what she wanted, and he watched with hungry eyes as she undressed in front of him.

  Tori still had a beautiful body in the darkness, shadows hiding the scars that marred her smooth flesh. Enrique had been nervous, but gazing at her, his desire began to push his doubts into the recesses of his mind.

  By the time she slid her legs between the bench and table top to take him inside her warmth, he appeared fully prepared to do his part. Having spun the cap off the tube, he pressed on it, allowing a fair amount to coat his fingers. He then began to prepare her for the position she tried to pretend she hated. His fingers worked skillfully, and she kissed him, purring, “You know how I like it, baby.” She smiled, and he played along with her without hesitation.

  Enrique grinned wickedly as she lifted herself enough for him to take the new position, allowing gravity to bring her body down slowly on top of him. The stretching uncomfortable at first, they took it slow for a few minutes, so she could relax and accept him fully. His hands moved over her body, and he nuzzled her face with his nose, reassured that he loved and wanted his nasty bitch. More than pleased to be with her, he whispered, “I missed you, baby girl,” into her hair.

  Tori drove him to the edge, and then paused, holding still until she could move again. Smiling at him, she caressed the nape of his neck, her fingers running through his ebony waves. She knew he saw through her, and she had nothing to hide when she fucked him, their darkness equally matched. She could always blame it on the liquor, but deep down she knew she liked what they did in the night.

  Soon, her legs grew tired and he pushed her to slide off of him, laying her across the table on her belly so that her legs hung down to the ground. Lying over her ba
ck as he reclaimed his point of entry, he rubbed the length of her back and side. Taking his time for a few moments, he began to move in quick deep strokes until he had finished himself, leaving her still on edge.

  He had stopped pulsing, and slid himself out, stepping back to clean his softening flesh and enjoy the show. Tori suddenly felt ill at ease, never having actually been in charge on the nights like this. Surveying the group as they waited, she became reassured of the power she held over them.

  Wanting to express her desires, she pushed herself up, looking for someone to come forward and volunteer. Seeing that none would be that bold, she swung her gaze over them and realized she did not care who would be next. She just needed someone, this being her chance to take the upper hand.

  Catching Buck’s gaze, she stared at him insistently, curling up onto the table in a naked pose; willing him to come and pick up where Enrique had left off. Slowly, he approached the table to test the waters. Reaching out to him as he neared her, she used her charms to draw him in, and began to undress him with a grasping motion, freeing his belt from the lower portion of his anatomy.

  Running the fingers of his left hand through her hair, his right hand moved up, sliding his palm roughly along her curves. Closing her eyes and relaxing into the coarseness of his grasp, she found the outlet for her need that Enrique had neglected to fully quench. The growing eagerness of his hands made them rough as he massaged her breasts and toyed with the nipples, but she cooed softly to him, urging him to continue.

  Turning her to face the table once more, he pushed her down as he worked himself out of his trousers and unceremoniously inserted himself into his preferred location. He made no effort to conceal his pleasure at being permitted to fuck her, even if he was not allowed to beat her beforehand.

  When he finished, the rest came forward easily, confident in her intent. Like so many times before, none were turned away. No marks were left on her and she had been fully satiated by the time she passed out in the darkness.


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